246822 _ ��, _ ---_,�---.-.— T_ �.
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File'Na 17434
In-the �t;�eir' of eonstructing pub�ic storm sewer in �IDE ST. from 160 feet north of .
Hyacinth'Ave. Co Hapthorne Ave.; in HYACIIi1'� A�E. frc�e iieide St. to Arcade St. ; in
ORAI�E AYS. .�'rom iieide S t. to Arcade St. ; in HA�1'i'�IOR1�E AVE. fron Weide S t. to Arcadc :
S t. ; in Rt�SE 'AVS. froa i�le ide S t. to Arcade S t.; in G�RANIUM AVE. f ro� Weide S t. to
Arcade ��:; ' in J�SSAMINE AVE. fro� Weide St. to Arcade St.; in ARCADE ST. froa
lrtaryland Ave. to Haathorne Ave.; in 1KAG�OLIA AVB. fro� Walsh S t. to t�Ieide S t.; ia
ORAAiGB AVE. fra�e Edger ton ,S t. to Payne Ave.; in HAi1THORNE AVE. f ro� Edgertc�n S t.
'0i to Payne Ave. ; in pAY1� AVE. fro� Jessanine Ave. to Kagnolia Ave. , all to be
under Preliminary Order 245812 approv� October 3, 1969
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Com�tissioner of Fina�ce
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolyes:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is h�r.eby ordered to be proceeded with.
2. That,the natixre of the improvement whicn the Council recommends i.s
to coastruct public stora sewer in WBIDE ST. fro� 160 feet aorth of Ayaeiath Ave.
to flawthorae Ave. ; in HYACIN'PH AVE. frc� We i.de S t. to Arc�de S t.; in 4RA�� AVE.
fro�,iieid• St. to Arcade St.; in HAW?HOHNE AVE. fro� Wei�1e St. to Arcade St.; in
ROSE-A�1E. from i�Teide S t. to Arcade S t.; in 6BSA��M AVE. fro� i+Teide S t. to
ircade St.; in JESS�IME �VE. frc�e Weide St. -to Arcade_St.;;_in ABC/�BB,S�.- fr�x-�-�•- ,
�aryland Ane. ta Haw thortte Ave.; in MA6NOLIA AVE. frc�n Wa I;s'� S t. to �leide S t.; in
O�ANGB AVB. fra�a Edgerton S t. to Payne Ave.; in Hd►WTHO�I� AVS. fron Edgerton S t.
to Payue Ave.; in PAYNS AVE. fron Je�samine Ave. to Magaolia Ave., all to be
kaot�a as ttte WALSH-I�/Y Rl�LISF SYSTLM BICT�NSIOKS S-14�1B.
wi�h no alternatives, Rnd t�t�t the estimated cost thereof ia $- 79,180_00 •
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2�th day of
January, 1970 , at the hour of 10 o'c�lock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Ha11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Council DEC 3 0 1q69
Yeas ; ' Nays .
fl3tg1151T"_.-- Approve ��C � � j
�eterson �-'
Sprafka _`��In Favor �
TedeSCO ; � Mayor
B�� � Against PUBLISHED JAN 3197
6-66-4M �� 8-1