245679 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK �[j��,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� i t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL U ION—G E L FORM PRESENTED BY 8obert F. Peteraon � ATF Sept• 22� 1969 COMMISSIONE � RBSOL�BD, That the Industrial Steel Container Coapaay, 184 Bagle Street, Ra�asey Conntl, ?iianesota, owner of subject pre�ises, hereby is graatsd a permit, pursuant to their application therefor, to widen t�0 existic�g driv�xayaentrances into their property oa the northwest side of the Frentage 8oad of Shepard Ftaad, beginning on the north liae of Lot 8, Block �i, Rice � Irvine's Additioa, �nnning santhward appr�xi�ately 97 ft., the r�ext 51 ft. of curb is to remain ia place; thence begiaaiag appronimately ic� the center line o�'�Lc�t 6, Block 44, Rice � Irvine's Additioa, ruaaiag scuthward ap�roaimately 100 ft., iata their existing laading docks, and to thereafter maintain and operate the sa�e as so constructed subject to said per�ittee's co�pliaace with all applicable State St�'4i.'I�„ City Ordinaaces sad rules a�d regalationa of public authoritiea having cogsissnce. SEP 2 3 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ��� � 3 �6��� Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �6��5��� v�lEP 2 `7 �9�� O DUPLICAY6 TO PRtNTLR �456'�9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoE���� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY go�ert !'. tet�erean �ept. 22„ 1969 COMMISSIONER �ATF Dw�rt_ nf ��.ht�,c Verl� RES4LYE�� That th� Industrf,�l Steel Contsiner Coa�pany, 18d' Sagl� $tr�et, Romsey County, 14i,,n�aesots, awraer of �rubject pre�i�es, h�reby i• gzantod a permit, parsv�tat to the�r application th�nzefor, ta Nidea �iro exieting driv�ays�ntraac�ts tnto their property on tha north�rerat sida of the Fr�nta�e S�sd of Shepard �ad, b�giaaia$ �n the aasth lias �d� �t $, Block 44, Rice � Trvine'a /Vddit3;on� �ttning soathnard ap�rr�xi�aat�ly 97 i�C., �he ae�t 51 ft. of carb is to r�main ia piace; thence beginn3ug appro�imat�ly �.n the ceater line o�:�7�ot b� 81ac1� 4$, �a� � irv�as's Iktditioa, runmiag �a�tl�ww.rd ap�r�ximately l00 ft., iat� their axi�tiag loadiag doeks, and to t6er�after mai�tain and aparate the sa� as so aaautructed subject to eaid permitt�ee'a con�liaa�� Ni.th sil. agplicatile State Statue�, City �xdinaaces acd rules and r�gulatio�ts of pablic suthoritie� haviag cogctisance. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ���� � ,� ���1�9— Yeas Nays Carlson " ���"' � � ���"`� ( Approved 19—_ Dalgliah ! 3 Meredith _�n Favor Peterson Sprafka ��� Mayor ` Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O