246804 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��1�/�0�
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Housing and Re-
development Authority of the City of Saint Paul have enter�d
into an agreement whereby the Au�hority would provide c�rta3n
professional or technieal serv3.ces to the City as part of i�he
Code Enforcem�nt Frogram, which a�reement by its terms exp3res
on December 31, 196g; and,
WHEREAS, i� is the intentions of both paxi��es to extend
the agreement for an additional one year per3.od; now, there-
fore, be it
, RESOLVED, by the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul that
�tb the proper City officers are hereby authorized and direeted
to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul contract for
professional or technieal services to be performed in the Code
Enforcemen� Pro�ram, Phalen Area Code Enforcement - Minn. E-2,
for a term commeneing January 1, 1970 and terminating Deeem-
ber 31, 1970, said agreement being between the Ci�y and �he
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul.
CerOor� � el
DEC 2 � 1969
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays DEC 2 � 1969
Dalglish Approved 19—
Meredith � Tn Favor
Sprafk2 ,,etly Mayor
Tedesco --�Against
:�`' , �'{��e°x.TK:� PUBLISHE� D�G 2� �
.:�:e: �'?�✓x..i�1 L�:..ii
�Mr. Vic@ Yresid�nt (i'eterson)
55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 01. Edward N. Helfeld, executive director. Phone 223 52 18
. , ,
Mr. A. J. "Jim" Johnson December 8, 1969
Phalen Area Neighborhood Improvement Program
1185 Payne Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Re: Phalen Area Code Enforcement Program- Minn.E-2
Tender of "Contract for Professional or
Technical Services'", 1970.
Dear Mr. Johnson:
Transmitted herewith for final approval and execution by the City of Saint Paul, find
an original and three carbon copies of a CQNTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL OR TECHNICAL
SERVICES dated the lst day of January, 1970.
In essence the Contract in its terminology is the same as that dated August 1, 1968
by and between the City and the �uthority. Only on page one of Exhibit B does the
Contract change. As had the previous Contract, the figures shawn in the budget con-
stitute maximums anticipated and it is fully understood that these maq be within line
items exceeded or not exceeded inasmuch as they represent only an educated guess as
to the expenditures. After having talked extensively with the Aud��or, Mr. Kuntz,
from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Renewal Assistance Administra-
tion, concerning this type of expenditures, it was determined best to predicate the
budget primarily on past experience and to anticipate juggling line items later on
should there be overruns.
In order to comply with your request to pare the contract down to the minimum, I have
deleted three clerk typists and have retained enough clerical overhead to cover the
Authority's input only.
As of January 1, 1970, billings will be predicated upon this tendered contract.
Should there be any further questions regarding this contract, please have your attorney
contact the d signed or call 223-4971.
nc � ,
�" �,., �r �,�-
,' _
� .
� Joh, F. Ban gan, Jr. '
,,,,S�aff Counsel-Ad�ni t atio
Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco
• _ {
, ° , ;
; ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
, '
� � Part II — Terms and Conditions � ! `
1. Termin�t3.on oY Co�tract t'nr Cauae. If, through sx�y cause, the COrit.I°BC�U�
shall Yail to f'ta.?fill in timely and proper meacwer his obligatians under this =
Contract, or if the Contractor shall viol�te ar�y a� the covenants, agreements, '
' ox atipulations oP this Contr�ct, the Local Public Agency sha.l.l thereupon have 6
- the right to tex°minate thia Cantr.act by giving wri�ten notice to the Contractor
a� auch termination srad spec�.Pyix�� the ef�eetive date th�rEOf, at least Yive '
` dayc before the ef�'ective date oi' such �ermination. In such event, all finish�d ;
" or un�in3s�ed documgnta, d�,-t�., �tudie�, and re�ort� prepared by the Contractox
', under this Contract ahall, a� the option of the Lccal. Public Agsncy, become its ,
i property an3 the Cantractor sha11 be entitled to receive �ust and equitable
campensation for any satisPactory work complsted on such docu�ents. �
, Aot�rith�tandin.g the above, the Con�ract�r shalJ. not be relieved nf liabi.l.ity �`"'�
to the L�oeal r ublic AE;ency for dame�ges sustained by th� Local Publi.c Agency b�r
� vix�tue of an„�► br�ach of the Comtract by the Cpntr�.�tor, and the Loca1. Publ��
� �gen�y n.�y �it�hold aiay pay�ants to tn� Contre:ctor for the purpose of aetoff
u.�til such tim� as the exact asnou�at oY d�z�es due the Local Pub13c Agency
tro� the Co�trac�or is detex�iYned.
