245772 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLBRK 245`7�'72 y CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E COUN R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 466.08, Minnesota Statutes 1963, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, John Blesener be paid �96.01 out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421 , in full settlement of claim for damages sustained as a result of an accident on September 11 , 196g, involving members of the Saint Paul Police Department while in the performance of their official duties. R F ' �ounse► pss�, Corp t10n OCT 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays OGT 11969 Carlson ����� Approve 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor ,L --�et�'Saxr'—. � 1 , j'� ��� Mayor ��1 v A gainst 'I Tedesco i ���,.�..�:� ����:�':�� .� Mr. Vice EreaideF►t�� �c� L.Sh �� Pu�.�sx�� OCT 419�9 0 DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTBR 245'7��2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 O N ER DAT� :,�!'��(i;��;f��I)� �I"iil� �U�'Sl�.r�,I1� 1;�J a�t?Ct�0i1 'f6'G.7�� P�;111rif:�t3"t;�. �%`�4"�i;,t3'��c; ���j� (131C� l.i�l(3�:1 (3C'�.1�,'t'Y'"�T 'T.v "i,�P'l3 :;�lY"j)O�."'ut:�0'il i.J1iX1SC;.�. f)�� �?. :4"�'�«':',;6�s"' <�.��;�_�<;���c� ��y :�i��, ,Jc�1�z� �3;te;�ezxe�r �e p��:�,�c� ,�u.GZ c��at c�� �ix� ':�.�'x��t ��_;_R,;,:�1�� t�� �'�t��d ;:�s��;�—�r:;.�,, �.n �:�ul�. ,�ett�ement of clai� f'or �i�,ma��s �l.l�i��<,_ilii'C� :�bS a Y'�33L1�.'� t)1: �:�E'Y �°�,CC:i+L�.G'31"� rJi2 i8i1�eT�i�J('1° �� � ��1 3�f? �.i�'4'ri��V�.A1g , �c.r��_�_�� ���' �t��� ���z����� =:�a��I ��a:�a.ce ����n�tx�erit y��iil� iz� the ���,^�'r��tnaY�z�e ��f tli��-�r {��:£:ici�,�A c?ut�1e�, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��� �' ����19— Yeas Naya Carlson `n'; ; , �v'rz�;�� ��.�„ �g�� � Approved 19__ Meredith � _�n Favor .�-�;,. +_S�, � Mayor A gainat Tedesco l�r'�.�^P.�r�sx��g�i�n T . � �.O�a�..�r;.�idc.iit aV g"�' �� / O