245661 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 245651 ,p,: • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU L RESOLU O —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOLVED, That Hamline University be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 145-car parking lot in conjunction with the university on property located on the southwest corner of Pascal Street and vacated Hubbard Avenue, more particularly described as follows: Vacated Hubbard Avenue and Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 3, Hamline Plat; all in. accordance with plans dated Received July 2, 1969; subject to the condition that a suitable hedge be placed where the parking lot adjoins the neighboring property of Mr. Norbert Brinkhaus; and further subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. F0�AP�KOVED i� AssL Corporation Counsei Ado ted b the Councit SEP 1 9 196919_ COUNCILMEN P Y Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 19 1969 Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith }O T� Favor Peterson � Sprafka Mayor �Against Tedesee-� Mr. President, Byrne PU�LISHE� $�p 2 7 1969 0 BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUI 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 '��5���� September 16, 1969 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the application of Hamline University for a permit to install a 145-car parking lot on property located on the southwest corner of Pascal Street and vacated Hubbard Avenue. This property is further described as Vacated Hubbard A�enue and Lots l, 2, 11, and 12, Block 3, Hamline Plat. This matter was considered at the August 21, 1969 Board of Zoning meet- ing. The staff reported that a 29-car administrative parking lot was approved for p�rt of this site in January of this year. It was noted that plans meet required design standards and have the appro.val of the Traffic Engineer. Mr. Norbert Brinkhaus, an area property owner, indicated a neighborhood problem of students walking through the area and requested that a suit- able fence or hedge where the parking lot adjoins his property. Mr. H. V. Neece representing the University agreed to this provision. It was the finding of the Board of Zoning that this would be an improve- ment and therefore, subject to a suitable hedge, recommends approval by a 5 - 0 vote. Very truly yours, Peter J. Maietta Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:jld By Richard Gauger CLS Vice Chairman, Board of Zoning Z.F,�� 6815 - -, ���' ,. `, r � :C../ �� ��-� -C-�-c' / � �� a� �;- � :��� .�.�� ��� � ° i �� City of Saint Paul, �innesota APPLIGATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE �PONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUI�CIL � 96 the City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to install and operatela new �cross one out) a FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � - R� PARKING LOT for �lpwdp�pror�cl�c�c �uoqdvqumt�C (PriWate use) (c(k�Mc�oO�t �OtIMI1Q 145 indicate type) Capacity of parkin� lot /'�' Pk�It s"�1 (f To be used in connection with: I�IM111R� 1�1�V�s1'ry ` � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-i Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area• s ecmar of *t,ocation : p�asce 1 S1rat and vaeat�d �Nub�d Av�w Legal Description : Lot� �, 2� �� ,�d 12 Bjlock 3 Addition ���M Pist Applicant's Name : HsMi leN I,Jrllwrslly I Home or Office Address: 1� lNMitt Awnw '' St. Pau i , MI neNSOta SS 10 y Phone Number : 64�-6�950 FOIt/� THB APPLICANT, I ..�=� 18 Jun� 1969 O�' NG F�LE (Signature (date) Hs�l OrNn and Abra�aoso�, Ine. Address : 2675 Un iwrs ii�r Awnw, S�tnt Pru I , Mtin�sats SS t 14 Phone No.: 64b-7�301 ' When completed: file three copies of this applicat on form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed faci ity aith tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Maia St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � . MIId[ITES OF T8$ PUBLIC HBABING BEFORR THE BOARD OF ZON�NG oa Thursday, August 21, 1969, at 2:00 PoMo PRESENTs Messrs. Ames, Gadler, McPartlin, 24aietta, and Mansur of the Board and Messrs. Brown and Rysn aad iriias Poechmann of ti�e staf�. HAMLINE UNIVBRSITY: An application for a permit �o inaCall a 145-car parking lot to be uaed in con�unction with the university o� property locaCed on the southweat corner of Pascal 9�txeet and vaca�ed Hubbard Avenue. Mre Ryaa sucmiarized the staff report atating tha� a 29-car parking lot was approved for vacated Hubbard Avenue, part of this site, on 1/21/69. The entire area ia zoned "B" Residence. The plan meets Che d�eign standards for off-street parking facilities and has the approval of the Traffic Engineere Some buildings have be�n removed and the site is being graded. It hae s frontage of 201 feet along vacated Simpson and Pascal Streets and has an area of approximaCely 33,561 aquare feet. Mr. Norbert Brinkhaus, 783 North Pascal Street, told of a probiem his tenanta have in the area with students from the university walking bact� and forth, Mr, He Vo Neece, sppearing for the univarsity, said they have left a 6-foot breek for the parking lot. He a�reed to put n fence in rather than a hedge if Mr. Brinkhana would rether have that. Mr, &rinkheus wanted some assurance that thia would be done. Mr, Gadler moved for approval of the penait if the universiCy w£11 put the hedge in Chat is desired, and Zir, Mansur seconded the motion, which carried unaaimously. Submitted by: Roger �d, Ryan Robert La Ames, Chairman �g.. . . . „ .. S .nv. ,• 9-"-a:'R3;y .