245721 ORTGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � � ��5►72� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL GENE L FORM coMMISS�IONE Robert F. eterson WH�SRHAS, Additions and Deductions which �ight prove to be neceseary in the Improve�ent described as N. HAZEL STREET from Kim F1. to approximately 340 ft. Northvest and NORTx PARK DRIV� from 300 ft. Westerly of Faye St. to N. Hazel St. , Comptroll�r's Contract L-7061, W. J. Ebertz Company, Contractor, heve be�n provided for in the Specifications, and WHBR�AS, It has been found necessary to anake the following Additions and Deductions: ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Chsnge Agree�ent No. 1 $1712.60 DEDUGTIONS As per attached Contract Chenge AgreeBent No. 1 $ 475.00 TOTAL NET ADDITIONS $1237.60 and t�H�REAS, The total addition is $1237.60, and the Comeissioner of public Works has agreed With the Contractor that the e�ount of $1237.60 is the correct sum to be added to said contract, therefore be it RBSOLVED, Th�t the City of St.' Faul through its City Council approves ��� the foregoing additions and deductions eaade in accordance with the Specifics- � ' tione in tbe sum of $1237.60, said asount to be added to the lnmp swa con- sideration na�ed in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-7061, and which emount is to be fina�ced as follows and as stated in attached Contract Change Agree�ent No. 1: Item No. 1 to be charged to Local Iaprove�ent Aid Fund 0920-701. Ite�s No. 2, 3, & 4 to be pro-rated and assessed against the benefited property on North Park Drive. Ite�s No. 5 end 6 to be pro-rated and assessed against the benefited property on N. Hazel Street. SEp 2 b 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays SEP 2 6 1�69 -���---_._._.� Approved 19— `-' Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco —�Against Mr. President, Byrne � o�T 4 ���8 ^�O e CiTY �r S�►It;T"Pti�;L," � DEPaRTi✓,ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �4s�y � /,"� CONTRACT CH�NGE AGRE ►�NT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. t,8-C- 180K. it4�7 CONTRACT N0. L-7Gn 1 CONTRACTOR�t� ,3. Ebe;tz �Q t PROJECT DFSCRIPTION :.orth Hazel Street • kir� t 1. to spprox. 34p• N.W. and I�oYth rerk :%rlve - 30t�' t�''lv of f�ye St. to A. Hr�zel Strg�t. In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those itema for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. r:ciditiane aAd Uednctiors listed bflow ao.�.a e�*r.�ss�zy CA eos�pitt• th� pro ject � s�atisfectorily. � ADiiITIONS Ztera 1 - �ceconatruct exlatina AAOholea. t�-45. ::t. - 1.8 Lia. Ft. 1;.�5, :tt. - 2.7 ,� " a.5o, �t. • t.7 �� �� 2+90. Lt. - 2.3 " „ • 4«70. � • 4.0 " •� 11.0 Lin. ;'t. � �3J.OG + �b00.fi8 . 't�t�is edditiaa to be cturgec4 to Locel I�proveeneat �.id Faud 092Q-701. Ite� 2 - �dditiorsa,l pip� rec�uired Co connect cstch ba�io et ���tion 1�Ofl Lt. Furniab :, Install 12" �tCP - 2�+ lit�. �ft. 4� 55.75 = 138.Ov Itea 3 - ERC�VBtI= unsvitnblQ �►�bqsade +eoterial Sts. k+6a#. fo 7tQp, Sua-�rade �n,tie�vatton - 176 cu. ycta. �! $1.35 � z37.E;0 Itca 4 - Furnish nnd piace �rgreulnr �etariol foa nubp�rad� cortoat�oa �and•�ravel aatariml • T40 tona � g,.$Ci •� 4�Z.00 � 7'ho Lvtul additivnrsF acwunt of Items 2., 3. � k Co be y�ra-rAt�ad �ncS �:.�Q;:�a@ ��;einst tha t��nr�Yitod gsroJ�asty vn .