245711 , r 245'�1�
Resolution Approving Assessment By —--
and Fixing Tune of Hearing Thereon File No.—____—174113___
and F'nc�g T'une of Hearing an the Award
of Damages
In the matter of condesnimg and taking an esseaent ia the land nec�ssary �or tha slopes,
cuts aad fills, iacludin� right of r�oval of lateral support frr� aubject laad or
re�iader t�ereof, occasio�e� by excavationa th�raof or ce�natractiva mf alcpes ia
the gradiag aad snrfaciag with bitu�ixons material snd ceastract coscrnte curb and
Sutter •� �4PBBITY B�ID (�i�y Projact P-�r85E) froa E. Idah� Av�a�e to Larpeate�ar
Awexue aa sm�a � Drawi�g l�s. 26�'i, ��psr 2 crn fils ia tha D�partae�� of Pc�blic
iiorks. _ :
. _-_
Also, coaelea�ixg aad taieia�'"a �t �eas�st f� -oieris�ctiori aad �aai��� - .`. ��.
" of a pmblic sa�er oa, nnder, acrass aad throngh t�at part •f L�t l, �l�ck 9, ?i, �
3ixth Additien, as s� on Drawiag �o. 2052, Drawer 4 oa file ia t�e Hegartses�
Pnblic Works. . #�'"�
AlsO, co�dermiag and taking a t�porary easeaient f�r conatr�cti�a parg��e� aa Tract����
6, Registered Lan�i Sgrvey No. 1$6, a� sha� on Draping Iio. 2052, Drawer 4, ara Ei1e ia
the Departaeut of Public FTorlcs, said aaseaent to remmain in effect for a period of one
year coaenciag oa the da�e of ratificatimn of this condemmation order.
under Preliminary Order Zw+i91 —, approved Jnne 27, 1969 ,
Intermediary Order 245197 , approveci Angus t 13, 1969
Final Order 245513 , approved 8e�t�absr !: 1969 ,
�ae�il�1 0rder a43667 ae�t�abrr 19, 1969
.__. _ - _. : _ _ ,.
The Commissioner of Fina,nc� having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount
of damages awarded for the ��a���he��d 1�' ea�ements therein appropriated for the above im-
provement and to whom paya��e�;�arid t�o �aving submitted his assessment of benefits to property
from the inaking of said improvement, therefore be it �` ��;�,
F.esolved, That the said ass�sment of benefits be and the same is hereby appraved. " `�='
Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con-
firmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said as-
sessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the
'�enty-ninth day_Q.�Q����i��.,�_�9�4_—___—__---__.--, at ten o'clock A.M. and that the Commis-
sioner of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter.
Ye� Carlson Nays SEP 2 5 19�
Meredith Adopted by the Council.--__ _
Peterson Ap ed SEP 2 19
�����—"M`" —In Favor — '
(.� ay�r
� �. FOim R-3 �'a5 � . ����IJRLa. SEP 2 7 1969 