245698 , 24569g OR(GINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONEa VictorJ. Tedesco y�.� � ./��i� DATF September 25, 1969 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul is inforrned by the City Architect that the vacant and. open build,ing located at 746-748 Capitol Heights ("New File") in the C,ity of Saint Paul is a proximate. hazard, to the public health, welfare and safety; and WHEREAS, the last record owner of said, property, Terrance O'Toole, has failed to secure the same against entry by unauthorized persons in viol,ation of Section 192.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod,e; and ' WHEREAS, the said vacant and open building is found. and, determined by the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 to constitute a menace to the public health, welfare and, safety, and a public nuisance, which must be immediately abated to prevent Ioss of life or property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the City Architect is authorized and. directed to immediately secure said. buil.ding by the use of City forces or contract labor, pend.ing the initiation of proceedings und.er the hazardous build,ing,s act; and. be it FURTHER RES OLVED, that the expens e of s ecuring such building be paid out of Fund No. 0979�2b9, Summary Abatement, and. that the Corporation Counsel be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse said fund by action against the owner of said property. SEP 2� 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �,�P 2 5 19�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson ' Sprafku Mayor Tedesco --�--Against Mr. President, Byrne PUeLISHEO $�p 2 7 1969 � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 24569�g CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY v1CtOr�. TEt'���CC? t�l.°r tember 25 1969 COMMISSIONER DATF p � ����k���a��.�Pr�, t�xs �ouncil of th� �City c�f�aint ��atxl is a�nformed by the City �irc�a�te�t tkaat t�1� vacant and op�n b�ilding lr�cat�d at ?46-748 Capitol Hei;iz�m (°���� �'°il�e ') iis the City of Saint r��ul �so r� pxox�.mate hazard to the gublic 1�,ea.�t.I�� �ruelfare and �afety; anc3 Ud'�cI:E��.A�:, ��.e 1a�t recor� owtier c�f �aid �r�a�erty, T�rraxac� �:�'Tnale, ha� �ailer� tc �,ecu�r� th� +��m� a$�.inst entry by unauthurix�d ps����Yxy i�a vic�l�.tic�n of �ectacsn 192. 1� uf tk�� �ain4 F�au.l �.,e�i�lative Code; and V�I�iE'R.k:f��"�, t��a� said vac�,�nt a�c��l ���n huilding is fr�und an� ���:c��cxa�.zyzed by t�.e. Cc,u�ncil �f t:�e t:.��y� c�f �air�t ��'a�.l tr_� cc,nokitute a mena�� ts�.� t�ze ��t�b�izc hea14;.�, welfarF ar��l �af�t�, and a �y��lae �'�.i.r�anc�, which mu�t 1�� ��a��e-��dia�ely ak��t�r� tu �ar�vex�t l�as o� �ife c�r ps�u�a�rt;►; �ow, therefore, be it ���5�:�.,�:�1�, iay th� Co�.ancil r� t:ta� l'sity of :aint '�='aul, t�at t?ie f;ity ,F�.rc�iitect x� au�hc��a�:���� ar�d eiirected ta �,�:a-��:���liaetely s�cure �aid 1-►�.il�lin� by t�e exse o� �xt�r furc�s t,r ccsntrac� l��or, �:�e�n���.�, �he �initiati�7�x c�f k:x�ceer]in�r�+ u�c��e� the ha�ar�3p�:+� �uil�in� act; a�cl ��� �� ,� �:� F'L71[�'���:�:�'t ��.�`aC?LV�I�� that t'sz� ��ttae�a�e nf �ec�arin�; ��ac�3 bt�ils�zn�� r�e \ �.��ai� out c�f �°��s�:� 1'�ri. d��379-269� 5wnmar�r l�i�aa�ex�ent� ��nd kkaat the �:�cyr�?or�tic.ci "� C:�unsel be dar�et�c� ts; take ap�ropr�at� �ctzon tn refrnburee ;�aicl f�.nd by �; actian a�aiYZS�t t�a� <;a�����r af ��.id �rc��serty. ��;� � :.� �����' s COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19_ Yeas Nays ���;. ,: ��a,,,,� Carlson � = I Dalglish i Approved 19— I Meredith . �n Favor Peterson Sprafku ��j Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ��