245761 � - .:�, ,� sa,� - . _ .+ , , , � : . r — ..;; . , � ;' . .. �tf �, "�j� 1 ,• ' _� _ "` COUNCIL FILE NO ,;� ' � GITY UF ST. PAUL R�esdl'ution Ratifying Aese�sment By` � — _ , � � �s � � 3 In the matter of the assesament of bMl�titt� +�t i11i l�IqM�+lr !O! �rlulttsMt�loR �t[d ', sMSN►st�cYtetLarn Ir! •l�wt� ai �Mf�lt Lu�tidaltat I�wts'�wt11t �atati+�� it*M�i.13, lise�e�+tt �►. 1, Lt^rY M. f, l.0. 3�7 - 8wllio� ��a., ws� slie ls+aw� Aswitt A�re. to Babbsrd Aw. �'.0. l23iil3 • Orchard �in., tiath s idu �rv� Or�lord �t. t� Arpr2� �t. t.0. *Z3ad6� - N. Le�ciestas !lary., eut •ia� tre� Ca�o ��a. to �errtt0n �irs. ' l.0. �238i6S - wlsori Ati., D�ttt� sid�s fx� =taelli� Af�. to 1,raaa 8 t. I.O. #�233l80 • swr�tt Cewct, bath si��• frot �►sota �ire. svath to !h� 6r�at . :� , ,' Nertb��ru R.l. Traata. t.0. f2369�1 - ��slliat* A�n., �ast si�s lra� l�idw� lkv�. to Cuti�ld A�ne. 1►.O. #�3a72! - Doswll evs.� both •ide� ir� swtia ft. to �atoa �t. �.0. �Z3af61 • at. Altiawa �t.. 1�oth �id�s fre� V�n �asea A�n. to 'laix A�n. ., _ w�..�k ...� �, . ,, ,... . ,.. . .. . . .. r. .�r; �• .. . . .. _ - -.. . , , .. _ . : �r, . . . �. , � �; , . ., . . . , . .. i ��y y �*�!� a"'T+1'4"`�'•�`r�Cmmhar� ��►s._s wti�M S�r!!-�!�'?iMtE�t"�t r• ta`,=i��.!..f t: . . , _. .. . . l.0. 3��'i2 - 11. Iwsis=tvs Pkn�►.. �sat �i�� �ra� C.ar �ire. ts lortoa A�n. , f �,�q�..,��3.,�,.Llawi-Qaas.� irrRti_ai,�t f�r.�,��� : ., ... w, ����.�,.s�-���ic. .. . . !'.0.� ��3a72! • Denrall �irs., botl� ai�er �ro■� �uti� �t. to [�aton 8t. 1►.O. �2.��i1;- ti�. �llNa�a •St,.;, �th:.s�+4a< <�s�w�i�aa � wi�r.:.t� D� #��. ment havi been further consiaer�d-A tne wu,�cu �,� u��u < � � ___ _ . ,_ �'_ : ,�Lory, n8 Y ► � ,�...�,..-...,. be it therefore /� RF,SOLVED, That th'e sa.id assessment be aud the a�me is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Gourt of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation. BE IT FURTHER R�4LVE�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in � equal installments. COUNCILMEN (�(;j 11969 Y� Gar�so� Nay� Adopted by the Counc4� Meredt�li� 0�� 11� I�1��r—cizi�vm— ��-- prove 1'6'edesqp ,'.,,,..:�.,�,�1�:., �f:�: 5�ie� - Favar �Mr. Viee Prerident Af3� � Mayor v Aga�at 4 �6g For� R-2 2M 10.68 8� '��,.ts�� OGT ! '� . . . . ., . . . . .� . . . . �i� �� � � '' CITY OF ST. PAUL l ,� t�d y OFFICE 4F THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE j��j� Report of Completion of As�esam�nt � In the matter of the asaessment of 1��N��ts� aMtt �Mi �1 �t MM�tt�+M w! �r�w��r �t a�t1�s aM w�d� �s�sti�Ir� �e CNr�s# +i�*��!• �t�[ist �. l� iw� ii►. !� ASSESS�sLEs __ . . , F.O. �238497 - Saelliag Ave., west side fraA fleNitt A�e. to Hubbard Ave. F.O. #236693 '- Orchard Ar�., both sid�s fron bxford St. to Argyle St. F.O. �23866?� - R. I,@X�IIgtOII Pkwy., esst side fr� Co�o Ave. to Horton Ave. � F.O. #238665 - Al�ond Ave., both sides fro� Snelling ewe. to Arana St. � F.O. #23398� - Everett Conrt, both sides fra� gasota Ave. s�th to ehe �reat � �° Horthern it.g. Tracks. �� �'.0. #236981 - Saellfas Ave., eaat side frau Mid�►ay P�y. to Camfield Ave. F.O. #238729 - Hospell Ave., both sidea from Eastis St. to testcn St. �k F.O. �238b61 - St. Albans St., both sides fro� Vaa Eur� Ave. to Blair Ave. `� �� � .-.,... ,,,.� _ �.,. f�..,..�w ... u �. , . ..,,_. . . . _ �,, . . . � �&S�A$I.L. .. __ _ _ _ � • F•� ���693 .Q�chari.:itre., Lo�ti� +s�ides- frair l�itfort�'St. 'tm 11tgj►�e.$"'t�.� � � . F.0'." �238662 - -8: Leaiagtoa Pkw�r., �aa t side froi Caro Ave. tc Hortou A�e. � F.Q.r,#��$��K-, wla�ad. �avs..,..�t� ��des-:f��w , . . . .� ...,. �e�l.�i�s°Avs� �e �1i�ona'3 t.- 1�•b•'��23$729 • Dospell Ave., both sides fro�m Egstis St. to Reston St. � F.o. t�238b61 -, s.t,:.si��$ sc�. � .; , ,r ;bpth aides fraa Vaa Eares Ave. to Blair Ave. . : . . _ _ . � The Commissioner o� r'ina�ce nereQy r�,�,.� .,..; :_:�: :.��.,��—; _--- � _ _ , � ,. �. � ___ �enditures neceasarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz: Total eonabruetion eoats . .. .... . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. ... $ 15,378 79 Engineering . . . ...a... . .. . .. . . . .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . $ Inspection . .... ...�.. .. .. .. ... . .. .. . .... .. .. . . .. . $ 1,845 44 Postal cards . . . .... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .... .. .... .. .. . � 13 80 Publications ... .. . . ....... . .. ... . . .. .. . ..... ... � 138 00 Collection costs . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .... .. .. .. . .. . ... $ 276 00 Court costs fo� canfirmation . .. . . .. .. .... .. .. ..... $ 13 80 Co�rptroller s Costs � TOTAL EXPE1vD'ITURES .... .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . $ 17,803 83 Charge to . .. .... ... Q928-7�1 . ... . . .. .. .. . $ 1,546 24 . . ... .. .. .. . . .. .. ...Noa-Asseseable... . . . . .. . . . . $ 1,007 67 Net Asaesament ..... . . .... . ... .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . $ 15,249 92 S�id Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the aum of �,�r:.,3t�.�?�---upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited bg the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with ' the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asaessment h�as been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asaesament as com�leted by him, and whieh is herewith submitted to the unc for such on thereon may be considered proper. Date�L S ePteaber 3, 1969 issione 'nance. Form R.2 2M 10.88 8 a� �