°vart�► F�erk Urivd. Item S • �ipe roc,�uired to extenG eulvert at :�. t�asta� St. ;. �;ia� E 1. rurnish ;: Irestell 28�� �tG:' - 3U 1i�. ft. � �f�.OU � tBU.uC► Itea 6 - Furnish i,� In�cnll peraeanent b�rricade et tho �north end o� �. Haael �c. . z. :i I. baxricaQe t.�Cand :I�ta. �p40a4) , 2G �ia. ft. �� y6.2S d i25.(3+� �ITY OF S�INfi` P'r_�j;� -- DEPaRTN�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ` CONTRACT CHANGE AGRE ►E�NT NO. 1 cC��ticu�std) PROJECT N0. �.R.('.1.Ant; t,�n� CONTRACT N0. t _7Q�1_____ CONTRA�TOR_�1. J. F.bert� �o� PROJECT DESCRIPTION r,�_ �;,��„t ra r r�..t _ r;�r 1� t� >_�;� -�rive� In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in.the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items `for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. 'cho cotal 'edditioaal a:�ount of Itemc S r. 6 to b� pso-rat�d ' aad assarsed a�ai�st tho ban�fitsd proptrty on tt. �iaset 5t. Zotal �clditio�� � �1712'.60 i!%GUC'i.lu�ky Delete bitumi:sous surfecfa� fram tbe �wrt�t t3� frt. at te. tiez�l st. as per lett�r dared tlsy 14� l'�b9� froa� ths Lc►cal i�prove- eont. Diviaion Filtu�ainous Surlacing tTyp� F-2). 47.� tonat � $10.40 ` � b75.00 �btal �ddi�iar�� $1723.i�u Total �e�uctiona j+75.Gt3 IoC�ol ItiaL.ndditi�m - �1237.�ap �� �-" � � � � �'. 3. �k�c+rtx Co. �-�� ��/ ��� -�.��-���-� 19 � 19 C�,on ctio�i .gineer C tractor _.; �; r f' , � � � �'��� ��:A `; � �-- � �� 19 + By � 19 C a.v:��gineer � -• �,/ �r�� ,,°c�h �. l�rit�.�c1I � � � .,� < 9� �if�y co�t�t ��ler %� � :<.���� t_ lT «_T t', . � - �Z3 7 ' � . , 19 " � Co�r.missioner /J.: � y/,,�� /i�-�fy�-'�ri.Com.p�r-o �e � �"; ' ;�� r�� J , /��f� z::,.u�y o..��?ru1��r Original (White Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicats (Blue) To Contractor . To Accounting Div. �To Comptroller To Construction Engineer 'C ITY OF S�INT PAL'L � - DEP�IRTN�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEN�NT N0. 1 cc�Dtlntt•d) PROJECT N0, nR_r.lP�,f���,_�� CONTRACT N0. t .��61 ^ CONTRA�TOR_�, ,�. �bert� �Co. PROJECT DFSCRIPTION •.,�_ �;�,,,,,t ctT�e�.. F?�rr_ti �'nr�: �rive° In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed a.n the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable coeta of thoee itema for additione to,or deduations from,the contract. . ihe total additio�a�I au+ount of It�� S � b to be pro•raCed and asaQSSOd aqeiaat ths bonafiCed pzop�rty an H. �iazel St. gotal �+�lditioa�► � �17Y2.€� . � Di:tiUCiluk� T2elete bitumtnou� �surfa�cfa� fram Che �rt� 13� �t. o� h. Hezo2 St. �aa per Isttsr det�d t:ay �14, l�JbS, fzoct tke Locai T�aprovo- ment. Division bituminous 5uzleci�g (Typs F-3?. �?.S tons � $10.�30 � $ 475.00 .'otal �.dditiona �1�12.�U T�ts1 S�s3c�cticns ' �+7�.0� Iot[►1 ItiaC :tidditi�w - $1237.�i4 l > � ,� �� �Cf'1 1�-�t%�--�-�" lg U +�. J. �barta Go. 1 � .- = - .�, 9 ' on cti �j�}�;;',n�ineer �' C tractor `� ��..��,C'� � i � ��? n � 1 / ,�l v �' � �`�. l=.�"�.% '� ��" 'i lg By `�, /` -, r_/ � lq --x-�-----�' — Ch�.ef jEn�ineer , ,+,�• ; q � �- � usc�.l� J. �ti.��- , c�,l r�`�-�%r! �'�l�' � - :.``� y�;i� Ct�irZ3t �t��r �; T� .�.__.39-� ` �%' � " �' 19 �' �-� Com.missioner /%/��,, /��.[( ��:y-�t,°�5om�ptr-a��(e�� l!