245718 . . . .. � � Odainal to City Clerk . � - � - ORDINANCE 245'7'�� � � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY "' ORDINANCE NO / � An ordinance granting permission to Gerald E. Frisch to grade and sur-- face with bituminous material the alleys in Block 2, Rice Street Villas. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Gerald E. Frisch to grade and surface with bituminous material the alleys in Block 2, Rice Street Villas. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Publie Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Gerald E. Frisch for the grading and surfacing of the alleys in Bloek 2, Rice Street Villas, upon an.d subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions : a. That said permittee �hall grade and surface with bituminous material said alleys entirely at his own expense, under the super— vision and to the satisfaction of the ` Commissioner of Public Works and in aecordance with the'`plans and specifications prepared by, him; b. That saicL permittee shall furn.ish _. _ _ __ ___..:--:s-�-a►�te�r�l-�:ases �r t�.e City_ �f Saint Paul; . that said permittee shall pay the eost of engineering and inspection on said work, and for the publication of this ordinance; c. That said permittee shall properly proteet all exeavations made in the streets and alleys both day and night so as to avoid all damage or in.jury to persons or property; shall properly fill and tamp said streEts or alleys to avoid settling and shall restore said streets or alleys to their original condition; d. That said permittee, after the in.ception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before November 15, 1969; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalgliah T� Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka. Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk ayor O Form approved Corporation Counael B , Odainal to City Clerk �• ' ORDINANCE 245t1_� . ._�� . . � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / Page 3. as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with the provisions of the aforesaid section., as amended, shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct, and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended, shall, after approval by the Gorporation Counsel, be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; h. That said permittee shall submit said bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall request approval of said documents by the Corporation Gounsel and upon approval shall file said documents with the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; i. That said permittee shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written. acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Y. OCT � 4 1�69 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson �'— Dal�r � ) �� Tn Favor � Peterson �� � Against �p.