245752 oR�s�K���ro etn ctafeK � �' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. „ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC O UT N GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF ... ( � WHEREAS, the Couneil of the Gity of Saint Paul is vitall� concerned with the ever growing problem of water pollution; and WHEREAS, Minnesota 's 8th District Congressman, the Honorable John A. Blatnik, has proposed, supported, and helped to pas� the 1966 Clean Wate�s Restoration Act, whieh �an be of great benefit to all eitizens of the State of A�innesota; and � WHER�AS, Congressman Blatnik is now leading a Pig�it to appropriate the full $1 billion as authorized by the aforesaid Act; and WHEREAS, Congressma.n Joseph Karth and Congressman Donald Fraser have �oined with 165 other members of the House of Represen- tatives in this fight, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Cour�cil of tY�e C3ty of Saint Paul, on behalf' of its cit3.zens, supports and encourages all efforts for � the full $1 billion funding of said program and urges all other members of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation to �oin in • support of this program; and be it � F[TRTHER RES�LVED, That the City Clerk is hereby direeted to send copies of this Resolution to �he Ch.airman of �he I�ouse Appropriation9 Com�ittee and to all Members of Gongress from the State of Minriesota. ' EORM APP a E G . '11sst.. paation coum�! , S E P 3 A 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �P 3 � l�s� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19�_ Meredith � ' ��Tn Favor � 1 , Mayor Sprafka V A gainst �edesea-_ Mr. President, Byrne ru�.isx�� OCT 41969 0 � Harry•E. Marshall c�T�� oF Albert B. Olson City Clerk and • ���� '� ':! Council Recorder Conimisaioner of Registration w �::;;".,,.,.,�.,�., �-� � u:,.:;,a��J �,�,5 h� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,bqinnesota 55102 September 30, 1969 . CHAIRMAN'OF THE HO[TSE APPRQPRIATIONS COMMITTEE House OfPice Building AND ALL MENBER3 OF COI�GRESS FROM TF� STATE OF MINNESOTA . �.,.....,.,_,.,.,,. W\.ia V i{�.:414 L�• Enclosed is a resolution oP the St. Paul, Minnesota, City Council C.F. No. 245752, supporting and encouraging all efforts Por the flall $1 billion funding under the 1966 Clean Waters Restoration Act. Very truly yours, City Clerk AO/ng �O ' ORI6IMAL TO�CITY CLBHK 245'752 � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi►. N�,. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��`/.+" ` / ,r���• L / � DATF . COMMISSIONER 4���^�'J" f L � � / � � f .� _ � / c. . WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is vitally concerned with the ever grvwing problem of water pollution; and WHEREAS, Minnesota 's 8th District Congressman, the Honorable John A. Blatnik, has proposed , supported, and helped to pass �he 1966 Clean tilaters Restoration Act, which can be of great benefit to all citizens of the State of Minnesota; and • WHEREAS, Congressman Blatnik is now leading a fight to appropriate the full $1 billion as authorized by the aforesaid Act ; and WHEREAS, Congressman Joseph Karth and Congressman Donald Fraser have �oined with 165 other members of' the House of Represen- tatives in this fight, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on beha.lf of its ci�izens , supports and encourages all effor�s for � . . the full �1 billion funding of said program and urges all other mam}jare pf fihe Mi�nP�pt� C�ar��rPS��t.pnal. 1�e7,e��tisn� f.n iO�_11 in • sizpport of° tnis program; and be iz FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to send copies of this Resolution to �he Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and to all Members of Congress from the State of Minnesota. ' fQRM ARP�E3YE 'AssL.Cqrporation Cpunse! , S E P 3 Q 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,� Carlson � ��.� � n t��� Dalglish pproved 19—_ Meredith � � _�� In Favor �eterson-=---� ' Sprafka (,) Mayor A gainst �edesco .-._ Mr. President, Byrne �O � `i JOHN A.BLATNIK COMM�rrE S:�J � � 8TH DI�'I'RICT.MINNESOTA PUBLIC WORKS GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS ROOM 2449 F2AYlURNHOU860FPIC6�.D6. �o�gre�� o� t�e ��tfteb �tate� \i% �ou�e o� �e�re�entatib�g ��jfngton,�.�. 