04-1055Councii File # CITY Presented By RESOLUTION Greensheet# SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / 1 1•1 �5 Referred To ' Committee: Date 1 2 Substitute Resolution � 4 Dated December 14, 2004 5 6 7 WHEREAS, The City Council, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a Public Hearing g on the 3rd day ofNovember 2004, in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the level of g Right of VJay maintenance to be perform�d in Yhe City of Saint Paul in 2QQ5, and the amount of assessments to 10 be levied against benefitted properties; now, therefore, be it 11 � 2 RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Right of 13 'way Maintenance to be performed within the City af Saint Paul in 2005 shall be in the manner as set forth and 14 described in the attached report of the Department of Public Works, and the appropriate City departments are 15 hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said notice and shall, in accordance with said 16 Chapter 62 the AdministraCive Code, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to the program and report � 7 such information to the Office of Financial Services. 18 19 20 ?1 >Z ?3 � 5 Benar,av Yeas —�_ Nays �� Absent Requested by Department of � Robert Sandquist, dopted by Councii: Date dop' , �prc %� �/ � a0� Form Approved by City Attorney �vj�y��/ C WORKS P£RSON 8 PNONE - L. ERCCHSON 266-6229 14,2Q04 �fREEN S WTMENTDIRECTOR ATfORNEY NOVEMBER3,20DA `��� yq�OR(ORhSSISTPNTJ OFSIGNANREPAGES 'I {CLIPALLLOCATlONSFORSiGNATUR� � �ASSOCIATE d�l i�ss NO. 203090 �, �CITYCLERK L� OFFIGE OF FINANCIAlSVGS 0 � j �DEPT.ACCOUMANT �] Reso(ution authorizing Right of Way Maintenance for ZOQS. Substitnte Resolution attached Attachments: (F) Council Resolution, (G) Scope of Work Under Right of Way MaiMenance Assessment, 2ECOMMENDATIONS. Approve (A) or Rejett (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: PfANNWG CQMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7, Has this person/firtn ever worked untler a contract for Ihis tlepartment? — — YES NO _C�s conaM�TrEE _ 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a aty employee? _5TAFF YES NO � �� 3_ Does this personlfirm possess a skiil not nortnally possessed by any current city employeel _DISTRICTCOUNCIL _� YES NO suaaoaTS writcN CouNCa oatECrn�? EzpWin all yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet � INITIATINGPROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(WHQ WHAT, WMEN, WH£RE, WMY)� � This will allow for oollection of monies for funding the 2005 Frogram. See Above IF APPROVED'. �ISAOVANTAGESIF TAL AMOUIYT OF TRANSACTION $ 20A4=$22,712,431; 2005=$25,300,574 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE} Y�ES NDINO SOURCE Assessmen Aids, Fnnd Balance ' ACININ NUMBER 42310 through 42366 4NCIAL WFORMATION (EXPLAfM) ' NO nx D� �oss (Attachment to GS#203090) SCOPE OF WORK'UNDER 2005 RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT The purpose of the Public Heazing is to consider the level of service for Right of Way maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 2005 and to consider the cost of such service to be assessed against benefitted properties in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular servica ta be performed and the astimated costs as proposed by the appropriate City departments are as follows: CLASS I-A - DOWNTOWN STREETS Descri tp iori: Class I-A service will 6a performed on all downtQwn streets (face of curb to face of curb) within tfle following boundaries Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east (except streets listed in Class T-B, Downtown Streets (Brick)). Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per weak and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching, repairing of street surfaces, hee trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be performed on an as-needed basis. Proposed Assessment: All Class I-A service will be assessed at a rate of $10.49 per assessable foot for all. CLASS I-B - DOWNTOWN STREETS -- Bj RICK� Description: Class I-B service has been performed on all downtown brick streets (face of curb to face of cwb): St. Peter St, from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Wabasha, from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Fourth St., from 5t. Peter to Wabasha; Pifrh St., from St. Peter to Wabasha; Sixth, from St. Peter to Wabasha; Market St., Kellogg Blvd to Fourth St.; Mazket St., FiRh St. to Si�cYh St.; Washington St., Kellogg to Fourth St.; Fourth St., St. Peter St. to Washington St.; Fifth St., Mazket to St. Peter St.; Sixth St, Mazket to St, Peter St.; Kellogg Blvd., north side; Wabasha St, just west of Minnesota (Wild) Club and adjacent to Xcel Arena; and Kellogg Blvd., south side: Seventh St to the RiverCentre Parking Ramp. Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The above listed downtown brick streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance including patching, repairing of the brick surfaces, tree trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be performed on an as-needed basis. Proposed Assessment: All Class I-B service will be assessed at a rate of $12.49 per assessable foot for all. Page 1 of 5 6�/d.,.