246811 �R10INAL TO CITY CL6RK ��b8�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4. ��� COUNC RES�LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ' DATF J WHEREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Goatract L-7086-2 for Ornamental Lighting System on MISSISSIPPI BIVB� BOIILEVARD fro� Daytoa Avenue to Pelham �oulevard, Collias Electrical Construction Co., Coatractor, the specified date of co�letion is December 1, 1969, and HHSREAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligentlq but it was not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion, therefore be it RESOLVBD, That the proper City Uffic�sls be aud they are herebq authorized and directed to execute an ame�dmeat to said contract extending the time of completion to August 1, 1970, provi�ed however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond conseat thereto aad file such a�nsent in writing with the eitq Comptroller, and be it FtJRTHER RESOLVED, ?he Citq of Saiat Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and insgection costs o� this project will be charged to the Gontractor for such extended period. �E� � `� ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��(; � �' �`���� Dalglish � Approveci 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka Mayor Tedesco --�-Against Mr. President, Byrne P�BLISHED JAN 31970 O �•i'�iPLICATE TO PRINTHR �L����,�„ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt DATF W�BBSAS, In the �atter of Gomptr+�ller's Coatract L-7086-2 for GrnamaAtal Ligbting System on MIS3ISSIFPI xI� BOUL�VA�tD from Hayton Avsnue ta Palham Boulevard, Colliru �lectrical Construction Co., Cc�atractc�r, the apecifisd date of compleCivn is Dscembsr 1, 196Q, mnd WI��AS, Th� Conrractor has praeecuted tks work dilig�ntly but it was not pos�ible to coa►plete the contract bq asid dat� of complation, therefore be it ' 1tBSOL9�1D. That tht proper City t?f�icials be and they �re hereby aathorized and directed to e�cecute an am�ndment Co said contract extending tha tim� of complstioa Co August 1, 1970, provided however, that this reaolution sball havs no force or effect unleas the sur�ti�s on the Cantractor'e bond consent thereto a�d file such a�aseat ia writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTH� R85AL�tS�, TI�a City of Saint Paul hereby �raiv�s all claim for liquidated damagas aiad that no �agineering and iaspection cvata on this proj�ct will be charged to the Contractar for suc� extended psriod. ����- � �:> 1��� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays . _. ,, Carlaon � ' Dalglish . Approved 19—_ Meredith !_jn Favor Peterson Sprafka (� Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O