�a�s— G�7 14 1969 Mr. President (Byrne) Approv A st: � Ci Clerk // yor O r/ Form approved Corporation Counsel B �u�tisN�� �!G 1� 19 ' . . r � � 245'7�� � ��� � � Page 2. e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemn.ify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any an.d all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the performance of the work con.templated by this permission and authority; f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (�10,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinan.ce an.d to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arisang out of the same; g. That said permittee shall not proceed to grade and surface said alleys unless and until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding in.surance and indemnification contained in the City of Sain.t Paul Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction dated April 1, 1959, Section numbered 1. 44 of said Specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purposes of this ordi- nance, the aforesaid section of said Specifications numbered 1. 44, as amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" were substituted for the word "contractor" wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended. Said Section 1. 44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Con- struction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and . � � 24�'��8 � . , � � ���wMi �''it�� �1M1M 1! ht�li Ys �'�'ia�ir #� � 1pM � ' t�wr+r wlt� 1il�twws sri�i�l « atl�r► la f1�t !, R��t itr�t �ill�►. � aa�cis, o�r �r ��tt�r �nr s�t�nc r� a�s �xs s..�i.. i. "�'i.e �t+�r►�.. aar�t .�i�its .�ra i�r+lrt �t+�t Si �e'��d �. l�`t'1� +R� s�+ii Mi wlti� trlt�► �iti��► �at�ri�l t1a slla�r � ll�t f� t!N �ta�►i lilli�s. i�►li�a i. '!'�t t� fi,�r��iaoa�t � l+r�rlit� 11+�e#s i� .�r.�ri..�r ��► �..�.. . ;r�� a �r�.ta �e. r�ei+.a�► � :•r t �r�ur� .M .raMt�si� et trr .il i� �i..t s. siN itral` Yi�l+u1, M�a aiM �►ll,��t �r �i�i l�rll�rl� �w►`l�i�ar, t�ur'a�. �i aar�i�ti�� a. '!'rat i�ii �mlttNi +�Y���t �M � �!'fa�r �ti,l� ��t�iar�w rwtt�r�tial ! a�lq� �r�is'+��f �t Iii• �a �i� �rs fJ� s� r►ii1�M1 �N � #�t #�t��Ml�t1M �t ti� Q�wMt��ri� �rt �lie 'I�Mr�r a�R i� it�r�si�ws� . rit� �1a� �larlr aii ��r!!"i+�tt��r �ars�s�rM ig►' �� ►. �i �r�d ���r 1r�s11 #1�es�it�t .i.�. �r+r►1.�.� �r 11r�e +�lt�► st t�siss r�1� t�rt wtid �lt� a�l� �p► 't� I�t �! �i�sari� �M �r��tti�r Mr. �aii r�►�r1t, +MM t�M! s1t�► �ii«rti� �►�' t�3,� �"i1�1+�� •. ll�r� �ralli �r�rs�l,ti�ril �1`til p�'a�'l� � ��1��tf�� �� +rr� M �fi . ai� �� sr i�r�ryr a� !s�'�s+i +�e����'i �tll �►�rlr ! l�i �M t�► rsi�+� �ar �1�� i� �r�� s�riti#a� �L wrl� �rsl+�r� ' �si� r�r�s +ur s�l�r t�r i�i� �r'i�is�►� - r+�IMti�i�� �. l�lnnit ss�� ���M, a#tia�" t�a l,�M�i+�a �!' �utli w�'�t,� a�il M''��� #iwr a�► �ralir�rl�r, �ritlt iili�a�r�! +�t !'�i�� i�l��a *a�i writ t� -i!M MtistNtlM ard ��I •� �i�� 4�wl��NliN! �i �!' �:l�'� M�r ls� 1!�'!1 i�/� � � 245'71� � . � . � r.s. s. s. ��it raid �r�s�sttt�a �r�ss2Y a�nw � �d�rt��� to ta11T isd�►tt�► ut h�ld itnr�tl�sa t�� Cil� oi lsi�t lssl, it� �a��, oiti�r� ard �lo��� !r� � �1 al� t��r�� elair, 2N�s�. ��at�, �r,ti• . �r ��ass� �uri�i� �t s! �r �sr►i�1 ir�► �L� �pt�rrree� ot tM+� rw�rlc Mrsla�i�t�d Iy► tl�i� ��rioa �a�d aest�►sitri i. 11u�t �aid p�ssitt�+� �ali i'NSOi�d a � ts�ut i� ti� Cit� ot sa�at ta�l �o iw► ��r •t :n. �arw�.�a n.►�►�ar. t=ato,000.�) e.�u�t...a te e�l� rlts ali �k. t�►rr e: t1�i• or+�i� � � 1���� i1tA �tT� �ilSlrii ��d 131��' t� �11 1liblli��� l�s; ��td�t�� ittit�' , oa►ts�, t1�s��� � ��� tl�rt �yr aesr�� . !