246784 ORIGIN�kL 7j0 CITY CLERK 246�84 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK License Commi.ttee COUNC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY December 23 lg6g COMMISSIONE - DATF � RSSOLV�D: That applic= tion for Pool I-tall ( 3 tables�, Confectioner�r �and Cig�,ret;,:e Licenses �ade by Ja,mes Cotten for 662 Selby Avenue, be and the same are hereby grai�ted on the condition tYi�t within / � days of this date said James Cotten shali comply with all requirements of the Bureaus o� Fire� Hez�,lth, and Folice, and the Licerse Inspeci�o� pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code �nd all other applicable ordin.ances and la,ws, f�EC 2 3 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DEC 2 3 19� CarLson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku J Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �}gLISHE� ��� � f � �� ! • CITY OF �AINTy PAUL Capital of Minnesota //. �" ������;� �e a�ti�erzt o ablic c�a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy CommLdoner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor Deeem:cer 23, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Co�.;r�.cil Saint �aul, N�inr:e;�ota Gentle;:er.: J��ies Cot�er_ rfl�,kes dppl�cation ior a Pool ?��:�iJ_ (three. ta,'r,les�, Cor.fectioner;�� ar.d Cigarette Licer..;es for o62 aelby Avenue wnich is locatec or. the �ov.t�� side of the street between the intersectior.s of Dale and St. Albans Streets. Currently there is no licensed business at this locatioY�. For a rnzr�ber of ;;ears it was occupied by �:ugie's Cateri:�r Compan;�� �•ri�o are licetised caterers now operztin� at a,not.2er location. From 1965 to the Yr�:sent, tl�e Cotte�s (Irer.e Cotten, �s iicensee� operated a si:?,ilar busir_ess at 3�?1 Arundel Street. �'his loc-�tion has be�:� acauir.ed by the 'riousing and T?edevelopment �lut�ori;;y ��nd t}.ey <�re Porced to vacant the ?�re��ises a.s of the first of the yrear. Tiiere is one 3.2 pla.ce w�iti�in two Ulocxs. The closest On Sale Liqi�or place is one block and the closest Off Sa1e Liquor place is �,lso one block away. Tr�e nearest church is three blocks ��.i,d t;�e i�easest school is seven b_locks away. :Iames Cotten, tne applicant, has been associated with his w;fe in this same busi� e:s�a� their present location for the pa:>t five y-ear:. er;,� truly yours� ' ��C . icer.:e Inti�,pector O i y � C ITY flF S�A Il�tT PAUL DEP�,RT�+IENT L�E' PfT$I�IC SAFETY LICENSE D�VISI('1N �t� December 17, 1g 69 _......._ 1• ,�pplioat�.ari �or f'ool Iiall Liaense I.iaen�e 2. Na�e of applictant Jame s C ot t on 3. Buainesa addreaa 662 Se1b;r Residenoa 892 �urel avenue 4. Trsc�e xiame, 3P az�y T��one . So Retail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp P�o Retail Ziquor Federal Ta� Stam.p None �'ill be uaedo 6. C� what floor loQated lst Floor Number of ro� used'� 2 Roor.us ?. Betw�een r�iat cro8a atreeta ��%. Albans - �ale �Yhich side of str�e� t�orth side 8. �re premiaee noar �acupied rao �1That businesa Hvw long 9. �,re premi�es n�v unoccupied veSHao� long vacant Previoua use Restaurant 10, �re you a ne�r orovn.er Ye3 Have you been 3n a similar buain.e�s before Yes '�here 391 hrun.del 1Rhen 1965 to 1969 11. Are you go3n.g to operate this business pereonally Yes If not, who vrill oparate it T;o one 12. Are you iu any ather business at the �esent time �oin� out of business 1S. Have thare been any csomplaints against your oparation of this type of p]ace 1�'0. 11lhen llihe re 1�. II�ve you eviar had a�y liQenae revolaed No �lhat reason and date 15. �re you a aitisan of th� IInited States Yes Nativ�s Nat�ralized �e.. _ _ .._....�._ l60 11Riere �!ere you borg Rund ��Tay, P,�ississippi ��e oP birth 3-31-1918 17. I am �$ married• ]dy (�tiPe's) (}a�y����c,���� namo and addresa is Irene Cotton 18. (If m�rried femQle) �y maiden name ia 19. �o� lang hsve yuu lived in Ste Paul 11 years - 20, Hs�v�s you ev+er been arreated Yes Yiolatioa of what criminal laW or ordinance After hours in a raid, 3�dove:a�er 1963, �'�arch 1968 21. Are you a regi�tered voter in the Ci�r of $t e 1'l�ul Yes Y`ee NoA (An;e�r fully and Qompletelye Thbse a �licationa are tMorou hl check�d a�d aa falaification vrfll be causa fo� denu�la . , „ , 22, Number oP 3,2 plaaes lrithia two blooks �e �3• Closeat intaa�iaating liquor plaoe. C�x Sale 1 block(Celebri�f S�le 1 block-�rea 's 24. Nearest Church 3 blocks Nearest Schoul 7 blocka 25. Nwnber of buo�tha Tablaa 3 Chairs 8 Stoo18 26. i�t oecup�,tian have you follovred for the paat f�.ve �ar�• (Gi9e namea oP emplo�ara and dates ao employ�d.) �rner and operator of pool hall at 391 Ar�del •. �: 27. Gi�v�ey ae►mes and addree�es of two pereons, reaidenta of S�• Pl�ul, �.i.nne, who oan gi�e its�orn�tiozl oe�aacerning yous ��e lslbert :iteele bddre�se 51II t�urora Aaabe Charles Jones Addrese 153 2�'ackubin ture cP pp eant State of �inz�asota . sa C oua�y of R�maeg . /,� � (,vv�.2� �"��-� being Pilra�t duly s�rorn, deposee azul saya p a--os� e 1�� rea the orego ng mtatement bearing his axgnature and knowe e contenta thereoP, and that�the eams ie �rue" of hia awn laio�rledge eacept sa to thoee mattera thereia atated upar�. inforn�tion and beli.af and as to thoae matters he believ�ea ti�em to be true. S griatt�re of Appliaant Subsaribed and etrorn to before ms ' ---c thie -� day of� 19� � No ry bl , Ra�msey Courity, , sota l�y Comas►iasion expirea lo �a�-! `/70 ' (�ote� Theae statement f�rma sre in dupl�tcate. Both copies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Liaense Diviaiono�- DOROTHY J, MUNKETWIT7J Notary Public, Ramsey County, MIrtR, My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970