�S` (Attachment to GS#203090) CLASS II- OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Descr�tion: Class II service will be performed on all outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. All of these C(ass II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Deparhnent of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Proposed 2005 Level of Service: The Class II streets would be cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance including patching, repairing of street surfaces, sidewalk maintenance, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing wi11 be done on an as-needed basis. Proposed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be t�vo assessment rates, one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate will be $5_69 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be $2_33 per assessabla foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Description: Class ITI service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Proposed 2005 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, wil] receive a thorough cleaning in the spring which includes sweeping and flushing. PaYChing, repair work, sidewallc maintenance, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be done on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efficiency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) wi11 be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Pronosed Assessment: Under Class III service to residential streets, we have two assessment categories. The cQmmarcial properiy rate would be $4 per assessable foot and the residential properiy rate would be $2_20 per assessable foot. Page 2 of 5 4� /ds�" (Attachment to G5#203090) CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri tp ion: Class IV service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Proposed 2005 Level of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys will be swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the a11ey surface, will be performed on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and ef�ciency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is $.78 per assessable foot for commercial property and �.50 per assessable foot for residenfial ptoperry. CLASS V - UNIMPROVED STREETS Description: Class V and service will be performed on unimproved streets. By unimproved, we mean those streets that have not been developed for ane reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement not have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has ihe responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets will consist of patchitig, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved streets as $2_25 per assessable foot for commercial property and $1_26 per assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 5 �� ics� (Attachment to GS#203090) CLASS VI - UNIlVIPROVED ALLEYS Descri tp ion: Class VI service will be perFormed on unimproved alleys. By unimproved, we mean those alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights- of-way; however, the abutting residents haue never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibiJity to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazazds. Proroosed 2045 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Pxoposed Asessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is $.35 per assessable foot for commercial properry and $.23 per assessable foot for residential property. Page 4 of 5 o��o�s (Attachment to GS#203090) 2005 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spendine Assessments $I ],954,334 $1,937,112 $211, I50 Aids(Fees $2,532,378 Financine GeneralFund Use of Fund Balance $4,049,963 $80,000 Maint. Program $18,536,675 Foreshy $2,017,112 Sidewallcs $ 211,1�0 Bridge $1,373,939 StreetlightMme $3,161,698 Total $25,300,574 $3,161,698 $17,264,29A $1,338,985 $3,871,363 (1) MunicipalStateAid Tnuilc Highway Aid County Aid Miscellaneous Receipts Page 5 of 5 $34,954 $4,164,917 $2,285,308 302,264 821,473 462318 $3,811,363 , 4 � ` ��. ;`, n "; ` J ,,. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 0� -lO55' 203090 (Fl 1 WF�REAS, The Ci�y Council, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a Pubiic 2 Hearing on the 3rd da�;of November 2004, in the City Council Chambers far the purpose of establishing the 3 level of Right of Way m'aintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 2005, and the amount of 4 assessments to be levied against benefitted properties; now, therefore, be it 6 RESOLVED, That the Council 'of the Ciry of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Right of 7 Way Maintenance to be performed'�vithin the City of Saint Paul in 2oQ5 shall be in the manner as set forth $ and described in the attached report of the Department of Public Works, and the appropriate City 9 departments are hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said notice and shall, in � � accordance with said Chapter 62 the Administrative Code, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to 11 the program and report such information to�the Office of Financial Services. 12 \ 13 ��� 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 � 23 �� . ?4 � �� 4dopted by Council: Date _ �doption Certified by Council Secretary sy: ,pproved by Mayor: Date _ Y � Council Fiie # RESOLUTION Green Sheet# CITY,OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Qepartment of: P CW By . 