2. Termin�tZon tar Canv�nience of Local Public Ag�ncy. The Locs.]. Public
Agency mayi termi.nate thi.s Cont�r�ct �y ti�e �y s notice in vriting �rom �he
Loca.t P►iblic Agency to the Contr�ator. If' the Cantract is tex�inated by tha
Loc�,]. Public Agency as pravided herein, �he Contractor Will be paid an amount
�rhich ter�ra the �ame ratio tQ the total co�apensation as the services actu�lly
perfc�z�ed bear to tlne total services eP the Contractor covered by tbi� Contr�ct,
les� �syments oY co*apensgtioza previo�a�iy ma.de: Providecl, hr��rev�r, that iP l.ess
th�n aixty p�r cen� oi the services covered by this Contre,�t have been perf�r�ed
tapon thP egfective date o� such termirat�tion, thc Caz�tr�.ctor shall be reimburaed .
{�.n ed�itian t� th� above p�y�nt) Por that portion of th� actu�l out-of-�oc�et
ex;Fensea (no� atherw•�ae rein;bL.rsecl tuZSler tyi� Contract) in�urrEd by the
Contracto� duri�ag the Contra�t p�riod calaich ax�e dlrectly attributa�l� to the
uncomp3.�ted goxtian of the Rer�vices cavered by thi� Contract. If t�is Contract
is ter��nated due to t�e f�ult o�P the Co�tractor, Sec�tio� 1 hereoY re].ativ� t�
termi�at iore s�►a11 ��ply.
3. Cb�, Th� Loc�. Pub7.ic A�ency may, from ti.�e to tis�e, reguest
changes i� the Ec�p� of t�ie service� o�P t�e Contiracto.r to be performed l-tereunct�p.
;�ch �hang�s, Sr�eZuding �r iz�cr��se or decrease in the �n�ur.xt af the Con�r�sctor'a
�oatp�z�sat�.o�, �►*3�icb a.re mut�u€�.ly e�r�e� upon by �nd b�t�en the I,ocml Fub]:ic
Agen�y €�nd the Contr�ictox, s�a1.1� be :�cox�or�►tvd in �rri�teu aacendments tn t�3.�
HUD-b2i B ' - ,� - '
(2-Er9) ' • _ .
� 4. Perso�n�l. a. Th;: Contr��ctor xepresen w� th�.� he ha�, or wi21 .�:cur�
�e.t �is a•.,rri expense, a].l persc+xua,e�. required in p�rPor�.�{.ng t3�e rerwicea under
y thfa Contr�et. Such �e�sor�el shali r.�t be e�loyeee of or h�ve �zr�y contractu�.l
relation�hi.p�with the Loc�.l Publ.ic A:.��.�nay. �.
b. A11 the services re�uirEd hereunder will. b� gAr�orra�d byr the Contractor
ar und�r his supervision and all pert�on�el er,�;�g�d in the Wor� sh�.l.l be S'ully .
qur�l.i�ied snsi �ht�.l.l be euthorized or pei-mitt'ec� und�r St�tA �.�d local �.m� to
p�rfor,n sucb serwices. •
c. I�o gereon xho ie serviag sentence i� a penal or corr�ction�.l. institution
sht�ll bs er��loyed oa uork under �his Coutract. . �
5. Anti-Ki.ckback Rul�s. SaA�xies �f architects, dr�tsr�en, technica7.
en�in�ers, axid tec2uYicia�aa per�ormi.ng work under this Cor�tract shall be paid "
uneo�di�ional.ly aaid not less oPten thaaa once � month xi�hout deduction or reba,te
on any accou�;t except only such p�yroll deductions aa are msndatory by la� or
� �rmi'ited by the applicable yegulations issued by the Secretary of Labor pursu�snt
'to tL� "Anti-Kickback Act" o� June 13, 1934 (48 St�t. 9l��; �2 Stat. 740; 63 Stat. � _
108; tf.tle 18 U.S.C., section �'j4; and title 40 U.S.C., aection 27bc). TPle
Contr�.ctor sh�,ll. com7,aly �aith all a.�g].icable "Anti-Kickback" re�ulations �nd sh�ll
inaer�t appropriate provisiora� in a�.l subcontr�cts coverin�r wo�k under this Contract
to in3ure compli�nce by subcontractors �tfth such regulations, and shall be
� respons�ble t'or the submissioxx of �4fidavita requir�d oP s�abcontractors there-
• under except aa the Secret�ry of Labor m�y speci�ically provide far vari.ationt� �
. of or exEmptions fram the requirements thereor". �
6. W�.�hkioldfng oP Salarles. If, in the perPormance of this Contxact, there
ie �ny underp�yment of sa].aries by �he Contractor or by any subcontractor there-
� �ar�der, �he Local Public Agea�cy shall �aithhold from the Contractor out o�' payment�
du� to him a.�, auow^.t suPPicient to pay �o employeea underp�id the difYerence
� betWeen the sataries requii°ed hereby to be paid and the salaries actually paid �
svet� e�ployee� Yor the tatal numbex of houra worked. The amounts withheld Eha�.l
b� ai�bu.rse� by the Loca]. Pexblic �,e�cy for and on accoun� of the Contractor or �
subcon�s•a�tor to the z°espec��ve e��loyees to whom tY�ey axe due: �
7. Claims eaid Dis�u�Les PertAiain� to Sal.axy Rates. Claia+.s and disputes �
per-��in�.ng to �a3ary rates ox to cl�ssi�ications of archit,ec�ts, drafts�uer�,
tect±nical. eng3.neera, aud technici�ns performing Work under this Contract sha13.
be promv�ly reported in �itiug by the Co�atractor to the Loca1 Publie Agency
fcr the l��t�erts decision ��ich sha21 be final with respect thereto. �
B. E�us.1 E�r�• ..�trent 0� o� rtunity. D�urin� the per#'or�asncc of thia Cent,rac�, '
the Co��x°�ctor ��reea aa 2'ol�ows: �
a. The Contractor wi1.3. not discriminate against any em?�Ioyee or applic�nt �
for employmen-t because of race, color, religion, sex, or n�.tion.al origin. 1
The Contract�r wi11 take afFirmatzve action to ensure that applicants are i
em�loyed, and �hat employee� s.re treated during e�log�z�nt, Withou* regara �;
to their race, color, religion, sex, or national orig�.n. Such a.ction �
sIa�li iiac�ude, but not be limit�d to, the folloying: enp�.oy�ent, �
�upgradin�, demotion, or trAnsPer; recruitment or recrexitment advertiain�;
lsyo�� or termination; rates of pay or other Poz�r�a og corYpensation; �n� '
, � _ 4
,• ! 3 _ HUD-621 B '
- � ��� (2•69) �
. �
. ;
• selectic+zi �or train3n,, inclad.in,�, ��p,.e�at�.ceslai�. �e Contract�r �grees
to post in conspic�r�us p1�ce�, �.v�i?able to employ�es a.�rl ap�licant� fc.
erx�loym�nt, no#.ice� t� � �,rovided by tre Loca.1 Pub��c A�ency aettin�r
for�h t�� provSsio�.s o�' ��i.s nonc�i:c:.iriinatiar cl�.us�. ' ;
b. lhe Con�cr�ct�r will, in �31 solici.t�tio�s or edvertis��ents for e�rploy��s
plac�d by or on beh�.f oa t�� Contr�ctoy°, state th�.t� �11 quali�ied �
e�plicants xill r���e�ve cc�sidel�e-�tion �or employrcent without re�ard � ';
to race, cal�r� r�li;�ion, sex, or national origin. ;
' c. The Contractor wi1JL caus� the fore�oinQ provisia�s t� Le i�serted �n �.1 '
subcontraets for �n� work covered by this Contx�ct ��+ that such provisions
will be bindin� ug�z� each subcontractor, provided tlz�4 t�ie fo�'e�oin�
provisfons sh�,ll �9� �p-ply to con�r�cts or subcontr�t� �or str�d�.rd
co�nercial supplie� or raw u►aterials.
. ;
, 9. Discrimin�.tion Bee�.us�e oP Cert�in Labar Matters. h�� aperson employed on '
° the work covered by this Co�tract shs�].1 be dischaz°ged or �n �xs,y �ray dlscriminfa�;e� �'
a�sina�t becau�e he has P�e�si €�ny ccmplaint or inatituted or c�.used to be ins�itu+e�.
�ny proceeding or has �testi�ied or is about to testiPy in a,�y proc�eclin� undex or ;
rela�ing to the lsbor s�an�i�rc�s Spp�.icable hereunclex to his e�a_ayer. �
10. C�Iiance W1th I.��.t i.aws. 3'he Cantractnr shall cc�tp�.y vith all �
. ��;�l�cabl.e laws, ard�.n�nczs,�cI codes aY tP.e State e�nd 1ocal ,�overnments, �,nd �
� shFel.l comaait no trespass �n axly �uhlic or pY�iv��te property ir� �rPorming Any of ��-
�tihe wor� embr�.ce3 by this ��ntr8ct.
