245790 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL couNC�� I�IO 245'790
Whereas, in order to provide for population shifts and to make
better use of polling places, it is necessary to rearrange certain
voting precincts of the city pursuant to the laws of the State of
Minrie s ot a, and
Whereas, the Election Committee of the City Council has made a
report to the City Coun.cil recommending that certain votin,� prenincta
be rearranged, therefore, be it
Resolved, that certain voting precincts be rearranged pursuant to
the laws of the State of Minnesota and in accordance with the report
of the Election Committee, and be it
Further Resolved, that said report of the Election Committee is
hereby approved, and the City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration
i� hereby directed to place in efPect as of January l, 1970, the
c�anges in voting precincts listed below, and to do such other thir�gs
as are required by the laws of the State of Minnesota.
Ward 2 Transfer that part of Prct. 3 lying east of' Highway 61 to
Prct. 26.
TransPer that part of Pret . 15 lying south of High�ray 12 to
Prct. 26.
Ward 6 Transfer all of Prct. 6 to Prct. 5. Renumber Frct. 10 to be
Prct. 6.
Ward 8 Transfer all of Prct. 8 to Prct. 3.
Tranafer that part of Prct. 7 lying west of Mackubin to
new Prct. 8.
Ward 10 Transfer that part of Prct. 11 lying north of Carter eatended
and west of High�ray 280 to Prct. 16.
Ward 11 Transfer all of Prct. 32 to Pret. 16.
Transf er all of Prct. 15 t o Prct. 23.
Transfer that part oP Prct. 35 lying north of a line from
W. 7th and Psdgcumbe Rd. extended to S.Snelling to Madison
to Morgan extended, to Prct. 30.
Renumber Prct. 35 to Prct. 32. Renumber Prct. 34 to Prct.15.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � ` 2 1969�9_
Yeas Nays +�`;�' � ����
Dalgliah � Approved 19—
Meredith _In Favor O �
�eterson-� � ,latl Ay Mayor
A gainst
:�;; '�.��_.° :� ���s�� OCT 4 1969
Mr. Vice Presici�ant �Y�:�u.....:il F f�fiUVE
Asst. Corporation
Bureau of i�,lscti.on� H�rry E.M�rshall�
33 u�ty Iiall C�ty Cl�rk
St. Paul� "?i.riri.
The fo7.l.aw�.n.� is a Y�r;.�f��.?.r���wrvT of �,hc� J�nua�y, 19?�'4 ch.a�as
in election precinc�; }aou�der9.�;� .
WARD 2 Trans�er o,�e�3aad at ��ot�r.ds Park Schoo�. �whic� h�s
.�� 23].1 ��e�iw�;�re� �raZ�T��) �.n�, ove�Ioad av StvPascr�l's
Sct�;oo? ��rhi.h �.�=;� �2,f�<�� re4is�ered votera) to a new
Pr•ecix�c� 26 loca�:��. �t �3���rz3 Ave. �3aptist Churche
Th� ;�e�cx �rec.i.nc� wil�? �.nclud� �ha�t par�C of precinct 3
lyi.n,� 9ast �f I��ghz-i��,� bi, an3 t�hat par� oP Preci.nct 1S
1yin�; sou�l� o�' Iii��?way 12.
��E�RA b Combine p��ar' s �an�-�11, Precinct 6 (which has 121
� rQ�3.steroci ao�tezss} with Dur�edin Terrace, !'recinct y",
(whiclz Yi�:s 58$ �e�istered votsra. Renumb�r Bal�er
Pl�yground, Precinct 20 �o be PreaLnct be
�ilARD 8 Combine St.Agnes �hurch basement, Preainct 3 (whicl�
� has 51'� re�;istsred votera� with St.A�nes School,
Frecinct 8 (which has 26c r9�istered voters) .
Transfsr overloaa �� Arlin�;ton School, Preainct 7,
(which has 2,l�83 x°��is9:ered eoters) ta new Precinct
8 at 23 urth Dnle Plsygr�unds (out of pre c inc�)
T31e nc�w '''recinc� w1.11 include tha� part of Preci.nct 7
1�rin�; we�t of Naakubin.
`rdARn 10 Trans�'er ovnrload at St. An�hony Park School, Prec3.nct.
� �.l (��ilich has 2:30f3 ra�:.stereci voters) to new Arecinct
lb �.t St.�r�thony Br.�nch L �l�rary {out of prec inct) .
The n�w pre c inct w�3�. iz�clude that part af Pre c inct 11
�.�'?Y7�, �iest of. H�;..wa� 2t30 az�d l�orth of Carter.
WAR�3 1� CoA�bLx�e Macaleste�° Chur+�Yx, I'�ecinc� 32 (wh3.ch ha� 159
� �rE�is�ei°e� voters) �ait�. I��sey School, Precinet �.6,
��hick�� has Z,368 re�;is;ered vcitera� .
Ca�"nbine Grovel3�d �ar� ��chr�ol, precinct 15 (which has
2C1I.�. regia�ered v�ters} with C3.eveland A�rso Church,
Precinet �3 �w�!ich has b44 �eg���ersd voi:ers) .
Tran.�fer �:�z�� c�:i �orit MF�. Co� Pre�inct �5 (whi.ch has
1,1.�88 r��is�ered voters) to I�ighiand Park Jr. H�gh,
Pre cinct 3� ��rhich h�s i53 re��.s�ered vot;ers) a The
tra�sfcrr�d ear�a will incJ.uc:B th�t gart of Fr�cinet ��
lyin� nortY� ng rr:. 7t� gnd SoutYi Sne].1 ing.
Renumber �recirc� 35 to Procinct 32o Renumber t�reair�ct
3t� t� Prec�nct 35.