245723 ORIGINAL TO�ITY CLERK 245►723� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RE L ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I551 ON E DATF O� � � � � Resolved, thet the PTorthern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 50 lineal feet of �as main on 8th St. (south side) bet. Lafayette & John St. under Provisions of Council File No.1�+8392� Ordinance 93�-3� dated June 2�, 1949. SEP 2 b 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays SEP 2 6 1969 t---�ar��ft---- n.,�--�:..�. Approved 19— ---�cr 6 � Meredith J� Tn Favor Peteraon ' S�,rafk�, v Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne 4 � �45#ifJ O�+Y ��