245794 ORIOINAL TO CITX CLBRK 245�94 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul and the Great Northern Railway Company en.tered into an agreement dated April 18, 1951, as amended, pertaining to the lease by the City of railroad premises to be used as a public road and free public parking; and WHEREAS, Said agreement permits either party to terminate this agreement at any time by giving of the other party thirty (30) days' written notice thereof, and it is the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works that the City exercise this option; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct the Commissioner of Public Works to give written notice to the Great Northern Railway Company of the City' s intention. to termin.ate said agreement ef�ective November l, 1969. FO APPRO t. Corpora d C un (�CT 21969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays ��' 21969 Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor ,�,.�u=--� Sprafka � d(3tt Ity Mayor Tedesco A gainat .���.�:,�..'�,: ..���� ��t.tst�i �CT 4 � Mr. Vice Yrex�ideat,(yeteraon) � L ° ��V , � ��� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE cinr oF sr. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 2, 1969 Honorable Robert F. Peterson Comnissioner of Public Works Department Dear Comnissioner Peterson: We recommend that the lease between the Great Northern Railroad and the City of St. Paul providing free parking in the Kellogg Blvd. and John St. parking lot be terminated as per the attacMed resolution for the following reasons: 1 . It has been the policy of the city to avoid becoming in- volved in any planned parking program. 2. The Public Works Department must pay the following approxi- mate annual charges on the lot. a. Insurance - $600.00. b. Lease fee - $75.00. c. Surface maintenance - $500.00. d. Plowing - $1 ,000.00. e. Post and sign installation and maintenance - $300.00. The above costs would be far greater except that a very minimum amount of maintenance is being done by the department since there is no income from the lot. Yours very truly --..... � ���� Robert G. Peterson City Traffic Engineer RGP:bjh . � . � ��7� , . , We the undersigned, petition that you, the Nlayor of St. Paul and the St. Paul City Council rescind your decision to dis- continue �intenance of the publ,ic lot at the foot of the Kell.o�g B1vd. or 3rd St. viaduct. It is our opinion that the benefits accruing to the citizens of St. Paul far exceed the reported $2,300 it costs the city to maintain this lot per annum. F�Zrther, the cl.osing of this lot will create undue hardship upon �ny citizens of this city who have previousl.y supported you and have placed the best interests of all citizens of the city in your hands. Your current actions in this matter would indicate that we placed this trust in the hands of individuals who we coul.d not st�port in the i�iture. ;�� , . �'� �-?���-�/ ,�� � �L''��". �!' Y� , ' �� �r � �. - �_�.��(.���.t�e��� �� f� � � �� :� - . �_' � `t � ti t. E _f �,, 'j � � :. . t369 �,��1'��� MAY�2'S Cr:"�=ICE ,:�`�t�. ,��'��--�S �, � —, �e�-� ��� � l � � � _�� .� -�. � �� ��� �. ::::� _ ` ..,�,�� �' � � �� � � `�� V���� L J�`� � ° � 6 1�-����a�-- ��; �, — ' Fr^ . . .....,..,,....v....si......._....�.,_..�...,�_.. . 4" We the undersigned, petition that you, the rlayor of St. Pau1 and the St. Paul City Council rescind your deeision to dis- continue maintenance of the public lot at the ioot of the Ke11og� B1vd. or 3rd St. viaduct. It is our opinion�th�.t the benefits accruing to the citizens of St. Paul iar exceed tize reported $2,300 it costs tlle city to maintain this lot per anntun. �larther, the closing of this 1ot wi11 create u:�due hardsnip upon many citizens of this city who have previously st�pported you and have placed the best interests of all citizens of the city in your hands. Your current actions in this matter would indicate that we placed this trust in the hands of individuals who we could not support in the flrture. , I/IJ � � • ,: � f � %j � �� . / � � CZ/� � � � ' � � ` i ./�,�/ . � �- �E',,�_�--w-- / .: :,�s r +�' �+a�: ,.„.� . ,.. .. � . ..�. .,.., .,.,�..,�_..�,.a::.....y...,�.._.f.u�:.a:��.»..... ... . � . . � • t ♦ We the undersi�ned, petition that you, �he Pdayor of St. Paul � and the St. Pau1 City Council rescind your decision ta dis- continue maintenance of the public lot at the foot of the Kello�g B1vd. or 3rd S�. viaduct. It is our opinion tnat the benefits accruin� to the citizens of St. Paul far exceed tue reported $2,300 it costs tlie city ta ma,intain this lot per annt�. Flxrther, the clasing of this 1ot wil7. create u:zdue � hardship upon �asr�y citizens of this city who have previously stZpported you and have pl.aced the best interests of a11 � " citizens of the city in your hands. Xoux ctu rent actions in this matter would indicate that we pla.ced this trust in the hands of individuals who we coul.d not support in the fltture. ��-d^�- C. .n,a,,,�� ..l-�'/'o�i �'"`�^i''` ,� 1�..1;�"^ � - ir� i� /"( �� � ,. •, ,, ,� � �� .. ���.e�ov, �` ,� � ` �� o 'L G� � L � p N i`'W/ /�V �G""i''" �n/ ,; � ,r �r v , O�f •s •e �. J���� �< �r a ��.� , . ,, �' �` � �� '/ '' �� � . r,.,«»._:'�° � _ �...........�..�,,,..- . . �� . ' We the undersigned, peti-�ion that you, the P�,ayor of St. Pau1 and the St. Paul City CounciZ rescind your decision to dis- continue maintenance of the public lot at the foo�L of the Ke11og� Blvd. or 3rd St. viaduct. It is our opinion ti�,t the benefits accruing to the citizens of 5�;. Paul iar exceed tYze reported �2�300 it costs the city to maintuin this lot per anntm. F1�rther, the closing of this lot will create undue hardship upon ma:�y citizens of this city who have previously st�pported you and have p7.aced the best interests of all " ' citizens of the city in your hands. Your current actions in this matter would indicate that we placed this trust in the hands of individuals who we could not support in the future. '(� - ly�,�.�..� � � B°�=2 � 1���,,,,,,,,� . , �.�. �. ,�-�. �a..u� ��,�. ,�. ��, ,�.c,�....� , /r�-c.,�.�:�f �.,�;...�, . r' � � .:��� "�C _ ���� ; � ���_ . � �, � =- � l�G�c,��; ,�`��t�z,,, , �-c��� _ /J��%�i� , � � �� �,� � ,�� ,��1iL. . �� „ � i oct. 2�, 1969 Hon. Robert F. Feteraon Co�sr. of Public Works Buildin� - Dear Sir: r / � The City Councii referred to yo e att c ed petition of about k0 names �^equestin� that the C c reecin heir action to diecontinue maintenance of the public lot� the f o of the Kellogg Blvd. or 3rd St.viaduct. \ �� � Very truly yours, �1 1 � City C1erk AO�ng ^,���� �="� % ;� � 1 / �� ���� __-._._._-- DUPLICATE TO PPINTfiR CI I I OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL A'O. 245�79� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATF 'i�'II�P�AS, The City o� �aint Paul a.nd the Great Northern i�.nilwtzy �onipany eritex�ed into art a�reement date�l l��ril 18, 1��1, a� a�enc�.ec�, Pertaining to the let�se by the vi.ty of r�ilro�� �r��i�e� t;o be use�� as a publi� roa� an�1 free nublic par�Cir._7; �n.ci W?iE�I�.L�, �aid a�x�ee�e�.t per�uits either party to terminate this agreement at any time by �iving of the other par�y tii�r��,y (3(3) dayg' ti�rritten aotice �CYiereof, a�d it is txie recoz�nae�a(.��.tion o�' the Comm�ssa.ane� �:� ��11I��.�.c Y�,orl�s t�ia�'. �li� �.;ity e�e�eis� th�� option; �i��a, �L�ierc��:ux•e, �e 3.t �'�rOLV#:�aD, That the Council o� t�io City of Saint �'�ul cioe� here�iy authorize ancl direet t�.e Commissionar o� 3'ublic ��torl�� �o give written notioe to the Great NorthQrn tZailway �o�:3pany o�' the City' s intent3.on to terr:zin�.�e saic3 a�;reement effectiv� ?�Tov�mber 1, 1969. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �� � ���ig— Yeas Nays ,•���� � .;� Carlson .� _ Dalglish Approved 19—._ Meredith Tn Favor �eter�on--- Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco p`�G'lL:• �ti,�����;-���;'G':C� 1�9t,'. �J1v� �'rr;s:iei.>:2t (s etarson) �