04-1057Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By Refesred To WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Faul Regional Water Services, anaiysis of projected expenses and approval of the 2005 Budget, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjushnent; now, therefore, be it Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 3 �3 34 35 36 �8 39 41 42 43 44 RESOLVED, Thaz pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2005. 2005 WATER RATES First 100,000 cu. ft. Qer month -. ,� � Cities City of Saint Paul City of Maplewood City of Falcon Heights City of Lauderdale City of West St. Paul All Other Municipalities Winter* per 100 cubic feeT $1.56 $1.56 $1.56 $1.87 $1.56 $1.87 Summer** per 100 cubic feet $1.66 � 1.66 $1.66 $1.99 $ I .66 $1.99 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SNfALLER METERS Over 100,000 cu. ft. per month Al1 Year per 100 cubic feet $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.75 $1.46 $1.75 *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOIJNTS HAVING 1 1f2-INCH AND LA,RGER METERS, INCLUDING ROSEVII,LE AND LTTTLE CANADA *Winter rates shall apply.to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Summe� rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. ��soLUTioH a(NT PAUL, MINNESOTA (� �( -1 t�S� �oa3��S a7 v�!-�o57 i 2 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 M[NIMUM CFIARGES FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER ME'I`ERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed quarterly. Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 200 cubic feet per biliing period for accounts billed monthly. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1!2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum chazges sha11 be based upon consumption of 6o� cubic feet per month. Pequested 6y De�z:w.,r oi: Saint Paul Re ional Wate Services B y o� , ep en P. Schneider, General Managex �GOa Coun�ii Sec: etzry For� Appr�ved by Ciry Ae[orney � oN- /OS7 � Green Sheet Green Sheet GreemSheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Wq -WazerUtiliry. � � Contact Person & Phone: i Stephen P. Schaeider I 66274 Must Be on 03-IVOV-94 Date Initiatetl: 30SEP-04 Green Sheet NO: 3023005 oeoartment �en[ � o rerson mmawau 0 ater Utili 1 aterUtilitv DeoartmentDirecWr I 2 '�Attornev � � 3 avor's Office MavorlAssistant 4 00o i 5 ' CI rk Ci erk � Assign Number Far Routing Order Total p of Signature Pages L (Clip All LocaGC�s for SigrtaWre) _..__ e__..__._�. Ciry Council approval of resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 2005. A public hearing is scheduled for November 3, 2004 in the City Council Chambers. �dations: Approve (A) or R� Planning Commission CIB Committee Civii Service Commission Personal Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet InitiaUng Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Whe�e, Whyj: - Adequate financing needed to maintain a reasonable level of capital improvement and system maintenance in order to provide quality service. AdvanWges �f Approved: The above goals will be met. A typical City of Saint Paul residenrial account will experience an annual increase of $4.40. Disadva�es if Approvad: None. aCT 0 i 2004 Dfsadvanta�7es If Not Approved: The utility would be unable to maintain reasonable standards for customer service and adequate fmancial reserves. T2nsaction: Fundinp Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Cost/Revenue Budgeted: Activitv Number: � � R�3�2YCt# ��nP�?f ��� � 1 �QR o �(- ros� BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTtON — GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO HY GOMMISSIONER 4985 DATE WHE,REAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, analysis of projected expenses and approval of the 2005 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present raTe structure is inadequate to continue operations without an ad}ustrnent; now, therePore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the Ciry Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January 1, 2005. 20�5 WATER RATES First 100,000 cu. ft. per month Over 100,000 cu. 8. per month Cities Winter* Summer** AIl Year per 100 cubic feet per 100 cubic feet per 100 cubic feet CiCies of Saint Paul, $1.56 $1.66 $1.46 Fatcon Heights, Mapiewood, West St_ Pau( CiryofLauderdale $1.87 $1.99 $1.75 All Other Municipalities $1.87 $1.99 $1.75 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS T3AVING 1 1(2-INCH AND LARGER METERS, INCLUDING ROSEVILLE AND LITTLE CANADA * Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 20 — In favor Opposed IP✓�POR; "i•17 RfTURN 70 �C�;,�:'- NIR�:I 4TG^ CII C SECY. OR(GlNAL p�-(-fDS'� BOARD OF WATER COMMISSI0NER5 RESOLUTIO{V — GENERAL FORM 4985 co M M I 55E O N � Zanmiller September 14, 2004 DATF MIlYIMUM CHARGES FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND 5MALLER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed quarterly. Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 200 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed monthly. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING i-INCA AND LARGER METERS Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per month. -2- Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Naqs Cardinal Kleindl Vice President Zanmiller President Harris ember 14, 20 04 In favor Oppos� IMPORTANT �°" ' �� secY. Rertu�N ro aoa�� MINUTES F!! E Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners ORfGINAL C.ouncil Fi1e # � l ' � �S� Greea Sheet # JDa Presented By Re£erred To WHEREAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, analysis of projected expenses and approval of the 2�o5 Budget, the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City Counci] have determined that the present rate sh is inadequate to contlnue operations without an adjustment; now, therefore, be it Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 1� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ?; 24 25 26 27 28 24 3 �3 34 35 36 �� 39 41 42 43 44 RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the Ciry Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or afrer January I, 2005. 