-=�-- Y ;�r'T �- , /. � ����� . �I /,� LI,tY�I�� lil TIAi Vli�.1 � Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Construction Engineer DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER Robert F ACEI'�OII DATF tdHE�i��15, Additions and Deductions which might prnve to be neces�ary in the Improvement described as N. HAZEL STI2EET from Kim P1. co approximetely 340 ft�: Northwest and NORTH PARK DRIVE from 300 ft. Westerly of Feye St. to N. Hazal St. , Comptroll�r's Contract L-7061, W. J. Ebertz Company. Contractor, have been provided for in the 5pecific�tions, and WHEREAS� It has been found necessary to ma�ce the following Additions and D�ductione: ADDIT IOIVS �s per attached Contrect Change Agree�nent No. 1 $1712.60 DSDUCT IJN� As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $ 475.00 TOTAL NE� AnDITIONS $1237.60 and WHEREAS, The total addition is $1237.60, and the Com�iseioner of Public iJorks has egreed with the Contractor thnt th� amount of $1237.b0 is the correct suw to be added to seid contract, therefore be it RESOLV�D, That the City of St. Faul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions and deductions made in 8ccordance with the Specifica- tiona in the sum of $1237.60, seid a�ount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contrect L-7061, and which emount is to be finsnced as follow� and as stated in attached Contract Change Agr�e�aent Na. 1: Item No. 1 to be charged to I.ocal Isprovement �►fd Fund 0920-701. Items No. 2, 3, & 4 to be prn-reted and assessed against the bene£it�d property on North Park Driva. Items No. S and 6 to b�a pro-rated and aasessed against the benetited property on N. Hezal Street. ��� �.� ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - i��� -�rlson-------� `�algIish�'- Approve� 19— Meredith � _1n Favor Peterson � Sp�afku Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne O �C iTY OF S�I21T :Pa�L "- DEPaRTI✓�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �45� CONTRACT CHANGE AGRE�NT N0. 1 �� . • PROJECT N0. +�8-C- 1�30�. 18p7 CONTRACT N0. 1,-7G�1 CONTRACTOR_�t,,`J. �ba�t� �4,_ PROJECT DFSCRIPTION t:ortA Hazel Stzec�t - kira x 1. to a�.pmx. 340' N.W. and t�orth rerbc • _:rivQ 3Q�' k°�ut Fnve St. to A�. Hrsxel Str9et. ----r---- Ln accordance:with Section ,95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included 3.n the contract, are the reasonable costs� of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. r�dditione ar�d Uede�ctions listec! belaw doe�ed neceasary ta ccsrylsta t2►Q pro ject setiaf�ctorf ly. ' E1DDI71t��iS Ztcra 1` - Reconstruct existina �e�ai3a2es. ' (�-45. 't. • 1.8 Lin. Ft. I��5, :tt. - 2.7 '� •, 2+90� Rt. • 1.2 �� �. 2*9�. Lt. - 2.3 �. ., �.�a, � • a.o ., s. I2.0 Lin. 'r'L. � .���.OG �+ $b(10.00 . . `t"�is eddi.tioe to 6e cbarged to Local I�myt�ovaeaeut ,�id Ft��d 0930•701. Item 2 • nddition�l pipo requirerd to conrect cetch basio tt • �t8tion 1�00 iLt. � �r'urniab ;� Inat�ll 13" R� - 2� Iim. ft. +� $5.75 = 138.0� It�z� 3 - Excavate unsuitablo a+�b��tdv �aterfal $ts. 4�6a�. to 7«t2p:, , � �ub-grade excavetion • 176 �es. yds. � $1.35 � 237.�0 Item 4 - Furnish and place �xBrtular �m�ter�ai for sabp�cwda eorraatxc�t� �and•�ravel �at�rial - 2Zt� Carac � g2.80 � 437.t3tf � 7'h� �otul tsddition�+l t�auaL of YC�m� .. 3� � 4 Co be pro-rat�c3 anci �:.sessad e�einat the t�r�n�a�itod �Sno�+orCy oa �la�rth ���rk Urive. ltcffi S - I�ipe rcctuired to extend cu3vert at Ti. �iA�ai 5t. ;. �;i� I`i. :'urnish :. Ine+tell 28" RG:" - 3U li�. Pt. :� �F�.OU � 1$U.UU Ites� 6 - Purnish u In:►tnll peswc►nent bar.ri�ade at the► north �nd of At. Hazel ac. F. :k I. bazricaQe f:t�nd :IetB i�fla4)', 2t3 ltn. �t. �� y6.2S � L25.04