246708 r ,,. ' A ORIdINAL TO CITY CL[RK- � � ����Q CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�ENC�� NO �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of 5ection Vii B of Ordina.nce No. 6446 of the Salary Formula, a review of contracts in industry. indicates the following hourly rates for the following classes of positions in Groups A, C and E: Group A Tit1e Rate Electrician Foreman $6. 73 Electrician Foreman�-Board of Education 6. 73 Electrician General Foreman 7. 38 General Lighting Forema�a 7. 38 Kettle Tender Roofer 5. 22 Lighting Foreman 6. 73 Roofer 5. 52 Roofer Foreman �. 86 Group C Buildi.ng Inspector 6. 07 Electrical Inspecto r 6. 07 Elevator Inspector 6. 07 Gas Burner Inspector 6. 07 Heating and Piping Inspector 6.,07,, -- _ .__--- _. �- Heating, Piping and Gas Burner Inspector " ` 6.`��' " ;�-* Masonry Inspector • �� 0'� Plasterer Inspector �i Q� '�.. - Plumbing Zi�.spector �,�"� Plumbi.ng Inspector--Water Department 6� �'f Refrigeration Inspector �. �"� Senior Building Inspector � 6.� Senior Electrical Inspector �i.4�, Senior Mechanical Inspector �„�� Senior Plumbing Inspector 6.42 -1- COUNCILMEN ` - �" Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Carlaon Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka , Mayor A gainst � Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne " , ^�O.. � �. ' j � ORIOINAL TO CITY CLtRR ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ pqTF Group E Title Rate Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer $4. 83 Custodian-Engineer �'Public Safety Building� 5. 18 Power Plant Helper 4. 13 Pumping Engineer I 4.48 Pumpi.ng Engineer II 4. 68 Refrigeration Engineer (Steam-Electricj 4.48 Stationary Engi.neer 4.48 Stationary Fireman 4. 33 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the hourly rates payable to the above-mentioned classes in Groups A, C a.nd E of Section II of Ordinance No. 6446, are hereby increased from the hourly rates currently in effect to the hourly rates indicated abov�e and i.n accordance with Section VII B of Ordinance No. 6446; and that such higher rates shall become effective as of December 27, 1969. APPR VED - .��' AssL C,cxPoratiott Counset , -2- pE� 17 1�6, ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlaon oE� � `� 1!�6�' �}g}�h Approve 19__ Meredith �n Favor Peteraon ' Sprafka v Mayor Tedesco A 8'ainst . Mr.President, Byrne pUBLISHE� �EC � � ���� • � k v �.,.. � ��l.! ?� Y�� � �{ � S�t�,. JOSEPH J. MITCHELL �� y 9 E,�� JOHN 5. HAIDER COMPTROLLER AND 5���� >pAUL CHIEF EXAMINER AND CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL �� �:. : CIVILSE�..,. �,f����E BUREAU THOMAS D. GLEASON ai v F� �: ��1 ��y.`"1 �S. `rA A3515TANT DIRECTOR �y�����#� OF PERSONNEL �T '~`, Z 7 > y� iR 1 �. 'h. ... ............�...n..,.,. .«....�,..�....x ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 November 28, 1969 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 3�+7 City Hail St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlennen: In accordance with the provisions of Section VII of Ordinance No. 6�6 the "Salary Formula--in the Ungraded Division", we ha,ve reviewed and surveyed the contract of the Eleetrician's I,oca1 No. 110, effective October �+, 1969, pertaining to classes in Group A and Group C in Section II of Ordinance No. 6�+�+6, and herewith report aur