245732 Ori`inal to City Clerk "' � ORDINANCE 245'732 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �" � ORDINANCE NO � i ordin ce amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 34 under the heading "Clerical Group", the title "Accounting Clerk tVocational Institute}". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days a,fter its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: '`L� `� V\���N� Ci Service Commissionex pCT 1 � 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson L— Dalglish � ��-- In Favor Peterson �� �� Against `_� Sprafka v�.► i �� i96� Mr. Pres��i dent (Byrne) Appro _ st. ity C er a o • �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISH�� OCT 18 1��� • Duplieate to Prlater ORDINANCE 245'73� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- ���+�� An ardinnance am+endin� Qxdin�ra�� No. ��50, e�xtitled: "A.r� administxa.�ve c�rdinaxsct r$lating to the Civi1 Service Bur,�au of th� City of Sairit Pa.ul, approva,r�►g a.nd adopting rulcs and regulatioa� ther�efar, �� approved August 20, 19�4. as amended. THE ��UN�IL t�F Tki� CITY +bF SA,�N'�' P�.L1I.� DOES URDAIN: 5�ction 1. That C'�rdinance Pl'o. 32�0, apprctv�d Augu�t 20, 1914, a8 aar:�+�nded. be and the sam+e fe hereby further �zaended by inserting in Sectian 6, iu Grade 34 u�.der the h�adi.ng "�le�fcal Gre�up", th� title "Acccaunting �l�rk {Yocational Ingt#tut�j". Section 2. Thi� ord�an�e shali tak� effect and b� in fc�rce thirty daya aft�r its� pass�agC, approval, and publieataa�. Approved: �ivi]. Setr�ric�i �Cornxni$s�oner ��� � �% ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish `j ��,��— In Favor Peterson � �? Against Sprafka ��edesc6�— �.�'�.� :. Mr. President (Byrne) ._________,_ s�pt. 30, 1969 Mr. John Haider Chief �caminer E� Director of Personnel -�-_ Building �. �ear S�.r; The City C:�uncil today �;ave t Readi � to the f�Ilowj.n�; ordinances which wi11 be up � Third din�; �n October �?th� C.F. 2_�5732 amendin�; Ord. N�. �� C. S. Rules by insertin�; �� �-ri �e • ade �4��der Clerical Group., the tit Accoun Cle (Vocational Institute} ; �°•-''• 2��5733 a.me in� Qrd. N . 760�, Specifications, by in�ertin� in s proper ri r�.betical order the title and spec' 'cation� r rccounting Clerk (Vocational j�__-�nsti , � �•f'• "' 73�} ame in� Ord. N�. 6��4G, Salary prdinance, with ref ence to varivus clerical titles in ��iunicipal ` Co in Sec. V thereoP. �, � Very truly yours, n� City Clerk ,�_ ,, , 9-��-69 :����1��r This ordiaauce creates a new title of Accauntiag Cierk (�Tocatioaal Ins�ti�t�ee) it� Grade 34 of the �lerical Group. This title will be used fo� t� pt�skti,c►s�. i.� the Bo�rd��af Educa.tion which has the resgonaibility -o€ haadliag:the op�ra,tioiti � o# the busifiess office anc� the bboke�ore for the Technical--Vocatic�al Yr��tit��t. � ; : , �. . ' . � � � � � I st � 2nd j� I Laid over to 3rd and app.—L��4dopted � a /� � Yeas Nays � Y� Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish 245�32 � Dalglish Meredith \ .b4eredith-- .___. � Peterson � Peterson S rafka � rafka P p � Tedesco � •T-,:,,���--- Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O