245767 �nal to City Clerk " � � � '� � C) RDINANCE 245'7��' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY RDINANCE NO / �� �,/ti�� ,,� � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, t' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in its proper alphabeti{Za.l order the followi.ng title, and specifications for Recreation Director III _1.� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk M �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By "u'uDliest!t0 Pi3nte! ORDINANCE �45�7��7 COUNCIL FILE NO , _ dd�inal to City Clerk �j. �- � ORDINANCE 245'75'� COUNCIL FILE NO .� , PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. I _3_ OCT 1 b 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish �- Tn Favor Meredith � ���� �� � A Sprafka gainst �--, •1}edeeea--� r. President (Byrne) ��'� � ��� ���� Appr d: _ Att t: , .. - � Cit Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By PuB�is��� OCT 18 1969 �Japlieate to Printer ORDINANCE 245'7. `7 COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO f ����/ 5ection, 2. Thi� ordin�,r�c� �shall take effec�t and be �n foxce ox�the fir�t da.y o# th� first gayrail p�riod falluwing tkfirty day� after �ts pa�a�age, approv'al, and gublication. -�- ��� 1 � 1;��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson ' � Dalglish Meredith Tn Favor ��_�,... � �� Sprafka A gainst �eSCO� ,..� ., .�.��nr`t .� .,, . :.,i..i>�<j Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Forxn approved Corporation Counsel By ti . � . . �45�5� Titl� of classo ��i/ �jZ� ��rc�r.,���o�v ��T,:�:c'rQR �.II � �t�.±ies az�d a•es�orisil_�,zliti.es° �Inc't�t tlire�::cn, to �e in cizarge c3fr az�� i�e responsil�le �o�� the ��rorl: of �i�<�� or r�?oxe of thn XY�c1JUl° ;�e�:io.��s of 1h� u�.area�.�. of RecrLa�ion and the :U�;.rea�., of Fc�fe��.us•ie:�; an�i Z'o perforrn rela��ed Lvork as a,ssi�nEC. Examples 4f �✓orl, pea fc�rrn�vd° 7Co A�lan� ai•gani,z.e. an� �iireet �,ity• tivi�?^ ar�� district�.��%cle xecrca�ti.on�l }�ro�;rams and tc su��z��isc emplay�es respon�:ble ior �he aetisJ�tieg ai. t�2� Cit�YS reC�aa`i�n cc��t�rs. To supes•trisc� or�;.�,niaet anr3 dii ec'� a1i �roup� team, �r leagtitie ac�i•��ti�s etnd.^-_r 1-1�� �t:c�•isd:.,:'ti.oz� o� �?�e gi�z�eau of I'�,��:s anc� iZC`.'.:l'�`�#.�:).GY1� • ,+o ;�1���.n, o��;�.�zi,,�-., an� c?ir�ci, ��.he c��pr�:'�,ment�s r c�venue,pra���cino �ror ra.r�zs arid to n-=ana�� tt�.e� r�f�v'�cx•i�s> '�a �insyr�s�'� a»t�ne� e�r�t�?oyer_s as �o :alcir �ix�f-ies ancl '�o a�r�isaiii� ��1�Yi7 �T/l�i�'1 1�31F/��� Q:Cdi.Y1�-,nce£+ c�..11� T�_'1�1t�.�y1O11S �GV"('A•nin� S:heir S��OTk, '.�o ���al�a.�.'�e ac�i.fii:i�.s zn� tJ ri�ake recomrne7�da�ior,.s: .�. . , �o ��.sv;.s� i.rz nr��saxa.n� ���.:� annx�al b�;.�3�F:.. Ao nr�;c�ti�!'te c„on�ract�� ior cc;:zeess�c?�;s an� �nlployecs �vorking t�ndcr cc,nt.