245788 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 245`78� w CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r�c�.irs� �a�T� C NCIL R O ON— ENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY �etober 2 1949 COMMISSIONE DATF � RES�LVED: �'hat applieation for Reetaurant, On and �ff Sal� Malt Beverag�e and Cigarette licenses, applied for by Floyd Delano Wade at 614 C�n��rdia A�enue� be and the same are hereby granted on the condition tha.t within �o�b day� of this date said applieaa�t sha].1 comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health� and Police� as�d the Lieense Tnspeetor pnrsuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all e,ther a.pplicable ordinances and laws. p�; 2 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlsox� pCT 21969 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith " Tn Favor � ----�e�e�se�-----.. Sprafk2 � qct�lf� Mayor A gainst Tedesco :::�. .f;��;:y:; �rus� OCT 4 196� bir. Viea Prc+id�nt (Peterson) �� � CITY OF SAINT� PAUL ` Capital of Minneaota � ) ��,�7 L� � �e a�ti�e�t o kblic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALABM ROGEA M. CONWAY,DeDaty Commissioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenae Inepeetor October 2� 1969 Honorable Ma,yor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Floyd Delaau Wade makes application for Restaurant� On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses for 614 Concordia Avenue which is located on the South side of the street between Dale and Kent Streets. This location has been licensed for a similar busineas since 1959. The present license�� Joseph P. Ray has held the licenses since March 1969. There are two 3.2 establishments within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is five blocks and the closest Off Sale Liquor place is next door. The nearest church is one block and the nearest school is two blocks away. Currently Mr. Wa.de is retired due to illness. Prior to this he worked for about thirteen years for the Eamsey County �ighw��r Department. Very truly yours� � • c _ rl>'�`�p� u License Inspector O � . �� �t F � + oti�.. s � � CITY flF"Sl9�INT�`PAUL DEPARTI+�NT � I�T$I�IC SAFETY • ' LICEAISE D�TISIf1N Date September 30 19 69 1. dppli.oat�:ari f or On Sale Beer (3.Z�) - License 2, Na�e of etppl.ioant Flovd Delano WadQ �,� 3. Buaiae�a e►ddx�sea 614 Concordia Avesni� 8esidenoe 849 Fuller Avenue 4. Tre�de name, iP as�yq T�pi d�cided �• y�t 5. 8e�tail Beer Federal Taa 3tamp�Retail 'Liquor Federal Tax S�am.p �ri.11 be usedo 6. C�. �hat �loor loQated Ist Number of roaa�na uaed` � - — - _ _ _ ...� 7. Betw+ssn �at crosa streeta �le a�nd Kent �fhioh side of etreet p��h 8, Aro premisee now aacupied Ao What business nona go"�' l�g n/a 9. �re premi$ea naw unoocsupied qteHan�,long gacant sbout 1 mot Previoua uss 3.2 bar 10, �re yon a new owner es Have �►ou been in a s imilar bua inea s bef ure no 'I�here n/a �lhen n/s 11. Are y�ou gc►ing to operate thia buainess pereanally �res If not, uho �rill operate it n/a 12. Are you ir�. axzy other buainesa at the present time no 13. Have there been any Qomplaints againat your oparation of thi9 type of pl,aoe no '�Phen n/a ilhere n/a 14. B��e you ev+er had any licen�e revolosd ao Rhat reason and date n/a 15. Are you a ai�izen of the IInited States�NatS.v�e pes Naturalized 16. Where vo!�re you bora Guthrie, Oklshaa�a Date of birth� 5/13/19� 17. 2 �married. �y �wife's) �� name and addresa is , Joen E. Wade 849 Full�r Avenue, St. Paul. Minnesota SS104 .,.........�..._..._, — �8. (If a�rried femQle) n�q maiden name i� 19. How long have you lived in St. Paul Sinc� 1956 20, Hav�s you e�ar been arreated onCe Violation of w}aat crimi.nal lavr or �rdinance � Drunk ^' �..��_____�_ 21. Are you a regietered voter in the Ci�Gy of St. Paul � Yea No. (Ana�er Pully atad ,ccsmp3�eteZy, Theae a �lioations ara thorou hl oheol�d an+ci aa Palsif3catian �11. be cauae for denialo .