246835 - QRIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`, O CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement between the City of Saint Paul, by and through its City Planning Board, and the County of Ramsey, through the Data Processing Department of the County of Ramsey, for data processing services for land use, building construction, and exempt property analysis in an amount not to exceed �15,000. F�pp ROV ED ;� � �� i.�� I� � NI I� f�� Asst. CorPoration Counsel _ ' �E.G l �� 1969 (,,y�� l"'LAi1�t�11��i tSr.►ti.t� .�",aint Paul, iV�inneeata oEC 3 � �s�s COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson rove �� � � 1965 19— �� Meredith �n Favor Peterson � Sprafk� Mayor �Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED �IAN 31970 � . � ', `ti'�6�e�) ' OFFICE OF TH COMPTROLLER � SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 I LL JOSEPH J. MITCHELL "' I��� RICHARD F. $ONNEN CITY COMPTROLLER DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER December 26, 1969 Honorable Ma.yor Thomas R. Byrne and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Under letter of December 19th you inquired about the data processing proposal of the City Planning Bureau and whether the allocation is proper. As to the allocation of funds, investigation indicates that funds are available in the City Planning Bureau's 1969 Budget due primarily to not replacing the assistant director. The informa.tion which the planning board is seeking to get programmed relates to real property analysis, In discussion with Mr. Spear, the basic informa.tion for this program is available in the County Data Processing Department. This informa.tion is for the years 1969, 1968, 1967. However, funds have been appropriated in the 1970 Budget for a Municipal Information Center. Parts of the planning program could very well include information desirable by other departments. Whether the program should now move forward as requested by the Planning Bureau is a policy question which you must decide based on the recommendation of the head of the department involved; in this case, the Ma.yor. As an alternate you may wish to consider providing additional funds for this purpose at the time the 1969 unencumbered balances, after being credited to the fund balance of the General Fund�are reappropriated by you in accordance with the recent amendments to the Charter by ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ?`a ��� '_�����..� seph J. 'tchell � City Comptroller Encl. (1) cc - C. Schleck N. Heiden f��� ����' ��. � � �� � DUPL:CATE TO PRINTER �L�� �P�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �t��Or�Vr_;�, th�t.� t�.e y��c��acr ��it� �_E�i_e i a�� �i�e i�e��l�y �l,U"tj1J2.'2Z@CI and directed to enter in.to �.n rigreement between the City of Saint �'�,a�?, '�a;? �ri� throag2l it� C�.ty P7_����iin� �a�:�cl, t�,nc� t�ie Cf�ur��y �f ?�a:1se;T5 thrn�.i�h t3�r D�.t��. ??rocessin� l�ep�.rt�ent o� the C�?c�i?.ty e� ��c��?1S .P,��� �.7I' C��1t.it j)T'OCE8S:11"�; cE?�'V�.CE?c ��Y' �.c:1TAl' ?1�;G'y �J];1"t_�1?::".<i� COli�'�truction, �,x��i ��:�e��i�t ��r�op�rt,,y ^,��?;�sis iia arz �,mount not, �to �;1�_c�e.i� ''��,�'C<�. ��j°°,yy' � f ��,';t� �bm`S:.Y •. .L�b.. .. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,,�i;���+� � , , Carlson ° • �� Approver� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafku �� A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O � �G �'3s- December ig, i969 a Hon. Joseph J. Mitchell City Comptroll�er Building Dear Sir: The City Couneil rePerred ta yo h tached letter from Dr. Heiden and attached lutio thoxizin� an agreement with Ramsey County for da n� $ cee, Por a determination as to whether or n his use data ocessing is proper an� whether the allaca on is prope Very truly yours, / _""" �� � City Clerk AO/n,g �