246709 OriQinal to Ctty Clerk _ <
� � ORDINANCE 6 �����
� �
An ordinanee amending the
Zoning Code, Chapt�rs 60 �0 6�+,
inclusive, of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Districts, Height Districts
and Rezoning of certain proper- „
ties in the City of Saint Patzl,
' ag amended .
Seetion 1. That the Zoning Code, Ghapters 60 to 6�4,
inclusive, of �he Saint Paul Legislative Co�e, pertaining to
Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain
properties in the City of Saint Pau�., as amended, be and t�e
same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following
described property from "A" Re�idenee Distriet to "C"
Residence Distriet, to-wit :
Sub�ect to Hazelwood and exeept the north
328.1 feet, r�est 2 of I�W � of SW � of
SE ; of Sec. 22,' T. 29, R: 22, and westerly
� of SW u of SW � of SE ; and westerly� 6�.26
feet of east � o�' SW 4 0€ SW ,—�� of SE ,� of Sec.
' 22, T. 2g, R. 22, sub�ect to streets and
exeeptin$ therefrom sou�herly 173" feet thereof
measured from �he center of Maryland Avenue;
situate on property loea�ed on the east .side of Hazelwood
Street between East Ivy and East Maryland Avenues in the City
of Saint Paul.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval
and publication.
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Yeas Councilmen Nays �►�. ' �a. �s: . the Councii .
Carlson ����,�,
� Me� v t�'�:� � In Favor
�' �� Against
Tedesco ;IAN 6I97Q
r. President (Byrn Ap oved:
At st:
Cit Clerk
�O '
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
- � JAN 10 1970
December 10, 1969 � ��
Mr. Harry E. Marshall L�-�
City Clerk ( �
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Mr. Marshall:
This is written in response to the petition of Skyline Builders, Inc. to rezone from "A"
to "C" Residence property located on the east side of Hazelwood Street between East Ivy and
East Maryland Avenues. This property is further described as:
Subject to Hazelwood and except the north 328.1 feet, west 2 of NW � of SW 4 of
SE � of Sec, 22, T. 29, R. 22, and westerly 2 of SW '� of SW 4 of SE � and westerly
64.26 feet of east 2 of SW � of SW 4 of SE� of Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 22, subject to
streets and excepting therefrom southerly 173 feet thereof ineasured from the
center of Maryland Avenue.
This matter was considered at the November 20, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff
reported that in 1965 an extension of use appeal was granted to allow construction of apart-
ments in an "A" Residence District for the southern portion of this property. Special use
permits for parking for the existing 133 units were approved in 1965 and May of 1969. This
petition, if granted, would bring into conformance with the present use the zoning on the
southern portion of the site and allow construction of an additional 96 units on the northern
portion of the property. The staff noted that the Comprehensive Plan calls for low-density
residential use of this property, and if rezoned to allow apartments, other similar petitions
may be expected in the area. It was also noted that this property abuts land proposed for
acquisition by the Parks Department. The staff expressed concern that if apartments are to
be allowed, a better land use boundary would be along the rear of those residences fronting
on East Ivy Avenue. The staff also noted that potential building lots immediately to the
north of this site have no street access and that it may be desirable to allow for an east-
west street between the properties at this time.
Mr. Joseph Summers, attorney for the petitioner, noted in his presentation that apartments
already exist in the area and that because of topographic conditions, the property is not
suitable for single-family development. He noted that the land abutting to the north has
been land-locked and that this rezoning would not land-lock anyone that is not already land-
Several area residents appeared in opposition to the rezoning. They noted traffic
congestion, inadequate parking, and school overcrowding caused by existing area apartments
and feared that additional apartments would increase these problems. They also noted that
development of the northern portion of the site would eliminate the possibility of a street
being dedicated to give access to their properties abutting the site.
