245766 Ot3einal to Cify Clerk - • ORDINANCE 245'7�� �- COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY =`U ••�GG�i��� ORDINANCE NO ��� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA.INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 41 under the heading "Professional Group", the title "Recreation Director IIIt'. Section 2, That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where they appear in Grade 39 under the heading "Professional Group", the titles i'Supervisor of Recreational Activities" and "Supervisor of Sports and Athletics"; and by inserting said titles in Grade 41 under the heading "Professional Group". Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: � .� vil Service Commissioner Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii �CT i b 1969 Carlson � Dalglish � Meredith v In Favor � p �_-_--- � ��.U�.. Sprafka Against �`� OCT 16 1969 1VIr. President (Byrne) Approv : A t• . . Cit lerk - /� .�, r � �� ' ! Form approved Carporation Counsel By PU�LIStiEp OCT 18 1969 DaDlicate to Pdnter ORDI1�' ANCE 245'��� COUNCIL FILE NO ; PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. + ��D � An ordinaxtc� amending tJrdi�a�n�e �Vo. 3z5Q. �;ntitl�d: ".A�n admaan.�strative ordi.na�ce ��lating to th� Civi], .. Serui.ce Bu3:eau of' ths City af Sai�a.t �'�,ul, ��aprc�ving and adopting : rules and reguXatian�r the�+�for, °t �PPraved August 2Q, 2914, aa �m�aac��d. THE Gt'�U'1d'+C�L �F �'HE CITY (J�'' a.A`I�IT P.A.L1'L 1'�DES OR�AIIV: Se�ction ].. '�hat C9rdin�nce No. 3�5p, apgr+�veclAugu�t 20, 1g14, ae amended, be and th� �a�ne 3,s hereby furthex ame,n�led by 3z���rting ia Sectian b, in Grade 41 under i:he ��ading �'I�rofe��ional Group", the �itle "Recr�ation T3irec�or Il'��r. ��ctiox� 2. That said ardi�a�te. a� an7en�ded, ba and the sarne is hereby further am,ended �ay +�trikir�,g a�t of 5ectio�. 6, wl����e they ap�ear in �rade 39 ux�der tk�e headin� "�'rofseeional �"axoupr', th� titl�+� "�uperviear of Recreattonai A�tivitxes r� ,��,� rr���y�r,���x � �porte and Athletic,s"; azed b}r in��:rting said tftle� in �Grade 41 e�nder th� headiag '�Professiona.l. Graup". S+�cti+�n 3. This ordinance shalt ta.k� ��£ect and be in force on the fxrst d.ay of the first payrall �e�ic�d follc�wi.�g thirty aiays affex its paesage. ap���va1. ax�d pub2icatior�. l�.p�rdve�d: Civil S�rvice Gomxxiia�s�onex Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��� � �� ���� Carlson Dalglish � In Favor Meredith — �'eterson— Sprafka � Against T�e�ee ki;,�-;. Mr. President (Byrne) �____ , .. OCt. l, 1969 Mr. John Haider �'^� Chief ??xaminer 3� Director of Per�onnel Civi1. Service Bureau Dear Sir: fih� City Council today gave Fir t eadin �Ghe #'ollawin� orc3inances urhich will come up for�\ir R�adin� on Oct. 9th: / C.F, 2�+5766 amending _ o. 325 � , S. Rules, by inserting in Sec. 6 Grade nde rofessional Group'' the title ' ecreation ecto III"`; by striking �ut of Sec. n Grade 39 der "PraPessional Group" the titles 'Supervisor Recreational Aetivities" anc� "Super r of S r s and Athletics ; and by insert3.ng j'�---�� tit de kl under "Pro�essional Group". i C.F. 2u57 am�ndi Ord. No. 7607, Specifications, by insertin� in its pr r alphabetical order the title and specific�,tions for Re eation Director ZII. �- Very truly yours, City C;.erk ng � 9-29-69 245�5s This ordinance creates the title of Recreation Director III in Grade 41 of the Professional Group. It also upgrades the two titles "Supervisor of Recreational Activities" and "Supervisor of Sports and Athletics" from Grade 39 to Grade 41 in the Professional Group. .: , , i � _ . � I l> I st 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app.�._��.Adop+ed .� U � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \'Carlson Dalglish 245 � � �,Dalglish Meredith ��� " �eredi+h Peterson � �t�6P�— J Sprafka �prafka Tedesco \ �— � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O