245696 ORI�INAL TO CITY CL6RK �45695
�zc�l�s� r,c�;^��-1TT�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �LE
COMM SS�IONE � DATF September 25, 1969
i�k;SOLv�Ep; That application for On=�le ;.:alt �evera�e license, ap��lied for b;T Robert `r�r.
and Caro1 x. �lar?� for 1716 'Tudsor. T�oad, be and the same is 'r.erebf ;�ranted
on t��e condition that •;;i.tl�in 6 d da;�s oz" this da':,e, said 2obert �'':. and
Carol n. Clark shall cor:pl� zv�ith �,11 requirenonts af the bureaus of �'ire,
i�ealth and Police, and t;ho License Inspec;or pursuar_t to �he ��:. 1�1�1 Le�,is-
:I.a�ive Code and a].1 other ap�licable ordir,ar.ces and lat�js.
SEP 2� 1969
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—.
Yeas Nays
Carlson �2 � 1969
Dalglish Approve 19—
Meredith C7 �� Favor
Peterson Mayor
Sprafku �Against
Mr. President, Byrne �tJ�LISHEO 5EP 2 7 1969`"�
, �.
Capital of Minnesots �
�e a�ti�e�t o ab�ic �a et
� �
POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streeta HEALTH »
ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy CommLsioner
DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor
Sej�te?;�ber 25, 1969
iionorr�ble ?�at:�ox• and Cit;,r �:ouncil
Sair.t �ul, I"inn�so�:a
?;obert '�i. ancl C�rol h. �lar?�� �:ati-e anz�lication
for CM k,le i:alt I:c,ver�-�;,;e license at 1716 �Iudson :.;oad,
tvhich is located or_ the south side of the streot betv�reen
I�ennmrd and '.:`'�ite Fear I°.venuas. 11�e;t currontl�, are li-
cersod at �'.zis addre�s zv�th "la;,s C2-',?estaL,ra,nt and Ci�;-
arette licensos.
This loca�i.cn nas never be�n la.consed as a 3.2
establi.sh:.�o�nt b���re. `1„�e motel at this address is li-
censed in �he n.�r�e of 'aarbart L. an� Donna E. Ste31e, and
they have hsJ.d such a licer_se si_r.ce 1�"vG.
Thero are no 3.2 placas :,rithi.n tjro blocics. The
closest On ;a�le L;c,uor placo is approxsi��ely t�ro blocks
avra�� arxi the closest C�f'f :i�le I��ruor �l.ace is ��out one-
?ialf r..ilo r��;ta;,r.
I;or�ert -;;�. ar_d C�Y'OZ ti. Clar�. have operatad the
res�-�urt�llt busiress at 1716 �ucison '.Zoad since 1�67 and
previous �� t�a� tii�ie k��ve �,een self-e�plo�;-��:.
tif�r�r trul;� �rours,
L` ���
Lic ense Tn�roc'�or
. �, .
Da te . �c P�7 /� 19�
1. Applioatian for � ,? p N 1S'A L � - LiQense
2. l�a�a o#' appliaant C�.,�S o .� c��7' �. �L �3 2 l�
3. Bus%.nesa addx�ae�l�/b �kC1.sd�/ �� Residenoe�s?c�.���. ��7! �iq,�� L �� r2iC
4. Tracte r�me, iP �,n,q ..��1'�u `� L u� (..�.�a-� �'72 S �c��
—7 -
5. Rete�il Beer Federal Tsa Stamp�Retail I,iquor �'sderal Tax Stamp 1ri11 be uaed,
6. C�. xhmt Ploor located �:�% L�+n,P Number of roamna usad` ��/�
_ . _ _ ��
~ -Z-c%'�� fr .���CP: .Sait'�� So% �
?. Betw�een �at croae etreets_��r��'�,��g� Which sida of strest d � z , �
How lon
8. �re premisee nrna ooaupiec��_What buaines�c-S%�.tKx�t� i g , ��5.
9. �re pramieea now un.400upied�Hav� long vaaaat — Previous use --
10. �re you a new awner �p H�ve you been in a simi].�r busi.neats before ��S
'I�here �?/'(�o ��-f�.S��� � 1Phen �o ,e � c�r�4 2 c,
�' G
11. Are you goirig to operate �his buaineas personally ^ ���,
If not, �ho tirzll operate i�
1Z, hre �rou ia any other buainesa at the �eaent time �f/.,�� ,
13. Have thsre been any csomplaints againat your oparation of this type af place �o
Rhen ilhere '�-
14. IIave you ev�er had any licenae revolaed � '�hat reason aad date
,. - --
15. �xro you a eitisea of the IInited Statea �j�� Aati�v+e � Raturalize.d
_ `
16. l�ere ware you borm .�-�, �A��(�. I�te of birth� /-���
17. I am married. Yy (�'fe'�) (husband�s) name and addresa is _ _
d l o � f 1 __S` , z � A sz� ', ,�
18. (If married fema].e) n�y m�idsn x�aRme ia
19. How lor�g hsve you lived in S`C. Paul � .���„S. -_
20, Hav�s yuu e�v�er been arrested �-- Yio7.sitioa of �rhat criminal lau or ordi�ance�
- s..
21. Ars �rou a registered voter in the Ci�jr uf St� Pl�ul � Yes�� No•
(Ans�►er full at�d Qom letel . 2'hdse a 'lications ara tMorou hl checlaed a�i n
falaif Qation �ri11 be cause for enialo
• s• .
22, �umber oP 3.2 plaoea within t�ro blooke „ c' �
_ .
23. Cloaea� intaaG3.oating liquor plaaa, t�i Sale c � nJ d� S�le_��r1 T�j 8�'
/ ZN
�✓ '-'C.�'�"
24, Nearest �hurah��(��SS �[���earest 3chool __ �' � � .f.
25. Number o�' bootha ��v c:: Tables Chaira �.Stoola QI%p� �v�
26, 1�t occup�tion. have you f'ollovred for the paat five y�arse (Gi�e s�amea of emplosrera
and date� so employed.)
s ti - L �`-- � -
, �
27, Giv�e� �� ana aaa�$��a o� tt�o persons, reaidente of 3ta P�u1, A[innp, �rho caa give
info�t3.on Qoncerning youa
Name,���/��"'17aYvn� � _�t�L� Addrese /�/� '?�t�c�c ��� v�(�,
�a�`�,� +�,�-T �t � t3 ....�u�L r��-� �►aa�$S %l� � �� �%u n!c�� (i'�
� � �
Si�nature of pp scant
3tate of Minr�asota
�.'OLtYI't�i' �f' �BA�
c '"' � �G. �St /� baing firat duly a�orn, depose� a�i saya
upon oa,th t he Zm,� read the foregoing statement bearing his signature and ]�oxe
the coutenta thereof, and that��he ae�ms 3.s �rue- of his ovPn lrnowledge except as to
thoae mattera therein atated upon inform�tian and belieP and as to thoae �s'tters
he believ�sa them to be true.
, igna'ture oP Appliaant
Subsaribed a a*orn to before ade '
Y �-� ��
�chis ✓ de� o � 19
,;,, ,
Notsr•y .a ].i�, ey Coun ; ~ esota
r�. �. �r?n�,F>
�q Cummisaion expirea tiotary i�u:�i;c, R�;r.sey Cu�hty r.,;nn
v ,r ,_,,<:�i„n , v;��t'r; i:9n. . ,�v_
(Note� Theae atatement forras are 3n. duplicate. -Both csopies muat be fully fiiled outA
notarized, and returned to the Lic�nse Divisiono��
Re t �� Sa1e ,�, 2 Lioense
ldame of applicant � � � '1 CL �_
B us ine s s a�id z°e s s /�o �t(1� ' c ,11 � L- 1 ,�J rJ.
Are you the sole owner of this business? /L� e If not9 i� it a partnerahip? j=�
corporation? — , oi�her� � �
Others interested in buainess, include those by loan � mone , property othex�rises
� � �1 � q�
Name- 2�-�� �,�,1,„��dP� Addre s s/�iC:x, , �.�e-CJ G ` Haw CQ2��
If a corporation, give its nama �--
Are you interested in an�r way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa?
As sole awner? — Partner? Stoekholder? `T!
atherwise? (Through loan. of money, etcb Explain) �
Address of' s�ch buainess and nature of interest in same
Signature of applicant
State of Minnasota
C ounty of l�msey
� c.� �j c=yzT �.c_%. � � i4(��_ being first duly aworn, deposes and says upon oath
tha he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and kno�sts the contents
therm�f; that the same is true of his awn lrnowledgea except as to thDSe matters therein
stated upon inf'ormation and belief and as to those �ttsra he believea them to be trus.
� � �R��-
Signa�ture of applicant
Subsari� d sworn t�be -�m19�} �
this of ��
Notary Public, Ra,maey C ty 'nneaota
My oommi.ssion expires r��.±�:��� ���: ;:.,� :-��,,��v. �rz��; .
y�� ._ ����,,�:;-� , ,. _, � �� ,-,�;�
s�A�E � �nvrrESO2A)
) SS
�� � ��� �• `— �A �K, being first duly sworn, doth depose
and say that he makea this affidavit in connection v�rith application for
"_��le" liquor license ("�Sale" malt beverage licenae) in the �ity of
Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resicfent of the 5tate of b�innesot�►
and has resided therein f'or � � yeare, months, and is
noav and has bsen for the time above nzentioned a bona fide rssident of said State
and that he now residea at �o,,��� C � -
� ��Addre s s
S'� . V �tl � � � IC_ , Minnes ota.
City or Town
Subsarib�d and s�orn to before me
this - y of � �19 ��
Notary b1io, Ramaey Co , nneaota
,_ _ ��F
� COII�11$81021 AXj�lr'A8 �!c;'�: , ' ���!c �i��.��,� ��r,tan`,V, 'J'irist.
';iv ,. ,�.i�r . .,:,..n 17. 1`a'',
Date _�c'Pl. f� 19 ��
1. Appl�.oatiaxi for ,�,� �n1 �AL� Licsense
2, Na�re of app�.iaant ����s D� d'�. ��A 2 iC,
3. Bua�nness addre�s1'"f l� 7�ud�o ,•j �j�, Residenoe�ou f� � �'. ��Au L V fl2K
4. Trade r�ame, if e,�,q � � L u e L��A?�/'S c's� T.
S. 8etail Beer Federal Taat 3tam.p ,�' Ratail Ziquor Federal Tax Stamp �rill be uaedo
i , _
6. Cd�i �rha►� floor locsated�f Loc�� Number of roo�ns used� �nJ c, c .�_
_ k/�i; e /.��2 _ �.. ���r���'r°F- a�
?. Betw�aen wh�t croas etraets���„�� R � 1Rl�ich eide af street�u �
8. J1re premiaee norv ooaupiad��Phat businese�C3?AuR,9n�1 H�' l�gi'��u,�2S.
9. I�re premi.sea naw unooaupie�Horo�r long �acant r--- Frevious use _�
10, �re you a new oar�.er /j�,� �ve you been in a s imilar bus inee a bef ore —
'�hera — 'Y�hen —
11. Are you goirig to operate �his businesa personally �cs.
_ � ,
If not, �vho �a.11 opera�e i� --
12. Are ycu iu any ather buainess at ths present time ���
_ . -,--..,�
13• Habe there been any Qomplaints againat your oparetian oP this type oP p]ace /�1��
Nhen — Rhere �
l�. �ve qou ev�er had ax�y lioanse revol�ec� �• �hat rsason and date --,
15. Are yoa a ai,tizea oP the United States�-�1Qativ�e ;�' 16aturalized
_ ._._._...._....
, .
18. lkiere were you born _�, �jg-t�L_ Date of birth �..2- / :�, 3�(
� , ...
17. I am. mQrriad. My (wiPe'�) (hus� band!s� name and addre$s is :
� � ` � � � F20� e �'�� �"' � 6 �r�,c ; ✓L'.
18. (If married famale) n�y maiden r,,ame is �y,q 2;; �- iq yv,ti ��c.(+� L-f'S
19. $o� long hsv�e yo�z lieed in St. Paul � C7 ���
20, Hav�e you e�v�e►r been erreated -- Violation oP what criminal ].Q�r or ordi.nanee�
21. Are you a z�e�i+atered voter in the City of St. A�u]. ��_.Yes ' No,
_ _ ..e..,.
(Ane�r fully an+d Qompletelye 2'hese a �lioations are tMorou h7. cheelaad and an
falsifioatian. �Lll be oauae for eniala
22, Nwnber oP 3.2 plaaee withi.n txo blook� �',.� �/ c �
23. Closeat intoxi�ating liquor plaoe. t4i Sale � LA„�d �ff Sale�J.�t n� �
L�1l i:J � .
24, Nearest ehuroh ���'oss� ���"7ti��?-t. Nearest 8chool ,� ��. �e�e��;.
25. Number of bootha ��/ �.� Tablea / Chaira • v 3'`toola /J����L
26. Rl�t oacupe�tiun have you followed for �he past five �sars. (Give namea of employ�ers
and datea ao employed.)
_ ,t;- l�' ,�. �
27. Giv�e� natmea axic� addresee$ o� two psrsons, reaidenta of S�e P�ul, Minn�, �rho oan giv�a
3n.formatian oonvern.ing yous
x�e,�.�� �r-���.,� ,�v A �''�t-�l� eaa�ee ��i� ���s�� ,� ;�o�
Ra���.1.`� �� � /f� L �a� �►aa�$S � � � ,�%o�r c.� f�c�
+r �'� � _,;:1' :( �� t_ -
Si�ature of pp ican
State of Min.n�asota�
C ounty of Rameey
e� ,� � !� being first duly s�+rorn, depoaea and says
upon oath t he 1�� rea the forego g statement besring his aignature and l�o�re
�he oa�tenta thereof, and that the eam� i$ �iue of his o�rn 1�vwledge eacept as to
tho�e mattera therein atated upon inforn�tion and belief and as �o thoae matters
he believ�as them to be true. -
D , �
Signature of pplicant
blibs�ribed and e�rorn to before ma '
,/�� � �
this 1--�j day �' � / 19 �
Noi�ry Publia, &amsey Cq y , eaota
� � � ��: �t�, �r,;,,��.
�P �'i0]ffi1j.88�0II A7C�3r12'88 t�lotarv �'�ir iic. '�amsf'y � �' i'Y, Mir,r:
'v!Y f'pmn,�<,ei„�,
rx[:ira•;T,",n: l a� 3.97� .
(Note� These statement forma �re in duplicate. �Both Qopies must be Pully filled outa
note�rized, and returned to the License Divisiono�—
� , ..
Re s �ni Sale �, � LiQense
Name of applioant �,g 2� ,L � ���q/���
Business addY°ess ( � J,ti ' � � � �,,
Are you the sole rnuner of this business?�e If nota is it a p�rtnership? j�S
corporaticm? , otrher? —
Others interested in buainess, include those by loan f mon y, proparty or othex�ises
Nam��� �-t/ lf� Address �� � U.,�iaw rytX, .t.sz�---
�r �
If a corporation, give its na� —
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer or Liquor business? �
As sole awner? -- partner3 -- Stoelcholder? ---
Otherwrise? (Through loan o� money, etc. Explain�
Aadresa of such buainess and nature of interest in same --
�� � l� ' . . .
Signature of applicant
State of Minnesota
C ounty of �msey
o �
��! ��j��/�. being first duly aworn, depose� and says upon oath
th—�he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and �.arws the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his oum la�owledge, except as to those matters therein
atated upon information �nd belief snd as to those matters he believas them to be trus.
� � � � 7
� ��� �� � �����
Signature of applicant
Subscsrib nd srovorn tyhefore me Q
�hia � ay of �•�z° J`" 19 � /
r" -
Notary Public, Ramsey , Minneaota
My oommission expires �,, ,�-, ,, 19 ; �:,..,
��,� ���,����,���s,�, _ . ; ., ;�, �y�� ,
. , . . .,
� S$
C: �,_� �,_ ( ��l � being first duly sworn, doth depose
and say that She makes this affidavit in connection v+rith application for
" �;�i Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt bevera�e license) in. the eity of
Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident oF the 3tate of Minnesot�
and has resided therein for �v years, monthse and is
narr and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide rseident of said State
and that � he now resides a� � o�,�,'� �
� Addreas
�1. �A�l� V ft/L� , Minnesota,
�ZCity or Tor�
� � � � � �� �
� � L� �.
Subsaribed and aworn to before me
this ��� y of�� /� 19 E� �
otary blio, msey Co y 'nnesota
My coumiission eapires �� -- , �t�,, ,�.�,�;
.. . .:i�in115S��� . �;p.. .I:.rt. 1�. 1.'f-,Ti.