��r�: ��O ��Y'OTY1C���, al'�� �)12��7.C1'/".f'. �l��J."Y2�Cl�S �iriC� ��Z'O�Y'3TI1S< ��O i"�'Sr1eSV 1�;f�7,i,-L'3a'� fOT :�tl��.,'�1.:'_� �3I1f1 C`;o'i::D.�YY:Eri�;� 'i'o su�mi� re�or.�s az:d ��.��omrn�ndZr`i.c�?;.s: itiiinimibn� q�,;�,alifzcaiions; � Coile;�: ;�acit�ati.orz an�' fi�;� yc�.�•s` ��:��:�;�r�.enct� in �3rof^r>�ionul re��;r�a'i;ioa� t,voz I;� ai l.east ;u�o y{_�ar:� o� wtzidh 5h�.11. ha�s�« beEn as � R��,rea.ion �i��c*_o� ��: a.r �=z�.�:ai.�ale�i� �;ixo siahs�i��,`.i.on for ed��ca`�:zonjA o: r}��•c.e y�ars` �as;��:ri�z��� a� an A��o�.r�ta��; �� :ri the ��r.}3ar�mers:: of '�'�.r3cs azbcl R,_�sear;_�n Gt�� 3't�bli� �t��ildin��.; � >Lc, . � . f 245'70�'7 . :�:�tle of cl���s: �(� �,� ;T,'G�E�.'.i?�Ji� �z�':�.G'TOR I � .�I Da.ties and respc,nsik�i�itics° �.1nc'.�r dir���icn� to 'rae ii�x charge c�E� and bc Y•es�onsilal� for the tivork of an� or �-r,c,re: of tn� ma,;.ar 5e�`�i.o;�� rf: 1:Yie Purea�. o.f Re�r�a¢ion and the �,�re��a, of f2yfnr_Wo:�ies; and io p�;rform .rela�ecl wark as assi.nncd �:xam��l�s of �=�oi-k pe�fvrn�ec'�;; �'o �lan� or�anize ane� c�irect �ity- �vicle ancl distric:t�wide t�ccreai:zonal pz•o�rarzz� an� tc su,pez•s,ris� empluy��s respons�ble iox th� aeti^�•r;,tie� at t:he City`s r�crea6ion cefztPrs� 'To super�;ise , orryanilc�f anr� d'zre�t �.11 �xau�� tc�n�, or l�a.g�.e ac1:i yities tinder the ;t�.��ii�di;;�;iozz c>i ,�.iie .F�czxeatt of lC'ai�:s and �e;rea'`i.on� `�o �lan, oz•�,�nzze, and direc�i. 'tlie �I��aaztzncn9:�s -re�en*ae==prod��cin� pro�ranis and to xr�,,na�;e thc re:���tori.es; '�'o zns�ri�.�4 aK�i�n�� �s�-aplay�es aw• ':o �l�cir dt�.'�i.es �nd '�o a��uain� them •;ri�h laws� ordinar�ce� ancl x�e�:;�;L1aWiozs �ove��r,ing '����i�c �voi•k: 'I'o <�valu.ate a�'�i�itins and '�o rzlake r�.�omm�ilclation.�: '?�o �.s4is� in prepazi.r�, th� annt�al bu.�G�.. '��'o :7c��a'tiate ccnrracts foa° conce�s:o��� and �rngloyees ���orkin�; i°ric1Er �c7n�:rz��: `.i�o ;�rorn��ie and t3ublici�c� ac�i•ri'cies ar�c? prvgrams; d�o �-e�rietiv r_ c:c�txesi5 :for sti��lics zx.�l �.r��::iprzsc�nt� 7°o sui��ns`t rc��;ort�c and �ecoxnm�n�.�a`�ic*�s: t`.%:inirr;�anz c��.;.alif�.ca�:;ons� Colie���.� ;;��.�r�.�tion �,nc� fi�;^ yt^a.rs' �z�,-:er�ence in �rofQssionai t�e�rn�itiiozz tvoxlc, ay ).E,ast ,�.vo yc�ar.s o:f �;�1�i�h s�a13. ha°at.� be�n as a _^-,c�re�:i.�n Dir�ctor i� or ec�=.z�ralen't ;r.o c•uh5:.�zi�:i.on fo-r Ec?i,.ca;:icn�; or •,:?�1�ee y�ars` e.,}�es•x�t�.�;:e a,:� an A��ot�.n�.�.r:�`� I:� :n t'ne: �'�:par��nez��r of �'�'�.�-lcs ar;:l ;�',c�rreation an�3 Pi�bli� Tt���,iing�., ,,�.�, 9-29-69 � 245�5� This ordinance establishes class specifications for the new title Recreation Director III. I st b \ . . 2nd ° � Laid over to / ' f� 3rd and app � � —Adopted � Yeas Nays -Y� Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish �Dalglish Meredith 245��� �eredith Peterson �,.._. Sprafka �.�.7 �prafka � / .� Tedesco •� •iedesee--- Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O