findin�s. The following is a list of classes for which we find that a change in rate is indicated: Present Indicated Class Rate Rate Electrician Fore�nan $ 6.6�+ $ 6.73 Electrician Foreman--Boaxd of Education 6.6�+ 6.73 Electrician General Foreman 7.16 7.38 General Lighting Foreman 7.16 7.38 Lighting Foreman 6.6�+ 6.73 Buildin� Inspector 6.05 6.07 Electrical Inspector 6.05 6.07 Eleva.tor Inspector 6.05 6.07 Gas Burner Inspector 6.05 6.07 Heating and Piping Inspector 6.05 6.07 Heating, Piping and Gas Burner Inspector 6.05 6.07 Masonry Inspector 6.05 6.07 Plasterer Inspector 6.05 6.07 Plumbing Inspector 6.05 6.07 Plumbing Inspector-Water Department 6.05 6.07 Refrigeration Inspector 6.05 6.07 Senior Building Inspector 6.40 6.42 Senior Electrical Inspector 6.40 6.42 Senior Mechanical Inspector 6.�+0 6.42 Senior Plumbin� Inspector 6.40 6.�2 MEMBER . Publie p�esonnd Assoeiafan � r To the Honorable Mayor -2- November 28, 1969 and Members of the City Council Present Indicated Class Rate Rate Sheet Metal Inspector $ 6.05 $ 6.07 In accordance with Ordinance No. d4�+6, these findings are submitted to the City Council and a copy has also been filed for public record with the City Clerk. The ordinance flirther provides that thereafter the Council shall set a public hearing for the purpose of review3ng existent wage rates, which hearin� shall be not less than ten days nor more than twenty days after such public notice as the Council may deem necessaxy. After such hearin� the Council sha,].l, by resolution, detertnine appropriate houriy rates for the indicated positions. Upon receipt of the Council's determination, this Bureau will prepare the praper resolution for the Council's consideration. Respectf�zlly submitted, ' � ) 1� JOI$� . IDER Director of Personnel cc Joseph J. Mitchell Harry E. Marshall JSH�pb . � FtT�i�C �T�G'� P�r�iwwat �c► direatioa v�' t� Ga�aai�. of �e C�t�r os' �►iot P�1. a�d p�rw�at iw «di�ars� �I6b$6, u �ea�sd, o! �al.�. Cit►y'► �i� ��.a� ia �bryr �wn t�t �#� Gar�il �ar aet a l�sati�g o8 ���eT 17''�b. 1969 at its x�t�lar a�e�rting +�► sai� dst�� t+a�r t� parpq�rs o� ao�orid+rin� �► re�i�io� o� saLri+�� o! E,teot�riai�t a�rd Ia�spe�t�ar ��,tl�� in E�� A �sad � C i� �Ct�aa�t S�I �t O�rdti�r�aa� i�. �Y 8. l�A��rL„ �iiT C�exk f�� 3� 19�9� �. � ����` , � ��,, g� ,�, JOSEPH J. MITCHELL E��' r ,'�; ; JOHN S. HAIDER tOMPTROLLER AND �9p CHIEF EXAMINER AND CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONER S e�'I�'• AUL DIRECTOR OF PER30NNEl �� xa .�.;�. CIVIL S�� �E BUREAU THOMAS D. GLEASON � ' ASSISTANT DIRECTOR �4`' •,ds �w�R�^.T"� OF PERSONNEL �q i6RW T xs., �. �.....,0+�.,�i�. �� �a a s t.... .�._....._. ST. PAU L, M I N N ESOTA 55102 December 3, 196g To the Honorable Mayor and Meffibers of the City Cou.ncil 347 City xa11 St. Pa,ul, Minnesota 55102 Gentle�nen: In accordance with the provisions of Section VII of 4rdinance �6�+�+6, the °Sala.ry Formula--Ungraded Division", we have reviewed and surveyed the contract of the Roofers' Loca.l Union ,#96, effective Dece�nber 29, 1g69, pertaining to the classes of Kettle Tender Roofer, Roofer and Roofer Foreman in Group A of Section II of Ordinance �b4�6, and the contracts of Zoca1 #36 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, which wi11 be in effect on January l, 1970, pertainirig to classes in Group E of Section II of Ordinance #6�6, and herewith report our findings. The following is a list of the classes for which we find indicated changes in rates: - PRESENT INDICATID C�� RATE RATE Kettle Tender Roofer $ �+.91 � 5.22 Roofer 5.22 5.52 Roofer Foreman 5•56 5•� Chief Refrigeration and 4perating Engineer 4.60 �+.83 Custodian-EYigineer (Public Safety Building) 4.g5 5.1$ Pawer Plant Helper 3.9p �+.13 PumPinB E�ineer I �.25 4.