; .
1.1. Subcontr.�ctin.,�r,. �ane. of the services cover�ed by thfs Contre.ct shall
be aubccntracted xithout t�� �riox• wridte� consent of the Lc��3. Public A,�ency.
! T'ae Contractar shP..11 be as fully responsible to the Local PuT�iic Agency fbr tl�e
acta �:1d o�issi.ons oP his subcontrac�tors� and of persons eitY��r directJ.y or
1n3ir�etly employ�ed by #.�e�t, as he is for the acts arid omis��c�ns of pey�sa�s �+R
direc�t�.y e�ployect by }aim, '�he Gantractor sha11 insert in erzeh subcontz�£:ci:
appxoprfate p�ovisian� requirin� complianc.e with tY,e labor. st��ar�s pr�vi�iaris
s�f this Coratr�ct.
� 12. Assignabilit;�. T�.e +�on�racLor sYa�.l not assign an� �.nterest in thi�
� Contr�,ct, and sht�l.l no't tr�tnsfer any interest in the s�me ��t�er by assignme�t
or uav�tion) vith�ut �he pr#.or ��ttEr� approval of the Loca� Public A�en��•:
Pr�'vided, haw�ver, th�t claims fr:r mon�:y c2.ue or to becom� due tY,e Caratr�:ctfl�
fr��n ��xe Loa�l. Public A�enc,�r u�d�r this Cor.tr�a�t may b� ass�g,�.�ed ta a b�n�., •
tx�azst c4'!tp£�1��� or oth�.r fln�xcial. insti.tution, ar to s Trus��� i.n Baril;.�uptcy,
�.•ii:l�out euch �ppr�va3.. No�ice o�' any �uch assia,,nment or traa���r. s1hr.11 be �
�`ar�iahed pr�s�tly to tha ?�octil. P�.�blic A.�ency. ,
13. � ' Interest aY i�e�ber� of Lccal r'ublic_Agency. Nc mer�r of t�e �ov�erni:�,� '
bod� oF the Zocal Pkblic �ency, and no other of�:icer, empl���, or �gen-� o� the
Loc�.l. P�aL�l.ic A�ency wlio exe�°ciseg �ny S'�uictions or respons�b�.�.i�ies irz cor.nectic,n
v;th -Ghe c�rryi.n� out of �ch� Pro�ect to which this Contract �rtains, sia.all have
suy personal interes�s d�.re��; or indirect�, in thia Contract. . i
� i
1k. 7nt�rest of �tY�er Lflcal Pub]_ic OT�ic�.els. Plo mem�e�� �of t�ie �otiPerning �
budy o� tI?e loca.lit� in vhic}�the Pro��ct Area i.s situated, s�d no other public
�fYici.�u o� �uch 3.ac:e,l.�.ty, �abo exexcise� any iunctioz►s or re��aonsibil.ii:i.es in
the re:uiew ur e,.�;provsi. of" t,�se ca�~ryin;3 out �f t�i� Pro�ect t�c �'�ich this Cor.t.rac�
pertains, she11 �r���� �ny ���eone.l. in�QrESt, d3:ect ar indixe�, in t�is Gon�rac:.
• . ' ;
.. • �� • ,
HUD-621 B _ �{ _
. . (2-69) .
• 15.� Intere�� af Certain Fed�rs,1. Officials. l�o �ember of or Delegate to
the Con�res� of the United States, and no �tesident Commissioner, sha11 be
admitted �;o ar►y share or �art oP this Cantract or to ,�ny benefit to ariee heret'rom.
16. Interest of Contr�ctor. The Contractor covenants that he pxesently
has no interest and �ha11 not acquire arly interes�t, direct or indirect, in the
abave-described Pro�ect axea or any pa�cels therein or eny ot�er interest which
would conf3.ict in any ma�ner or degree �rith the p�r�Pormance oP his services
hereunder. The Contraator Pur�her coven�nts t�.at in the perYoxmance of this
Con�r�ct no peraon havin� �nny suc2a interest shal.l be employed.
1'j. Firadings Confidential. All oP the reports, information, data, etc.,
prepared or aasemblzd by the Contracl:nr under this Contrr�ct are conYidential.
and the Contxactor agrees tha� �hey shall not be made available tv suiy
individual or or�,anization ui.thout the prior w*itten approval of the Local
� Pub�.ic Agency.
� 221527-P (kev. 2-b9) HUD-VVash.,D.C.
THIS AGREEMEI�TT, enterad iato as of thia ist day of January, 1970. by and
betxe�n the
CITY OF SAII�T PAUL, a Minnesota muaicip�l
carporation, hereina�ter referred ta as
the "City",
and the
CITY OP 3AI�T PAUL� I�IIl�BSnPA, a Minne.ota
corporatioa, created pursu�nt to the provi-
siona of the MuniciQal So�eing and xedevel-
op�ent �1ct, Laas 19�y, Chapter 487, herein-
after refen�d eo as the "Authority".
i+�HE�AS, the City h�ts, under dat� of July 30, 1968, •ntered iato a Gzant
Coatract for Code Enforcement Program with the IIn3ted States of Ilmeriea to pro�ida
finaucial esaiataace to said Citq under Section 117 of Title I af the Housing A�et
of 19k9, as amended bq all amendatory /1�cte; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to auch Contract, the City is unda�rtskiag certain activitiea
neceassry for the initiation and ex�cution of a Cade HAgOlCC10.@flC Program consistiag
of comcentxated coda enforcement activitias and the pro�vision of certain public
impravemeats eituated in the Project Ar�a de�cribed below; and
WAEREAS, the City desirea to engsge� the Authority ta render cerCain technical
advice and assistance in Gonaectioa with such andertakings o� the City:
NOfa THExEFORE, th� partfe� hereto do mutuallg agre� as follo�re:
1. SCOPE OF SE�VICBS. The Authortty ahali perfarm all the �c�ssary
aervices pravided und�r this Con�zncC in conn+ection t�iCh and rQapeeting the following
project area:
(See �chibit a attached h�retoj
and shall do, perform, and aa�ry out, iu a sstisfa�tory and proper aanner, as detazmined
by the City� the fallawing:
a. Provide the services oi one (1) Piaancial A�dvieor, an ��ployee of the
Authority, seventy•five parcent (75X) of abose time aiYl be cbmrgeable to said projaet
under thie Agra�ment, who vill in a satiafactory and proper mannar, u detsrained by
the Citq, assist the City in counseling project area r�eidents in financing th� c�ts
of rehabilitation and ceusesvation, e:p�cially in administration of ehe Section 312
and Section 115 Grtnt Progzams pt'ovided u�der eaid Title I.
b. Provide the services of one (1) A�ssistent Financial Adviaor, an employee
of the Authorizy, seventy-five percent (75'�) of whoee time will be chargeeble to
said project under this Agreeweat� who will in a eatiafactory and proper manner, aa
determined bq the City, aid the Financial Advieor in assieting the City in counseling
project area residents in fi.nancing the costs of rehabiliCation and conservatioa,
especially in administration of the Spction 312 Loan and Section 115 Grant Progrmns
provided under asid Title I.
c. Provide Che aervices of one (1) Rehabilitation Coordinator-Programa
Spec.'•.aliat, an �mploqee of the Authority, twenty-five pereent (25X) of whoee time
will be chargeable to said project uader this Agreemeat, who will ��--a satisfactory
end proper mauner, aa determined by the City, aesist the City in administering the
8pecial progrema established uader said Tit1e I for which the proj+ect area qualifies
and �,rho will maintain lisison betwaea the pxopertq awnera, the Avthoritq, the Federa�l
Houaing Administraeion, aad the Department of Houeing and Urban Development.
d. Provide the servieea of five (5) Rehabilitation Advisors, employeee of
the Authority, who will in a eatiafactdrq and proper manner ae determined by the Citq
sesist the Citq in explaining the scope a�nd purpose of the rehabilitation programs,
set up and attend praperty inepectione aad conferences �i.th c3wners and prepare property
analyaie structural ecm�ary reporta, and Working with the architectuxal deefgner aad
the Phalen .Area Community and the Phalen Area Cammunity Code (PACC) techuical advisory
committee, will provide preliminarq idea sketchea including infonaation on strvetural
compoaents, buildiag methods and typee of materials relating to private property
e. Provide the aervicee of one (1) Assistant Real Estate Officer� an employea
of the Authority, t�renty percent (2�) of whose time �sill be chargeable to said
project under this Agreemeat, who will, in a a8tisfactory and proper manner as deter-
mined by the City, aeaist the Citq in providing vnluatioa and appraisal information for
administration of the Section 312 Loan and Section i15 Grant Pragrams provided under
said Title I.