Mr. Bernie Edmonds of the Parks Department appeared and explained that the 1970 CIB funds
have been allocated and approved for the purchase of property to the east of the subject site
to be used for a park-playground development. That particular land is now vacant. He said
the Parks Department would be responsible for any drainage problems in the area to be purchased.
Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that rezoning this property to
"C" Residence would be a continuation of an existing use and would not change the rights of
the abutting property owners to the north since they are already land-locked. The Board,
therefore, by a 4-1 vote, recommends approval of this petition to rezone from "A" to "C"
Residence. Ve�y truly yours,
� �-�- ---�_ �- .� %, -� �--�----_ - rt��
X../l.�K,,'(,._.. / `� f
�ETER J. TTA �Gt�'�`�"�`���! `���'��
PJM:gaf Secretary, Board of Zoning ���°"�
CLS �'�;�
Z.F, ��6883 �°
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, Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-�
fication before signing this petition. For further lnformation about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. c�
(Please type or print)
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �O���� �`
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of
the frontage to be. reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
-- _ . ine de8���ted property: (legal description and street address)]„22��1280 $a�1MOOd St.
. St�bject to Izuzelwood Avenue and except the North � �
�'?S. y i�c , Lhe �e' %2 of tne �'�� %4 of the SW �/4 of
�?ie SE 1/4 Sec �?`?, T ?9, R 22, and the j�' ly �/2 of
�..e STti' 1/4 0� the SZ�T %4 of the SE 1/4 and the W' ly
6-'.. ?6 fi o� t.�e E 1/2 of the SW %4 of the SW �/4 of
t=ie S� %Lt of Sec ?2, T 29 , R 22, subj ect to
s�re��s and ezceptin� therefrom the S ' ly 173 ft
thereof ineasured from the center of Maryland
> Avenue;
0 oration L � �' �tY aa eacribed abovd
• �c-t's 2,�-lc� , �/_-s-`;� 3
{,�{i��gs �! Hebrew Cemetery Ass'n. . 6��� ,f- ��
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Superamerica Stations, In . ,m E y S 2 T2 � 2 e, subj. o Marylande
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Count f ms "'�/°����G r�l,,,
� being first duly orn, deposes and states that he
is the perso who rculate . t within petition consisting of pages•
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed each id
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signat r s ve the ru
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so ri d.
Subscribed�nd sworn to efore me
thxs ..- da of _���`"� �
Ad ress;
Telephone No.
N ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
FGI 1/5/65 A►-6ERT S. O�sON M;nn. Office of the Corporation Counsel
public, RamseY �oun27 1973�
Notary ires Oct. .
MY �Qm�ission ExP
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4-"��� � � �
+� l . «, �-+-+y„''
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Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date: J� 24, 1969
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�', or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
�------_----ine_�es�rib�d_propert�;__�legal description and street address) ���12$p gafllxo0d 3t.
St.i�j cct io ;iazeltaood Avenue and except the North �
j•%S. � fi, , :,he Zr' 1/2 of tne \'�d 1/4 of the SW %4 oY '
�lie S� �/1: Sec �"?, T 29 , R `?2, and the W' ly I/2 of
��he S�ti' 1/� oi t:ze S�v 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and the W' ly
Gl�, 26 �t o.i the E i�2 of the SW i�4 of the SW ��4 0� �
t:.� SE 1/1f of Sec ?2, T `?9 , R 22, subj ect to
� szree�s an.d exce�tinb therefrom the S ' ly 173 ft
thereof ineasured from the center of Maryland
Avenue ;
1/d /y!'��' �� C= Q �C�tF�
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State of in so ������ ���� �
County ms (
in first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
s t person who cir ula ed the wit n petition consisting of pages•
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed b e h of
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signat e abo e the t
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so e ibe .
Subscribed�nd sworn to efo me
this �9 � day of ;�,����
- Address;
Telephone No.
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mi n.
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
g. pLSON
A�a`�T County,Minn. Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65 NotC mm ss on�pire Oct.27,1973-
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as to
Premises described as in Entry Numbered L.
5tate of ft4innesota Ofi ice o�'
County of Ra�:�sey County Absrac� Clerk
The Abstract Clerk of R�se,y County hereby certifies tnat �ne
!follo�=�ing exhi�its et�nsisting o� entries I��u:^:bere� L to 16COr.stitates
;a tr�ae and com�plete report t�f the apx�arent a�vnersnip of each of t.�.e
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!OP Zc3.Y'i1 s�t;zate within a rs�i�as �f L00 feet a; any part o� �'�e
caatione� p?^e�:.ises, all as ,��vm by the records -in-�'r.��-i�`A��f -_
Deads a,nd/or Registrar of °'�i`�1�es flf said Co�anty.
� - � -- � �,
Given at 5t. Pa�al, M�t�T���flta,� June 30 1969 at �� o' �'?oc� A. ��:.`
�� �� �. .
Li�bili�y under this cer,�:��'ic��,�� lir.-�ited to �25.00. Witness TMy
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han3 an� s e al �f O f f i c�,��� �„"�:k�
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L. °.. Belair Corporation is the owner of Subject to Hazelwood Avenue and
� except the N 328.1 feet, the ��Z of the NW4 of the SW4 of the SE4
� of Sec 22, T ,29, R 22, and the Wt1y i of the SW4 of the SWW4 of the SE
4 and the W'Ly 64.26 f t of the E z of the SW4 of the SW 4 of the SE 4 of
Sec 22, T 29, R 22 , subject to streets, and excepting theref�vm the
S'Ly 173 ft thereof ineasured from the center of MaryLand Avenue.
� 2. •.- Roger W, .Schwartz is the owner of the E 70.15 ft of the W 100.15 ft
of the S 147 .5 f t of the N 328.L f t of the NW 4 of the SW 4 of the SE 4
Sec 22, T 29, R 22,
` 3. Harry E.Norsby and GLadys Norsby are the owners of the E SO ft of
the W 150.15 ft of the S 145.10 ft of the N 328.10 ft of the NW�
of the SW4 of the SE4 of Sec 22, T 29, R 22.
; 4. � Warren H. Hartquist and Mavia A. Hartquist are the owners of the
E 60 ft of the W 210.15 ft of the S 295.10 ft of the N 328.10 ft of
the SW4 of the SE 4 0� Sec 22, T 29, R 22, except the N LSO ft
� S. � Adolph Wyzykowski and Josephine �,�yzykowski are the owners of the
E 60 ft of the W 270.LS f t of ' the S 295.1 f t of the N 328 .1 ft of
the SW4 of the SE4 of Seo 23, T 29, R 22 Ramsey County, Minnesota.
� 6. ✓� Lucille Juenemann is the owne� of the W LO ft of the NE4 of the
NW4 of the SW4 of the �Eg of ��,. 22, T 29, R 22, except the N 33
ft thereof taken for �'�k'.��t#e.k�a'n�i the N 328.1 ft except the W
270.15 ft of the WZ of the NW4 ot the SW4 of the SE4 of Sec 22,
T 29, R 22, except that part taken for Ivy Avenue.
: 7. � ALbert M. Herriges and EtheL I. Herriges are the owners of the NE4 of
the NW4 of the SW4 of the SE4 of Sec 22 , T 29, R 22, except the W LO
ft thereof , subject to rights of the pubLic in the N 33 ft thereof
taken for Ivy Avenue.
- 8. '� City of Saint Pau1 is the owner of (Except Avenue) the E 3 acres
of the SW4 of the SW4 of the SE 4 of Sec 22, T 29, R 22, UnnLatted,
in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minneso�a.
�9. Frank Pechmann and LiLlian Pechmann are the owners of the W L acre
of E 4 acres of SW4 of SW4 of SE4 of Sec 22, T 29, R 22.
,,LO . SuperAmeriea Stations, Ittc. is the owner of the! W'Ly 180 ft of the
; S 'ly 173 ft of the SE 4 of Sec 22, T 29, R 22 W subject to Maryland
- Avenue and Hazelwood Street.
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� LL . Gertrude Freiseis is the owner of the S 173 ft of the E 84 ft of the W
264 ft of the S[NT4 of the SE 4 of Sec 22, T 29, R 22.
�, 12 . Lydwig Friseis and Gertrude Freiseis are the owners of the S 173 ft
of the W 6 acres of the SW4 of the SW4 of SE4 Sec 22, T 29, R 22, �l�i
except the W 264 ft. �
� 13 . Wisconsin Evange�ical Lutheran Synod is the owner of the SE4 of the
�LJ4 of the SE 4 of Sec 22, T 29, R 22.
� 14 . LLeweLLyn M. Davi� is the owner of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 3,
Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2.
� 15. West Side Hebrew Cemetery Association is the owner of Lots 9 and 10,
Block 3, Rogers & Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2.
� 16. Russian Brotherhood Cemetery is the owner of �:b� 6 �except the Wt1y
223.08 ft thereof, Lot 7 ,. �9�r�ept the N'Ly 69 ft of W'Ly 223.08 ft, and
�° Lot 8, aLL in BLock 3, Ra�e�� `& Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2.
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' • �3�A1tD 0T' 7!INING REPORT A�1D ACTIJN November 20, 1969 nlat '�fap �34
i . .
' Actinn under Le�*isl�tivA Co<ie Chapter 6� thru 64
���s�rl Ail�;ust 22� 1922 35 amendsd to April 6� 1�GS 6883
.--. __ ,�
� • '�?:'�1�:;�;;1'1''� �i,4'9� , Skyline Builders, Inc. 6474
r� 5656-5
. . "' ,',y;I�'ICA'�?ON . U Amendnwnt 0 Ap�al ❑ ?ermit �Other X-803 �
Rez�ne from "A" to "C" Keaidence to
�. ` i1R1' )S!; % �llow for an apartment complex
'� � L';Ch;'1.��tJ ; East side of Hazelwood Avenue between
East Ivy and East Maryland Avenues
:. • :.��.;AL �)�SCRIPTIO.J : Subj, to Hazelwood Ave. and exc. No. 328.1' , w. � of NW� of SW�
of SE'� of Sec. 22, Township 29, Range 22, and w'ly '� of SW� of SW� of SE'� and w' ly
64.26 ' of E � of SW'� of SW� of SE� of Sec. 22, Township 29, Range 22, subj . to streets
and excepting therefrom s 'ly 173' thereof ineasured from the center of Maryland Avenue.
v. F:<.LS1;�JT '1.�1�ING: ��A" Residence
% • ?:�'t:,u,;,tT '�� 7.oninp Code Chapt�rs 64 Soctions .06 Farat►.r3ph:
-s . '�I'At'I' I1dV�STIGATION & REPO:tT: Date: 11/12/69 c�y= ATB
.A. SUFFICIF.NCY: The Comniseioner of Finance, in a lette.r dated 10/2/69, declared the petition
sufficient with the owners of. 14 of e possible 21 (66 2/3%) tracts havin�; signed the petition.
B. HI5'TORY: On 2/27/65 the City Council gran[ed an eppeal to construct multi-family residences
on land zoned "A" Residence Whicli abuts coaenercially-zoned land. At the same time the City
Council approved a permit for a parking lot for 91 cars in conjunction with five 17•unit apt .
buildings on the south�rly part of the property. The Council approved the appeal and permit
subsequent to the reco�nendation of denial by the Board of Zoning. A permit to install a 69-
cc�r parking lot in conjunction with a 48-unit apt. development was approved on 5/11/69.
C, YROPOSAL: The purpose of the petition is to rezone the land covered by the ori�inal appeal
and developed with multi-family uses in the proper classification, and also to rezone property
adjoining to the north to permit conatruction of two buildings of 48 units each.
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The original parcel hed e frontage of 487 feet alon� Hazelwood Street with
ari area of 176,�i49 square feet. The ad�oining trect has a frontege of 331.6 feet alon�
Harelwood with a depth of 299.?1 feet resulting in an area of 99,218 square feet .
E. AR}:A 7.ONING: The entire area is zoned "A" Residence except the northeasr corner nf Marvland
and Hazelwood wi►ich is zoned Commercial and a large tract at Herbert Street and Maryland
Avenue which is zoned "C" Reaidence.
F. COMPREHENSIVE PI.AN: The Comprehensive Plan recoaenends R-3 for the property with a park
�levc�lo�ment to the east.
c;. ST7'1�: CONDIT70NS: The site is developed with 7 apartment buildings recently con5tructed. The
riortii portion is high adjacent to Haselwood Street but is being graded to street Krade.
!1. AREA CONDITIONS: Ivy Avenue to the north is developed with single-family residence; there
are two residences fronting on Hazelwood Street; a large apartment is under construction one
block to the east; Hazelwood Street is paved from Maryland to Ivy Street.
Council Letter �
9� ?��ARD ACTION; To Recommend LJ Approval ❑Denial Dated !
12/LO/69 �
"9oved b . Maietta �{
Y' Yeas ilays Date of He3rinp,
x Ames
Seconded by; Cohen X Cohen 12/11/69
Danna (Alt) Council Action
('�adler x
X Gau�er
Secretary' s remarkss X Maietta Date
McPartlin (Alt)
Mansur (A.Lt) _.
S�YLYNE BUILUERS,i, INC. (21/2U/69--continued�
Mr. Frank Juen, 1530 East Yvy Avenue, thintcs it should sgay "A" Reaidence; East
Tvy and Hazelwood are the on.ly "outa", and parlsing on Hazelw�ood (a newly paved
sCreet) is aongested and ne� apartments would not heZp this situation,
Mr. Orville iiarmon, 1536 Bast Ivy Avenue, st�ted Chat the present ap€�rtments
have congested the whole area. If this type af development keeps us, the area
will be completely ful� o� ap�rtmen9: buildi.ngs. Scta�ala are filled up naw.
He would Iike to see the a��a remoin single-fami�y a� much as passible.
Adequate parking for the apartm�nts efther isn`t provided or the tenants dan't
uae Che available space--they park oa the stxe�tm taking up both sides of
Atzelwood and making it �.eazlq impnssable in the wintertime.
Mr. Warren Hartquist, 1558 8ast Xvy Avenue, fears any rezoning of the subject
property would leave �he homes on East �vy land-3acked �nd thus depreciate
their properties in money v�elue. He bro�aght up the point that � street shauld
be platted �hrough the d�ep Iots, ttaezefore �aking it possible that sameday they
could sell the so�the� half of their Iots.
P4ro Sorenaon said that Grege Becket� af the Pu�lic tdc�rks Department feels a
street could be pla�ted in there.
r1r. Summners note�i tha� if �he propexty ownprs wanred a street in there �ery
badly, they should have thought of this earlier and nat 3ust ls�cause � rezoaing
is p�ad,,ng. I��e said thir� new development wauld provide haZf as many units as
the number of singre-t�m�l.y nnits constzu�cted in Sfi. Pa�l last year. It does
not aignificantly 18ad-�ock anyone th�t is not alre�dy Z�nd-locked,
Hr. Hsrold Baier, 1550 East Yvy Adenue, wsnt�d to icno4r what would happen to his
aecond lot.
Mr, Bernie Edmonds o€ the� Parks Department app2ared �nd expiained thPt the 197(�
CIB funds l�ave beea a�.located and �ppro�red fo� the purchase of property to the
east of the subject site to be eas�d f�r a p�rk-playground de�velvpmeat. That
pt�rticular ��snd is now vacant. He said the Parks DePar�ment would be responsible
for �ny dr�inage problems in the �rea �o be purc�►ased.
