246727 s Z�f�'�2'�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc�i�rsE COMMITT COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE DATF December 18� 1969 RESOLVED: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sa,le Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licer_ses made by Lyman H. Nlyers at 925 Selby Avenue� be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within �, days •f this date said Lyman H. Myers shall comply�aith all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police� and the Zicense Inspector pursuant to the St. ?'aul Legisla�ive Code and all other applic�.ble ordinances and lawsae DEC 1 � 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �EG 1 � 196� Dalglish Approved " ' 19— Meredith �n Favor �--Fe�elsa�,,,, � - Sprafku J �� Mayor Tedesco A Sainst :�+e� .,a ��d,'a�'��.�� ��i Viee Yr��€�tr� rr�, r�a�l PU�LISHE� DEC 2 4 ��6� � �� ` ..� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL . Cs�pital o! Minneaota +�)�iy���f, /Gr !,� �e a�t�e�t o a��ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTR FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammissioner POLICE AND FIBE ALAAM ROGEIt M. CONWAY, Deputy CommlMfoncr DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieenae InspecWr December 18, i9o9 Honorable Ma��or and City Council Sa,:int Faul, Niir,i:esot��� Gentle�en: i,yman H. Myers malces application for Restaura,nt, On and Off Sale Nlalt Bevera�e �.nd Ci�arette licerises for 925 �SE�-B,/ .�verrue, which is on trie Nort'ri side of the street, tiet�•een r;iitor. arid Chatsworth Streets. This ioca.tion hau oeen lic�.ed for. a simil�,r businesti since lQ3j. The Yresent licensee� Christ a. iv'ielsen, ha.s he1.d the licexises since 'r�ebruary 1969 and held them previ ously from October 1957 to July 196n. There is one other 3,2 pia.ce witi�ir two blocks. mhe closest On �ale LiiLOr place is five blocks and the close�t Off cale �,iq��or place is three Ulocks. The r.earest church is three blocks a,nd the nearest school is one block away. rlr. Nlyers has be•.n ;� custodian�engineer for the Boara of Education for the last sixteen years. VerS truly yours� ��.� o�`� � License Inspector O � . CITY flF SAINT PAUL ' DEPART�NT t7�' 1�i,IC SAFETY LICEDTSE DIVISIt7N /'"� Date �/� "�` I�e� 19� 1. AppliQatian for ,� �G. � '�f � /�"" O U� LiQenae 2, Nama oP �;gplictant ���/�/ � �}�,� +�.� 3. Buainess addreea 9 � S� _1 G ! D`� Residenee�"�.+�'• �f�i '�� �"j �,I' �.. � 4o Trsde r�e►me, if.any i�� ! O Ir �"'�, ...' ,,, � 5o Retail Beer Fed�ral Taa 3tam� Retail I.iquor Federal Tax Stam.p �i.11 be uaedq % _ _ 6. C� �rha� floor looated 1.'�°- Number of roaans used`� �%1 C° 7, Between �at crusa atreet�'�%1�pM'�'�t,°,�,�j �/ ilhiah side of street /�D'7 �� 8, �re premisea nrna ocaupie �„� YPhat businesa ��r y � �t,�d Hrnr lang �'� /'f� � 9. .�re premisea naw unoccsupied Haw 2ong 4aG�T1'� PI'A410Li8 use ' . . _ _ _,...,,_ , 10, wre you a new awnerT�,j' Have you bean in � simil.r�r buainees bePore ,+rlC) 'llhere �Phen 11, Are you going to operate �hi� buainesa personally �c°,j � /�f''j y „�bs�! �. .�-- If not, w�ho xill opare►te it 12, Are g�ou in any other businesa at the present time �(� 13. Have there been any Qomplaints again�t your operatian oP this type of p],e�oe�„ Nhea ilhe re 14. II��e you ev�er had,a�y liaenae revolae�d��Ihat rea s on and date 15. Are you a oitisen of tha IInited S`tatea� c:`,� Rativ�e ldaturalized � .� / / 160 llhere �ere you borri�,�1�� �-�1 y�"�f!,S_ _f�r�L Date of birth�� D /, /�7 .�'' �f 17. I am'° ' � married. My (v�ife'�� (husband e e) nam� and addresa ia ���^ �J�T/�r+N /#�-c � 16. (If married female) rqy maiden nams i� 19, How long hsve you lived in St e Paul "��_��` 20. Have gou ev�sr been arre�ted���'�'Yiolatioa oP �rhat criminal la�r or ordinanoe� vJ � � � -'' � G i '�' � { + -S� - �. U 21. Are you a registered voter in the Ci�y of $ts Paul ���,TYes Noe . —�-- (Ans�aar fully and completely� These a �licsations are thorou hl ahecl�ad an�d �n falaifiQation �rill be Qause for deniala . ,, 22, Ntuuber oP 3i2 p]AEtee xithin two blovks �yl��,,t._, ' . . 