20515 October 7, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Bureau of Records 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I want to thar�k you most sincerely for your good comments in support of full appropriations for the Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966. I have begun a movement, together with a number of my colleagues, to amend the present low Administration request and increase appropriations to the full $1 billion authorized in my 1966 legislation. At present, 222 Congressmen have joined me in this fight -- and th� number is growing. We kicked off this bi-partisan struggle September 24 with a presentation of the widely praised film, "Who Killed Lake Erie?" and an appearance by Arthur Godfrey, a vociferous opponent of water pollution, here in the House of Representatives. I am confident that this presentation and our widely supported efforts will have the effect we seek -- and demand. For the second time in two years, the Executive Branch has requested only $214 million under the Act, which is completely inadequate to support the efforts of municipalities throughout the country to control pollution. If we can spend billions on space travel, on intercontinental defense, and on a war half-way around the world, surely we can spend $1 billion to assure a clean and adequate water supply for ourselves and our children. Your support in this fight is most welcome because I know you feei, as I do, that water is one of our nation's most precious commodities, and to continue this waste through pollution is to destroy forever a natural resource that can never be replaced. With every good wish. 3�.nc�rely yours, ''�`��N/�sl'' • t'.. �� ��'L John A. Blatnik, M. C. � JAB:mg �� ODIN�LANGEN 22ss RnreuRa��Si.cir+o�� STH DISTRICT.MINNESOTA TELEPNONE:CAPITOL 4-9121 E7CTENSION'L165 COMMITTEE: APPROPRIATIONS �o�gre�� o� t�je �t�ite� �tate� H�MFa KENNEUT,Mwnl. SUCCOMMITTfi6St AGRICULTURE �ou�e of �.tepre�etttatibe� LEGISLATIVE �a�ijfngtott,�.�. 20515 October 6, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: In view of your interest in funding Federal grants for constructing waste treatment plants under the Clean Water Restor- ation Act, I am taking this opportunity to inform you of the recent action taken by the Appropriations Co�mmittee in this regard. The Committee has reco�ended an appropriation of $600- million for this program. With present carryover funds, this will result in a total of $665-million being available for these grants in fiscal year 1970. This recommendation is $386-million more than the $214-million which was appropriated in fiscal 1969 and requested in the current fiscal year's budget. Additionally, due to the lateness of Congressional action on this bill, these funds will not be available to the local com- munities until the second half of this fiscal year. This, of course, means that the spending rate for this program is actually greater than $1-billion per year, and exceeds the authorization for these grants. As of August 31, 1969, Minnesota had pending applications totaling approximately $11-million at the State and Regional levels. As a result of the Cou¢nittee's recommendation, Minnesota will have approximately $11.4-million available for grants in fiscal year 1970. This amount will more than cover these applica- tions even if all of them receive final approval during the current fiscal year. With kindest personal regards, Siric��el� � r � ` �..,.a ;' '� •t.. °" �'.� f;� �-,�";`°,'� ..� `��: w r� �, . LANGEN M�mber of Congress �� OL:mcc � � �5��� CLARK R�pCCaREGOR COMMITTEE ON THE JU ICIAR� 3HIRD DISTRICT,MINNESOTA � DISTRICT OFPICE: WASHiN6TON OFFICE: 120 U.S.CoUnTHOUSE 4OB CANNON OFFICE BUILDIN6 tr /(����}�t� }� MINNEAPOLI3,MINNESOTA PHONE:228-2871 �jO�g���� O{� �� �Ir�jLi��� ��K��i� NEW PHONE:725-2179 ARew CooE 202 AREA CODE 612 ADMINI6TRATIVE ASSISTANT �ou�e of �e�reg�ntatibe� DISTRIGT REPRESENTATIVE: DAVID N.KROCdSEN6 ��w'�+i�.ytOIY� �•(�� 20515 MISS MARYELLEN SMITH AiJ �i fV October 7, 1969 Harrq E. Marshall, Citq Clerk 386 City Hall St. Panl, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank qou for qour recent letter conceraing appropriations for the Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966. On October 2, the House Appropriations Conunittee voted to increase from $214 million to $600 million the proposed spending on this program during the current fiscal year. The appropriation of $600 million together with a carryover in unspent funds of $64.9 million from the qear which ended June 30, 1969, will provide a total grant program of $665 million for the construction of waste treatment works between now and Julq 1, 1970. This means that Minnesota and most other states will be able to fully fnnd their pending waste treatment grant applications. As one of those who has long urged that Minnesota's grant applications be fully funded, I will of course, support the Committee's recomnendation when it comes before the House of Representativ�s for debate and decision. Sincerelq, 'V� � , �'�� � - F �':'"�� , _..,� . x... � .�y Congressman C1ark MacGregor` CM:taen DONALD�M. FRASER FORE(GN AFFAIRS COMMI 57H DisrwcT,M�w�sorw SUBCOMMITTEESs • STATE DEPARTMElPI'OR6ANIZATI� 982 House O��c�Bu�wtrx+ � �°�"'� �Co�gre�� of t�je �t�ite� �tate� �rmFOwFroNOr�nor�s Ir+ieww�now��ORCwN�z�nwas DALE MnCiVER AND M�/EMENf8 ADMINISTRATNE A5813TAM' �ouge of �e�regetttatibeg NATONAL$ECURITY POLICY AND SCIENTIFIC DEVELAPMENTS ���`��LO��y�•�i{i� 20515 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COMMITTEE October 7, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for sending me the copy of the resolution of the Council supporting $1 billion for water pollution control. I assure you I'll be opposed to any compromises when the bill comes up tomorrow. With best wishes. Sincerely, Dona M. Fraser JOSEPI-}E. KARTH COMMflTEE ON 4TX DIBTMCT,MtNNeeOTA SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS � CNAIRMAN�BUSCOMMITfE6 ON 2492 R�vsufn+House O�FlCe Bun.o�rie SPACE SCIENCE AND CAPiroL 5-6651 �o�gre�� o� t�e ��iteb �t�te� A�'�CATIONS ^ SUBCOMMfITE6 ON ROBERT E HESS NASA OYERSI6HT ADMIMSTRATIVEA3616TANT ��uge of �epregetttati�e� COMMITTEE ON ��J`�gWI�����J/� 20515 MERCHANT MARINEAND FISHERIES SUBCOMMITTEE ON FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SUlCOMMITTEB ON October 9� 1969 OCEAN06RAPHY �JBGOMMITTEE ON PANAMA CANAL Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I have your communication urging my support for an amendment to HR 14159, the Public Works Appropriation bill for fiscal year 1970, which would have increased to $1 billion the funds to be made available for the construction of sewage treatment plants. You will be interested to know, I`m sure, that on October 8 when the bill came to the Floor of the House, I worked actively with Congressman Dingell and others to win votes for this measure. On a teller vote we lost the amendment by 146-148. Unfortunately, White House lobbyists succeeded in button-holing enough Republican Members to defeat this amendment on tellers as well as a later attempt to maneuver a roll call vote. This performance clearly e�oses this Administration's failure to appreciate the true seriousness of the problems of urban America. I will continue to work for legislation to improve our environment and give my support to the full funding of essential programs to rid it of pollution as quickly as possible. Sincerely yours, J ep . Karth mber of Congress JEK/bl EUGENE J:McCARTHY MINNESOTA �I Cr��f e� .�f af e� .$�er�af e WASHINGTON,D.C. October 16, 1969 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I appreciate receiving your resolution regarding Fiscal 1970 appropriations for sewage treatment facilities. The House acted last week to provide an appropriation of $600 million for these facilities, after rejecting an amendment that would increase funding to the one billion authorized. The bill is now pending before the Senate Committee on Appropriations, and you may be assured of my continued interest and close attention to this provision of the bill when it is reported to the full Senate for consideration. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, rV w I:uge J. Mc arthy EJM: fw WALTER F. MONDALE MINNESOTA ;�1Cnif eb ,�f a�es „�»enafa WASHINGTON� D.C. 205f0 October 21, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Thank you for your recent message concerning FY 1970 appropriations for construction of sewage treatment facilities. I am deeply concerned, as you are, about the rapid deterior- ation of our Nation's waterways. Our water resources, so vital for our own health and recreation, will not be preserved where threatened or restored where already contaminated merely by setting high water quality standards. We must also provide the money to meet these standards, and I intend to do all I can to make certain that the full amount of $1 billion authorized for Federal grants for sewage facility construction is appropriated this year. , Your support in this matter is most encouraging. With warmest regards, Sincerely, ZlU����.,�.,t. �'h? Walter F. Mondale . w `fJ �.-.� ` - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL %��''J MINNESOTA 113 CourF Hou:s,66102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commiuioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Daputy Commissioner Phonr 223-4646 October 13, 1969 Mr. A1 Olson Dear A1: Will you please read the two enclosed letters at a council meeting. Thanks. Sincerely, i , � ` �.... r' `,�,..F,-�-.._2.. ��, �f��.� �� �James J J Dalglish � J �°� ,. ? � ,: . , . . ��-�;;.,-. _ , - . „r . �..� . , t� ,. � , - , � .: ,� .x .-:'., - � JOHPi�A.BLATI�9K �v`'" �� '°K��- � � ..BrH DISTRICT.MI�NF9pTA .. � �COMMITTEES: � `s� '' � PUBLIC WORKS � �`.`� ., ��,i Roon�2448 GOVERNMENT ppERATiONB �'� �`~ R�re�nar House OFFlCe BLC�. � � �Cor�gre�� o� t�e �rtiteb �tate� >. �ou�e of �te�re�e�ttatibeg � �a��jittgtott,�.(�. 20515 � October 7 , 1969 i Mr. James J. Dalglish, Presi_dent League of Minnesota Municipalities 1831 Ashland Avenue � � St. Paul, Minnesota 4 . � Dear Jim: t , � I want to thank you most sincerely for your good comments � in support of full appropriations for the Clean Water Restoration �; Act of 1966. I have begun a m�vement, together with a number of my , colleagues, to amend the present low Administration request and � � ? increase appropriations to the full $1 billion authorized in my 1966 legislation. At present, 221 Congressmen have joined me in � •� this fight -- and the number is growing. We kicked off this bi-partisan struggle September 24 with a presentation of the widely �?raisecl film, "Who Killed Lake Erie?" and an appearance by Arthur Godfrey, a vociferous opponent of water ' pollutian, here in the House of Representatives. I am confident that this presentation and our widely supported efforts will have � � the effect we seek -- and demand. �� ' For the second time in two years, the Executive Branch ha� requested only $2l4 million under the Act, which is completely � inadeauate to support the efforts of municipalities throughout � the country to control pollution. If we can spend billions on space travel, on intercontinental def_ense, and an a war half-way around the world, surely we can spend $1 billion to assure a clean and adequate water supply for ourselves and our children. Your support in this fight is most welcome because I know you feel, as I do, that water is one af our nation's most preciaus commodities, and to continue this waste through pollution is to des�roy forever a natural resource that can never be replaced. I � 4Jith every good wish. � � S ' cerely yours, �� Jo� n A. Blatnik, M. C. � f I JAB: < � f � � �� . �.. � � � �. . . � . . • ♦ . �. �, ... . 'z ,� . ..�, , .. ,-.�i � . . . .. ... k'��4 � ', .. .� `r�y�', +�w�"�.,�, ' � � ° JOSEPH E. KAFfTH cor�snrree oN s'p,�. .. . ' �'fH DIeTMMCT.Mflu+es07� � SCI@!C6 AND ASTRONAIlrIC6� q T 1�i�h ,. . � � r '�' CHA�IIMAN.SUOOpMMI77EH ON L�SZ RAYlURN HOUSE OIFICE BUILp�NG SPACE SCtENCE pND x � . CArrra.5-8891 �o�gre�� of t�je �r�fteb �tate� APPLICATIONS � t , BUBCOMMRTEE ON � r"y� ROBERT E.HESS NASA OVERSIGHT ADMIHIBTRATVEA8819TANi �ouge uf �e�regeittatibeg � COMMITTEE ON � ' ��p���gt��� ���✓. 20515 MERCH�HM��INEAND - BuBCOMMITTEE ON � FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Q) CONSERVATION 1 8UBCOMMITTEE�M � October 9, I9V7 OCEANOGRAPHY SUBCOMMITTEE ON � PANAMA CANAL j � Mr. James J. Dalglisiz ; • Commissioner of Finance _. t City of Saint Paul ; 113 Court House � Saint Paul, i�innesota 55102 ' Dear Jim: I have your communicatio:: on betialf of the League of Minnesota Niunicipalities urging my support tor an amendment to HR 14159, � the Public Works Appropriation bill for fiscal year 1970, which °c would 'nave increased to $1 billion the funds to be made available i s for ttie construction of se�,Tage treatment plants. You ?aill be interested to know, I'm sure, that on �Jctober 8 wnen the bi11 came to tne Flo�r