246750 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� 6�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C NC RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, upon recommeadation of the Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee, that the He�lth and Welfare Frogram for City employees and employees' dependents as exemplified by contracts between the City and Minnesota Hospital Service As- sociation and Group Health Plan, Inc. be continued in their present forms during the year 19704 and b� it F'URTHER RES4LVED, �pon the recommendation of the Health and Welfare and Insuran�e �ott�aittee, that the proper City otficials are hereby authoriaed and directed to �mend the ex- isting contracts with Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compar�y to provide $4,000 life ins�arance on all City employees at a monthly premium rate of 71Cs per $1,000 and to provide for the purchase o� life insuranee on dependents of employees at the employee's expense at the monthly premium rate of $1.00 per $1,000 per family to � m�ximum of $3,000= and be it F'URTFiER RE50LVED, that said Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company contracts, in �11 other respects, be continued during the year 1970. FORaI ARPROVED /�ti�-t.�c, Asst. Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �EC 1 4 t999 Yeas Nays Carlson ��C 1 � �96� Dalglish Approve� 19— --5 Meredith ^ � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafku Mayor � A gainst Tedesco ` lyby Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� ���i � � �� Dec�mber 23, 1969 St. Paul Fix°e and i�r�.ne Insurance Co. 385 Washington St, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy d Council e No. ?51, adap�ed becember lq, 1969, with re�'eren to urance contracta, as amended, for employee� and dep ts, retired employees age 65 and over, and rees etween the Ci.ty and your Coanpany, a� mor ul.],y de ibe thc �lution. Very tru],Y yours, City Clerk ng Decemb�r 23a �-969 i� ! 6 � �__.___.._, Minnesota Mutusl Life Insurance Co. � ��y��i�'�.,�`•� 3�+5 Cedar �t. �,,,�� St. Paul, Minnesota /`��`� `�' � �f._'_�� Gentlemen: � J �, / Enelosed is a copy of Council i�t. No 2�+6750 adopted December 19, 1969, with reference to amendment to e� o� '� contracts with your Company p�rtair�in� to life ins�-ee—�n a7. ty employees, as more Pu].ly set out in the xesolutio�/ �`' `�,� , � � � � Yery tru].y yours, � � � �---.•,, \..__._�-.-'. ���� '�✓ City C1erk ��i Tl$ i l � ,�l , ., '!'/ �.,..._-..__ �: _..__.�.�- ���'���� ���L't��, u�a�a s�cs������.�� �rt ��� ��a�,��� r�rec� �'�l�a�+ar �m+� I��nrax��� ���i�:t��. ���� �� t�+�a�� az�d �e�I��� F���a�a fQr City ���1ca�+ar,� a�+� ����+�ss" �tr��e,��+�ts aa +r�+��;p2i�,i� by c�ntra�t� �tw��e� t'�+� +��.�g� � l�xr,t�:e�ota �x�spita�l ���rr�.�� �►�— �r�ci.a��.+�n �si ��a�� ����1� ���►,� �nc. be� �on�inu�d i� ���.a� ,�7�5@li�A� �C9�i�8 f�'�t'Z',"�Xd+� '���+lEt ;�'+�t�1�' .���Q' iLF1$ � �'� �'��� �����.�`;I�� �c,�� ���e r����ut�►ti+�n s�� ��r.� �r+��►l�� �xad �t�el���re �z� ���r�t�ca�+� ��it�a�a, �ha►t ��r� �a��� �i.ty G�$$�C�+��.tl ���" ����:'�'��► $t��2'YO�'�.�G�t'� �Ai� i°��.1'd�Ct� '�� r�t�Y4d.� 4��91� ��� �.��,�.�' +�Q�l�]:+IN,+�:�»� ti��.��3 �l�t1Ct�1�t��t +��tii�a�k� ���+i Z�f��t#t�`�E�1� ���+�A�' � �ar��.�� ��,���1 3�.�c� in���c� �a� all �i��r ��►��ry+�es at a �tat���y �►�+�pt�ti!�a s�t�'.�r ,�� 7t� g�t i��,��►�I �d �c� p��►�,d� fc�s ths ���9���� �� 1�.�+� iuiuranc� +��a d������r �►�' ��pl�r+�+�s a�t the r�z���»�� "� �.���� a�. zhe �car�t�i� �►���t� �a�i�+� c��' �1.Ot3 �r �1 r�►�� �r �a�il� ta �► �i�� +a� ��,��p+�d�� ea� 3�r it �t�'�� �t�LV�. �3�a� �a►�,+� 1R��an�taa�t l�u�t�►al �.l.�+r T�sx�r�ca� �eaa�,�ay con���,�, f�c aIl ��s+�.a� �+��e�C�, bs +�s�tiut��d duc�cin�g k�e� �rat�r .�9!'I£�. Adopted by the Council - '�,� �.. �'' ����` Approved - '..�. ' ,; '�s��