245789 Oriainal to City Clerk • ~ ORDINANCE 245'789 C� COUNCIL FILE NO �RESENTED DY � ORDINANCE NO ��� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF ORLAF B. HYLLE AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Orlaf B. Hylle, the sum of �207. 58, in full settlement of his claim for damages and injuries sustained on September 9, 1g6g, as a result of an accident involving a City vehicle driven by Wayne H. Engel, at or near the intersection of Otto Avenue and West �enth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this �r�iinance shall �take effee� =a�.d be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� OCT 17 1969 Carlson � � Dalglish \ In Favor Meredith � � � Sprafka � � Ag$inst � pCT 17 1969 ,.��1�� �x.�ai�ent.. yrr�i`�' ° i A testn�r. V c� Yr�aid (� Appr C' y Clerk �t►�!� Ma or O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PuBUS�+E� OCT 2 5 1969 Daplicste to Priater ORDINANCE 245'�89 COUNCIL FILE NO 'RESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO -� � r� �'i1�T O�.�iI�?.�.:dC:' ��'�."�'LIPdG 'I'�Is�, �;L.1�.IT�t t)�;�' t��'L���' �3. , ; n ir*-.-m �eiYFr. rr� r r t� � '^'t r � . , , � .�:�J Jl:. ..�l'h'S�_����.-� _ ._.L�._ �.._i w ..J�.:�.�_.i . 'f.c't _'" n _tE,� n.-�r�.T�v-y�" '�1,�. :Tt�*TI';' I�1fil �� �/3��T�1 F3:3U� A.li7,F.� �X1.T... p"}��T� 1.... _ . �' J..\�. I�.l_I � -. .. .L._,� li 1 c,.3.:' - J S � 57i�..L_.� `;�c�;i..�� �. `�'d�at t�ae ���,7er �ity ���i_ec�a~� a�e �e�e'��;,� �.,�.zt�narized ��r� �3c��T o•at of t��e Tort '.�.�.�aa1��� �i�.r��� �¢:?3"—rg�l, to !'.r. 3.�.� 3. A�ylle, rA.e s��.�z ?f '`?C'7.>�, �.��i full setti��:nent of �ai� clai.:� :�°oa clam��;e� ���ci ;:.n.�cr��•i�;s .�ust�,�r.�� �r� :�ei�t�r�b�r �, I�b�, �z� r� res�lt of ���� �e�:��Ee��t i��vc�lti*in� a CitgT veh�c�e �x�ve.�. by A='a.yne �. ��;r..�el 9 �z�; �r° 3�e�.� t�1e �ni,e�sect�o�z o�' '�t�tc� :1v���°�aze einc3 "°es� `?c;ven��x ����;r�et, ���nL ',t�,ti� , �:ii�i��.e��ta. , `;nc ��.��� �?. `�h�t sZ_�� su:2 sti�l� 1�� ��rai� �� ��ie :��t�c� cla.�r1Z*�t �_�;�c��i ��_�., e:�ec��.�s_o�T �:��bct e�e�iv�r;g�� �� �z re�.e��v� i;� ��.i3�. �c3 �I�.� (ry�_tV� �r� �_� _f.a:e�;.S �� e3e. a�,����v�t� �v�� t�i� �or�oratian Coa,:n:�t�l, fo� ^1� daa��,ges aric� �i�;jc�.z•ie� s���t�,inec� in the: manner a��res�.ic�. ��;c �ao�� �. �����t ti��_s orc�i�sanc� s�.��:ll �a�e eTi'ect �=�ii;� �e .iza force t�-..�_a t;r d�.g�= a:.c�;�r �.ts p�.s:��.�e, �,L�proval a.n� ;�ublic�.t;it���. �.� � � 1��� eas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish `--� In Favor Meredith .�--Pe�erson `� Against Sprafka �� � FF, 1VIr,.:.President (Byrn�); :. •--------,- � I st b � 2nd I � G Laid over to 3rd and app��—.Adopted � � /�7 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carison Dalglish 'Dalglish Meredith 245�8� i�leredith Peterson �+e+e�coo,. _..,.._ Sprafka J 'Sprafka U Tedesco Tidesee --Mr. Presiden+ Byrne �, (R�y' .8���g ,�.yZ�.��NY�J.�� K � �Mr. i'i�.e :'r ���:r.t (k'et�rt��rt�t) �