04-1030Council File # v`t .l � Green Sheet # 3 a a a s� J' Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 3� 1 WHEREAS, adverse action was initiated against the Twins Star VF4J Post 8854 by Notice of 2 Violation dated Mazch 11, 2004, alleging a violation from January 28, 2004 of the requirement that 3 members and guests sign in and that the log book be kept in a readable format; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the condition was placed on the license on December 17, 2003 by Council 6 resolution as a result of a prior violation for selling alcohol to a non-member; and 7 � 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, the current violation was discovered as police were investigating an aggravated assault which occurred inside of the VFW and involved a non-member; and WHEREAS, a fine of $1,000 was imposed for the prior violation, with $700 being stayed for a period of 18 months on the condition that there be no further violations; and WI-IEREAS, the failure to maintain appropriate and readable membership logs makes if impossible for the O�ce of LIEP to monitor whether the VFW is in compliance with its club license with respect to service of alcohol and hinders efforts of the police when investigating incidents on the premises, and is a serious violation, and this is the second such occurrence in a short period of time; and WHEREAS, the Office of LIEP is recommending a penalty of a five-day suspension of the licenses and a$1,000, with the five days and $1,000 being stayed for a period of 18 months on the following conditions: 1) that the $700 from the prior adverse action be imposed and paid within thirty days of the passage of this resoluuon; 2) that there be no further violations of the requirement that the books be kept in readable format with complete names of guests and identification of the member with whom they are entering; and 3) that there be no other violations of law during that period of time. Req�ted b Department of: L G BY: � QMQ�` � . � V9W� Form Approved by City Attor BY: L� A.�l/A/_' �[.l L (�'��l4G AdoF By: Apps By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � O` l0"� Lp — LicenseJL�spection/Environ Prot Contact Person 8 Phone: Virginia Palmer 266-8770 Ma Be on � /�i �� 26SEP-04 � Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3022583 0 icen ns eMio nviron Yro i icenseRns ection/EmironPro De artmentDirec[or 2 i Attornev 3 a or's Otfice Ma or/Assistant 4 ounci 5 itv Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Ac[ion Requested: Approval of adverse acrion against the licenses held by Twin Sta: VF�4 Post 8854 (License ID No. 0057268) d/U/a Tvrin Star VFW Post 8854. idations: Approve (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following 1. Has this person/5rm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a ski0 noF no�mally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and aYach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Licensee failed to maintain a membership and guest log book per conditions of the license. AdvanWges if Approved: Penaly unposed as recommended by the Office of LIEP pisadvantapeslfApproved: None. RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2��'� Disadvantages It Not Approved: ��`�`-.(� �C Total Amount of Trensaction: Fundinp Source: Financial I nformation: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: �� t [F: UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Date: Violation: Date of Violation: Place: �-to� Twin Star VFW Post 8854 d/b/a Twin Star VFW Post 8854 820 Concordia Avenue Wednesday, October 27, 2004 @ 5:30 p.m. Failure to maintain membership and guest log book as per the condition of the license. January 28, 2004 Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: A fve-day suspension of the licenses and a$1,000 fine with the five days and $1,000 being stayed for a period of 18 months on the following conditions: 1) that $700 fine from the prior adverse action be imposed and paid with thirty days of the passage of this resolution; 2) that there be no further violations of the requireraent that the books be kept in readable format with complete names of guests and identification of the member with who they are entering; 3) that there be no other violations of law during that period of time. Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution. 2. Letter received 6/17/04 from Twin Star VFW to Office of LIEP. 3. Letter dated 6/16/04 from Virginia Palmer to Twin Star VFW. 4. Letter dated 3/22/04 from Twin Star VFW to Virginia Palmer requesting a hearing before Council. 2. Notice of Violation dated 3/11/04. 7. Letter dated 2/10/04 from Twin Star VFW to Office of LIEP with attached copies of the guest book from 1/28/04 -1/29/04. 8. Letter dated 2/5/04 from Office of LIEP to Twin Star VFW requesting copies of guest book for 1/28/04 -1/29/04. 3. Police report dated 1/28/04. O�l-to� Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8854 820 Concordia Ave. St Paul, Minnesota These aze the proposed conditions that we have discussed. License No. 0057268 Liquor on Sa1e. Applied for by: Twin Star VFW I would like to preface this response with a few words from various patrons and members in the bar. One of the most difficult tasks in this whole process is to remain pro active. My part in this situation is to manage the Post Canteen. This entails the mechanics of the operation but more importantly the spiritual atmosphere as well. We have eliminated the bad elements from our Canteen and as you aze awaze the trouble azound our establishment has seen a decline as well It would be an appropriate gesture on both our behalf if we just start a new chapter in our relationship with you and see what matters as afore menfioned will be practical for the progress of the Post as our neighborhood undergoes the same process. l. I have visits other private clubs in our neighborhood and we will follow the example that has been set forth in other establishments in our ouerve and aliow the constitutional right as to the style of signature remain the choice of the individual member or guest the signature of the our patrons. 2. I would hope that it is a given that our service staff at the Canteen wili not and has not served alcohol to minors. I do have the discretion to determine age within reason. Scenario, A gentleman enters the bar as a senior citizen family acquaintance of a member who does not have ID I will not refuse them service. 3. It is my ascertain that we aze catering to the lowest common denominator by presenting this issue in this manner under these conditions. 4. The vestibule will be removed by the first of July. S.Due to the cost, we will be installing the video cameras one at a time. We can discuss which areas would be covered first, second etc work wili commence July I S with additional cameras being added at one per month. 6.An interior camera will be installed by Sept 1. v�-to3t� 7. Two addztional lights have been purchased for the side and rear of the building. 8. Quest has been called for the removal of phones. Due to the fact that they aze payphones there aze issues conceming (in house) removal. 9. Due to the changing clientele and begin to operate under longer hours, we aze going to postpone the purchase of a wand. 10. The hiring and firing will be done by the house committee who aiready have a screening process in place. This is not being done by other establishments. It is our feeling that this stipularion results in micro management. Again we feel as though we are being scolded for past behavior that was not consistent with our new management policies. �y-�o�o SA[NT PAUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor OFFICE OF UCENSE, INSPECTIONS r4YD ENVIRONNIENTAL PROTECTION Janeen E. RoSas, Direc(or LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDINC Telephone: 651-266-9090 350 St Puer Stree[, Suite 300 Faa+mile: 651-266-9714 SaintPavl,Minnesota55 7 0215 7 0 Web: wmv.lien.us February 5, 2004 Manager Twin Star VFW 820 Concordia Avenue West Saint Paul, MN 55104 RE: Report of aggravated assault on Ol/28/2004 CN 04-17674 Dear VFW Manager, On O1/28/2004 an aggravated assault was reported to have taken place at 820 Concordia. As a follow up to that report I would like to review the guest log records for Ol/28/2004 - Ol/29/2004. Please copy the requested information and mail it to: L1EP City of Saint Paul 350 St. Peter Street, #30 Attn: CYuistine or fax to: (651)298-4197, Attn: Christine Please submit the requested inforxnation to this office by February 24, 2004. If you wish to obtain a copy of the referenced police report, please contact the Saint Paul Police Department records section. If you have any questions regazding this request, please contact me at 266-9108. Sincerely Christine Rozek Deputy Director Office of License & Inspections AA-ADA-EEO Employer � F ��1/ VEfERANS OF FOREI6N WARS OFTHE U.S. iWIN STAR POST N0. 8854 820 ConcoNia Avenue St. Paul. Minnesota 55104 LIEP City of St Paul 350 St. Peter Street, #30 Attn: Christine �ZECENED IN LIEg FEB 1 2 Z004 Febraary 10, 2004 Per your request attached aze copies ofthe Guest Book dated 1-28-04 & 1- 29-04. As we have discovered the bottom part of the page t�as been torn off. We believe this happen during the fight as security was escorting the individuals out of the Canteen. We would assume they thought this would not show that they were present in the Canteen. But we do have two individuals that were witnesses to the assauit. Quartermastet n, /' % / / � � ` A �� �� - / / „ !'-L' ( l --��---�- Michael K. Skinner sr. ��-�o� V E T E R A N S O F F O R E I G N W A R 5 O F T H E U N I T E D 5 T A T E S �. . �.�-- ._. _ ���..,..�,� _ . . . _. �.:�>�:.:;�-.:�...� �. _ i��� � ��, __ - - - I. �� ag -�� �: � � ��� � ,.��u _� � ' ir. � �i � � F n �� � r � i + — � � , / � ka"'• / GCJ � S �`� 4 � � e ;d„� � t 3x>` _ f : �t . ��� . Y �S��.a � �• _ . '�_ \'z'.�.��?�x� �^ �'.� rG.-.:'. u w. - • • :;-'Oi��?S:t.�'4, �?y.'?,J_T.a � _ . _ , � ��� �'t�r ..`��'.V�i� 4` ��'� .. . _ ' �` `� � - - �.�'� - _:?� . - :,-t:i: " :` ! -.._>�-�:,. ' . , ' - s.:k�' _ �'. _ ' , x.._.+�. .aY-� S`"s�,'?�'^ . 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I,,IE 1 �. L�� � Date and Time of RepoR 04017674 Data Pri���icy ReSU : , ����/2004 02:48 PrimaryoKense Minnesota Statute 15.�� AGG ASSAULT-W/KNIFE,CUTTiNG INSTRUMENT,ETC Primary Repo(ong O£ficer. juStfn frilllef Name offocatlon/business: Pnmarysquad: 119 Loca6on ofincident. 820 CONCORDIA AV W ST PAUL MN 55104 Secondary reporting oN'icer. App�oving o�cer. St0v2 8f1dBfSOIt oistnct: Westem Site: Secondary o(fense: AttemptOnly NO oate & Ume of occurence: 01 /28/2004 00:45 to 01 /28/2004 00:45 Anestmade? NO Appears to be Gang Related NO Police OflicerAssaufted or Injured No Police0lficerASSistedSuicide NO NAMES Suspect TALEO LEVAR MAYFIELD KNOWN St Paul Nicknames or Alias AKA First Name Deta//s sex Male Race BIaCk Hispanic NO � DOB 11/28/1977 Age Qg from to OHenderinfarmation Arrested No ou� No Conditlon MN AKA Last Name Phones Home ( � - Work � � _ Cell ( � - Fa+c ( � - Contact ( � - Pager ( ) - Pursuit engaged NO Resistance enCOUntered rJ0 7aken to health care £acility NO Employment Occupation Employer ldentification SSN: - - License or/D# License State Violated Rest2ining Order NO Medicaf release obtained? NO Saint Paul ('olice Departmern New RMS Page 2 of 3 � ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT �`�� Complaint Number Refe�ence C.N. LIEP C OP i Dafe and Time of Report 04017674 Data Prn .�: �" _ q���1�I 02:48 Pnmaryo�tense Minnesota S<<� �u[e 13.D? AGG ASSAULT-W/KNIFE,CUTTING INSTRUMENT,ETC Victim DEEANN MA1RE BANKS 3869 DOLOMITE DR EAGAN MN S5i22 Nieknames or A/iases Details S� Female Race B�ack Hispanic Np Doe 08/03/1976 Age 27 !rom to Phones Home 65(1-2)07--6403 work � � _ Ce/l ( � - Far ( � - Contact ( � - Page� ( ) - Victtm information rype Individual CanldenNfyONender Yes condirion Intoxicated, Conscious, Alcohol Taken to health care faciliry Yes Employment Occupation Employer ldentificafion SSN: - - License or ID# license State Willing to Press Cha�ges �'e5 Medical release obtained? No RelationshTps Other Suspect TALEO LEVAR MAYFIELD CRIME SCENE DESCRIPTORS Crime Scene Method & Poinf of Entry Processed NO Type Office%ommercial �esc�ption gar/nightclub/tavern Force used NO Point of entry Method Hidlnside No Weapan(s) Used Other weapon, Other - BEER BOTTLE `y�`� Pur.tca Complaint Number 04017674 Pnmary offense Saint Paul Police Department New RMS Page 3 of 3 ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT �-��� ReferenceC.N. LIEP Cl/: � DateandTimeofReport Data Pri�•acy Re�triction��2004 02:48 Minnesota Statute 13.82 AGG ASSAULT-W/KNIFE,CUTTING INSTRUMENT,ETC SOLVABILITY FACTORS Suspect can 6e ldenlified Y2S Photos Taken Y@S Evidence Tumed /n NO Lab BiologicalAnalysis (�O NarcoticAnalysis NO Lab Comments BY VICTIM Stolen Property Traceable No Praperty Tumed !n njp FingerpdntsTaken No Items Fingerpnnted NO NARRATIVE I, SQD. #119, OFFICER J. MILLER WAS SENT TO ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL ON A AGGRAVATED ASSAULT. ON SCENE I VERBALLY ID THE VICTIM AS BANKS, DEEANN MARIE. SHE TOLD THAT SHE WAS ASSAULTED AT 820 CONCORDIA AVE. W., (VFW), BY MAYFIELD, TALEO LEVAR. BANKS SAID SHE HAS KNOWN MAYFIELD SINCE SHE WAS A CHILD. BANKS TOLD THIS OFFICER SHE WAS AT THE VFW DRINKING WHEN MAYFIELD APPROACHED HER. MAYFIELD AND BANKS PROCEEDED TO VERBALLY ARGUE AFTER HE CAME UP TO HER. BANKS SAID THAT MAYFIELD THEN PUNCHED HER IN THE FACE WITH A CLOSED FIST APPROXIMATELY 6 TIMES. HE THEN GRABBED HER BY THE BACK OF THE HEAD AND SMASHED HER HEAD INTO THE BAR RAIL APPROXIMATELY 4 TIMES AND THEN HIT HER OVER THE HEAD WITH A BEER BOTTLE 2 TIMES. SHE THEN FLED THE BAR AND WAS DRIVEN TO THE HOSPITAL BY HER FRIENDS. THERE WERE NO WITNESSES AT THE HOSPITAL, BECAUSE THEY DROPPED BANKS OFF AND THEN LEF�f. SQD. #140 TOOK PHOTOS SEE HIS SUPPLEMENT. SQD. #105 WAS NOTIFIED. BANKS' INJURIES WERE NOT LIFE THREATENING AT THIS TIME, PER THE ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL STAFF. BANKS HAD A CUT ON HER FOREHEAD APPROXIMATELY 2" LONG AND 50ME BRUISES ON HER FACE. � � PUBLIC NARRATIVE AGGRAVATED ASSAULT Please distribute to: _CHF _Hom _Sex _D/C _CO _Rptr _Rob _Juv _Oper _Burg _Theft _Prop _Vice _Narco _SiU _PSC _CAU T&A _Lab _Rec _Team _F&F _Auto _DAO Other CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy G Kelly, Mayor June 16, 2004 Quartermaster Michael K. Skinner Twin Staz VFW Post 8854 820 Concordia Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 OFFICE i,. Tf� CITY ATTORNEY �,,,� _ l�� Manuel l. Cervanres, Ciry Armmey Civt! Division 400 City Hal( Telepkone: 657 266-8710 ISWestKelloggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 Saint Pauf, Minnesom 55l0? RE: All Licenses held by Twin Star VFW Post #8854 located at 820 Concordia Avenue, Saint Paul License ID:0057268 Dear Quartermaster Skinner: You were sent a Notice of Violation dated Mazch 11, 2004, which advised you that the Office of LIEP was pursuing adverse action against your licenses due to a violation of the requirement that your membership and guest logs be kept in readable format. You met with the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection to discuss possible conditions to add to your license in lieu of paying the suspended fine of $700 from your previous violation, but as of today's date, they have had no response from you as to whether you have agreed to add these conditions. I will be scheduling this for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine the appropriate penalty for the violation which you previously admitted to, and will send you a no[ice with the time, da[e and place of the hearing. Sincerely, ��.� � �,..� � � �,_('.,�, � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE U.S. iWIN STAR POST N0. 8854 820 Concordia Avenue St Paul, Minnesata 55104 Mazch 22, 2004 ��`.:e� ,Q�: :-; �� Quarierniaster Michael K. Skinner Sr. Assistant City Attorney Virginia D. Palmer ���������� �+}' i :: %tiU�t �V �t �; '� p � � � , i �� ('s � +° '� f d-l'1�3� - �Re: - 3'�vin Star VFW Post #8854 at 820-Concordia uv.--.-- License ID# 0057268. Post # 8854 dues re9uest a hearing before the City Council. Quartermaster Michael K. y Skinner Sr. f /� ; ! ; / ' i �� -� � � - . ,.��� �' . V E T E R A N S O F F O R E I G N W A R S O F T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S crr�r oF san�rr Paui. Randy C. Ke(ly, Mayor Mazch 11, 2004 Owner/Manager Twin Star VFW Post 8854 820 Concordia Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 OFFICE (,_ THE CITY ATTORNEY �—��� Manuel J. Cervarstes, Ciry Atromey Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 65/ 266-8710 I S SVett Ke(fogg Blvd. Facsimile: 651 298-5619 Saint Pau(, Minnesota 55IO2 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: All licenses held by Twin Star VFW Post 8854 d/b/a Twin Star VFW Post 8854 for the premises located at 820 Concordia Ave. in St. Paul License ID No.: 0057268 Dear Sir/Madam: The Director of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses based on the foliowing information: On January 28, 2004, Saint Paul Police Officers were investigating an aggravated assault which occurred inside of the Twin Star VFW. The Office of LIEP asked for pages from the membership and guest book, to determine whether the assailant was properly inside. The logs appear to be virtually unreadable and contain no real information on the guests, include signatures that are first names on1y, nicknames or illegibly written. On December 17, 2003, the VFW was before the City Council on a previous violation of selling alcohol to a non-member or guest, and was ordered to "immediately begin keeping membership and guest logs in a readable format". If you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to discuss the appropriate penalty, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violations and requesting a hearing by Wednesday, March 24, 2004. The matter wiil then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearin� to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf as to the penalty to be imposed. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Twin Star VFW Post 8854 Mazch 11, 2004 Page 2 V-(` ���� If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be abie to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. Please let me know in writing no later than November 5, 2003 how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Mazch 24, 2004, I will assume that you aze not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for a hearing before the City Council for a consent aaenda, at which time the recommended penalCy will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, -'� ',c v�c�� �, Ccy� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey ca Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Summit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104 AA-ADA-EEO Employer C�l' tb3� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY U.S. COUNTY OR RAMSEY ) MAIL MEGHAN McGIVERN, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on March 12, 2004, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION by placing a true and conect copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Twin Stu VFW Post 8854 820 Concordia Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. � t / � [ ! t i/ i� 11. �_ � Ji. i`'1'!ei � � � = Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March, 2004. � - `..<,.�:,._ �ca�;A.:z c c LEucTiTS Nl7TirtK d J3� Iv � M:iv7`JL JUTS MY CO�Vi3'tiSSlOt�! EXPIRES JAi4. 37. �*,�'',c CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor September 27, 2004 Owner/Manager Twin Staz VFW Post 8854 820 Concordia Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� ��a�� Manarel J. Cervantes, Ciry Attorney Civtl Division 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651 266-87/0 /SWestKel[oggBlvd. Facsimile:65l198-5619 SaintPau[, Minnesota 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING ts�!�Y`�' .�co„ .,. � �� � �d � G�dQ� RE: All licenses held by Twin Staz VFW Post 8854 d/b/a Twin Star VFW Post 8854 for the premises located at 820 Concordia Ave. in St. Paul License ID No.: 0057268 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Public Hearing Agenda for the City Council meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 27, 2004 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts concerning the failure to maintain a membership and guest log book per conditions of the license. Per your request, this matter has been placed on the public hearing agenda portion of the City Council meeting, during which public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office is for a five-day suspension of the licenses and a$1,000 fine being stayed for a period of 18 months on the following conditions that: 1) the $700 from the prior adverse action be imposed and paid within thirty days of passage of this resolution; 2) that there be no further violations of the requirement that the books be kept in readable format with complete names of guest and identification of the member with whom they are entering; and 3)that there be no other violations of law during that period of time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, �/��,�.