246841 � - , ' �46841 CITY CLERK .. 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nca NO,. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . OU IL SO N— NERAL FORM PR�iTp w CONlflll IONE DATF In the matter of a hazard�us building being that two-story frame dwelling known and de�cribed �.� 670 East Sixth Street in the City of Saint Paul a.nd situated upon those premises le�ally described as: Except the souichwesterly 33.18 feet, Lot 25, Block 18, Lyman Daytons Addi�ion to the City of �ain� Paul, aecording to i�he plat on fil� and of , reeord in th� offic� of �he Re�ister of Deeds in and for �he County of Ra.msey, Minnesota. WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution C.F. 2�46�23, approv�d November 18, �969, a public hearing was duly held on Tu�sday, November 25, 196g, before th�: Council of the City of Saint Pau1, said hearin� pertaining to th� condition of the structur�� located at 670 Ea�t Sixth St�eet, Saint Paul, Minn�so�a; and WHEREA�, upon the facts pr�sented at the said hearing, con- sisting of photographs, inapection reporie� and the recommendat�on of th� City Architec�, it is found and determined by the City Council that according to the records and files in the office of �hc Re�ister of Deeds, th� last r�cord owr�er of the above-d�sc�ibed property is Rueben Myhra; and �hat there axe no other lien holders of record; that it is fur�her determined that the above-describecl building constitutes a hazardous buildin� within the definition of Minnesota Sta�ute�, Section �F63.15, for the followin� r�asons: �_ a. The building is standing vaeant and is sub,j�►et y to entry by unauthorized per�ons and to vandali�m; b. The exter3.or of the building is in a dilapidated A condition and �hat the fron� porch floor deck h�.s dry rot, �.� the rear porch is structurally unsound, part of' the roof � $ cornie� is missing, lap sidin� is d���riorating and missing, the roof is in a deteriorated condition and th� re�a.r.r com- g bination door is fallin� apart. � o� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Carlson Dalgliah Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O w � , , � • ������ 1 - 2 - e. The inte�ior building is dilapidated and the base- men� support posts have dry rot, ��.� firs� floor has plaster falling off �he ceiling and walls,"'th�re are holes in the dining room walls, a fire in the west bedrobm has se�erely damaged the room and the ceiling �joists as well as the sub floor �.bove is charred, windows axe smashed throughout the build�ng, most of the kitchen fixtures have been removed and the condition of the seeond floor dwelling is �ubstan- tially the same as the main floor; d. The building is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and must be corrected �o a� to eomply with the St. Paul Building Code and Housing Code; e. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public pe�.ce, health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation, abandonment and inadequ�te mainicenance; now, therefore, be it RESOL�TED, That in accordance w�.th Nlinn�sota Statutes, Section �F63.15 through �-63.26, and based upon the foregoing findir�s of the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint P�.ul does hereby ma�e the followirg order: ORDER l. The owner of the above-described building shall make the s�ae safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, saf'ety and �relfare by having the said bu3.lding razed and the material� therefrom removed f'rom the premises within th3rty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order. 