245123 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK ����''I� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK • I R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, In the �atter of Co�ptroller�s Contrsct L-6978 for the 1967 RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PROJECT, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, the specified date of completion is June 30, 1969, and WHEREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently, but because of remaining buildings which are still occupied, and due to railroad tracks which m�st still be revised, the Contractor wns unable to complete the project by said date of completion; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officiels be and they �tre hereby author- ized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time �� of completion to Nove�ber 30, 1969, provided however, that this resolution {�.c�"�'" shall have no force or ef£ect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond �! cor►sent thereto and file such consent in writin with the City Comptroller, 8 and be it i_ ,.� FURTHER RESOLVED, Thet the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated da■ages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project Will be ch�rged to the Contractor for such estended period. AUG 5 1969 COUNCILMEN " Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AUG � 1969 Carison r..�_ Approve 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Mayor Sprafka ,/@tjhy Tedesco --�—Against :������:�� . PUBLISHED AUG 9 1969 Mr. Vice Pres:3ent � ,�;. . s ������� DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER � �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM coMMI55�lONErt RobelCt F. P�tes'son DATF WHBREAS, Ir� Che a�tter af Cc�ptroller's Cantract L-6978 for th� 1967 RIVERVIEW IND�STRIAL PR0�8GT, Aa�hbech Constxuation Cowpany►, Cont�a�etvr. �he specified date of completian is June 30� 1969, end W[�REAS, The Contractor haa pmsecutad the +wc�rk diligantlp, but because o� rea�ain�.ng bu�iidin�s wbieh are still accupied. and due cc r4ilrosd tr�cks which moue� eCill be revlsed. the Contractor aes uneble ta coeeplete the project by said date af �ompl�tion; thet�fore be it RESOLVED. That the prcape�r �itp �ffieials b� end they ar� herebq e►atlmr- i���d and directed to eaecute an ae�end�a�artt to ee�id can�ract extending the �ime o� eompletion tc� i�ov�ber 30, 1969, prc�vid�d howev�z� �he�t this resolution shall hav� no force or efieaC unlau� the su�eti+�s c�n tha Canrractor�s bond consent ChereCo �nd �ile such cons�nt in writing with the City �mptroller, and be it FUR��t RESOLVED, Tliat tha Ci�y o� Sa3r�t Paul hareby waives all elaim for liquidatad damages and that no e�ngir►eettng arid inspedction �osts on this pmject wiil be che�x�ed ta the CanCractor �a�r such ext�nded period. ��� :.r �,��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays :��:: , CarLson �a���___. Approved 19__ Meredith � Tn Favor erso � Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco ..�` ;,,�§�Ie�t�-B3�rn�_..��... Mr. Vice Yrey;cl��!i*. S5