f. Provide the services of one (1) Relocation Counselor, an employee of
the Authority, twenty percent (20X) of whose time Wi12 be chargeable to eaid project
under this mgreement, who will in a satiafactorq and praper `r.manner as determiaed by
the City, asaist the City in pxoviding information to project area reaidente in �eed
of asaistance in moving a� a result of public action, to$ether with administering the
various relocstion $ran�:s and paya�ents far which said project area resfdents are
eligible under said Title I.
g. P�covide the aezvicea of up to thrae (3) Clerk Typiata, employeea of the
Authoritq, who will in a satiafactorq and proper manner, as determfned by the City in
coordinating office activitiea with refe�?��ac�e to the Financial Advisor, Asaistant
Financir�l Advisar, Relocation Counselor and Rehabflitgtion Coordinator-Programs
Specialist, aseiat the Citq in maintaining Cheir pra�ect workload in typing, maintain-
ing records and supplies and other secretarial a�i clerical dutiee.
The City ehall provide all neceseazq offiee facilltiea, work materials and
tzanaportation for the employees of the Authoritq identified in paragraph l.d. abwe.
2. TIME OF IPERFORMANCE. The services of the Authority are to coaomence
as of ,'s-•-.^..-q �., "'70, and sha�l be undertaken and completed in auch eequence as to
assure their expeditious completion in light of the purposes of this contract; but
in auy event, all of the S�YII�CEB requized hereunder ^hall be completed within
twelve (12) consecutive calendar month� from the date of this Contract.
This Coa�txa�tt swty be sx���d bayond Aaaa�ear �1. 1970 b� �be aon�twl
co�s�at af tLs p�Ries h+��et�► �► avl;deacs +�d��d�.
T�i� �re�rars� a�ty ba tatai�t�d b� eit'�r par� bsreE4, for a� r�sieon
�fiatsoeq�e�, at su�r t�i.a�� upon t�e daliwrp ta► �1�,� �a�he� pa�ty of thirty (30� d�rys
arrittea �otic� o� �ersi�ti�np►.
3. CO!l��1Ii�AT�QM. T'tw Cicy sball r�sia�bvacae and cao�po�set. th�s Authority
�anc its diroat costs ioc�rred u�der thi� l►gr�e�nt fo� �he ope�at�wt� a� g�zier�l
a�isi.rx�rativi arnri�sad tog�t't�� �rl.th tha re�abili�stio� �tud losa prc�cessing
p1-o�ridsd hassu�d�r; bu� in ao �venC �ha��. �ha �aaatbly bi�.1�� exc�:c:c' ��'i',T27.30
ger rot�eh, tlsi.+� s�w bei:� predi�c+�t�p+d upon th� aCta�lted #udget, a capp o� �ich !s
a�taei�d #�+e�cato as E�k�i�,t 8 a� �sde �r p+ert As�aaf.
1� Cl.ty rrha�l zaimb��rr�� t�+o�a em�lo�e+�s �t �he Autbori,tr �r�if�.�sll�
s�t fmrt� ta psrsgar�y►�s 1,►a. tt�ra�rgh i.t. �a�lwiwa ae �he� �ra+�s o� �p«4�3� i� 7�
p�r wiie fe�r tr�r�l +au�►+arix+ed b�r the City s�ad p�r�'o�ad by pr3�ra��1y c�ad e�ta-
aeahii� in �h+� pe�ef� o� ��ac dt�i�a �sx �.b��.s Cont��at; the reao�cd� oE ebs
Auttbori,t�r rha�l b� �s� �o t��ation by t1� Ci�y #or pwrp+a��� wf verif�i�� said
4. ��?D t3�' kAYl�Afl`. TLs. Ant�os�t�r sb�l1 saba�t s hl.l�ia� to tb� C�.t�
oa s �walh]�y b�►sis in aacor��ac+e �rith Cbe ps�cr�ri�ion of p�ar+�r+Rp�r 3 of C1ti• Cvntru�t.
ilit�ia t�a (20) day� a��'t� �ec�p� a#' tha btlTtu�. 3f ea�re�et accosdi� to the Ci�l's
secosd�# t�e Glt� �hsi� ar�ts pa�nt to t;b►er d���Ciry. 1Gtia�►vnr�em�►nt �ax tr�i
•bail be incln�8ed ia aaid bl,lli�. �l.tb�� this�r (3fl) dags �f�sr Gamglatiwa ot
p�rfar�as c►f •e3rvic��r ��d� �h�s Ccn�r�c�, ths City � the Autl�nriey ''�all 3ointX�
wdit tbe ti,�a r+�emd� ana;d, i� a�a�a�sr�r, ad,�wrt g+�s�t �or th� ,�as�viaas �ravi�rd
ba�sa�d�e� aa s�ah rrae� �r�a�.l 4�+dl,�c�e�r,
S. TE� Ai�ID C�1I�t'�lB, lh�.s �r�a�e�� i� s�b�aet ta Mrul incor�aratss
eha p�nT3siaw sttacla+ed hs�to rus F+�rt II * Tera� and Conditioaa �me �-6�18,
drtael 2•69 j.
6. t�� P����S. I� i+� �pr�as�y e�ders�� a�d sgr+��8 t'h�t tbe
s�►log�aes �fiits� �er�,+�+r� ara r.o b� p�ort�.�l�e3 �ad+er thi� �txact sh�►11 p�r�lvr� t�e
aesvias�r undar tb�a dise�t cont�r�al ant! euperwt��.�►n of t�ue Gity. it i� �aact�ar
�y►ressly undarrtoad aad sgr�e�d thst all ee�ltryma� �rformi�ag sarvices und�r thi�
Gaatract wree sad �rhall r�m t�o �oqr�ar,�ra!ev o� �� Aa�harit�r for gva�p�aresa vt �rslweeu's
co��ens�ti+an �nd hos��,�*1�.�ati�a i�iau�raaa* �+a�►+�r�+��, r�s�.s'� �ec�ri�y �nd pemrion
F�ysantr �nd baar�fits, aa�d �Cher ���►�� ob�i�a��.a�� �uad be�+eti�s.
Ip WZTNESS WHER80F, the City and the Authoritq t�ave eaecuted this Aga�eem�nt
ae of the date first abave arritten.
Cvunteraigned by:
TbomaB R. Byrae, Mayor
Joseph J. Mitcheil, Ccmptroller
Rarrp E. Karshall, City Clerk
Form A roved:
Atteat: gy.
1�t�RI�"�I�i d8 !►REA
t��� � '
P'�QJSC!� �., '.., ,t
�e �r�� is sit�at�d ia tt�a Ci�jr pf 8a�.nt P�al, Ce�aty a� �h, Stats o� �taae��ata�,
t8� bov�ectui�a o# rhic� are desar�bed as folla�+s s
3�ginni� �e a �oint � h�ndr�►d a�d �nty-fiv� t�t north
of ths uoycth itaa af East ��ryr Ao*nv�e �n�d one buad�d an�
tanenty�tve fte� east o! tlw+ast� ita� o� As�ad�r Stxset;
Thence �s��ar1� wloa� a li�ae ona hs�adr�d �nd t�reaty�'ln feet
aorth O� C� ndnctb li� �o! �a�t Ivy Awgne u� B. I�ry A�r�taw
vaeat�d tp a pc��,nt on • Zit� tt�st i� aa� ha�red and �ent�►•
li�n ia�t a►ioncCh��tt��1� of Clte t�rcthw+��►t�rly liae of Sra3.n�rd
The�ce soutl�eM�arly �o� a l�n� ont �u�drsd ae�d L�nnty-tive
�eet s�or�ir`rrsttrlg o� tl�e ta�ncth�est�ly lin� o� Br�l.aresd Aw►etwa
to �t,� �,�►�itrseation w3,tb a li�e o�t �raadrsd aaad tt�saty�'iwn
feet ��at of th� s�w� 33�e �►# DsSats lita�se��
i'h�nc� �c►rth�ri�r aivng ��.d i�ne to � point or�e �w�ds�d a�
t�nc�r•$ivea fett no�rta o! th�ia�artb 1iw nt E. 8yututh Aveou�r
estead�ed aau�Ce�I�r;
'The�nce we�tesly rl�a� a i3,a+� a� ha�sd �md twatT-�iv� fest
a�rth o� tb� no�rtb li�are of �ya+eintb �Ar►aoue �a�.eud,�d rrssterlT
�o • pe�int ��e hn��td s�d �ren�+�tl�n t�eet �esC o� tt►e w�st �ins
of 6le�stmiaeta�r Straet;
Tl�ence Sa�tlaerly �o �he so�ch iin�r o� l�a�c���d Ave�tu;
?hence w�s�+�r1� ts a �►aiat 237 fa�t w�t rr! tbe �nst lfat o!