�+8 Piu►rpping Engineer II �+.�+5 4.6$ Refrigeration Engineer (Steam-Electric) 4.25 4.�+$ Stationary Engineer 1�,�5 l�,1E$ Stationa.ry Fireman �+.10 �+.33 In accordance with Ordinance #61+�6, these findings are submitted to the City Council and a copy has also been filed for public record with the City Clerk. The ordina,nce flzrther provides that thereafter the Council shall set MEMBER . publie p�rsonnd A�weiafan �� � ^ . To the Honorable Ma,yor and Me�abers of the City Council -2- December 3, 1g69 a public hearing for the purpose of revie�wing existent wage rates, which hearing shall be not less tha,n ten d.a.ys nor more than twenty days after such public notice as the Council may deem necessary. After such hearin� the Council shall, by resolution, determine appropriate hourly rates for the indicated positions. Upon reeeipt of the Council's determination this Bureau will prepaxe the proper resolution for the Council's consideration. Respect�.illy submitted, . �� ��oE� JOHN . HAIDER Director of Personnel cc Joseph J. Mitchell Harry E. Marsha,ll JSH�pb F'l�C ��8 P+�rv�a:�6 to d3rec��.� oi' tl�te C�a�l cr�' tbi City od' Baia� i�ia]. sod p�rs�auu�t to U�d�,xr�ee ��, � a�es�Q+ed, of sri�: C3,�y, �� na��ae i+� �e�reby� �t.vea �u►� � Cc�at�l 1ns ��� a ��g aa� �ec��� 2"Tth. i969 a;� i�r �reg�s,� m�eet��.�rg p� sai,� �di�e, tar �t� �a af �qa�sid�erins a r�v3.�ioa ai �r,aLart.�es � a�r�ais� ti�l+��r ta � B i�a► 8�lo�s II od' �di�� �� 1�11tt�tY �. i��f �i�y Cl�rk �11�eaetbsr 3� ��,�tj To the Honorable Mayor and Members of th� City Council -2� Decembex 3, 1969 a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing eacistent wage ratee, which hearing shall b� not lese than ten daya nor max� than i�wenty days after such public notice as the Cauncil ma.y deem necessaxy� pfter such heaxing the Council shall, by r�solution, determine appropriate hourly ratea for the indicated posit3.cros. Upon r�e�ipt of the Cauncil's de�ermination this Buree�u wi11 prepare the proper resolution for th� Council's considerati.on. Respectfully submitted, � � JOHN S. HA17?ER Directar a� Pexaannel `� ec Joseph J. Mitehell Iia,rry E. Marsha.11 JS�i�pb t�� ��I ! � ���� Deeennbex 3, 1969 To the Honorable Mayar and Members of the City Coutac3l 347 c ity xea.l St. Peazl, Minnesota �51(�2 i Gentlemen: ! �� �, In accorda.x.nce wi�h the prcrv�sia�n� of Section VII of Ord3.nance �6�6, the "Sal.ary Formula--LT'�gxe�d�cY Di.vision", we have x�vi�wed and :urvey�d the contract of the Roofers' T�aca]. Union �6, effective December 29, 1969, �� pertaining to the el�sse�a of Kettle Tender Roofer, Roofer and Roofer For�,n i in Group A of 8eetion II o�' Ordinance �+46, and the contra.cts o� Loca,i #�36 of the Internati�nel UniQn of tTperating Engineers, �hich wi1X be in effect on January l, 1q70, pertaiziing to c1�s�es in Group T of Section II of Ordinance �644�, and h�rer�rith �port our findings. The folloming is a list of the classes Por which we t`�nd indicateQ changee in rates. PRF.SENT TNDICATED C� CLASS RATE FiATE �� (� Kettle Tend�r Roofer $ �..91. � 5•�2 � Roafer 5.22 g�5� Raofer Forem+a,ri 5.56 �,86 Chief R�frigerat3.e►n and Opera�tir� Engineer �+.60 �.83 ���] Custodian-Enginee�r (Public aa��ety &iildi.n�,) �+.g� 5.2$ �b/ Power P18�nt �Felp�r 3.