2005 WATEI2 RATES First 100.000 cu. ft. per month - • , .. Cities City of SainY Paul City of Maplewood City of Falcon Heights City of Lauderdate City of West St. Paul All Other Municipalities W inter* per 100 cubic feet $1.56 $1.56 $1.56 $1.87 $1.56 $1.87 Summer** per 100 cubic feet $1.66 $ I .66 $1.66 $1.99 $1.66 $1.99 Over 100,000 cu. ft. per month All Xeaz per 100 cubic feet $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.75 $1.46 $1.75 FOR ACCOUNTS FIAVING 1-INCH AND SM,ALLER METERS *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Suramer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS, INCLUDING ROSEVII,LE AND LTTTLE CANADA *Winter rates shail apply bilis sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall appiy to bills sent during May through October. RESOLUTION 4(NT PAUL, MINNESOTA a7 vy-�o57 � � 5 6 7 & 9 1� I1 12 13 urur�,«u�i a�:reT�a FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-]NCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges shali be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed quarterly. Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 20� cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed monthly. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per month. Requested by Dea�:�:.en? oi: Saint Paul Re ional Wate Services By. r tep en P. Schneider, General _ Manager Fonn Apgroved by Ci,y P.ttorn�y orovec by Ma Date � �� � � C / top[ion CcrtiLed �oy Coencl Secetary � OK- IOS"7 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � uepamnenvomce�councn: - Wp — WarerUtiliry. , Contact Person & Phone: , Stephen P. Schneider 66274 , Must Be on Council Agenda by 03NOV-a4 Date Initiated: 30-SEP-04 Green Sheet NO: 3023005 D¢Dartrllent AJent 1 o rerson InmavUa[e 0 WaterUlititv I � 1 aMrUtilltv I DenarhoentDirector 2 �LtiN Attoruev I I� 3 avor's Office MavodAssistant 4 onncil 5 ri Clerk Ciri Clerk I � Assign Number For Routing OWer Total # of Sigoature Pages ,L (Clip All Lowtions fur Sig�ature) City Council approval of resolurion concurring with action taken by the Boazd of Water Comraissioners establishing the water rates for 2005. A public heazing is scheduled for November 3, 2004 an the City Council Chambers. or Personai service convacts must pnswer tne ronowmg auesuons: Planning Commission 1. Ha5 this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person�rtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): i Adequate financing needed to maintain a reasonable level of capital improvement and system maintenance in order to provide quality i service. ; AdvantaqeslfApproved: The above goals wiil be met. A typical City of Saint Paul residential account will experience an annual increase of $4.40. DisadvanhSles If Approved: None. OCT 01 2D04 Disadvantages If Not Approved: The utility would be unable to maintain reasonable standazds for wstomer service and adequate financlal reserves. Total Amount of Transaction: Punding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Cour�P R2Qe�t� �A�t� ��r �.1 �uo+ o �(- tos�7 BOARD OF WA7ER CDMMi5510NER5 RESOLUTIQtV - GENERAL FORM N, 4985 PRESENTED SY COMMt5510NER OATF WH�REAS, After due consideration and study of the financial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, analysis of projected expenses and approval of t4ie 2005 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the Ciry Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustment; now, therefore, 6e it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January l, 2005. 2005 WATEI2 RATES First 100,000 cu. ft. per month Over 100,000 cu. ft. per month Cities Winter* Summer** All Yeaz per 100 cubic feet per 100 cubic feet per 100 cubic feet CitiesofSaintPaul, $1.56 $1.66 $1.46 Falcon Heights, Maplewood, West St. Paul City of Lauderdale $1.87 $1.99 $1.75 AllOtherMunicipalities $1.87 $1.99 $1.75 FOR ACCOUNTS AAVIlVG 1-7t\CH AND SNIALLER METER5 *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. "*Summer rates shall apply ta bills sent during Sune through November. FOR ACCOUNTS FLAVING 1 1!2-INCH AND LARGER METERS, INCLUDING ROSEViLLE ANA LTTTLE CANr1DA *Winter rates shall apply to bi11s sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May tluough October. Water Commissianers Adopted by the Soard of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor Oppos� IPf,�J3� .f-<7 RETURPf TO ;tr�;:?_� +Ut�^;�_ITKi C!� � SECY. ORIGINAI. p�f-ras`l BOARD OE WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Na 4985 COMSM Zanmiller September 14, 2Q04 DATF' 11 1 FOR ACCOITNTS HAVIlVG 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Muumum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed quarterly. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 200 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed monthly. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND LA.RGER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per month. -2- W$t8P CO�^m�aQ1aRQL9 1'e2s Anfang Nays Cardinal Kleindl 7ice President Zanmiller President Harris tember 14, 20 04 In favor Oppos� IMDORT,4NT �� ���"' � secr REFURN TO $OARG 1v1�NUTfS FI?E Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners OR{GINAL