of the I�ouse, I worked actively with Congressman Dingell and others to win votes for this measure. On a teller vote we lost the amendm�nt by 146-148. Unfortunately, t�iite fiouse lobbyists succeeded in button-noling enough . P.epublican "zembers to defeat tnis am`ndment on tellers as well as a later attempt to maneuver a rol]_ call vote. � This performance clearly exaoses tizis Administration's failure to � :� appreciate t'�.e true se.riousness of the problems of urban America. ; c I wiil rontinue to work for 1eg�slation to improve our environment ,� and gise �ny st_ipport to the full funding of essential programs to p� rid. it of pollution as quickly as possible. � y, Sinc�%ely �*ours, � s; �� �t y a ;� Jo eph r� �,arth ��' �1 ber of Congress � JEi:/bl ,� � ;� � � � � ' , •. _ �� September 30, 1�b9 C�WIRMAN OF THE HE�[lSE APP'ROPRZATTOPTS Ct�MIT`I'EE House OfPice Building AND - /_� / ALL MEN�ERS OF CO�N'G►R�.SS �'ROF� TIi'E STATE 4F MIl'+�S(Y�'A �. �ntlemen: \ / � Enclosed is a r�salu e St sul, t�.nnesc��a, City� Catanc�.�. C.F. N�. 245752, su rtin� snc �inp, all ePforta �'or the £ull �1 billion fu , n� under ° 19� Clean Waters r�estoration �,ct. � Yery trul,y` yaur�, ,--� � ,��— _ City �lsrk t�4/ng \ \`..__.�, ..,i.,�..r,�r��. DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �4�'752 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is v3.tally concerned with the ever �rowing probl�m of water pollu�ion; and �aHEREAS, D�Iinnesota 's 8�h District Con�ressman, the Honorable John A . Blatnik, has proposed, supparted, ancl helped to pass the 1g�6 Clean Water� Res�COration Act, which can be of great benefit t� all citizens of the State of Minnesota; an� WHEREAS, Congressman Blatnik 1� now leading a fight �o appropriate the full �l billi�n as authorized by the aforesaid Act ; and [�iEREAS, Congressman Joseph Karth and Congreasman Donald Fraser have �oined with 165 other members of the House of RepreMen- tatives in this fight, Now, There£ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Faul, on behalf of its cit�zens , supports and encourages all efforts for the full $1 billion fundin� of a�id pro�ram and urges all other members of the Minnes�ta Cangress3onal Delegation to �oin in suppart of th�.s pro�ram; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Cler� is hereby directed ta send copies of this Resolution tio -�he Chairman of the Houae Appropriations Committee and to all T�lembers of Congress from the State of Minnesota. ��� �� �� .���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �. . � � •�, Carlson � ~ Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �/ �! Tn Favor ,-�eterson— j� Mayor Sprafka l, A gainst �edesco- Mr. President, Byrne O , EXCERPT FROi�t THE HOUSE APPROPRIATION CO1�L�ItTTEE REPORT „ � PUBLIC WORKS FOR WATER, FULLUTION CONTROL, AND POWER � ' DEVELOPMENT AND I�iTOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION APPROPRIATION BILL,. 1970 . OCTOBER 3, 1969 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL-CONSTRUCTION GRANTS FOR WASTE TAEATi13EYT �VORKS , The Committee is most concerned that the budget crisis in recent �ears has not permitted provision for more adequQte funding of grants or tlie construction of �vaste tre�,tment «orks, as autborized by the Clean «ater Restoration Act of 1966, to abate the «-ater pollution problem. It is fu111r recognized that elpansion of the grant progrflm is essential to assist the States and localities in r�cceleratinb the requireci ne«� con- struction and upgrading of�r�ste treatment�ti-orl�s to elimiriate the dis- • charge of untreated or inadequately treated �vaste se«-age iuto the Nation's streams and �vater«�ays. . Because of the need for continued budgetary restrnint, the 1970 budget estimate made�rovision for an appropriatioii of only$214 mil- lion of the 1970 suthorization of $1 billion. Ho«-ever, in recognition of the enormous needs in this are�, legislation has again been proposed which would authorize an additional and new method of financing construction of municipal `caste treatment facilities. This alternate method of financing, to supplement the present practice of full funding the Federal grant at the outset, «-ould permit the Secretary of the Interior, �vithin limits established in the annual appropriation act, to ' enter into contracts