����-- Virginia Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Mary Erickson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Suuimit-University Planning Council, 627 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104 AA-ADA-EEO Employer `.� 1 ���_1_ CouncilFile# Dy �,� �Z � I 2r �/�,r.� Green Sheet # a��OJ � 7 � j RESOLUTION CtTY O�INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 � Presented Referred To Commtttee Date Support of City's Ability to Use Eminent Domain and Improving the Document Prodaetion Process for Eminent Domain Proceedings 1 WI�,REAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul believes that it is imperative that local municipaliries maintain the ability to use eminent 2 domain as an economic development tool to re-energize communities and neighborhoods; and 3 WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul supports due process in the azea of eminent domain; and 4 WHEREAS, currently, the law states thatthe government must provide a copy of an appraisal of a properiy to the commission 5 20 days prior to a hearing before them; and 6 WHEREA5, the problem with current law is that the other parry is entitled to the reasonable appraisai fee of $1,500, but is 7 not required to show proof of securing an appraisal; and 8 WFIEREAS, the City Attomey wants to change the process of the production of documents before a commission hearing; 9 and 10 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work is 11 inexiricably linked to the City's Legislative Agenda; now therefore be it 12 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the proposal of a new law that would require all documents (which include 13 an appraisal) to be provided 21 days before the commissioner's heazing, with a payment of $1,500 (fee for appraisal) given 14 after that document is produced; and be it further 15 RESOLVED, that the CiTy of Saint Paul opposes efforts to prevent the City from using eminent domain for economic 16 development or redevelopment efforts that will reduce blight, increase the tax base or create jobs. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Adoprion Certified by Council Secrerary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � By: Approved by 4a r: Date i�� C,�� ��!/'7 � � Adopted by Council: Date `��F/l �'S� �l�`l narm�rro�icercaur�cw crcRr courrcb RACT PERSON S PFiONE Councilmember Lee Helgen 6-&650 IT 8E �1 CbUNCIL AGQJDA BY (DATEJ December 8, 2004 Consent TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES c�t-��� December 1, ZA04 GREEN SHEET No 206379 � �.,,�,.��� � ��. _ ❑ utv�noRNEV ❑ anetF�IX ❑ Fwucw.awusrsoirt ❑ F.wxa,tsom�ccrc ❑ WYOR{p0.K98TAlfi) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �. AQproval of resolution suppurting a New State Law Involving Document Production as it relates to Eminent Domain PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIV4L SERVICE COMMISSION Has Mis perso�rtn evervrorked under a contrsd tor this Oepartment7 VES NO Has th� OersontFittn ever been a G[y employee? YES NO Does Uus De�sonfi�m P�%a sld4 not nam�INW�� M any twrent citY emPbY�? YE$ NO 4s this Ve�Mrm a targeted ve�daCt YES NO sheet ana ettach ro areen shee[ C ��.� �QRGh9/;�9 �dHi�� � � ��: � t.'' 1TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COSTIREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO NDIN6 SWRCE ACTNITY NUMBER WCW.INFORMA'iION (EXPWN) ROi3TING ORDER: Below aze cosect ron6ngs for the si�c �st frec�uent types o£dactime6ts: �� �� � � CONTRACTS (ass�mmes auihorizad budget e�asts) COLTNCIL RESOLUTION (amend bvdgetsfaccept gents) Y. OutsideAgency , 1.-DepmVnent,Diiecfoi', � ' � � �2'.� Dep�YI)irecto'r � 2." OfficeofiFroanci§1 Servioes.Director , � � � � � 3. CityAtC�ney'- � � �� 3. Cit�AttorIIey � � , � � � 4. Mayor/AssistanY (for contracts over $25,000) 4., Mayar/Asststsnt, 5. FZun?an Rights (for oontacts over $50 000) 5. City Cofficil , 6. Offxce ofFihmiciat Services'-''Acoounting 6., Office ofFi¢ancia! Services -'A000nating ADMINISIRAITVE ORDEItS (BUdgetRevision) ' COI7NCILkESOLiTFION(all,ottbeeis snd CJcdioances)' ��i. FictiviigM�ager"or,IJepaztmenc,Accountant 1. DepectinentD'ireeror � � � � � � � 2. DepadmentD¢ecto� ' ` 2.'CitgAtEumey , � � � , � �� 3. Office ofFinancial Seivices Ditecror � � 3. Mapor/Assistant ' , � � � � � � � 4: City Cieik � 4. Citp Co�cil �� , � � � 5. Ofiice of �inancial Services - t�ecountin8 , �� � � ADhi1A77STRA'CLVEORDIIZS.(ailothers)� � EI�Ci7TLVEORDIIZ , � � �, � 1., DepazwneqtBirector � � � � I. Depazlmentl7ireetor� �� � � � � � 2_,�CityAttornep. � 2., CityAttome9� �°. � � �� � � 3.,OfficeofFinancialSezvicesl}irectcx 3. Nfayo,rlA'ssistant 4: City Cledc � � � Q. City' Ciedc , � � ��� � TOTAL I3UIvIBIIt OF SIGNAT[IRE PAGES Indicate"tfie # dfpages on w}rich signahaes are required and paperclip orYfag each oft6ese Pagea. � ���, � � � � ACTION REQUESTED � � � � �� � Desen'be wfiat the projecUreques[ seeks fa eccamplish.in either'c}�ronoYogical order oi order' ofimpcui�ce, wluchever is — most appcopri8te for the issue. Do notwrite complete sentences. Begin escfi item in pour list witfi a verb. RECOMMEIJDATIONS . Coviplete ifthe issae'in questionhas liee� presented befote any bod9, Putilie or pr�Yate. ,� �' � � PERSONAL SIIt�IC& CONIRACTS: � � � �� � � � � � � - ' Tliis infoimation will be u§ed ta detetmine the city's fiability foi wozkers, compensation cYsims, tszces'and pmper civil ,, , servicehiringcules. ' � �� � � , � � � II3ffIATINGPROHLElv1,-ISSUE, OPPORT[JNiTY � � , ` ' ' � � � � Eaptain'thesiU�arionorcond'itionsthatereateda�foryonrpmjecta�reqaest. ' At�VAI1TAGESIFAPPRO,VED �� � �� � � � „ � Indicate'whethe�filps is simgty an annual budget piaoedise reqiured by law/charter ot whetha there ace sQecific ways in ivhich'the Citq� of SamtPanl and its citizeIIS wilYbene&t from this pmj�Uacti'on.,,� � °� �� DI3ADVAAITAGESFFk1PPROsIED � � �� � � ��, � � � � Wbatnegati've effects or major clisnges to eatistinS �P� P�'�� ��J��P�t PS�ce ifrtis pas5ed' (e:g., traffic detays, noise, tax increases or assessments)? To whom? G�heu?k'or how lon�! ,,, DISADVANTAGES IF NOT AEPIi�OVFD Whatwillbe,thenegati�econseqaencesiffhepromisedactionunofappm.ied7 fnabiliryta,deficetse�vice? Contin¢e ' � �ig6frfraffiqnoise,�accidentcate?'Loss'ofrevenue? . � � � " , � � � FINANC7AL A¢E?ACT ; ` . ATthoughyou musttailor the informalion yon provide here to ihe, issue yon arc addaessiug; in ge¢eral qou musf answes , two qnestions: Howmuch is i� BomS;o cost2, Who is gcring to, pay9 : �� �� � , � � � � �� � � � � -' � � � ��� � � �� � � �, ��� �'4� �,1.� , � ��� Council File # .���=�i GreenSheet# �Olo3�� CITY Presented Referted To RESOLUTION SA{NT PAUL, MINNES07A Support of New Law Involving Document Production as it Relates to 1 WF3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul supports due process in the area of 2 WAEREAS, currently, the law states that ffie government must 3 commission 20 days prior to a hearing before them; and and Domain copy of an appraisal of a property to ihe 4 WHEREAS, the problem with current law is that the other y is en6tled to the reasonabie appraisal fee of $1,500, 5 but is not required to show proof of securing an appr ' al; and - 6 WHEREAS, the City Attomey wants to cha e the process of the production of documents before a commission 7 hearing; and 8 WF�REAS, the Saint Paul Cit ouncil is the policy making body for the City of Saint Paul, and as such, its work 9 is inextricably linked to t ity's I.egislative Agenda; now therefare be it 10 RESOLVED, th e City of Saint Paul supports the proposal of a new law that would require al] documents (which 11 include an a aisal) must be provided 21 days before the coxnmissioner's hearing, with a payment of $1,500 (fee 12 for app ' al) given after that document is produced. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by GSry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Councii: Date