245765 ORI61NA1.TO CITY CLHRK �I..i��n� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ♦� `�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4'. U •- SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � � �/ WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, C. F. No. 2450'72, approved July 30, 1969, did vacate part of an alley in Nilsson' s Subdivision of Lots 9 and 10, Block 4 of Rogers and Hendrick' s Acre Lots No. 2, upon the petition. of Coordinated Investments, Inc. , and said vacation being conditioned upon the dedication by the petitioners of land for alley purposes; and �REAS, Coordinated Investments, Inc. has tendered to the City deed of dedication of alley� consented to on behalf of Phalen State Bank, mortgagee of the subject real property, which deed of dedication complies with the above— referen.ced vacation proceeding; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to place on file in the Office of � the Register of Deeds deed of decli,�ation for alley pur— poses conveyance of the east 20 feet of Lot 16 in Nilsson' s Subdivision of Lots 9 and 10, Block 4 of Rogers and Hendrick' s Acre Lots No. 2, which deed of dedication fully complies with an.d satisfies the condition specified by the City Council in the above—referenced vacation proceeding. F4RM PPROV D � �qrpural�( 'ou� i lJ p�T 1 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yea� Nays Carlson �,%T 11'69 �._ Approved 19`_ Meredith n Favor .�on �- �� � ��� Mayor Tedesco A gainst .� .... . .... .a, ,....;:;�;;;;: ��:��:���:'c cs Puaus�� OCT 4 �Mr. Vice Prerident �� h 1969 � s� _ ���J � �tDINANCE ��l�4��, ��� �� � � rED eY ott�INA� No_ _ /47'�r,+.��'4`a, ��f'4{� ��f ,','�1. ; , 1d�iEHEASo 'Phs City ot 5aint paul will bnild,��.-�s�wr-�#�r#a }4..��$en t,�� "�1��,.,.,�i"�►°i�t'q°t�Y��pt"he°�'preR�in �� ����•'1x�C��Q+�� ��d '�� �'�;���.t,��.;,1.. Q�y�;,..t.e:�; fi/�' • WHEREAS; ?he Sei�t Paul Building Code raquires tt�� o�vn�s oi propsrty un►d�r ooastrnatlon to obtain and pey �'�r aertain speoifi�d buildin� per�its� snd wHSBEAS, Th* City Aroh�t�ot 2aar in th� psrt chax�gec� variau� City depart��nts xc�r h�� �►erviees a� it pw�rtaine to the plannin,� and uon�trvaL�o�► at publio bnildY»gs� �.� �1?F.+A�9a Th� ��,��a'a��er, �!���a' e4atd a���besr� �� ��� �°�t� Counail deter�ine that L�►e intera�r#� ot th� pmbllo �nci t�» p�ayere oi the CiLy ot S�int Paul �rill Dast be ser�red by �w�►iving the buildZng oade requirsnrnt� p�►rtsiain� t� p�.�`���z�'� ot t�uilding perait ieee and also �waiv��q �s�aent �� Lh� �artL1� :`.rohyt�eot �or servicss rendered perte�.irti�ag to t��ta +.�e�i�;� ��-:�:�. ooastruotlo�z► ot °�r�a `' � Aq�r� �her��or�, ; ..,. . �� d`� ��� �� ��� m� � ��� . . THE CQUKCIL OF' THE CITY �F SA.INT PAUI; D�?�S� C�KitAJCt�� Seotion 1 2hat tho paro�i�rione a.nd requlre�eaL� ot' tlu� 5���� .��u�. Bu11dln� Cod, �o tbe adr�tr��.ry notwit,tis�e�nc�in�„► tlz� �t� �.t��ric��ez� of Pazr. a�nd Reoreatioa e►�.d i���iliu Buildio�n ir �,�a�°e�� s�ti�rimmsd a,ad dirsoted �tr l+�su� aIi neos��ary builc��:�, �°, , � ��k�,k, psrr�ts ior the aoa�trnatieaa� n� tt►e �Ga�a�a.L�}�' � �; wlt�ont th� payveat ��► tb� �ity . '��.,,� � �°��_., ;� oi the req�irsd Duildtnj �s�,� �C�re�°�tt�rt �d f�'Ll��x ���� ���� t=.�,����. C��y Arohitiot pertor� his � � •ervioe• as �be� �r�x�;����� ��,��� Llas ooartr�o�io� oi th• Mf tbc��� ����� ��� his iesr th�r�iar to tJ�� �it�r e�r t;i�ric� C�nt►er Au'�h�ri�y� „ ��-���..,, � � ��,p-�� �,+�,� ,ti,x '° ��U���r�"� ^�� w ,...�.,,r.,.,,,...�,.�.,_�.,�..--°", .:3iaLian � ?hi�r ordinanoa sh�l2 tak• etie�ot �nd De tn �'a�res� �h�.x��y �30) �3'� t�'+ds ead ittt�r its pa�sa�M, app�`o's+�T +t�+� �'��1���'����� � � ' � � � � � � � ,: ��� . . � �i, �'�'��;�� � �� . � � �� r� _..�...,�...,.�........... � , _ _._. _ � __._:. N��� , �� ��� { • ' ��� ��� • �p i 3�� ..�.:�.i _ _ ,r V�.. : -