with a State or local governmental unit to pay a grant in annua.l installments over a period of not to ezceed 30 yer�rs. Pending an opportunity for consideration of this pro�osal by Congress, . the Committee believes that adequate appropriations must be pro- vided in this year's bill to meet the most essential current requirements. Based on detailed analysis of the pending grant applications, the Committee has recommended an appropriation of $600,000,000, or an increase of �386,000,000, in the budget estunate. The ne�v funds, together �vith avail�ble carryover balances, will pro�ide a total grant program of about $665,000,000 for fiscal year 1970. As of August 31, 1969, a total of 1,893 applications involving esti- � mated Federal grants of $841 million were pending in State agencies and the Regionai af�ices of ihe Federal `vv r��er Fullution Coiitroi �,d- ministration. An additional 2,931 applications, involving estimated • Federal grants of$1.5 billion have also been reported as being in process of preparation at the loc�l levels.These proj ects are in various staaes of preparation and the actual eligibility for funds has not been verified. It shouJd be noted that the total reported pencling applications involving grant estimates of �2.4 billion includes $1.7 billion for five States reflecting, for the most part, estimates far in e�cess of the allot- ments to �vhich the St�,tes �vould be entitled e�en under the $1 billiori authorization. In fact, these five States would recei��e only$227 million under the $1 billion allocation. Further, $1.3 billion of the total back- log fi��ure of$2.4 billion pertains to New York State, �rhich uiider the $1 billion authorization tivould recei�e a State allotment of only about $89 million. A major problem involved in funding the grant progra,m arises from the procedure for the allocation of funds to the States as prescribed _ . in the Federal �Pater Pollution Control Act, as amended. Except for the first $100 miliion, �vhich is allocated based on relative per capita income and popult�:tion, the bulance of the annual appropriation must be allocated based on population only regardless of current - � need as evidenced by the backlog of pending project applications. As a result, a si�nificant portion of any increment provided in the - grant appropriation level must be distributed under the la�v to States reporting no current need for additional grant funds. For erample, at the $600 million appropri�ti.on level. 25 of the States «ni.ild rece.i�e allocations totalina $262.2 million, which ti�•ould be $142.4 million in excess of the reported need as e��idenced b3- flpplications penclinb on August 31, 1969. On the other hflnd, 18 States, evidencing large back- � logs of pending npplications, «•ould receive �u333.7 million, an increuse of $214.9 uullion o�-er the allocations th�,t «�otild be a�ailable under the budget estimate of �2?4 mill.ion. It is estimated th�,t the Committee allon•a,nce �r-ill m�ke provision, , in general, for full fLtndina of tlie current application bncklog of 25 •. States. The applicr��ions Pendi��g nt the State a.nd re�ionul oHico level . of seven additirnial State���•ot,ld also be provided for under ±he Com- mittee alloa-nnce. Althou�h the bal��nce of the States (1S) «�ill receive sizable icicrenses o�•er the budget e�tim:lte totalinb y214.9 iriillion, it �vould ttot be fe�;sit�le, ez er, under full uuttioriz�tit.ion, to finat�ce, even in lar�e part, tlieir tot:�l bn,cklo�. In estimnting raq�iireii�ents, it rnu5t be retili7eci th:it nctual gr�nt reque�ts t}i�it coi�ld become ,ti realitv in 19?0 depenci not on13• ori t}ie . level of at�uit:lble Fedei�al fundin�, �tit :il>o ttie ud�ninisti•ztitive c�i�n- bility Rt the St�it.e �ind Fedec��l lt�ce�[ tu proce�se fippliceik�iuns nnd meny � � � � � othor e�nsiderations, incluclii;� t�he lucal� eibility �inci rca�!ine�s to fund � � their st�are of the c.osts, includin� c�.irrerit difiic�rliies in tlie miinici��ul �r bond m��rket, �nd tl►o cup�city of de,ibn enaineers �iid cortstr�iction � �: and equipuient indust.t•ies t� li,Lndle the osp:in�led «-ornload. � ' ' • The Conimittee ha� incIucicd an p:i�;e 61 of tL� raPort fl listin� b • . Stut�e indicfltin� tlic� �i�aount recornmended ii� the bill c�mpared �vit� � � � �.�ia 1v�r�irnh. nat.�n.m+(,