2. IInlesa �uch corrective action is taken to eomply with this Ord�r or an anawer served upon the Ci�g of Saint Paul and filed in the offiee of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota, within twenty (20) day� from the date of the service of i�hi� Order, a Motion for Summary Enforeement of this 4r- der to raze and remove the said building will be made to the Ramsey County Distriet Court; , . ~ � �46841 OSIGIj�AL TO CITY CLERK : CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt DATF - � - 3. In �he event that the build�n$ is to be razed by the Cii�y of �aint Pau1 pursuant to judgment of t�e District Court, all personal property or fixtures whieh may unreasonably 3nt�rf�re with the razing and removal of �his building shall be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of' ,�ud�ment; and if not so removed, the City of Sa�nt Paul shall remove and dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by law; �. Tf the City of Saint Paul is compelled �o take any �or- rective action herein, all neces�ary cos�s expended by the City will be assessed against the above-described real es�a�e and col- lected as o�her taxes; and be it FURTHER RES4LVED, That a certified copy of this r�solution and incorporated Order herein be served upon �he last record owner of the above-described property in the mann�r provided by law and also upon other �.nterested paxties 3.n the manner provided by law. `` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�l�� � 1 1969 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � 2 1,8� �� pprove� 19— Meredith " Tn Favor � Peterson � Sprafk2 (/ Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLlSHED JAN 31970 PUBLISHE� JAN 101970 'PUBCISHED J�N 171970 � PUBLISHED AN 2 41970 r � ' �46841 a - 2 - e. The interior building is dilapidated and the base- ment support posts have dry rot, the first floor has plaster falling off' the ceil3.ng and walls, there are holes in the dining room wa11s, a fire in the wes� bedroom has severely damaged the room and the ceiling joists as we11 as the sub floor above is charred, windows are smashed throughout the building, most of the kitchen fixtures have been removed and the condition of the second floor dwelling is substan- tially the same as the main floor; d. The buildin� is unfit for human habitation in its present condition and must be corrected so as to comply with the St. Paul Building Code and Housin� �ode; e. The building constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public peace, health, safety and welfare because of its physical damaoe, dilapidation, abandonment and inadequate maintenance; now, therefore, be i� RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section i::n� . � �, i:nrr�i�[rh uti-� . ?h� anM haSPC� iipnn fi}�P t'pra�n7 I�.p' t'�nni rl�� r�t' _ - ., - - � the City Council,Vthe Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby ma�e the followirg order: ORDER l. The owner of the above-described building shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, saf'ety and welfare by having the said building razed and the materials therefrom removed from the premis�s within thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order. 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the office of the C1erk of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota, wi_thin t�ti�enty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a Mo�ion for Summary Enforcement of this Or- der to raze and remove the said building wi11 be made to the Ramsey County District Court; . D"JPLICATE TO PRINTER � �' CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NQ. ������- � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � � � 3. In th� �vent that �he bui.ldin�; i� ta b� :��^ed �y �he City af S�.�nt Pau7. :�u.r�uan�; t� �jud�ment �f �hE ?�i.stri.c�; Court� �.7.