8 - a � -o`{ Robert Sandquist, Director Form Approved by Ciry Attorney .�� DEPAR7N PUBLI " CONTACi L GARY � wo�ucs PERSON 8 PHC L ERiCH� by- �osS ;s zoo� GREEN SHEET NO. 203090 INITIAUDATE INITIAL/OATE I� DEPAftTMENT DIRECTOft � CIIY COUNCIt FOR (J CITYATfORNEY � � CR`[ CIERK ' I�BUDGETDIRECTOR OOFFICEOFFINANCIALSVCS NOVEMBER3,2004 "� �� MpyOR(ORASSISTAtJn ❑ RE PAGES l �CpP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � IASSOCIATE � � � DEPT. ACCOUNTANT � Right of Way Maintenance for2005. _G�B COMMI'REE __ STAFF _oisTaicr couHCii Resolution, (G) Scope of Work Under Right of Way Maintenance Assessment, `"` "'� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG QUES710NS: _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION L Hasthispersonlfirmeverworkedunderacort�acfforthistlepartment? YES NO � — 2. Has fhis persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO — 3. Does this personffirm posse5s a skdl not normatly ppssessed by any currant dry employee? _ YES IJO � E � Explain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet antl attach to green sheet NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNISY lWHO, WHAT, NMEN, WHERE, WHY); This will allow for� llectio of monies for funding the 2005 Program. . .. ������� OCT 11 2004 �. ���'�' �°�°���N�� 1DVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED See Above IF APPROVEO If NOTAPPROVED. }, •. , flCT 12 � fOTAL AMOYIM OF TRANSAC710N S � uvn=yz<,nqasi; zuuo=asw,aoo,7ac COSiIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �YE,S� r+o FUNDING SOURCE Assessments, Aids, Fund Balance AGINITY NUMBER 4231 Q.through 42366 FINANC1Al INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) r oy- tosS (G) SCOPE OF WORK UNDER 2005 RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service for Right of Way maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 2005 and to consider the cost of such service to be assessed against benefitted properties in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and tbe estimated costs as proposed by the appropriate City depariments are as follows: CLASS T-A - DOWNTOWN STREETS Descri tn ion: Class I-A service will be performed on all downtown streets (face of curb to face of curb) within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on tlie north, and Sroadway on the east (except streets listed in Class I-B, Downtown Streets (Brick)). Prop_osed 2005 Level of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching, repairing of street surfaces, tree trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be performed on an as-needed basis. Proposed Assessment: All Class I-A service will be assessed at a rate of $10.55 per assessable foot for all. CLASS I-B - DOWNTOWN STREETS -- [BRICK) Description: C1ass I-B service has been performed on a11 downtown brick sheets (face of curb to face of cur6): St. Peter St., from Kellogg B1ed to Sixth St.; Wabasha, from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Fourth St., from St. Peter to Wabastta; Fifth St., from St. Peter to Wabasha; Sixth, from St. Peter to Wabasha; Mazket St., Kellogg Blvd to Fourth St.; Market St., Fifth St. to Sixt� St.; Washington St., Kellogg to Fourth St.; Fourth St„ St. Peter St. to Washington St.; Fifth St., Market to St. Peter St.; Sixth St., Mazket to St. Peter St.; Kellogg Blvd., north side; Wabasha St, just west of Minnesota (Wild) Club and adjacent to Xcel Arena; and Kellogg Blvd., south side: Seventh St to the RiverCentre Parking Ramp. ProDOSed 2005 Level of Services: The above listed downtown brlck streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance inc(uding patching, repairing of the brick surfaces, tree trimming, streetligltt maintenance, and snow plowing will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: All Class I-B service will be assessed at a rate of $12.55 per assessable foot for all. Page 1 of 5 :, oy- /oss �G �ont�a> CLASS II- OUTLYING CODIlViE12CIAL ANA ARTERIAL STREETS Description: Class II service will be performed on all outlyIng commercial and arterial streets in the CiTy. These are the major arteries in the Ciry and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and have frequent business or commercial properkies fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Pro�osed 2005 Level of Service: The Class II streets would be cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance including patching, repairing of street surFaces, sidewalk maintenance, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be done on an as-needed basis. Pro_posed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate will be $5_75 per assessable foot and the residential properry rate will be $2_38 per asessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Descri�rion: Class III service �vould be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved stteeYs and intermediate type streets. Pronosed 2005 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, will receive a thorough cleaning in the spring which includes sweeping and flushing. Patching, repair wark, sidewalk maintenance, right of way tree maintanance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be