245703 ; 245�a� � connou Fps xo....�.....� ; PROP03AL FOR IMPROYEMENT � and ; , I PRELIMINARY ORDER. , , T����P�P��hsmak[n�o�thafollowiagpablioimprovemsnt by the((�y at�int Panl,�►is.: Const�uct Public Stona Sewer in VAN DYKE ST.-Old Hudson Road to East Third St.; in ..........».. ........... ................»......... -f ' Wgs t_of Ha ze 1 to Ha ze 1 . S�,_,,,,,,,., .�_ � .._.............._..........,.... ......................................... � , ���- ............................... �,,.., D� 2 t�i ���Se�te�abe r . 69 ,�� .................. .. ......._�. .... Conn�Lman. ; PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHER,FAS� A wrltten propoesl for the ms�in6 of the following impravemeat�vis.: - Construct Putrl-iz Stora� Sewer ia VAN BYKE ST. - 41d Hudson Road to East Tt�ird St.; in ............................................................................................___.................................................. .. ... ......_ , CONMAY ST. fraai 300' Mest of Hazel to Hazel St. S-986C ...............»....... ...................................____. ..................... ............... . ...... .............. ..., ... ...». .. ................................... 6sving been preeented to the Counail of the Citq of$aint Paul.............................................._....._. t6ere#ore� be it R.E80LVED, Thst the Commieeioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered snd d�rsatAd: 1. To investiaste the neoeeedty for�or deairability��.the mating of esid improvement. 2. To inv�eetigste the nstiure� entent and eetimsf�ed ooet of eaid improvement, and t�he tot�sl oost t�hereof. 8. To furnieh�plan�pro8le or sketch oi esid imprnvemen�. . 4. To st�►te what�hsr or ao�said improv�ement is aeked far on the petit�on of t�hree ar a�ore owner�. b. To repor0 apon aU ot the foraaoing matters to ths Commieetoner of l+Ynanoe. Adopted by the Conaoii...................._.,_.�..�.».....�:..�.-.'.���� Ys�s Councilman .Carlson SEP 2� 1�69 Delgliah APP��-------»-- --..-»»..--» ................ ����.�✓ ��wd D Meredith Peterson Tedesco -�--�- Mr. Prasident �.y�rre ��7a'• �aoo �� , � t��ttst��o S�P 2 7 t969