246682 246�8�
Theuaderaignedhereby proposeetbemal�ingoithefollowingpublioimprovemeat by the City oi Saint Panl,vis.:
' ". ... �Ofita'iii".ai.`-ti��iiPo�arjr..con��i`ii��'iiSn""'easen�sh�_,Ti3i'���-�p7S�E..tff r�s�t�ii3true�'in� ��'...
' _. --�ppr.eas i�.��.l�r��.o._.f4�c...Qf..�t91�ei sewer and..4q���.t.i_�3._1 t _to the pro,posed. .._,...
, storm sewer in Albert Street, sald easea�ent bei�g further described by:
: -- t�+ait -par��--ef �I+e-.�IE�_� .ef .the-..sW� � �f Seet i�►-��4f--��nsl+i��--��•-�90..�.3._... ......
lying west of. the Nesteriy ltne of Albert Street and wfthin 15 feet on
""' either sicl�e of a line coer��encing "at �he inte"rsection'of ttie centerlin�! • "�'
�f-Rert�lolph Av�nua��� Albert :St�eet, thence,�outherly �la�� th� �enter
line of Albert Street 275.7 fest, thence defl�ct:i�rig 45° 24' 'to the right
245 feet and there terminating. S-099AB � ' - � -- � - -.....
i �
� '
WHER,EAS, A written propoesl for the making of the following_impro9ement, vis.�
... . ... . .. . ........___.._.__....�...,... ..
"' Dbtii'ti°7i`�t�p3i�a�y'construcf ion�easen�ent for tiie` purpose�of reco�structing
_.. ._.,aPProxin��e�.X___Z�Q.f��Z.��...at�ren se�eer. and_coci�setl.ng. it to �ha..p�op�s�d:.._ :,._
storai sew�r in Albert St., said easement betng further described by: That
part of the NE � of the SM � of Section 10, Township 28, Ran� 23 Tying "
west of the +Nesteriy line of Albert Street and within 15 feet on either
"" si of s Tine coa�mencing at the intersectton of the centerl ines of
hs.::Rar�d�;l ph.Ar�ni.�w �+d.A l:be rt S trea t, >thance sou ttu r 1 y a i ong .tt�-ce�te r .
tb�_. _ 1ine,of Albert Street 275.7 feet, thence deflecting 65° 24' to the right
24$ feet and there terminating. S 09�06
. . , . _ _� .,.�u.. bY4 vuvotBQ:
1. To investigete the neceeeity for� or deeirability of,.the making of said improvement.
2. To inveetigste the nature� extent and eatimated cost of eeid improvement, and the total ooat thereof.
3. To furnieL a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. ' •
4. To stste whether or not esid improvement ie asked gor oa the petition of three or more owners.
b. To report upon sU of 4�e foregoing mattere to the Commieeioner of Finanoe.
Adopted by the CounaiL.........................................���_��.�_r`-..x96��
Councilman Carlson �EC 1 6 1969
Da1 g 1 ish APPtoved............................................................................
_��J����G� Helland
�� Meredith
Tedesce • • ••
Mr. President Bpzrre ayor.
�000 '-ss
� G� PUBLISHED D�l► Z u 1969