245784 � � jiJ�V� . ,_ : ` ~ s� COUNCIL FILE N0. 1NTERMEDIARY ORDER - By �. In the Matter of - -- - -- � ---- �-�----- - __ . __ _ - _ _:_., - 6x�ad� aa� aurface with bitum _ LL _ �_ � y- �, �- - - � .,a. , �ri:�, ' ".,,�,-,... � . ,�, ` ' inous material the folloWing: , IInder Preliminary Approved File No. Description Order 243257 Apr. 18, 1969 L103-G Alley in Blk. 3, Van Slyke and Le�ris Rearrange- ment of Humbirds Addition to St. Paul from ' Arkwright St. to Clark St. 243386 Apr. 23, 1969 L1�4-G Al1ey in Blk. 8, Fairview Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. from Lawson Ave. to 200 ft. North of Lawson Avenue. 243259 Apr. 18, 1969 L114-G Alley in Smith and Taqlor's Subdivision of LoCs 3 and 4, Blk. 15, Besupre and Relly�s Add. to St. Paul from Burr St. to 132 ft. east of Burr Street. 243325 Apr. 22, 1969 L117-G Easterly North-South slley in Clarke's Sub. of Lots 4 and 5, Bass Acre Lote from the East-West alley to Hawthorne Ave. ° � 243388 Apr. 23, 1969 Li20-G North-South alley in Hedberg-Hundt Addition froi Lawson Avenue to Cook Avenue. - i 243274 Apr. 18, 1969 L12S-G Alley in BYk, 17, Arlington flills Addition to �� St. Paul from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Street 244293 and - , 244295 June 5, 1969 L127-G Clark Street to a width of 20 feet from ' Geranium Ave. to Rose Ave. and the alley iti Blk. 1, Van Slyke and Lewis's Rearrangement of Humbirds Add. to St. Paul from'G1ark St. to the east Iine of Lot 6 fn said Blk. 1. 244799 July 8, 1969 L128-G Westerly North-South alley in Blk. 3, Aolter- hoff and Meads Add. and Blk. 3, Evans Add. from Jessamine Ave. to Geranium Ave. Also the � Easterly North-South alley in Blk. 3, Evans Add. from Jessamine Ave. to the East-West alley AZso the East-West alley in Blk. 3, Holterhoff and Meads Add. and Blk. 3, Evans Add. from "°��'-=�° Fayne Ave. to the Easterly North-South alley. , 245332 Aug. Z1, 1969 L131-G Alley in B1k. 18, Arlington Hills Add. to St. P�u2 from Greenbrier to Walsh Streets. • Grade and surface with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on the follawing: , Under Preliminary Apprnved File No. Description � Order . I � 244298 Jux�e 5, 19Fi9 L126-G Clark St. from Jessaaiine Ave. to Geranium Ave. I,I Grade and surface with bituminous material and construct sewers for storm water purposes the '� following: i a Under Preliminary Approved File No. Description I Order � 243278 Apr. ].8, 1969 L106-G " Easterly North-South alley in Block 4, J. R. Weides 2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul frorn Hyacinth Avenue to Ivy Avenue, also the � East-West alley of Bltc. 4, J. R. Weides2nd Add from 130 ft. West of the Easterly North-South alley to the Easterly North-South alley, also construct sewer in the alley. 243561 Apr.. , 30, 1969 L115-G Alley in Blk. 4, Fairview Add. from Cook Ave. to Magnolia Ave. Also construct a sewe� in the alley for storm water purposes. 243913 M�y 1.5, 1969 L1.23-G Alley in Blk. 9, Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul from Walsh Street to Weide Street. Also construcE sewer for storm water purposes in the alley. (G1890) Order _ -- -, -�r-- . __ - --- -•-- �---__r____. _ I _, ..,. _ � 243278 Apr. i8, 1959 L106-G Easterly North-South alley in Block 4, J . R. Weides 2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul � from Hyacinth Avenue to Ivy Avenue, also the ' East-West alley of Blk. 4, J. R. Weides2nd Add from 130 ft. West of the Easterly North-South alley to the Easterly North-South alley, also �: construct sewer in the alley. , 243561 Apr. . 30, 1969 L115-G Alley in Blk. 4, Fairview Add. from Cook Ave. to Magnolia Ave. Also construct a seweY in � the alley for storm water purposes. r 243913 May 15, 1969 L123-G Alley in Blk. 9, Arlington Aills Addition to St. Paul from Walsh Street to Weide Street. Also construcf sewer for storm water purposes in the alley. (G1890)