245133 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. LICL'NS�, Cc�..�,�Tl�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL ES TION—GENERAL F RM COMM SS�IONE `� ATF Au�',US't �J� ZSF)9 RES�I,ti'EDs That Application K 10764 for C1as3 C2-Restaurant License, applied for by Bradle� D. Kline at 841 Grand Agenue (First F'loor�, be and the same is hereby �re�nted, PROVIDED, HCAiiiEVr;Rs That said parking 10-� maintained in connection vrith this establishment, be cloaed at 10:00 �.m, daily, v�rhen a ch.c�in with appropriate reflective si�n stating the fact oz" such closin;� shall be plaead across the entrance of same upon t:�e abuttin; line of Grand A�enue, that there ahall be no artiPicial illumination in said parki.na lo� on any da� after 10:00 p.m. that a1J. parking lot 1i�,hts thereon be turned out at 1Os00 p.m. daily, that n,o car parked therson at 1Os00 p.m. shall be suffered or penr►itted to remain there�n after 11:00 p.�n.. on an;� da�, thati a small entrance area in the rear oy said �rking lot area sha11 be maintained open and accessible for the delivery of goods and �rchandise to and for the opera�ion of sai.d restaurant, and that the sidewalks around the �roperty be cleared of sno�r and ice durinU the v�din�ter. RESTRICTT01�7S AND STTP�ZATIOriS � AUG 5 19fi9 IIIIT IAL COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 519'�9 Carlson .,.,Ta��o,;n;_�... Appr —19— v, i- A Meredith � Tn Favor D..4,. �=ti ��_ M Mayor Sprafk2 iJ gainst Tedesco 1969 ;:�; .;� ;:�:: pUBLISHED AUG 9 , Mr. Vice President ���2,,, � ��� ��