04-1036City of St. Paul COUNC L FILE N0. (���`O J�I ZJ�f c� RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT By File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for J0403E2 (8035) Summary abatement for the excessive consumption of inspection services for property code violations for May, June, and part of April 2004. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-04 to 10-27-04 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom f Haxris � Helgen ✓ Lantry ✓� Montgomery ✓ Thune ✓ � � V Adopted by Council: Date �j (�0��� �� aW Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Appr !'s3� �ubiie, HE�R ro-a7-a� ���� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green S eet � �E j �"����7 ; DepartrnenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: , Pw -�b�,�Wa� - ���T-� ; Green Sheet NO: 3023066 � Contact Person & Phone: , ueoaroneni aenc i o rerson ; Bruce Engelbrekt _ � 0 Public Norks Bruce Enaelbrekt � 266'$$`'xF Assign 1 Council blarv Ericl'son ' Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ' Number ' 2 'Citv Clerk For Routing � Order � '� ToWf # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locafions for Signature) '� Action Requested: At council's request on 9-22-04 this item was laid over to 10-27-04 summ abatement for the excessive consumption of inspection services for property code violations for May, June, and part of April 2004. File No. J0403E2 Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): , Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: . Planning Commission � 1. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee � Yes No ' Crvil Service Commission 2. Has this person/f rm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any current city employee? Yes No , Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �� Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the Ciry of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. � The City is required by Ciry code to clean up the property and charge the property owner for the cost of the clean up. :, AdvanWpes If Approved: ; Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for summary abatements, grass cuttxng, towing of abandoned vehicles, demolitions, garbage hauling and boardings-up. a...�:>�:.�, �yxc�r�,�.,, � � DisadvanWpeslfApproved: - ' ., i None � . �cr Q � 200� ', DisadvanWqes if Not Approved: , If Council does not approve these char�es, �eneral fund would be required to pay the assessment. Total Amount of �Q CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Fundinq Source: Activity Number: � Financiallnformation: (exp�ain) 1 property owner will be notified of the public hearing and charges. City of St. Pau1 Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology � Management Serv COUNCIL FILE N0. v� �� 7 � REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for J0403E2 (8035) Summary abatement for the excessive consumption of inspection services for property code violations fox May, June, and part of April 2004. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-04 to 10-27-04 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Tota1 costs Charge-Code Enforcement Real Estate Service Charge TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $50.00 S $20.00 $70.00 $70.00 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of 70.00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefitted by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated Ju' y p � �c e'y�Ji'�-,� ..� �" Valuation d Assessment Engineer ro � A n m C y m X m 3 ro H � ?� n h7 C � ro n y H r� �� o 0 O n H H y n y � mnrr H ii m La u m x H n 7J C] o n C m H 1I HCA C n [ n C n h1 [n II m n L� (1 n O �� z n cn n C n 3 n ro i n 11 �t 11 n n n n n n n +a n Lr L+ � II N tn O 11 0 0 oiioo o n o 0 t��.—�u3le � ..m�m�o rowy�n�� � m�o mo � z � �a'ywy � � � i+ W C 3 �zcr�v�o � �G�]3ZC� � � , mt � H Ultnb� � � o �+xm � ro � n]m�Y.b � T� i.. H� T� y i[ o r C ,ro J A [�J o i �N �E rn i o � a i �+ C tn = � Z O H '_] � ro i O* y• C i O �� Nroz�ro ��ro vd�m i � [ CCK � H �urox �k i w U] � i � m m w ty � ty i in C7 � [9 Nz ��� � � O H � f] � a y F; i;U k] O � h .. z ,� _ � N i H H�O o�z � ' � � � � � � �nm�� mx�✓ � � � � � Cm�y H [n I O (� � � 'F1 U] H � c�z ���� � mc� � m o� � z �� a� 3i ro � � I � � i I �Z i � ti tv in � y i ooi i i p oo�q ooiy 0 o i p7 � � h] � y C] i i y i p 7J i r� r� i C oo�Z � O O I H ooiy 0 o i [n i i II � i 0 � (�] n � y II O � II i X1 � II i II � � � � 11 �N i �i i� N lT� � O O II O O �[ � ��• �z o n o o� y o II o o i!� i N i � � I N I �{J �I'� Q N i �p i w i P7 i i i � � w�H �' � K O i H O i tJ a i � i � � � � � 0 0 a b � � 3 H x 0 � � � b7 .'V C C 'i7 � � d] N --, �`��'� � � -� �� �c3� MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING ORDERS TO REMOVE/REPAIIZ, CONDEMNATIONS, ABATEMENT ASSESSMENTS Tuesday, October 12, 2004 Mazcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer Room 330 Courthouse/City Hall The hearing was called to order at 10:00 am STAFF PRESENT: Steve Magner, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement (NHPn; Michael Urmann, Division of Fire Prevention; Steve Zaccard, Fire Mazshall. J0403E3 Laid over summary abatement for excessive consumption of inspection services for 518 Charles Avenue Patrick McGrath, owner, appeared and stated ttris was an excessive consumption. He got orders to do painting, repair the porch, stairs. There were 12 windows painted. IYs a brick house. The only thing left undone is the painting. He had some medical issues in the past two years. Mazcia Moermond asked did he call the inspectors. Mr. McGrath responded he has had trouble with the inspectors. The inspectors just drive by; they don't come and look at anything. He is appealing the assessment because it is an unreasonable imposition on the homeowner. This is taking of property without due process. Ms. Moermond asked what property was taken. Mr. McGrath responded his money is properry. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $295 to a total of $147.50, as there was an esor on the agenda today; 518 Chazles is not on it. She wiil check the file. If more should be take off, he will get a call. J0303V1 Laid over summary abatements for abandoned vehicles from private property during January, Fe6ruary, March, and Apri12003. 503 Lafond Avenue (No one appeazed.) Marcia Moermond recommends approval of the assessment. 751 Ashiand Avenue Mazcia Moermond explained this is a towing of abandoned vehicie. Velma Lee Anderson, owner, appeazed and stated the City took her vehicle from her yard and they shouldn't haue. The City did this when she was in the middle of two family funerals. The vehicle was fust parked where it shouldn't have been. The window was broken. One vehicle --�---- __, ._ �. -- w, ___. _, �. .___� _T- �—_ �_ .. __—_--- — - o4-�b� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINIJTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 2 was taken away. The Cadillac was moved to the back of the pazking azea, rock/dirt type, neat to the garage which she has used for 30 years. The inspector thought it looked like the tabs were eapired. She purchased tabs in December. The only thing missing was the battery. It was taken out because someone had tried to steal it. She didn't know her vehicle was gone because she was going in and out of the back. She didn't understand the letter at first, as this has been a rock parking area from the time she purchased the home. She was told to add more rocks on it to abate it Steve Magner reported that on December 13, 20Q2 there was a complaint on two vehicles: 1) a blue Cadillac with November 2002 tabs, flat tires, inoperable, and 2) a blue Chevy with a broken window. A Sununary Abatement was mailed on December 16 with a compliance date of December 23. The inspector went back on December 30, there was no change, and a citation was issued for aliowing abandoned vehicies on the properiy. " Ms. Moermond asked what happened with the citation. Ms. Anderson responded she had to pay about $150. Ms. Moermond asked where was the vehicle when the police towed it and was it moved to the driveway. Ms. Anderson responded her Chevrolet was gone and she would not leave her other caz parked and unaddressed. The car was a collector item. There are homes in the alley with debris in the yard. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the total assessment from $610 to $200 and payments made over a three yeaz period. i 956 Fifth Street East Javier Popoca Corantes, owner, appeazed and stated his nephew parked his cat. He did not know what kind of caz it was. He opened the mail and gave it to his nephew. The nephew said he would take caze of it Mr. Corantes does not know how he can pay this. Steve Magner reported that on Mazch 27, an inspector was at the proper[y and indicated there was a blue Cadillac parked on the property with expired #abs of August 2002. A summary abatement was issued and mailed to 1956 Fifth Street and to occupant at the same address. On March 28, the Vehicle Abatement Order was mailed to Corantes at this address and to the occupant. The orders indicated the violation had to be removed by April 10, 2003. The inspector went there and the vehicle was stiil in violation. A tow order was sent to-the Saint Paul Police Department. The vehicle stayed there through one round of storage, and that is why the cost is so high. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $1,121.45 to a total of $560.72 and spreading the payment over a five-year period. The storage costs were twice as much because the police department did not process it quickly. �-1a3� LEGISLATTVE HEAILING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 3 2204 Seventh Street West. Steve Magner reported an inspector was at the property on February 5, 2003. In the reaz lot was a van and a silver Honda, both with expired tabs. Summary abatements were issued on both vehicles. The Vehicle Abatement Orders were mailed to Flanders in Maplewood and to the Johnsons at a p.o. box with a compliance date of Mazch 7. The inspector came back, found the vehicles were not in compliance. Merle Johnson, owner, appeazed and stated he rents to lower income tenants. They can hazdly afford rent. He did not get a letter. Ms. Moermond responded he should have received a letter two yeazs ago. Mr. Johnson responded that he did and he told the tenants to get tabs. Ms. Moermond stated it was two months from the time the City wrote a letter and when the City towed it. Mr. Johnson responded that when the car is gone, they cannot get another one. He tries to give them a chance. Mr. Magner reported there is a note that the vehicles were being "ping ponged" between two addresses. A work order was sent to the other address. The vehicles were towed off 2204 Seventh. Ms. Moermond recommends approval and spreading the payments of the assessment over a two yeaz period, as it is the owner's responsibility to manage the property. J0404C Demolition of vacant building (garage) at 1854 Benson Avenue during July 2004. (Laid over from 9-28-04) Marcia Moermond stated the owner talked about the garage which the City had an order to remove or repair. It seemed the best way was for the City to remove the garage, and to put the owner on a payment program. It turned out there was a friable kind of asbestos in the gazage, which meant there was a$8,900 on the asbestos removal in addition to the $2,900. Ms. Moermond made calls and found that the City does not have any help with loans or grant. She was referred to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MI'CA) as there may be money from them to help. Ms. Moermond can set up payments. She heazd there were other things going on also with the power being shut ofF. Janel Pelzel responded the other owner's income was being deducted. That is ail taken caze of. She is glad the City did the demolition on the garage; however, estimates were $3,000 to $4,OQ0 and they knew there was asbestos. She asked how she could be charged twice as much when they knew what the problem was in the beginning. Steve Magner reported they found out there was boiler block asbestos present. The contractor's estimate was $3,OQQ to $4,oQ0 based on what was visible at the time. When they got in there, they took twice as long and had twice as much abatement as what was initially identified. At that point, it is the tnne and materials for removal. The demolition of the garage came in under the Z��� 4� ��--`03 (� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 4 bid. The asbestos had to be done. It was an immediate hazard. Once it is identified as being there, it is a known cazcinogen, and it cannot be left open to the publia lt became at that time, an emergency abatement. Ms. Pelzel stated she knows about chemicals as she used to work with them. They lmew what the problem was and she is being chazged twice as much. Mr. Magner responded it is the time that doubles the price. Once it is all removed, there aze disposal costs. This is an extremely friable type of product. The MPCA was nofified of this job and there probably was an inspector that looked at this. The MPCA has specific guidelines on how this should be done. It is the time that it takes to abate it. There was no other recourse on this matter, but to abate it. Ms. Moermond stated the best estimate is $3,000 to $4,000. Once they went there, there was a greater volume and a greater amount of time. It was an emergency, so they had to continue doing it. Months ago, no one thought it would cost that amount of money. She talked to Real Estate Office and they can put this on a ten year payment plan. Ms. Moermond would like to keep this in hearing, to see if they can get some payment money. Councilmember Harris represents this area. She met with his staff to talk about this situation. When the second assessment comes up, it will be put all together. Ms. Moermond suggested that the owner get an attorney. The homeowner's insurance may cover some of it. (Ms. Moermond's recommendation is forthcoming for this assessment. The other part of this assessment dealing with this gazage will come to a Legislative Hearing in 2005.) � J0403E2 Laid over summary abatement for excessive consumption of inspection services at 396 Burgess Street. (Note: this address was inadvertenfly left off the agenda for today.) Nancy Watkins, owner, appeazed and stated everything was fixed when the inspector came the first time. He said wire in the basement was coming down. It turned out to be wire from an old doorbell. She was charged twice. The furnace guy said everything was okay, and the inspector crossed it off the list. The inspector came by for other things, but he never made special trips, yet she was charged for them. Ms. Moermond asked did she teil the inspector about the doorbell wire. Ms. Waticins responded she told him when he came out. He charges extra to come out and didn't come out. Ms. Moermond stated she will look at the file and come up with a recommendation. She will call the owner later with her decision. (Note: Ms. Moermond's recommendation is approval of the assessment.) oy-�o3� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 5 Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 1040 Jessie Street If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building. (Laid over from 9-28-04) Steve Ma�er reported there is a new snmmary report on this properiy and included in that is a purchase agreement and a work plan. The current owner Lois Palmer was at the first legislative hearing, and her intent was to mazket the property. She was given two weeks to mazket it and bring it to another hearing. At the second hearing, the Hearing Officer had a purchase agreement, but the parties did not show up. Today, the party is here. The new owner plans to close in November and has a work plan. He attempted to post a bond yesterday, and LIEP would not accept it because he is not the listed owner. Mr. Magner suggested that they bring the purchase agreement to LIEP and post the bond with that or the owner could post the bond. Ms. Moermond stated it looks like the Fire Department did the team inspection on this. She asked has he reviewed the work program. Mr. Magner responded he oniy received it this morning. This building is not far from being down in six months, but an early winter may cause a delay. If enough of the repairs aze made, a partial Certificate of Occupancy can be issued with the fact that he has to come back in the spring and maintain the full compliance. Mr. Pilz has a working re]ationship with NI3PI. He has done prior properties. This is a Category III building. NHPI is not opposed to any of this, but would like them to pay the bond and get the permits. Bob Pilz, owner, explained that the weather will not delay it through the spring. Ms. Moermond responded that staff has the discretion to grant additional time to complete it if it is more than 50% complete at the 180 day mazk. She would like him to move the November closing forwatd. Mr. Pilz responded if they can get Ms. Palmer to get her junk out, then they will close it. Ms. Moermond responded that she would like to say everything is done when she stands in front of the City Council on October 27. Ms. Moermond recommends granting 180 days to complete the rehabilitation of the property if the following is done by noon of October 27, 2004: 1) Staff review the work plan to make sure it is sufficient, 2) real estate taxes brought up to date, 3) a$2,000 bond posted. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 640 Minnehaha Avenue West. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building. (Laid over from 9-28-04) (No one appeared to represent the property.) Steve Magner reported that he spoke to the owner this morning. The owner plans on obtaining his pernvt by the end of next week. He started to do the cleanup. Mr. Magner has a work plan, 0�{-ro3� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 6 and it seems feasible for completing the work. NHPI has no objections to amending the resolurion to 180 days. Ms. Moe:mond recommends granring the owner 180 days to complete the rehabilitation of the properry. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 705 Farrington Street. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building. (Photographs were submitted by Steve Magner.) Steve Magner gave the foilowing report: this is two-story wood frame duplex. It was condemned Mazch 2003 and has been vacant since Febniazy 10, 2003. There have been seven suminary abatement notices issued to remove gazbage, remove debris, cut tall grass and weeds. On June 24, 2004, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which consfitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on July 2, 2004 with a compliance date of September 2. As of this date, this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant buiiding fees have been paid. Two citations have been issued for failure to register the vacant building and pay the vacant building fee. Taxation has placed an estimated market value of $24,900 on the land and $77,600 on the building. On September 29, a Code Compliance Inspection was done. As of today, the bond has not been posted. Code Enforcement inspectors estimate the repair costs to be between $65,000 to $75,000; estimated cost to demolish, $8,000 to $9,000. Kos Jahangiri, owner, appeazed and stated he plans to fix it. He has this property because someone owed him money, and then he was stuck with the properiy. This has been a drain on his finances, and it is not for money making. The bank is going to give lum a loan now. He has done a rehabilitation once before. Ms. Moermond stated the City has had to issue Sunnnary Abatement Orders to teli him to clean up the property. The City has had to perform the work. The vacant building fees have not been paid, and criminal citations have been issued. A bond has not been paid. All of these indicate that he does not know what he is doing property management-wise or rehab-wise. This building is in rough shape. She asked is he doing this himself. Mr. Jahangiri responded he has a contractor. They puiled the pernuts. Mr. Magner responded there are not permits for this property. He couldn't pull pernrits until a bond is issued. Ms. Moermond stated the City requires a$2,000 bond be posted for a dangerous structure. A persor_ cannot pull permits on a dangerous structure until a bond is posted. Mr. Jahingiri asked can he get an extension. Ms. Moermond responded she has a hearing on October 26 and he can attend that one. She is looking for the following: 1) a work plan so the owner knows the scope of d�-lo� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 7 what he is going to undertake to bring the property back into code compiiance, 2) a bond will need to be posted by noon of October 27, and 3) evidence of financial wherewithal to execute the rehabilitation. They can talk on October 26 about the work plan and bond. He may want to bring his general contractor to that hearing. Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the October 26 Legislative Hearing and the October 27 CiTy Council Meeting. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 946 Fuiler Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building. The following appeared: James Shelton, 683 St. Anthony Avenue; Joyce Shelton; and William Shelton. Steve Magner reported he is only discussing the reaz structure. This is a two-story wood frame and stucco house on the reaz portion of the lot. The building has been vacant since July 16, 2003. The owners are James Shelton, Jr. and Joyce Shelton. On August 4, 2004, an inspection of the buiiding was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An Order to Abate a nuisance building was issued on August 1 l, 2004 with a compliance date of September 10. As of this date, this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The vacant building fees aze due. TaYation has placed an estimated mazket value of $38,800 on the land and $116,300 far the building, although the $116,300 may reference both structures on the lot. The bond has not been posted. The estimated cost to repair is $70,000 to $80,000; estimated cost to demolish, $6,000 to $7,000. Ms. Shelton stated she wanted time to get estimates for demolition and rehabilitation. Now that she has the compliance review and plans to get a cost for that list. Then she can come up with a work plan. She has estimates from two contractors for rehabilitation. They have two estimates for demolishing. She has talked to Mr. Senty, the inspector, a number of tunes. She is retired and so is James. She lives in the front house. The back house is empty. It is all the time locked. The house is unsightly, but not a nuisance. She asked for access to a list of contractors for demolition and remodeling. She is aiso asking for a chance to get estimates to come up with a good decision. Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the November 9legislative hearing. She will be looking for rehabilitation plans. If the City does the demolition, the assessment can be divided over time. The owner shouid talk to the community organization in the azea. The Purchasing and Contracting Office for the City can give her a tazgeted vendor list. Ms. Moermond asked if 946'/z is a legal address. Ms. Shelton responded yes. It was a delivery postal address for yeazs. ��- rn�� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES �OR OCTOBER 12, 2604 Page 8 Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 907 St. Anthonv Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Properfy Improvement is ordered to remove the buffding. (Photographs were submitted by Steve Magner.) Wally Nelson appeared and stated he bought the properry at the end of September. He cleaned it out. Jim Singer (License, Inspecrion, Environmental Protecrion) went through it, his team did the inspeetion, Me. Nelson pulled the bond, and he will pull the pemuts by tomorrow. Ms. Moermond asked how much time it would take. Mr. Nelson responded he will need 180 days. The worst part is getting it pulled back together. Steve Magner reported this is a two-story wood frame dwelling. The building was condemned in November 2003 and has been vacant since November l2, 2003. The current owner is Renovation, Inc. There have been four summary abatement notices issued to cut tali grass and weeds, remove debris from porch and yard, and remove snow and ice. On August 16, 2004, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance buiiding was issued on August 18, 2004 with a compliance date of August 24. As of this date, this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The timing was based on an explosion on the property; the northwest corner of the house was blown out. The fire inspector indicated it was possible azson. The mortgage company sold the property. Renovation, Inc. acquired the property. Vacant building fees are paid. Taxation has placed an estimated market value of $19,400 on the land and $81,400 on the building. On October 8, 2004 a Code Compliance Inspection was done. A bond has been posted. The estimated cost to repair is $75,000; estimated cost to demolish, $8,000 to $9,000. Jim Seeger (License, Inspections, Environmental Protection) feeis Mr. Nelson can get this property back together as per his business. Ms. Moermond recommends granting 180 days to rehabilitate the structure. Appeals of Defciency List and Vacant Building Registration Notice at 938 Sixth Street East/623 Forest Street. (Division of Fire Prevenfion and NHPn Mazcia Moermond explained that the owner is appealing the list and the vacant building registration. Jeff Voeiler, owner, appeared. Mike Urmann reported the building owner and he met at the site. Mr. Urmann made a determination that the building should not have been condemned. They changed the status on it to revokedlunoccupied. Their intention is to hold it in revocation due to the vacancy of the a�-1o3� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 9 building requiring an inspection to be done prior to reoccupancy. They also have issued a lift placard letter on the building for the condemnation. There aze no life safety issues that would cause it to be condemned. It was a vacant structure, but it did not have mulriple exterior violations which would cause Fire Prevention to refer it to the Vacant Building Program. In sumuiary: it was condemned in error, the condemnation has been lifted, and it has been changed to a revocation as an unoccupied structure. Ms. Moermond asked how there would be a vacant buiiding without it being in the Vacant Building Program. Mr. Urmann responded it is the duration of time it is vacant. It is secured by normal means, and does not have multiple exterior violations. It is just right now an unoccupied building and the building owner is in the process of hying to rehab and hying to sell. It is not truly a vacant building. Mr. Magner stated the reasons it was transferred to his office aze not in place at this time; therefore, he has no problem with changing the bui]ding to a Category I. He would defer the enforcement back to fire. Ms. Moermond recommends granting the appeal to the Deficiency List dated September 22, 2004 per staff s recommendation because they have come to an accommodation. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 366 Erie Street. If the owner faiis to comply with the resolution, Neighborhood Housing and Property Improvement is ordered to remove the building. (No one appeared to represent the property.) Steve Magner reported this is a two story wood frame dwelling. It has been vacant since January 3, 2003. The current owner is 7oseph D. Ubl. There have been four summary abatement noYices issued to cut tall grass and weeds and secure the front door. On July 13, 2004 an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed, and photographs were taken. An order to abate a nuisance building was issued on July 26, 2004 with a compliance date of August 25. As of this date, this properry remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The City has had to boazd Uus building to secure it against trespass. The vacant building fees are due and owing. Taxation has placed an estimated market value of $21,300 on the land and $73,200 on the building. AS of today, there is no Code Compliance Inspection, nor bond, nor contact with the owner. Inspectors estimate the cost to repair is $60,000; estimated cost to demolish, $6,000 to $7,000. Ms. Moermond recommends approval. (There was a recess from 11:53 a.m. to 12:17 p.m.) ----____-__ _--.-- - _ __� �_ ,..� ,��..� � � .-�.�_�__---------� ... _ LY-t-��3� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 10 Appeal of Deficiency List at 46 Fourth Street East. (Division of Fire Prevention) Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall, appeazed and stated it appears this is the same appeal that was before the Legislative Hearing Officer last week, at which time she granted two extensions of time for the enforcement of the revocarion of the certificate of occupancy. The September 22 letter advises them of the right to appeal to her and the owner exercised that right already. Only one of the elevators work. The occupants on the 13'" floor have vacated, but there is still occupancy on Floors 5 and 6. If someone had a medical emergency, Fire has to take the unreasonable time and staff to get to these people, treat them, and bring them down without the aid of an elevator. Lives are at risk by doing it this way. Whether than force the revocation, the latest extension ended at the end of business on Friday. Daniel Le, attorney, stated there have been developments with respect to the repairs. He does not believe the medical emergency scenario would be an unreasonable risk on human life. The owners have done everything they can to address this 3ssue of the elevators. With respect to the actual elevators themselves, Mr. Le does not believe they present a safety issue, and they would comply with limited use as the Fire Department has already agreed with two persons at a tune riding the elevator supervised. (Lany Bertz gave Ms. Moermond a document.) Larry Bertz, 895 Biue Gentian Road, Eagan, appeared and stated there was a proposal sent to Cha Vang (owner) to make his elevator more reliable. From the safety aspect, the City inspected these a few months ago and the oniy safety issue was a code violation to perform the five year safety test. The elevators aze in decent shape. Ms. Moermond responded that three out of four elevators are not operational, is her understanding. Mr. Bertz responded that is correct. The reason they aze not working is a five-year full load safety test has to be performed on every elevator in the State of Minnesota. These elevators were red tagged and decommissioned because the safety test had not been perfozmed within the 30 days the City gave them. As far as the elevator free falling or crashing into the basement, it is not going to happen. Mr. Zaccard clarified: lives aze at risk because Fire personnel would have to go up six flights of stairs with a cot full of equipment and then back down again. He was not referring to the safety ofthe elevators. Mr. Le asked will it be usable in the event of a medical emergency where the Fire Department needs to get up to the 5�' and 6`� Floors. Mr. Bertz responded they can do that, but it cannot be done with the existing elevator. Right now, all the wiring is disconnected to be replaced. Elevator 1 had a safety test performed and passed. The results were forwarded to the City. If there is a medical emergency, they have the ability to turn the elevator back on. That is something he has to speak to Jim Cazlson about, head of the Saint Paul Elevator Inspections Department. The safety test was complete but there are a nuxnber of other items that involve cieaning. There is nothing mechanically wrong with it. In the event there is a medical �-103� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 11 emergency, his crew will be there to operate the elevators to allow the Fire Department to access the 5`" and 6"' floors. Also, by Friday, the center elevator wires were compieted. That is the biggest holdup. There aze 220 wires that have to be diswnnected, labeled, dropped down the elevators shaft and the new cables hooked up in its place for Elevator 2. Ms. Moermond stated that will be out of commission when that work is being done. Mr. Bertz responded Elevator 1 is out of commission now. Ms. Moermond responded that Elevator 1 is red-tagged right now pending completion of this list; therefore, Elevator 1 is not on the table. Until the red tag is lifted or Mr. Cazlson says the elevator can operate under those circumstances, she is not going to open up the possibility of using the other elevators. She asked how long it would take to complete the work far the wiring for Elevator 2. Mr. Bertz responded the wiring should be completed by Friday. The next issue is to repair the components under the caz; the concern to begin with is that the elevator would only lift 1,200 pounds. Once the wiring is finished, they will start the components under the elevator Monday morning. It still requires a 'luee to four hour inspection by 7im Cazlson. It should be completed by next Wednesday (October 20). Mr. Le stated that Elevator 2 was used with the City's permission and knowledge to aliow the 13`� Floor tenant to move their offices out. Ms. Moermond responded it is her understanding it could not be used because the wiring is pulled on it. Mr. Bertz concurred. It is not a matter of bringing it up to code, but making it more reliable. The wiring under there is 40 to 50 yeazs old. It is britde and needs to be replaced. They have already found broken wires in it. The asterisked items on the Deficiency List have already been completed. Mr. Zaccazd stated that they aze under the assumption that Mr. Cazlson will lift the red tagged Elevator 1 if it is operated with lus staff. Mr. Zaccard asked has Mr. Carlson given a reason fox them to think that. Mr. Bertz responded yes. Mr. Zaccazd continued: If the red tag is lifted, he can use Elevator 1 while they aze fuushing Elevator 2. Should LIEP allow Elevator 1 to be used, said Ms. Moermond, the Certificate of Occupancy will not be revoked. Elevator 1 should have the same conditions as Elevator 2: be operated by either a firefighter or their personnel so it is there when the 5`" and 6�' floors ate occupied. There should be someone immediately there through the end of the day Friday, October 22. Mr. Zaccazd stated the distinction is when the 5�` and 6`� Floors are occupied. At all times, it is occupied. When he was there with the Fire Chief at 7:00 a.m., they told people that the elevators were not warking and they had to take the stairs. They come into work that early. As soon as she has something in writing from LIEP, said Ms. Moermond, she will forward it to the Fire Department. The conditions will take effect when she receives a letter from LTEP that they are willing to lift the red tag or allow use of the elevator with the condition they have talked about. o�f-1a3� LEGISLATIVE HEARiNG MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 12, 2004 Page 12 (Note: Ms. Moermond recommends denying the appeal on the Deficiency Listed dated September 27, 2004.) 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