23. Cloeeat intoaiaating liquor plaae� � 3ale�����l�ff Sale� ��,i7 Sevl S 24, IIeareat Churesh ^_� �,� o`'�� Nearest Scshool oZ �l b a fir 25. Number o�' bootha � Tables 2�7 Chaira � 3`tools � _ .. _ _ . _ _ .,. 26. 'f�t ocaupatian ha�ve you Pollovrod for the p�at five y�ars. (Give names of employ�era and datea eo em loy�ed.) / � � ' � o d �- 1 - /C� -e 7 o a r ; U � a�u� � as 6 S 27. Giv�e� x�e�mes ancl addreeee� of t�nro persons, les3derit8 oP $`b� I�ul� �i�lrte� �rho can gi�e in�ormatio�a ooncerning yocl, P ~ xame �- � e �y �►aaree8 �/� !� �o`Y� �a.� /7��- � /� xa�e - a. �I e 7� N��' c o ��laaress r o 7'c� � a � PasfeY Sf ���c� c Le7' _ .w - _ t � rti+ pp cant 3tate of �inr:aeota� ��a C oun�y of F�meey bei.mg firat duly strorn, depoeea arnd aay� upon oa e �t rea e orego ng eta�ement beariag his eignatnre and knoxs the contpnta thereof� and that�the aam9 is �rue- of hi� o�n knrnvledge e�cept as �o thoae mattera therein s�ated upar�. informstioa and belief and ea to those �mtters he believea th�m to be true. . o dppli ant Subsaribed ar� a�vorn to 'before a� ' thia /�� day of,(�G��/,a.,� 19� No ry b1ia, Ramney County, , eaota � JJ�-.,; n r'<. . 'SJI���� Mq Co�ua.iasirna @7Cp12'98^ 7j�/7 `�2Not�,� � .iic far �;•, Court•,•, Min�. �—' kly C , . . F . •;,, �^b. i7. 1972 (Note� Theae statement forms are i.n duplicate. Both copies must be fully filled outa notarized, anti retur�.ed to the Lioense Divisiono�- � ` e` , : . , ! F . � � AFF I1�;V IT B Y APPL iCA,�T �OR RETA II, BEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE - $ Re s Sale Licsenee Name of appiicant C° 'Y S ' Bu�iness addY°ess � ,,,�''z...° / � Are you the sole c�wner of this buainess �$'. IP nvt9 is it a partnership? corporation3 , o�he.r? Others interested in business, inelude those by loan of money, property or otheravi.ses ' � _.�. Na me �����'� Add re s s Hv�r _�_<:�� ��w . ���� `.,' �.-�'�� If a o orporation, give its name � A,re you interested in an any o her Retail Beer or Liquor busineas? �-� ; , � % ! � �� _ As sols owner�-'/ � �. Stockholder? , - , __;' . ,,,,�=" , Otherwise?, (ThrQtigh lo�n of moneys �Ce: _:Explair+.) ,f. A �,� �; ;;'� ..>;!-< ./� , �,�, Addreas of such buainess and nature of interest in same fi Si re of applicant State of Minne s ota `� . 83 � : C ounty �f I�msey ����,� � �y�s being first duly sworns deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and kn.a�+rs �the content� thare�f; that the same is true of his r�wn lrn.owledge a except as to thuae �natters therea.n. atated upon inf orn�ation and belisf e►nd as to those m�tters he beliaves them to be true. i Signa e of applicant Subsoribed and sw�orn to bafore me �his��day of���r- 19� Notax° ublic, Ramsey Coun.ty-9.Ddinnesota �y aommi.ssion expire��;'�� "^", Notary ?��!,i�c������� My Com^:s�;o� F�.�:�; �sb. 17,-197�. , _ STATE i� �INNESOTA S$ C(�UNTY OF RAMSEY G ��'Y,�1�/ �t / � �/E,e S bein.g first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidavi� in conneetion �rith applioa�ion for " Sale" liquor licenae (" DL�Sale" malt beverage licen�e) in the �ity of $aint Faul, ,Minnesota; that your aPfiant is a reaident oP the State of �di.nnesot� and has rssided therein for r�'U years, �-- m�nths, and 3s now and has been for the ti�a e�bove mentioned a, b fide reiaident of said S"tate and that he now resides at � Aaaress , Mirine s ota, Citq or To�m � Subaoribed and a�rorn to before me th3s�day of��c���19�_�_ G � _ o blio, Ramsey County, �dinnesota My aommiesion expirea Z / y �n'll`� �. '.���i^it^7i � . �otar : 'fic; : �,.•:v Gcur.ty, Minn. M�, �,,�-_ :o. r .', 17, 1977