� �+.13 ? r Pumping Ehg�neer I �.25 �.�+8 RarnFinB EnSineex T� �.�5 �+.&$ � efri a io @ R ger t n Engine r (Steaaac-Electric� �+.25 �.�+$ Stationary Engineer 1+.2$ �+,1+� Stationary Fixeman �.10 �+•33 Tn accordsxice wi�h Ord.inanae �641E6, the�e #'indings e�e �submiti�ed to the ' City Council and a capy has aleo beea filed for public record with the Ci.ty Clerk. The ordinance flzrther provides that thereafter the Council shall set November 28, 1969 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the �3ty Caunail 3�+7 City Ha11 St. Paul, Minneso�a ��1Q2 Gentlemen: In accordanee with the provi�ions of Sec�ion VIT nf Ordinance No. 6�6 the "Sal.azy Formula--in the Ungraded Division", we bave reviewed snd surveyed th� �ontraet of the Ele�txiciari's Lacal No. 11�, eFfective Qetober �, 196g, pertaining �,o class�s in Group A and Grvup C in 5ection II of Ordinance Nw. 6�+6, e.nd herewith report our findin�s. The Pol2awing is a 1.ist of claeses for which we �'ind th�t a cha,nge in rate is i.ndic�ted: �esent Indicated Class �ate Re,te D �7.ectrician Foreman $ 6.6�+ $ 6.73 Electrieian Foreman--Board of �d,ucation E.6�+ 6.73 Electrician Gen�ral For� 7.16 7.38 General Lighting Foreman 7.16 7.38 Lighting For� 6.6�+ 6.�3 Building Inspector 6.05 6.�7 Electricsl Inspector 6.05 6.47 Elevator Inspectcar 6.05 6.07 Gas Burn�x Inspeetar 6.�5 6.07 Heating and Pipin� Inapector 6.05 6.Q7 Heatin�, Fipin� anc3 Gas Burner Insp�ctar 5.05 6.07 Masonx�y Tn�pector F.O� 6.07 Pla�terex Inspector 6.0� 6.07 Plumbin� Inapectnr 6.45 6.�7 Plwnbing Ixispector-Water Department 6.{15 b.07 Ref'x�3�ert�tion Tnspector f�.05 6.07 Senior Building Inspector 6.�4 6.�+2 S�niox El�ctrical Inapector 6.40 6.42 Senior M�chanical Inspector 6.4U 6.�+2 S�nior Plumbing Inspectox b.40 6.�+2 To the Honorable Mayor -2- November 28, 196g and Members of the City Council Present Indicated Class Rate Rate Sheet Metal In�peetor $ 6.05 $ 6.07 Tn accordance with Ordinance No. 6�+�+6, the�e findings are submitted to the C�.ty Council and a copy has also be�n filed for public record with the City Clerk. The ord.inance further provides that thereafter the Council sha11 set a public h�aring f'or the purpose of revi�wing existent wage rate�s, which hearing shall be not leas than ten days nox more than twenty d.ays af`Ger such public notice as the Council may deem neceasary. After sueh hearing the Council shall, by resolution, determine appropriate hourly rates for the indica�ed positions. Upon receipt of the Council's determination, thie Bureau will prepaxe the praper resolution for the Council's considera.tion. R�spectflzlly subonitted, JpHN S. HAIDER Dixector of Personnel D cc Joseph J. Mitchell Harry E. Maarshal.l JSli�pb �`��:.I.c�� DUPLICATB TO PRINTSR - CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO OFF(CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt nqTF RESOLVEA, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the public notice, a copy of which is atta.ched hereto ancl incorporated herein by reference, and directs the City Clerk to publish the same Po�thwith in the Legaa. Ledger� the official nawapa,per of th� City oF Saint Pa.ul. ��'� rt� a. { �. ,�. Ado ted b the CounciL ��""� '�19— COUNCILMEN P Y Yeas i�-�/'. �,;�Nays � ar •' �g�;qy, � Approved 19—_ Meredith ,�^Tn Favor P��.