245785 . _ . . � 245'785
In the Matter of - - ----. ,-
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Condeam and take an easement in the land necessary for the alopes, cuts and fills,
including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned
� � by excadations thereof or construction of slo�es in the grading !and surfacing,�ith bitwninous
mmaterial the follawing: ,
Under Preliminary Order 243258, Approved April 18, 1969, File No. L103-S -
Alley in Blk. 3, Van Slyke and Lewis Rearrangement of Humbirds Add. to St. paul frotx Arkwright
S t. to Clark S t.
Under Preliminary Order 243387, Ap�rc,�ved April 23, 1969, File No. L104-S -
Alley in Blk. 8, Fairview Add. to the Cit,y or. St. Paul, Minn, from Lawson Ave. to 200 feet North
of Lawson Avenue.
Under Preliminary Order 2432fi0, Anproved ,�Pri1 18, 1969, File No. L114- s-'- `
Alley in Smith and Taylor's Subdivision o� Lots 3 ancl 4, Blk. 15, Beaupre and Kel�y's Add. to
St. Paul from Burr St. to 132 feet East of. Hurr 5treet.
° Under Preliminary Order 24332h, Anproved April 22, 1969, File No. L117-S -
Easterly North-South alley in Clarke's Sub. of. Lnts 4 and 5, Bass Acre Lots from the East-West
alley to Hawthorne Ave.
� Under Preliminary Order 243389, Approved Apri.l 23, 1969, File No. L120-S -
North-South alley in Hedberg-Hundt Additi.on f.ro*� L�wson Avenue to Cook Avenue.
Under Preliminary Orders 24{+294 and 244296, A�praved June 5, 1969, File No. L127-S -
Clark St. to a width of 20 £eet from Geraniuzn Ave. [a Rose Ave. and the alley in Blk. 1, Van Slyke
and Lewis's Rearrangement of Humbirds Add, to SY.. Paul from Clark St. to the east line of Lot 6
in said Blk. 1.
Under Prelirainary Order 244�300, Approveci July 8, Z969, Fi2e No. L128-S -
Wester2y North-South alley in Bl.k. 3, Ha�terhoff and Meads Add. and Blk. 3, Evans .Add. from
Jessamine Ave. to Geranium Ave, Also the �aster.2y North-South alZey i.n Blk. 3, Evans Add. from
Jessamine Ave. to the East-GTest a'Lley . Also the East-�vest a12ey in Bl.k. 3, Holterhoff and MQads
Add. and Blk. 3, Evans A,dd . f.rom payne Ave. to the Easterl� North-South a11ey.
:: Under Prela.minary �rder 2.44297, Ap�roved ,Tu��e 5, 1.969, File No. LZ26-S -
Clark St. from Jessamine Av��ue r.Q Geranivzn Ave.nu�. �
Under. Pre3.imin�ry Order 2�E�291., Appr.aveci Ap�-�.� 18, 1969, Fil.e No. L115-S -
Alley in �lk. 4, Fa:trt•i..ew ��dci . A:rn�za C,'���c .��.vc?. to Magn�J.za Ave. �
i7hd�r Prelimi.nar.y pr-cler 24.5333 , Arprov�d Au�ust 2�, I9E�9, File L131-S - � -
Alley in Blk. 1$;�A.�lii:gton �ii7.l.s At��i: �`o St. paul, irom Greent�rier to Walsh Streets .
Changing the gra.de c�i° the �3.l.eys to conforzn ta th.e grade as shown on the profite on
file in the Departznenr �f �ublir�. Wc�r.ks. Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land
necessary for th� slones , cuts ancl Ei.1.l.s, including ri�ht of removal of lateral support from
, subject land or remainder t:her.eof:, c�ccasioned hy e:�cavati�ns thereof ar construction of slopes
in the grading and surf�.cir,�; wir.h biruminous materiaZ the fo�lowing;.
Under Preliminax�y prdF.r 243275, Approved April 18, 1969, File L125-S -/r
' Alley in Blk. 1.7, Arlington ?]ill.s Addition to St. Pa�l fr�m Payne Aveniae ta Greenbri.er 5treet.
Under Prel.imin�ry Order 243279, Approved April 18, 1969, File L106 -S - �/ 4
Easterly North-South a11ey i.n Bl.k. 4, J .R. Wei.�les 2nd Addition to the City of St. Pau1 from �
�Hyacinth Avenue to Ivy Aver�ue, al.sfl the East-W��st alley of Block 4, J. R. Weides 2nd Addition I
from 130 feet West of tlle };���;t.E,x�Lti� hTorth-5outt� alley.
Under Prel.i.min.ary Order. 243271, A�proved April 18, 1969, File.L123-S -��
�lley in Blk. 9, ArlinFr_on Hi.11s Addi.ti.on c;o St. Paul from Walsh StrPet to Weide Street. (G1890)
- --
- ----
- - ..==�u8�«g �.�o gr�ae vr Lne atleys to canform to the grade as shown on the profile on
file in the De artment of Public Works. A1so, condemning and taking an easement in the land
necessary for�ie slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from
subject land �br remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes
i in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the following:
' Under Preliminary Order 243275, Approved April 18, 1969, File L125-S -j�
Alley in Blk. 17, Arlington Hills Addition to St. E�aul from Pay�e Avenue to Greenbrier Street.
Under Preliminary Order 243279, Approved April 18, 2969, File L106 -S -
Easterly North-SouCh alley in Blk. 4, J.R. Weides 2nd Ad�iition to the City of St. paul from
flyacinth Avenue to Ivp Avenue, also the East-West allsy of Block 4, J. R. Weides 2nd Additiqn
from 13d feet West of the Easterly North-South alley.
Under. Preliminary �rder 243271, Approved April 18, 1969, File LI23-S - x
Alley in $lk. 9, i�irY�:ugzoa gills Addition to St. Paul fram Walsh Street to We i d e S tree t. . (G t 1 8 9 0) • ,
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