W��tadi�n�tsr �CS�w�t;
�'h�e� sout�u�tiT on a 1i�e a:97 fe�� west o� tbe wat iiae o�
Nest�ins�et Stra�t t� �he nostb liw of .�e��aol,me �i►aaw�
Tt�nas wart�rly �n the �rtb Iis� o� Jsssa�ine /tvinw tn t;ra
aast linQ o:� �Ji�i�tsippt S�ra�t��irb►�;�th is the ea�rt itne af
Int�►rststa B;�hw+t� 3�E)3
Thance seut4eri� on ch� east lieW of Itt��t�ate Hi�hxay �5E to
� point ome bu�l�td �d ta+eaty-fi�ne leee •oatb of �hh� soe�th
liae of Caas�e knowg
TA:nca sastesl�r Qn a l��ae oas �n�drNlt aad t�eatY•�Eive feet
�oticth oi� the aaat� ��.ee of Cas�t Ar�nw� ta a �i�� a� 6nr►dre8
sz�d tt+�nty�ive ,�,�•t e�t af ths� east �tns af �iscada Stac�lt;
T���� �to�tbNerlg on a line ona bwad�r�d �d t�rent�r•five f�ee
eaat o�' t4�e •ast lirae of Ar+etd+� 6tYa+et to a pM.At oae hnndred
s�l t�en�g-�3,� laf� ana�t� of th� eu�rth li� o� Ivn► A�a�we,
btin� th� pofat of b�gi�.ag.
ffi�HIS�T A
8� �OIE 19'A �q#`�4Z ��
can�r � �a�cr r�. �as
� �u► +� ���r
��� � �
�as��uar�rrs � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s �+�,Qa�a.00
�cecs�t �: I�se o�'
� T� o� �s�r. . ;; _
_lb.tc,�,oQ,�,� c'�ea�Zs � ��#,D�
�..., �.
���.ZLRi'�'1i�iir n
�'3�ia� �ldvts+0u' . 7'�i 1Z � 9,�.'�
A��r�. �'3ua�iai ,�drr�o�r ?3x Z� 8.3i8.kA
Lbabill.tatioa C�oacdirates 3�'i'�, �it 3,�p7�30
l►iw R+�abi�ititxaw Ildriress �4t�, I� 43,6l6.04
�..t. �.� �.z�z� +�����r za� �� �,sr�.at
aRiN �i��'�T��`� LMVrN J�� ��..i�0�9v
�+alac,ttio�r +Goaasslot �#��'► �,7t I.db3.tl8
� 11��9$�'.�.�t
Itetis�m� Daea�l�t�r e10�) �,3�.21
Dtmtct Cw�r�sad
t�nt, Ttlsphop�, 8tatto�x�� •tG. (13x) _ '�i!�i�"l.13
11ARRL�I'�! 1�A� ?0 AU�ET l�t �V�D�� PE1tSO111t�L A�'D
R �t f� . •
r t ons • Ge ra t a � head
Th#.a �,tsa� rr�1��C* •sls� �w��C for ga�e�e�r�l �er+��►�ne1 a�,�ia�rsticrn,
aad +�iAiaistratl�on o� t1�t ��.2 �.am �d 1�" 6r�nt �hcosrrs.
i�l�abilita�iem a�d �..esn s�d �ar� lhro��asi�
�A rrri� sr�/�i��ll •I!I I�I� I/ �I M'11 � II � ■I�Iw��l I�I
l. aehabilitittal
Th�: ftem re#l�ats �alsar�r ce��s ot firve �teh�il�tattan �dvis�rn.
2. Sectioa 31� Laan a� S!ect�oa lls t3�an� 1'x+E+rcesai�g
�e�'le�cts sa'�s�r eeearts ia cotiu�ation rri�i� eh+� proceas�ng o� �eati4Q
31Z Loa� �u�!d li3 �c+iud�t �pl�aa�l;oas« �11fio r��le�ted is salsrYr
��t of a ats#� �a�si�e�r to �ar apprai,�,��.s oa 312 t.aa� -auder
�3,�E� sad saiaqt�r c+orR�• lo�c �easra�l �►��rriaion a# &wui� an�
ReEde�velopn�rn� /l�t��► psrson�ei.
3. Relocatioa
4►. �e�ir�arenc �es�efi�s
S. Snt�d�cq 4+�a=he�!
8a1�-mc�►la+�ato�y -
Thw cwt�► �c:llect+ed in tbit bs�d�et t�pyc�r�aat tht �raa�ci�te �brae ysu�ootal
afte� e�k�.a� iatv e�mtid�ratioa th+� �e�ra:lati.n� �aau�al a�sts ,�oa salary i��e�es, �etc.
E���T' 8