246820 ���,���
Couaoil F�le No......».....
� and
Theunde�edhereby proposeethemslcingof thefollowingpubliaianprovement by the City of 8aint Psul�vls.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of North St. from Fountain St. to Bates Ave.
. ».. .... ..................................._............
� and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im-
, provement.
Dated thie.. 24th. ....dsy of...............:.......December........ . 19 69
� Coanoilman.
� WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.:
�'� reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of North St. from Fountain St. to Bates Ave.
�''� \_ and�by..doing. all..other._work.which_is necessary..and..incidental_.to._complete.,said__im:�
� provement.
having been presented to the Couaoil of the City of Saint Paul.................._---................................................ _....
tber�fore, be it
RE$OLVED, That the Commieaioner of Publia Worke be and ia hereby ordered and dtreoted:
1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the aature� extent snd estimated coet of seid improvement, end the totsl coat thereof.
3. To furnieb a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvement. •
4. To stste whether or no8 esid improvement ie aeked for oa�he petitioa of three �r more ownere.
b. To report npon aU of t,he foregoing mattere to the Commiesioaer of Finanoe.
Adopted by the Connoil..._....................................��'�...�.�...����'�
Counc i lman �,��:�. ., DEC 3 0 1969
/� p- ..A APProved......................................•-------......................
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JQ����� Meredith
Tedesco - •- -•-- --
Mr. President $Xzrre Msyor.
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��� �.. PUBLISHED ,lAN 3 19��
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