� '�s�sa� �r �s+ep�rtf �eea�ier�+d 1rr t�i �sltia� e! �1t� i�Ps�o�a��tt �s �r��i� wt �! �4� ��� l �. !ltat sa►id �r�rs�ilt�r�► �lu�ll aet pree+�! to �r�d� �t �l�o• �aid •ll�r wtiia� a�! oa�il a�i4 p�sti�itt�� �asii ba�� tally �a�li�d rritb t�,�r pse�i�i�u ra�s�rd►ia� ia��ur�� a�at i,d�itioatio� ovatoisaA �a tss Ci�t ot fl�i�t F��[l �Nrpart�ai *i tuaile �'�rt� ��+�oitis�tiosr !�r Strs�►t a�td Shnr Coa�rts�el�le� ast�d April . �, 19S9t s�atioa ��►.r•+� i.� �t ��id A��ileatl�u, as a�q��d. �lFl��rrtrl• t� ea�tra�t�r�. tar tb� ��i� st tlri,• +iwr±di— aut�s, tl�� at�r����g �NZloa �! �aid Sp�vitioattoa� �b+r�d 1.4�, �r �4�, �b�il ba r�ad a� tlw�ti tb+� rn►rd "�p�s�itt��" wri �1r�titrt� tor th� xox�d Na�als�a�rlor'" �eh�rw+�r � tb� saM app�at�� i� tbs si�►r��ra,id S�oti� 1.�4#� ao ��ra�d�d. 8sie! 8�vt�Os 1.��, a�1 �ran4�d, o# �h� �tsai�ie�tis�s ior �trv�� �1 B�nrir C�r• ; �trr�tia ia �k� Cl�� �i 8ais! tw! i• lr�rilh► . l�to�rs��d h�r�ia 'b� r�tmraae� s� lnll� +�ad I , . , � � , �� . � . ��5►��� � � �� ts;. 3. aa +r�Il�t�tX t� ii ��1 tir�� hart�ia rr�r�ratis. T�Nt �t �plia►�s� ritl! tt�r *l�+►1�i�r �i te� �!�►r�said �►sstiom. �� wa+d�A, �s11 �►� is �N� l�er �1►r t1�+r Cos,p�ratioo� C�r�r�l •t ti�► Ci�� st !xalat lartl �wyr 1lir�t, �d t�► _ aoom�sai� rp�tir�►d 1n► �b�r �ter�sid ��atten 1.+1�►, u �d�r�, a1u►t2, �ft�r a��ra►��1 1r,� tlnv C�s'�titiaa C*�1� � lill� ia �tt� � +�tti�� �! th� CMpls�ll��r �t tri�r C�S� ot �ai�t t�wl� D. ll�a` Nid p*�tte� s�+tll n1�it _ asid D�a4 s�lt �asrur�s+�s da�t�dt• te ��� 4tiio� �f��r •t ;d� Da}��ti �t !�t#�li� � 1t�sits� '�1t� �f�i�� i�la+�' ��sll epr�r�t �tal oi �►tl! d��owwa�i� � �`� t�r�o�ratto� Co��l � Mlos apps�o�ral� �i li�� r�id doe�st� �ti td� stt#��� oY tb�r CMqis+�►li�s . oi thr Git� et 8�tfs� �aw3� i. !lu►i ��id ��rwftt�� �irail� +ritAiu � tl�irt�r t3a) �a�r'� att�r ��r p�u�►s�� �st �lr�l• �Ni��. tf�l� a �eri�f� a�s�ta�M+r tlt�rr�ra►i rtilll tY� Ciir Cl�s�. ' S��ti�s 3. 7'hi� ordl�uao� �4s1I tsft� �it�rt �rt 1� ia ltro� tl�iriy (SO) dari tr� ,� +ett�r it� �+rs�i�• a��ral sa4 �nbi#e�tiaa. Passed by the Council • �j 1 � � Appro�vect - � 14 1969 ,, , r St. PAtil� M�I]Tl. oct.2�, �969 TO..THE HONORABLE� THE CITY COUATCIL� Saint Paul, Minn. �entlemen: We, the undersi�ned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and cond.itions of Council File No. 245718, b�ing Ordina.nce No. 14297, adopted by the Council on October l�, 1969. G E. FRISCH, �, C7 il� " 7 / � � , �� :� `�� � UC:�a ��� 1�� .,. Mr. GE,.ra.l.d i:. �'x1SCtt� Attorney at Lawa 2350 ;��. `Ttr�. s�., St. Paul, ;�iii7ti. Dear iir: We enclos� a capy of Ordin$nc � . 1�2�'ls gr�,r�ti.n� ;rc�u permissiu:� ta ���z�i� �.rz�. uur ' lley 'n �31o�:k `, �:ic� �tr��e: Villas; also �ill ial �h� � oi' �27, to c th� cost o�' pubr licatio:r. of �t;i� r�r•cii��z�� �°le `�.11 yaur sp �. a�t�nt �. t� Paa.�°r��s�phs £ anc3. h of �ection 2 wclich requ�ir.� � gili f a boncl �.n the esnotxn� apecifi�d and. 3 , �, h 3. of Sectic�n 2 whieh requires the f r� 4�' an a�ce$ nee of th� term� of tr:S� ordinanc� in �his ofific a�cwra 3&�, "'it3r F1�,12., within 3U czays. �f' r�c�t ,��+ Piled, the o d nanc� bec ,� �Qid. Very truly yours, City Clerk hp . .` � Ist � `'� 2nd ��' Laid over to 3rd and app i� � _Adoptecl � �' i I Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison Carlson Dalglish Dalglish Meredith 245��� `���r Peterson Peterson � Sprafka � Sprafka � Tedesco sco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O