Mr. Maietta maved €or appraval of th� a�tieion sf�xce it is a coutin�ation of use
and ian't changfng the rights of ehe nroper�y owners since they are Slready land-
Iocked. Mr. Cnhen secanded th� matioa w��ich c�rried �rith a 4-I vote. Mr, Gauger
voted for the spproval since the Parks �epartment had satisfied his quegtions
about the aite. �lr, Gadla�° voted a��inst the petitio�x.
Suhmitted by: Col,onel I�� �oreneon Rabert I., Ames, Chaizmaa
City Clerk
113 Court House 55102
November 28, 1969
on Thuraday, fiTovember 20, �.969, at 2.00 P,M.
PRESENT: r�iessr�. Ames, Cohen, Ga��er, G�cage�, aad A��,iet�a of the Board and
Messrse Brown and Sorenson n�s.d P�rs. �rr�nt�en of ti�e staff.
SKYLTNE BUILDERS, Il3C'et A p�titivn to rezone from t1A" to "�;" Reaidence to allow
for an apartment complex on property on the e�st sida of Hazelwood Stre�t between
East Ivy and Easti r9aryland .�venues.
Mr. Sorenson suaffi►arized the 5t�ff r��rort �tating that on Febr.uary 27, 1965, the
City Council grareted aaa �ppeal to construc� mniti-family �esi.den�es on land
zoned "A" ltesidence w��►ich abu�:s ca�.er�i�lly�zoned Iand. At th� s�me tim� the
Council approved a peranit for s 91-car paLtei.ng lot xn c�n3unction with five
17-unit apar��n2n� bu�lding� on �h� southe-rly �art of the pr�perty� The Couxacil
� approved the appeal and pe?°�nit s�absec�u��t tm �he reco�anendation uf denial by the
Board of Zo�ing. A permft to in�tal.l .� Fi9-car parking lot in conjunction with a
48�uai� apsrtment develo�pnt w�s apprayed an Msy 17, I969. The original par�el
of land had a frontage af ��? �eet slca�ig Haz��.wood S�reet with an srea of
176,849 sqaaa�e f�eet. The ed�c�i.ning t5t'ACi' €�as �a frontege of 331.6 feet along
Hazelwood with a depth of �99.2�. fee�: ��sul�ing in an are� of 99,218 square feete
The Compxehensiv�: Pl�n recom�=_ends sfY�g1�-fau�ily use for th� property witta a park
development to the east. �he site i� dev�lnp�d cvith s:ev�n spar�ment tsuildings
secently con�tructe�. �Che narth �ort£ore i.s h�gh ad jace:at ta �zelwood Streeti but
is being �rsded to �rreet• gradea
Mrn Soreason concltaded thati �t�.e northern pa:r�ion of the land is v�cane a�d �o
rezone the lower pnrtion wcr�l.d be in canform�nce with the use pres�ntly �xistinge
He �tated Chat the ��:H say� �he pa�k pronasa3 fc�r ad�oining property is espcominge
He shawed the Bo�rd � mag o£ Che propo�ed �cq�3isitionm He �xpl�ined the staff°s
con�ern over the �r�pos�ei lsnd-use bounda�y �nd suggest�c! that sny rezoniag include
prop�x�y up to the �cea� of �h� resid�nces fresx►ting on iv'y Avenue or that East
Hyacintt► be platteci �o pro�r3.de �access.
Mr. 3'e�seph Summers, �t��rn�y faz eh� p��i�ion��, �r�se�t:ed sn aasor�menC of char�s
and � ren�lering showing the g�ropossl ar�d su�r4unding :1��:�d us�e �,partments �re
�butting the subject praperty� Fie saf�d t�aat becsuse o� tapogr�phic pr.ob�.ems
single-��mily developme:�t w�uld be difficult; it slopes down from H�zel.wood Street,
and wauld not be ecc�z�ornic��.Zy f�asib�.e.
Mrd Stinsky of Skyl:�.n� Bu��.ci�.rA, Ir�c. expla��a�d ther� �s �s lot o� green area ix�
�:he center of tta+e present �partz�ae�xv bua.ld�n�s,
Mr. Ames ssid regardl.�ss of whae the Zo�in� B�ard doesi the so��hem poxtion of the
site should be zoaed "G" Resid�nce s2e�.ng �s how rt.� extension of use h�s apartments
ther� already,
� � • �,�-��� �',�..-,�..,�.�.�-� Ia�./,�
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December 6, 1969
� � � � � � � �
Mr. Jamea J. Dalgliah
��j� '�. 1���
Coaaisaioner of Finarice �Y(��'S OFFIC�
113 Court Houae
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Dalglish: File 7GB03, Pa�e 8
This letter ia in reference to ,the p�t�lic' hearing xhich r�rlll be held in the
Council Chambera ot the City of St. Pau1 at 10:00 a.s. on December 11, 1969,
on the resoning o3' the eaat side ot EI8►�el�+oad 3treet, betx��n Eaat Ivy and
Eaet I�aryland Av�tuea�, s3ccept for the�nor�h d 326'.1 t+�t an Hs�el�od Street,
from A reb�!��ti�7:'"�c� C•f�atdentia3.. ��(,3es�`'�tt��+�ed i:cip�r���f�nati�ee). . .
' We ara de!'ittitt��r,�p�oaed to this rez��at�.�d apg�aal to you to let the apart-
ment, building` atop r�ght where it is �a qur.a�s�ghborhood is overloaded rrith
apartaerit�. South o�':M�a�►land ,�veurrruc� �`i�cra �enaa�zd 3trset tc> Hazelti�wd Street
ia the Ropsea�elt �iou#�in� gr+sa. Tlte s�ea frc� �elw�od 3treet�o Barclay Street,
bounded by Ma�olia ead �M�i'Yi�u� kwei�la� is tl�t1l �s�' 'agarf.ntent .buildinga. There
are almo spsrtaez►te locat�i oa both side� at E��E Me�rland-lk��e bet�ee�n Etna
ri and Jalnson Parkway. A�ow'�v�. �he nor�� side oP l�fsr�r�nd Avebue apart�aenta
have beea built and are bei,r�R. built in the ares bo�dad�b� Kesu�ard 3treet to
HdZ6I.MPEiOd St!'eQt -- �this i;ncludes t�l� petition of Belaire.Corporation (Slry-
line Builders) to add to their preee�t bu�:ldi��e. `
Thia area is 21i11 of apartment bui�.d3ngs aa you can �udge bT this brief
deacription. MarTland Avenue is carry3.ng 'too muah traffic nox (The St. Paul
Pioneer Press in a �unday issue a �oaple �o�' anorirtha ago carried a feature article
on this situ8tian� and add3ng more apar�me�t bui.�.diAg� to this particular area
will nalce a bad trgftic aituation evtn �roz�aa�.
Alao we are o�tlers of a new 2� year old hoae on the corner of Ivy Avenue and
Hazelwood Street in a nice residential area (thatts the reason rro bought it)
and �re xould like to see it kept that way. �
We feel that i� is ,a big ire3uatice to hoaisowners that a. street can be rezoned.
_ _ � __.
rrith so little research on how it is going'to affect the communit�. We also
believe�,,t�hat thia rezonin� should have been dotle tiefore Sk�line Builders tinere
allo �to come in aad start buildirig. Rezoning the area from A residential
to G,. ;,,,,.� dential xill de-eval.uate our property as, we are sure, you are aware.
Can �ie e�tpect a tayc reduction on our property tax to compensate for this de-
�eva�dation ii' the rezoning is approved?
Very trnly ours,
k � ' a������
orvi.11e o. H�►rnon
1536 Eaet Ivy Avenue
st. Paui, �inesota 55106 :
cc: Mayor ?homas R. Byrae .
, A L .: ! ,. � S .� � . ; j$ . .
( � � ���j^ 'S k., y K� y�R'�i . .
.... . . ,. .n�.....v...,__.. . _....1.....) , .�..+..,�`A1�..�."L,MVE;..�.f-.dt.,.� .....h�., ...Y�fl'E1AQ��Lb 316�..'.i»•��� — .n,.�.._._ .. . ... . . . . . .... .
.. 1 ,
1530 E. Ivy Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55106
December 8, 1969
D�C ? 1969
Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor MAYC?R'S OFFlCE
347 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mayor Byrne:
This letter is written in regard to the public hearing that is
to be held on December 11 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers
of the City Hall and Court House in St. Paul, on the petition of
the Belair Corporation to rezone from an "A Residence" District
to a "C Residence" District the described property as shown on
the attached sheet.
We wish to have this letter put on record in opposition to having
the district changed from an "A Residence" District to a "C
Residence" District for the following reasons:
1) When we purchased our home, knowing that it was zoned an "A
Residence" District, we felt we had the protection of not being
swallowed up by apartment buildings, industry, etc.
2) Recent developments including the housing project and newly
constructed apartments have already had a telling effect on residential
land values in the area. As property owners and taxpayers directly
affected, we would like to express our strenuous opposition to
further developments of this type.
3) With the newly constructed apartment buildings that are in the
area now, we have already seen the cause of great congestion in the
area (traffic and population) .
4) Schools in the area are overloaded now t.o the point that they
have needed to add many portables onto the schools, for example
Hazel Park Jr. High School, etc.
5) This short-sightedness could well create a ghetto in our
residential area in a very few years.
Very truly youxs,
_ ' 4��c-'�. 'r-f_f
��� , •���� ��������w )
> r /
M� & Mrs. Frank Juen
cc: City Council Members
Mail Bag - St. Paul Pioneer Press & Dispatch
. . . # „ ...
113 Court House 55102
Novea�ber 2�, 1969
Orville 0. and Margaret L. Hax�mon
1536 E. Ivy Avenue
S�. Paul, Niinnesota 55106
File X803, P�ge 8
You are hes:c:by riotif��� t�eat a pu�l�.c her��ia�� wi.11 b� held in '
� the Cauncil Ch�mbers o� the City Hall and �aurC Hou�e in the
City af St. P�ul at 10:U0 a.m. or� Decerabez 11, 1969, ore the
petition of �els�,r Cor�,orat�,pn to rezone fros� an "A Res�.deace"
Distri.ct eo a "C {Resi.dence" Distxic� the follor,�in� describ�d
property: Subject to Hazelwaod Avenue �cad exc�t the rnozth
� 328.1 Eeet� west � af aorthweat � of sou�hc�est � of southea�C � o�
�`ea��t�on'Z�L, Townsh�p 24, Rang� 22, and we�terly � of souChwest �
of southwest � and westerty 6�►.26 feet of east � of soueteweet �
of sou�l3west � of soeitheaat � �f S�ctian 22, �b�a�shig 29, Aange 22,
subject to stxeeta �and exceptin$ Cher�fro� southerZy 173 feet
thereof m�asured fro� the cen��� of Maryland Avenue, aa�d 2ocat�d
on tt►e �ast side of Hazelwaod l�venu@ between E. Ivy � �. Marylaz�d
For further infoz�cr►ation cont�ct the Pl�aa�n� �ard, Ro�m 1010
Cotnmerce Bu:�ld��g os tel�p�on.e 223�+151.
Coss�i,ssi�one� of Fir��nce
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Yeas Nays Yeas / �/� Nays
Cartson �rlson
Dalglish , -�'alghsh ``
Meredith ; , Meredith
Peterson — =- Pef�
Sprafka � �Sprafka
Tedesco \Tedesco
Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne
• � ' � � . � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
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