245758 245'�58 ORIGINIkC TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. , O tC OF THE CITY CLERK SO SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �. D I H� C . OF � COMMISSIONE DATF ; � RESOLVED, That checks be drawn on the City Treasury, 1�3,��-�� to the aggregate amount of $ , , covering ������� checks numbered —3�56'^' to 34768 inclusive, as per checks or pertinent listing of same on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Joseph J. Mitchell City Comptroller / � � By � �...�' �- � �- ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�SE,P 3 0 196y lg_ Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 3 0 1969 Dalglish � pproved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor ��� Mayor Sprafk2 U A gainst �e�esce— Mr. President, Byrne MJl�.�Sff�� Q(�±T 4 ���� �