done on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efficiency, a new chip sea(ing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth oF these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Proposed Assessment. Under Class III sarvice to residential streets, we have two assessment categaries. The commercial property rate would be $4_32 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be $2_25 per assessable foot. Page 2 of 5 py- /os"S (G cant'd) CLASS IV - ALL OII,ED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descripfion: Class IV service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Pro.posed 2005 Leve1 of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys will be swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, wi11 be performed on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efficiency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. Pronosed Assesment: The proposed assessment rate is $.78 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.50 per assessabie foot for residential property. CLASS V - iTNIMPTtOVED STREETS Descri tion: Class V and service will be performed on unimproved streets. By unimproved, we mean those streets that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-wap, the City has the responsibility to perfoim minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streets will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved streets is $2_30 per assessable foot for commercial property and 1.31 per assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 5 p y_ ros cG �ont�a> CLASS VI - UNIlVIPROVED ALLEYS Description: Class VI service will be performed on unimproved alleys. By unimproved, we mean those alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights- of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazazds. Pro�osed 2005 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is $.35 per assessable foot for commexcial property and $.23 per assessable foot fot residential property. Page 4 of 5 {.- � ° � o �(- ios� (G conYd) 2005 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Snendine Maint. Progam $17,982,093 Foreshy $1,937,ll2 Sidewallcs $211,150 Bridge $1,373,939 Streetlight Mtce $3,361,698 Assessments $11,999,752 $1,937,112 $211,150 $3,361,698 Aids/Fees $2,532,378 $1,338,985 Total $24,865,992 $19,509,712 $3,871,363 (1) Municipal State Aid Trunk Highway Aid County Aid Miscellaneous Receipts Financine GeneralFUnd $34,954 $34,954 $2,285,308 302,264 821,473 462.318 $3,871,363 Use of Fund Balance $3,449,963 $3,449,963 Council File # RESOLUTION CITY Presented By Referred To � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Requested by Department of: Adop Bv: Apprc 3y: WHEREAS, The City Council, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a Public Hearing on the 3rd day of November 2004, in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the 1eve1 of Right of Way maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 2005, and the amount of assessments to be levied against benefitted properties; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Right of Way Maintenance to be performed within the City of Saint Pau1 in 2005 shall be in the manner as set forth and described in the attached report ofthe Department ofPublic Works, and the appropriate City departments are hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said notice and shall, in accordance with said Chapter 62 the Administrative Code, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to the program and report such information to the O�ce of Financial Services. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA / 1 1•i �5 Substitute Resalution Dated December 14, 2004 Green Sheet # Committee: Date Robert Sandquist, Form Approved by City Attorney lZ� l�� t� � Adopted by Gouncil: Date �� �f�i � ��S" WORKS L. ERICHSON 266-6229 ;4.zo� ��REEN NOVEMBER3,2004 � OFSIGNPTIlREPAGES l (QlPALIlUCA7WN5�OR5lGNANRE] �� DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR �CITYATfORNEY I� BUDGE7 tNRECTOR � MAYOR (OR ASSISTAIJn �i,� i�1ss NO. 203090 �CT'COUNpL ICINCIERK i OFFICE OF FINAIdC1AL $VCS oEar.accouNru�rt Resolution authorizing Right of Way Maintenance for 20�5. Substitate Resolution attached Attachments: (F) Council Resolution, (G) Scope of Work Under Right of Way Maintenance Assessment, xECOMMENOqT1oN5: Apprave (A) a Rejact (R) pER501VAL SERVICE GOMRACTS MUST AISSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNINC'i COMMISSION CIV1L SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has fFns persoNfirm ever worked u�Wer a conlraC for this tlepartment? YES Pi0 _cie CoMMrt7EE ! 2. Has this pecsoNPrtn ever been a dty empbyee? , �� F YES NO — 3. Does fhis person/fimi possess a skill not nortnalty possessetl by any curcent city employee? �_DISTRICiCOUNCIL . __ YES NO iUPPQRTS WHICH COIINCIL OB.IECTIVE4 Ezplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � This wiil allow for collection of monies for funding the 2005 Program. �pVANTAGES IF APPRQVED:, See Above IF NOT AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ ��v � VG SOURCE Assessmen)s, Aids, Eu�d Salance 'AL INFORMATION. tEXPLAit� COST/REVENUE BUDCaETED (CIRCLE ONE) �YES.