-�..: 3 �,.. '�^$ '�r �'T .. , . � . ''1 �;'' ��a� � . � y N � y� e * . �� �.��� . ' _ r � �M��� .. ' t . . . � �II '� '. . .. �� .. I30KRD OF 7A�liH(3 REPORT lll�tD 11�TI0lt � � Aa��t��13 1�:,.= '.'�� � ` �2.fi��,� . . �, ��. .. . - . . � .. � . � .Y^, • � Ac�tir►P und�r^Lagis�atf va C�d� Chapt�r 60 tl�ru .6�.. � passed Au�ust 22� :1922 a��. ?�nd�d to Agr�l�b� 19�8 r , ,��, , , ; � ��'� � 1. AP":LICAi�fi''S W4�IC s Ral�ia� paivarsi=y '� Y >, . . . I ? ,_, ry' . ' 4, . ,:'r '-. 2. CLA��FICAT�t�lt t . � ��nd�Mtrt ;�,�..��; �`�i# �.'���' t ; � 3. PUltP3S� _ : Isu tf�11 a 14S•aar �Etr�s� �at:t� :� a� ak�► �'. � , � cam►�uaction aith R1�t�vs�ir�C���► . { � ��' � � � K. LOCATION� �� t' Souq'�1�st��cora►er of�r�"�� �N�Nl�'�1I � �;w;�� �tW�; , � . . � � �. W � , � • �� ,, > � i � t 5� t�CAL DESt:R31"1"'�'4i1 s Vic� �ia�ba�rd �Y� �{Ld�r �� �r �'�� � �ti . . . aio+c� 3. H..1in. � _ , � _ i � �� 6. tR�SEN? Zb��K's s "D" "�ptts�ac� �� _ ... , .. , . : y, � y. puasu�tN"r �t�o aoni� c,� C�rs . � �� �+a�li' �at��a: ;. ; �� -' �: f 8. S'�Af P I Mff�S"i`I6ATifli1 i �,BP�#Ct� Da't�'t • ��1�_ s Bat t --;^ -�8 . � . '' . �s. �tIST : A 2��c,ar psr�ia� Iot �a ����';`+��ts� H�+I�,�we, P��t " . � , .. : : of tbi� sita, an �,/21/�69:. � ° ��` , : � � B. A1t�k Z�ii�: �'bs aati�s as��a i• s��''�� +�ts. � 4 �F�4 ��� . .. . . ' C. DSS S : tbe,� pl�ra �R• t�a,��,����rda;for a���r� - � � : pat�kina �cf itits. � , r y: ; � , , D. FM1M,�/,�„�A: Th�a sit� haa � f����"�1a1!o��.ar�iii!�!�°���i�sers a�+d P��crl Streeta �nd a� a=u of >�3 SbY ��t. �::.� �� ' �!�` B. ?RAYT��F,�tG ,_,�I�,e,: Ras C rs�i,wwd Lb� ���d�kf,o� 3r4'�,� � �k�a +� � arlroval. . , * � , � � � � F. SiTE .C�AI'�IQIfS: �The flts i� lertl �: '+!�#n��,� sa� lwkild���s:��.:�� �, � � r�awved aad� �th�i site i� bsi� ��rad�d�, � � � � . . + ���� �� ` g,3 G. ARE„A COItDI�: Con� �cudtion o# a � �tld#� for< he� �vt�!� ' . �d ua►darva in .th� rt�at o� ths bloek. ` . ` � ,. t ° . ._: � y ��,r�,'st�: ��' �; � � , by the univeraity are I�d j�tc�ut to C�i , ' . _ �� . �� , • � . . � ; , out�31 i.�tt�r .. n t�stas3 ` � 9. �ARD ACTION s To R�cv�rid �^�Appr�a2 ' ��s�ial � � �9/16/69 �� �� '�tov�d by s Gad ler '�� �: Nays ��t. of Hsa►rin� '> 4� � � � � � x A�� �. � � � S�cond�d by s�� Maneur' ��' '�ohat� � r��; _ 9/17��6� �� _� � � � ��� � � � ��A�fina �Alt) �t;',� ��ou��l �A�ctio� z � �� . �� ���I»� .� �:� -��6��' ; , :; , Secretary's r�asrks s ,c `i!�si4txa bate � .� ��<� x "FlcRartlin {Alt) ,� ' : �' ry � . � 'X Mit�sttl�' (Alt) . . . .� � � LECAL NOTICES ON 1HS �AdCK OF Tk�IS S1iE�T ; . . .r : City of Saint Paul, �innesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � ! (Please print or type) ���/ TO THE Ii�DNORABLE N1AYOft AND CITY COUNCIL ` � S'� � the City Clerk � � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to ������x��tx�E�f��K��{�t���x�x���g�� y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No, of tanks and capacity: CQ PARKING LOT for ��aast:k��rx�t�C �Cr0.ap�a��xe��C (private use) (c�[tclxkica�eck �COCb3�ac) 145 (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot /1�7 park i nq sta l l s To be used in connection with: Hamline University � MISCELI,ANEOUS: ' (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Befreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 8tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: sowtheast corner of *Location � Pascal Street and vacated Hubbard Avenae Legal Description : Lots 1 , 2, 11 and 12 Block 3 Addition Hamline Plat Applicant's Name : Hamline University Home or Office Address: 1536 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 Phone Number : 644-6950 FOA/�it TIiE APPLICANT, 18 June 1969 (Signature (date) Harnmel Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Address . 2675 Unlversity Avenue, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55114 Phone No,: 646-7501 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tbe preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � � City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE iis c�n Ha,:e ssios September 5, 1969 File X763, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on September 17, 1969, on the applicatian of Hamline University for permit to install a 145-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with the University on the following descrihed property: Vacated Hubbard Avenue and Lots 1, 2, 11, and 12, Block 3, Hamline Plat located on the southwest corner of Pascal Street and vacated Hubbard Avenue. For further informaCion contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Caaunissioner of Finance O