�. perso�al prop�rty or. f3.xtures whicn ����y unr��.�on�bly �.nt�rfere tti=�t�. the r�.z�,n� anc� remov�.l o:f this bu�.ld3.n�; sh311 h� ��mov�d wi�rin t�n (1J) �l�.yb fr�in the en�ry af �udgm�nt; and i.i n�t so rem�ved, �he G�.ty of 5�.�.nt �'au1 �ha13. remove and c��spop� Q�' �uch per^�n�°? proper�✓7 �t�c1 f:ixtu.r�� �,�: p��vided �;� 1.�.w; 4. �s th� C�.��a ��' S�?�r.t P4u1 i� c�m;�cll�cl ��� ��v?�� any c-�r- re��i�rF: act���� herein, �.11 n�c�°��ry c���;� ex��xzc���ca uy �h� �:?ty j�r�.1I �:,e �.�������i �.tr���-rl��: thu ^b�ve--descr�.b�c� r�Z�. ��L�.�� and c��.- 1�c�ec� a� �tne?s Lax��; a.nd rz� S t i � �:�t- �e C� ��y.�-,.:.�.�. n,� ,� ,',� n � r.' •' e:� a s c�r �'�' U; iti.rl�'I't�.�'.�� �:�F.>t�: ��:��..., �°n��.,, �. ce.. ti�'i..,d uo�y c:��. f:��_.,_ �: �:��.� �,� _ Z and �.nc�r?��r�f;��� �'�;°��r�:� Ya�r�:-;n �ae s�rT�ed L��or �n�: 1.�,��� r�r.orc� .>tiu;:�cr J�' 'i�i}1f.? �7.t1'.7'�'(?—��{�.'�C':�`':i�?±?t� '[?I;':7ri�:1't'"i�' :l.Tl v�.E.' I.li:l.l�Il�?.' aii�:'O'°J'."Cit?C� ��,'y' .�l.c:c�^. �?i�C� Also u��n �Ll�°.� �i.n.��.:���:���ca ��?�!.rt;i�� �_n tk�e �n�nr��� �?rav�_d�r� �is� �.,�t•�, 1���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council��� 'rv`, �.��µ 19— Yeas Nays Carlson °'�� '� � .� � n.,�,.�w Approved �,:�'.: :. 19.— Meredith �n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka �� Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � DUPLICAT_TO PRINTER ��+�V(�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Tn �ne r�a��er ��' a ���a:�rd�u� �au�.1d�r��° bei.n� �:1-�a� tv���-:�L.1?:��s� T"'x��-�z�iie ��a��1�n� r,n�..an anu ry,��r,?��.}��c� ^� ,=.�`( .:^�°�.:i; �i��L�z �t.r�Gt i:� th� City of` �'���a� ����1 �r,`? ; � � ,.�.��f:e� ��;�an. f;;-iose p?��,n:�s�� 1.r: ..nl1Y� �.��:;^�3_},er �iRa � .�^�y:���p'G �i'1�: ti 0,,.���7We��Cx'1.;T ��•-lr' ±'•��;;� I,°�t 2�;a a:,'_��::.c �.��;, g.,y�<<�.i� ���:�;���:�ns .��c��.t1_ur �� th� �:tt�r ��>- ;ain� �'<:�u�, �cc�_rui�z� t� thN cl�� �ra .f'a�:6�e; ���r� ��:' :� £'�:'�:i:, ' :i r,o .�,.lt�, �.t�t'1.Gi� Ot isi'1�,-^, .t�':'t�:�_���€'' . '�1` "�F�F��::, �.Y? :: Y�.r"; �'�,^.,�L. ������� f'a,-�L�.i�l✓� :,)7�. i!+^riA�'r�4:'�¢'' ��iS_i�diiti^rt�..�l..! e ?;iT� ., i.. .. - ,..�.,i � i � . ,,. �i',M'� 4 # r .. � .�. 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I'E:C::�i't�; 'C�li�+� a,sa .',.� '`'�.�7'fG'flf.-'�' d�L@�°ri�it�ie(:i ��'ic�V vklF? �l:.rCo'�7<�--i,'�¢�'SC:I:'�+_:'.°_C? �U;��.C?�_t1�, r�;:>t'����::±.Gia.`9::E:'.� .`-'; �1'c2���Y'C�OUS s`JU:.�.L�.�J..Tl;., r,aa�.`�:�1:1.p�1 l,�".�f': <:�t�i'�_Yi.!_i.;i.:�t": ��' i,,f.".r����t;�,ti?�.:� P?i:�-;i:.<:�;��s; �.:e�ct�.:�r:� �F��a?W 1�, f:�,:F �€;i2e _"�,�1:�.��w��.n_�; rF �:�or�� a �i., °",c,'�lla' }1t�.J'._L�-iJ Xi:':' :i.tiS wS�".'t?1C'��tli': `J%�.C:'i;lu �la::'� r...°".� oaa�. �f"'C:'�: i:C) <.-IT?�:Y',>y' i:)tiJ ,k:i... l,l�i^O:C'1i'E.'C� ��'2'4.�.'>:1r1S :�Tlf,�t �'� v'i�Cd�ic.�...�_�_:iT`<t: ii, '.p;';:7.C' t�`i'�:c;.C':i�J;' c').,�� PC:�1L? 1:��,12�.Ci.J.il�; :L�i _�.n i� C.:.i + ��.1_E_iI�' ci(:,'+.,i �::�t1<ii.i:�_�r1 :.�.ri�? '�r3a;'��: �h�� :� x'f.�riL' n'�r'ch t i.:�a:r,> t��Cl ;.��a� �:<x��T :��ry'c, ��i�� :���.��.x� �;��►���::i :��; V druc t;�.�r�r�lly unsaur�c:a, �}�-�.x�� r��` �he }��� ' , c:.'.'J1';'z_�_"C: :iti ?+±z�� ��:►`., l,��Jtisic��rak�; �.� d:�e�;�sn�.rar�:�.�i;�ra`. .�„�i l,fi��.,:in:''. 1..�• ) C� '.r:v,� � a.. � �.- � �° i r • i.° !) ;-�� ^a �..'aiF 1'��!�:i' �,, :.t3 �. C:Z L�:,S�.�.15 r.��:@C:� C.rJY`1L�:1.l+iJY� c�,Y1C� �_1�. ,. r.�"1 C':l:�i._ bat7�.l..�.J�: lY`�J'�' ;?..� I"<��i..�.i'1`?' c7.p�.�''G. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya Carison Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith _�n Favor Peteraon Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