� No ACiNiTYNU1NBER 4231Q through 42366 CH�LYiP O� iass (Attachment to G5#203Q90) SCOPE OF WORK [JNDER 2005 RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service for Right of Way maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 2005 and to consider the cost of such service to be assessed against benefitted properties in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The garticulaz service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the appropriate CiTy departrnents aze as follows: CLASS I-A - DOWNTOWN STREETS Description: Class I-A service will6e performed on all downtown streets (face of curb to face of curb) within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east (except streets listed in Class I-B, Downtow� Streets (Brick)). Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The downtown streets will ba swept Yhree times per waek and flushed five times per week. Al) routine maintenance, including patching, repairing of street surfaces, tree trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pronosed Assessment: All Class I-A sarvice will be assessed at a rate of $10.49 per assessable foat far all. CLASS I-B - DOWNTOWN STREETS -- B( RICK) Descri tp ion: Class I-B service has been performed on all downtown brick streets (face of curb to face of curb): St. Peter St., from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Wabasha, from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Fourth St., from St. Petex to Wabasha; Fi$h St., from St. Peter to Wabasha; Sixth, from St. Peter to Wabasha; Market St., Kellogg Blvd to Fourth St.; Market St., Fifth St, to Sixth St.; Washmgton Sx, Kellogg to Fourth St.; Fourth St, St. Peter St. to Washington St; Fifth St., Market to St. Peter St.; Sixth St., Market to St. Peter St.; Kellogg Blvd., north side; Wabasha St, just west of Minnesota (Wild) Club and adjacent to Xcel Arena; and Kellogg Slvd., south side: Seventh St to the RiverCentre Parking Ramp. Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The above listed downtown 6rick streets will be sGVept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance including patching, repairing of Yhe brick surfaces, tree trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pr000sed Assessment: All Class I-B service will be assessed at a rate of $12.49 per assessable foot for all. Page 1 of 5 o��dss (Attachment to GS#203090) CLASS II- OUTLYING COMNIERCIAL AND ARTERTAL STREETS Descriotion: Class II service will be performed on all outlying commercia] and arterial streets in the Ciry. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Sne(ling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice 5treet, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Proposed 2005 Level of Service: The Class II streets would be cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance including patching, repairing of street surfaces, sidewalk maintenance, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be done on an as-needed basis. Proposed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates, ona commercia] and one residentiaL The commercial properry rate will be $5_69 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be $2_33 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Description: Class III service would be performed on all xesidential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Proposed 2005 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, will receive a thorough cleaning in the spring which includes sweeping and flushing. Patching, repair work, sidewalk maintenance, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be done on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efficiency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Pr000sed Assessment: Under Class III service to residentia3 streets, we have two assessment categories. The commercial property rate would be $4_27 per assessable foot and the residential properry rate would be $2_20 per assessable foot. Page 2 of 5 o� ivss (Attachment to GS#203090) CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Description: Class N service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Pronosed 2005 Level of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediaYe alleys will be swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, wi11 be performed on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and eff5ciency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is .78 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.50 per assessable foot for residential properry. CLASS V - UNIMPROVED STREETS Description: Class V and service will be performed on unimproved streets. By unimproved, we mean those streets that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minlmal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these streefs will consist of patching, minar blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized materiai, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved streets is $2_25 per assessable foot for commercial property and $1_26 per assessable foot for residential properry. Page 3 of 5 �.