�»- '� �.3.w _ � -" ti'��.� . . __ . . . . ,... R + � r 22, Number of 3.2 pl�oes �rithi.n two bloaka oAe �d 55 F!� �. S _ _ . dc,�a0,� ' 23• Cloaea� intaa�3.oating liquor plaoe. t� Se�le Lo Of'f Sa1e ,,,,2 doors awsv �4, Neareat Church , �� �� b ti� Nearest Sehool Maxfi.eld (Victoria and Central) ,csa■ Da . ���. �t�tie� aad cluiir• are part of bootha) 25. Number of b4otha �ig ab ee Chairs Stools 12 26, Rhat oecupation. have y�u followed for the past five yeare• (Give names oP employ�ara and datea ao employ�ed.� ��,�y Count�,gi,� way Departm4nt - vas �lov�d thsr� for approxisateiy 13 qeara hwd to ret f r� du�, to illness. 27, Giv�e� x�ames ancl ac�dreesea of t�o persons, residenta of 8`bs A�ul, Minne. �rho can give i�aformatioa cen.cserning youa Name�, st.�,�,�1, eaa�8s ssz carroll Ave. St. Paul Aame_ �en Gr�bovakv .Adare88 1 oun A n e t Paul �tu o pp ioan $tate oP �inr�asota) County of �meey' �sa FloydD. Wade . being first duly as�+rrorn, depoaee a�d says upon oa t ha ha� rea the forego ng statemen� bearing hie aignature and kno�ere the acntenta thereof, and that�t�e eam� is �rue- of his aara lcno�ledge except as to thone mattera therein s�ated upon inform�tian and belieP and ss to thoae matters he believea them to be true. 3ignat of Applicaat Subsoribed and sworn to before m�r ' this o '�`�day of �r/L 19� G� NO blic, ���m�► CoUrity� �Ti@eC � JEANNE K. POOLER �i�u. Notary Pub�ic, D,?!:nq,, ^�unty, Mlnn: t�7IIn9.e8��u 9xpi].'A8 3/✓�l/7,6 MY Comrhis;ion Expi;•es M�r..31, tg7�, (Note� These statement fox�ms are i.n dup].icate. �Both aopies must be fully filled outa notarizecl, and raturned to the Lic�nse Diviaionor— � �J , ,��'% � ��i� � STATE DF R�TNKESOTA) GpUNTY 4F RAMSEY � S� Flo�►d Delano Wade being first duly sworn, doth depnse and say tY�t he makea this affidavit in connection with applicsation fa� " Sale" liqu�r licenae ("ON Sa le" malt bevera ge license) in the �ity of Sain�t Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein f'or �� years, a mariths„ and is naw and has bsen for the time above msntioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he now resides at � sa , Mirine s ota, Citq �r To�+m ��r.�� Subsaribed and aworn to before me this .J o Z'�i day of 19� �.,�—�- . ��—�c.� ry R�b1io, �� County, biLinnesata M�r eso�ia sion xpiv re a � ,� �� JEANNE K. POOLER Notary public, Dake�a County, Minn. MY Commission Expires Mar. 31, 1976. ` 1 �.` --'���'• �,�„ �.,,,�la � • AFF IDl1V IT �Y'APPL ICANT ' FOR ' RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE Res On Sale 3.2 �� Licenae Name of applicant lo d lano Wade Busineas address 614 Concordia Avenue St Paul inneaota Are you the sole owner of this buainess?!�� If not, is it a partnership'� corporation? , ot�her? 4thers interested in business, inelude those by loan of money, proparty or otheru�riaes �a� none Address Howr If a c orporation, give its nart� Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businessR nn As sols a�m.er? Partner? Stocskholder? C?thera�ise? (Through loan of money, etc. E�cplain) Addresa of such buainess and nature of interest in same gnat of applicant State of' Minnesota� ss C ounty of l�msey ) Floyd D. Wsde bei.ng first duly swarn, deposea and says upon oath that he has read the foregaing affidavit bearing his signature and I�zov�s the contents thereof; that the same is trus of his rnim l�rnnrledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon infoxnnation and belief snd as to those m�t�ers he believea them to be true. � S gnatur applicant Subs3r�.bed and s�o to bef�re me thia '0 2 day of 19� CL-Zv�-� ��-C.ti Not x^ ublic,�County9 Minnesota M arnmzssion expires 3 3 19� =%��yr•� !�. Foo��R Notary pub;i�, Da�-c,;,, C„unty, Nlinn: My Comm�ss�o1 Ex�;:r�:; N?ar. 31, 1976.