�.,.r Sprafka Mayor C\ Against Tedesco ,;�y�Vlr:President,�yrne � � P:ir. ��i.c.r __.,., . , _ � 1 a DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �'�����i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOI�VID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the public natice, e. copy of which is attached hereto and incorpa�ated herein by reference, s.nd directa the City Clerk to publieh the sa,me forthwith in the Legei.l. Ledger, the off icial newspaper of the City of Saint Paul. ��,�. �" ��°� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Carlson ' � ' ��` Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor F�erse�- Sprafka c:; Mayor Tedesco A�'ainst '1V.C�-���side�t> $� . l�ir. �i��e � nY �;7'z �:, � � � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER /'�✓�L��'���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, in accordance with the prcrvieione of Section Vii B of Oxdinance No. b446 of the Salary Formula, a review a� contracta in i.nduetry indicates the followi�g hourly rates for the following clasee� af �ositians in Groups A, C and E: Group A Title Rate Electrician Foreman $6. 73 Electrician F4reman--Board af Education 6. 73 Electrician Generai Forema,n ?. 38 General Lighting Foreman ?• 38 Kettle Texader-,Roofer 5. 22 Lighting F'oreman 6. ?3 Roofer 5. 52 Roofer Foreman �• �6 Group C Builcling In�apector 6. 07 ElectricaT Inspector 6. 07 Elevator Inapector �• 0? Gae Burner In�pector b. 07 Heating and Piping Insp�ctor �+• �'� Heating, Piping and Ga� Burner Inepector 6. 07 Maeonry Inepector 6. 07 Plaeterer In�pectox 6• Q� Plumbing In�pector 6. 0? Plumbing Insgectar--Water Department 6. 0? Refrigeration Inepector 6• �'� Senior Btt,ilding InBpector 6.42 5enior Electrical Ynspector 6.42 Senfar Mechanical Inepector 6.42 5eniar Plumbiing Inspector 6.42 -1- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19-- Meredith �n Favor Peteraon Mayor Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne " O :�+� '^ . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ��L�*������`� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON ER DATF Group E Title Rate Chief Refrigeration and Clpexat�xa.g Engineer $4. 83 Cuetndian-Engineer (Public Safety Building) 5. 18 Power Plant Helper 4. 13 Pumping Engineer � 4.48 Pumping Engineer II 4. 6$ �2efrigeration �ngixaeer (Steam-Electric) 4.48 Sta.tfonary Engixieer �•4$ Stationary Firerr�an 4• '� Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� that the hourly rates payable to the above-mentioned classes in Groups A, C and E of 5ection TI of �rdinance No. 6446, are hereby increased from the hourly rates curreantly in effect to the hourly rates indicated above and i.n accordance with Sectfon VII B of Ordinance No. 6446; and that such higher ratee eha.11 become Effective ae of Decernber 27, 1969. ��� � . �����' -2- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays f.:�.;;. Carlson y�1�,; ",,. ���h Approved 19—_ (/ Meredith `�-' Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka f'� A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O