� i�s� (Attachment to GS#203090) CLASS VI - [3NIlVIPROVED ALLEYS Description: Class VI service will be performed on unimproved alleys. By unimproved, we mean those alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights- of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improaement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the Ciry has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Pro�osed 2005 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessmeni: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is $.35 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.23 per assessable foot for residential property. Page 4 of 5 o�i�� (Attachment to GS#203090) 2005 PROPOSED EXPENDTTURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spendine Assessments $ ll,954,334 $1,937,112 $211,150 Aids/Fees $2,532,318 Financin� General Fund Use of Fund Balance $4,049,963 $80,000 Maint. Proa am $18,536,675 Forestry $2,017,112 Sidewalks $211,150 Bridge $1,373,939 StreetlightMtce $3,161,698 Total $25,300,574 $3,161,698 $17,264,294 $1,338,985 $3,871,363 (1) Municipal State Aid Trunk Highway Aid County Aid Miscellaneous Receipts Page 5 of 5 $34,954 $4,164,917 $2,285,308 302,264 821,4�3 462318 $3,871,363 ~4 � _ rc ` ,l\ '�'' f��;� �.> � �.^'' - .nr;;�-� 1, J - Presented By RESOLUTION Councif File # Green Sheet# CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA o�t -los5 20309Q (Fl Referred To � ` Committee: Date 1 WFIEREAS, The Cit,y Council, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a Public 2 Hearing on the 3rd day November 2004, in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the 3 level of Right of Way maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 2005, and the amount of 4 assessments to be levied ag benefitted properties; now, therefore, be it 5 � , 6 RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Right of 7 Way Maintenance to be performed �within the City of Saint Paul in 2005 shall be in the manner as set forth $ and described in the attached report of the Department of Public Warks, and the appropriate City 9 departments are hexeby authorized to pexform the necessary work as set forth in said notice and shall, in 10 accordance with said Chapter 62 the Administrative Code, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to �� the prob am and report such information to\the Office of Financial Services. 12 \ 13 �� 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 � 23 � 24 ���� 25 Adopted by Council: Date _ Adpption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date _ By: Requested by Department of: P c W '� BY: 8 - a 4 -b`{ Robert Sandquist, Director Form Approved by City Attorney gy: �� �— r%e.t Approve b Mayor for Subm' ion to ncil , By �%/��'✓l�t ,� � � o� � r� �«� s�� «5 . ` —�, ` �— , `�r�u'�l — .. ..� � 6y- �osS SHEET NO. 203090 INITIAL/DATE INIMIJpATE R �� CITV COUNCIL � ❑cmc�eRK � OFFICE OF FINANG�AL SVC cwoxics��� �n �9�5tis;zooa GREE[V PERSON&PHONE DEPARTMENiDiftECTO L. ERICHSOiJ 266-6229 SSIGN �� UMHERFOR IJqTYATTORNEY �J'60UNLILAGENDABY(DATE) OUTINfi I�BU�CaETDIRECTOR tEQO�STED utio authorizing Right of Way Maintenance for2005. nents: ( CounGl Resofution, (G) Scope of Work Under Right of Way Maintenance Assessment, _NDATlONS:A ve(n)orRejeci(R) pERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSiANSWERTHEFOILOWINGQUESTIONS: NNINGCOMMISSI _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 7. HasthispersoNfirtneverworketlunderacontrac[forihistlepartment? YES NO � ° . " COMMrtrEE _ 2, Has Nis personlhrm ever 6een a cRy employee? FF _ YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a ski11 not Oormaly possessetl by any current ciTy employee? rwc7 couNCa YES NO 5 WHICH LOUNCII OBJECTI ? Ezpiain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOF This will_al(ow for� l \OVANTAGESIFA See Above �ISADVAN7AGE5 NOVEMBER 3, 2004 FiD I� MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn U NRE PAGES 1 (CLJP ALL LACATIONS FOR SICNANR� uAS50C1ATE � DEPT ACCOUNTANT �� �F NOT for funding the 2QQ5 Program. �������€� OCT I 1 2a0� ���� �������� ...i. ,. � l. . . . ���i ' fOP1NTOFTRANSACTION§ 2004=522,772,437; SOURCE Assessmenfs, Aids, Fund Balance INFpRMAT10N'(EXPLAIN) r COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE� �YES� No ACINI7YNUMBER 4231Q,through 42366 oy- �os5" ,,, cG� SCOPE OF WORK UNDER 2005 RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE ASSE5SMENT The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service for Right of Way maimenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul ln 2005 and to consider the cost of such service to be assessed aaainst benefitted properties in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by the appropriate City departments are as follows: CLASS I-A - DOWNTOWN STREETS Description: Class I-A service will be performed on all downtown streets (face of curb to face of cuxb) within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east (except streets listed in Class I-B, Downtown Streats (Brick)). Proposed 2005 Lavel of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, including patching, repairing of street surfaces, tree trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing wi11 be per£ormed on an as-needed basis. Prouosed Assessment: All Class I-A service will be assessed at a rate of $10.55 per assessable foot for all. CLASS I-B - DOWNTOWN STREETS -- BRICKI Descri tp ion: C1ass I-B service has been performed on aLl downtown brick sReets (face of cur6 to face of cur6): St. Peter St., from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Wabasha, from Kellogg Blvd to Sixth St.; Fourth St., from 5t. Peter to Wabasha; Fifth St., from St. Peter to Wabasha; Sixth, from St. Peter to Wabasha; Mazket St., Kellogg B1vd to Fourth St.; Mazket St., Fifth St. to Sixth St.; Washington St., Kellogg to Fourth St.; Fourth St., St. Peter St. to Washington St.; Fifth St., Maxket to St. Peter St.; Sixth St., Mazket to St. Peter St.; Kellogg Blvd., north side; Wabasha Sf, just west of Minnesota (Wi]d) Club and adjacent to Xcel Arena; and Kellogg Blvd., south side: Seventh St to the RiverCentre Parking Ramp. Proposed 2005 Level of Services: The above listed downtown brick streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. AII routine maintenance including patching, repairing of the brick surfaces, tree trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pronosed Assessment: All Class I-B service will be assessed at a rate of $12.55 per assessable foot far all. Page 1 of 5 �, oy- �oss CLASS II- OUTLYING COD�RCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Desc�tion: (G conYd) Class II service will be performed on all outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Depariment of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Pronosed 2005 Level of Service: The Class II streets would be cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance including patching, repairing of street surfaces, sidewalk maintenance, right of way tree maintenance and trimming streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be done on an as-needed basis, Proposed Assessment: Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residential. The commexcial properry rate will be $5_75 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be $2_38 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTTAL STREETS Descri tp ion: Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Proposed 2005 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, will receive a thorough cleaning in the spring which includes sweeping and flushing. Patching, repair work, sidewalk maintenance, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing will be done on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efficiency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) will be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Proposed Assessment: Under Class ITI service to residential streets, we have two assessment categaries. The commercial properiy rate would be $4_32 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be $2_25 per assessable foot. Page 2 of 5 O�_ !os s (G conYd) CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Description: Class N service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Protiosed 2005 Levei of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys will be swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, will be performed on an as-needed basis. To further improve service and efficiency, a new chip sealing policy became effective in 2000: All residential streets (oiled and paved) wil] be chip sealed on an 8 year cycle. One-eighth of these residential streets (a total of 64 miles) will be chip sealed each year. Pronosed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is $.78 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.50 per assessable foot for residential property. CLASS V - UNIMPROVED STREETS Description: Class V and service will be performed on unimproved streets. By unimproved, we mean those streets that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Pro�osed ZQOS Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of tl�ese sneets will consist of patching, minar blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material, right of way tree maintenance and trimming, streetlight maintenance, and snow plowing in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved streets is $2_30 per assessable foot for commercial property and $1_31 per assessable foot for resadential property. Page 3 of 5 ,�. oy- �os-s- tG �onYa� CLASS VI - I)NIMPROVED ALLEYS Descri tnp ion: Class VI service will be performed on unimproved alleys. By unimproved, we mean those alleys that have not been developed for one xeason or another. They aze platted City rights- of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minnnal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Pro.�osed 2005 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of these alleys will consist of patching, minar blading, placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is �35 per assessable foot for commercial properiy and $.23 per assessable foot far residential properiy. Page 4 of 5 �. � o�- �os� (G conYd) 2005 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spendine Maint. Progam $17,982,093 Farestry $1,937,112 Sidawalks $211,150 Bridge $1,373,939 StreeUightMtce $3,361,698 Assessments $11,999,752 $1,937,112 $211,150 $3,361,698 AidslFees $2,532,378 $1,338,985 Totai $24,865,992 $17,509,712 $3,871,363 (1) Municipal State Aid Trunk Highway Aid County Aid Miscetlaneous Receipts Financine GeneralFund $34,954 $34,954 $2,285,308 302,264 821,473 462.318 $3,871,363 Use of Fund Balance $3,449,963 $3,449,963