245726 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �45'���; CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa N�,. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RES GENC� ORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, The City Council passed C.F. No. 244969 on July 22, 1969 which authorized the City of St. Paul to enter into a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with the Chicago Aerial Survey Inc. to perform and furnish Aerial Photographs, Topographic Maps and Miscellaneous items which wiil assist the Departrrient of Public Works to perforrn necessary Engineering and Survey work on various projects and, WHEREAS, It is expressly understood that in no event will the total compensation and reimbursement exceed the sum of $60,000.00 now therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the costs of the aerial surveys be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 6000 and this sarne fund to be reimbursed from Assessments, City's Share of Local Improvement Fund, Capital Improvement Bond Funds and other agencies. ���t. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou ' 2 6 1�69 19— Yeas Nays ��� 2 � 1969 �.a-�.,.. �}��._,^, Approved 19—_ � Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka Mayor Tedesco �gainst Mr. Preaident, Byrne ��t Q(r'�' 4 1969 0 DUPIiCA'iE TO PRINTHR 2451�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robe r t F. Pe�te rson CO M M I S51 ONErt DATF WNEREAS, Tha City Counctl passed C.F. Na. 24496�`?on July 22, 1969 which authorizad tha City of St. Paul to entar into a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with the Chicago Aerial Survey Inc. to perform and furnish Aerial Photographs, 7opographic Maps and Miscellanmous items which will assist the Department of Public Works to perform necessary E�gi�eering and 5urvey work on varioua proJects and, WHEREAS, It is expressly understood that in no event wlll the total compensation and t�imbursement exceed the sum of $60�OQ0.00 now therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the costs of the aeriai surveys be chargad to tMe Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 6000 and thia sarne fund to be reimbu�sed f rom Ass�ssrnents, City's Share of Local Improvement Fund, Capital Improvement Bond Funds and other agencies. ;�.� � � ��s9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ���;�' r:"r, z�r��; --Garison._...._..,_._._�? �g�h Approved 19—_ Meredith �� Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne �O