246724 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �/7��'j,{..� r CITY OF $T. PAUL �OE NCIL N0� `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOLVED, That the City Treasurer, with the approval of the City Comptroller, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statu�es 471.56 and 475.66, is hereby authorized and directed to invest surplus cash in the General Fund and 5urplus Sinking Fund cash in general obligations of the United States, of the State of Minnesota or any o� its municipalities, and in securit�.es issued by the following agencies of the United States: Federal Home Loan Banks, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, Federal Land Banks, and the Federal National Mortgage Association, said general obligations or securities to be payable in not to exceed one year, and said officers are further authorized to sell such obligations, so purchased, at any time while same are so held by the City, in �he event that the moneys so invested are needed for expenditures to be made by the City; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this authority and direction shall be supplemental and in addition to the powe�s conveyed upon the said City Treasurer and the City Comptroller by City Council Resolution, Council File No. 236763, approved January 23, 1968. FC��fv APPR�`��E . As t. Curporati C un pE� 11 1�69 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� �'� Carlson � '' �-- . Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ' .�.�st�� � 18 1969 0 t� `.}�.aL. ;l DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ' �O• �(.E.� n�,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RE�OLVED, Tha� the City Trea�urer, with tf;� approval of �he City Comptraller, pursuant �o and in accordance with the prova.sxons of Minn��ota �ta�ut�s 471.56 and 475.66, is hereby authorized and da.r�cted to inve�t surplus cash in the General Fund and surpl�aF Sinlcing rund cash in general obligations o�' the Unit�d �;tatc��, r�f the State of Minnea�ota or any of its m�icipalities, and in securiti�s issued by the following agenc�.es of �he Unite� States: F'ederal Home Loan B�.n.ks, Fed�ral Interr�ediate Credit naaz}�.s, Federal Land Banks, and the k'ederal N�tianal r��rtgage Association, sai.d general abl.igat�.ons or s�curitie� tn be �ayable in not to e�cceed on� year, and said of�irers are €urther �uthoriZed to sell such abliga�ions, so purGr�ased, at any time while �am� are �so held by the City, in the event that the moneys so invested are needed for eacpenditures to be ��ad� by the Gity; and be it �'URT�JER �2�:;�OL"�TL1�, That �his �uthority and d3.reCtion shall be �u;�plernental and in aadition to the powers conv�yed upan the said Gity Treasurer and the City Comptrolle= by City Council Resc�lution, Caur�cil File No. 2367�3, approved January 23, 1968. ���.� k. !" �:,�+�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �;_��� �`� �� ,/ Approved 19— Meredith ( ' � ' Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku L' Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne ��