246721 s���;���. c��t� xo..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' 1'heuadereigaedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpubliaianprovement by the City of 8sint Psul,vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the eastside_of Western .Ave. from Jessamine Ave. to Maryland Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to ........................_......................................---- complete said improvement. , .................._.............____.».............................---........................... ...................»........................... ..................._......._.... Daf�ed tLis.... llth:.....dsy of..............................December .... »... 9 9. .......�.�'�����_���..... ...... _..........�.. �.. —��� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.s reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Western Ave. from Jessamine Ave. to Maryland Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to ...............................................................................___....-----................_....................._............_..._..............................................� complete said improvement. �-, � �......N..............................•-••------............N...____................-------................---........----------•--._...........................».....N........_ � hsving been presented to the Counuil of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................._. _.... t6erefore, be it ' REBOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie herebq ordered aad directed: 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and eatimated ooet of said improvement� and the total ooet thereof. � 8. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of eaid improvement. • 4. To stste whether or aot enid impmvement ie asked for on 4,he petition of three�r more ownere. b. To report upon all of t�►e foregoing mstters to tl���mmieeioner of�nsnoe. . ���t�, P Y .�.�=.:..�:.f.......................... Ado ted b the Conncil..._.......-•---•............. Yses c OEG � � 1�69 ouncilman Carlson �PPtoved.................................................................... �p,,u:�� Hs�l.sad � Meredith Peterson Tedesco -•••-•-• -•-•-- Mr. President B�rtne biayor. •000 s.� , � � � PueusNE� DE� 2 � �969 ��..