246680 . 2466�0 c��� xo............. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT �a ��� PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedh�eby propoeeethemslciagoithefollowingpublioimprovemeat by the Citq of 8aint Pe►ul,vis.: Construct.a�ubl ic st�na.se�r..in ';JEFFERSAN AtlENUE fran Brimhal l St.,,to.6ri��s.St. .i�_ ...... ........._____........ ........... . ................. ............................ ......._.... . ... ...t. ... the al ley in SYLVAN PARK AB��, BLK, 10 froan Jefferson Av�e. to 230 feet south, in PASCAL STREET from Jefferso� Av�e,. to_Jultet•Ave., and in HAMLIME�AYENt� .frem�Jefferson Ave..�to We11 es 1 eZ.Ave. S-099QA....................................................... ._..........................__.._......... Dated thie.,.....�t�......day oi............�ec�nber ......... ... ..... 69 -, ..... .. ...........__� . .. .......... Qonneilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER,EAB, A written propoesl for the making of the following improvemeat� vL.: Construct a publ ic_.storap sewer in JEFFERSOM_AVENIfE froai Bria�hal l St. ta Gri�c�s�Sfi.,.�in� the alley in SYLVAI� PARK ADD. BLK. 10 from Jefferson Ave. to 23Q feet so�th, in PASCAL .............................................................................___..........................---...........................---.............---................................_...... STREET fran Jefferso�- Ave, to Juliet Ave.�_and in.HAMLiI� AVENl1E fra� Jefferson Arr�. to We11 e s 1 ex.Ave......S-0990A..........................._____........_......--•-------•--....._...._............................................-----................. hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............._._---..-••---................---•--..---............. ...... t6erefore, be it ftffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the ne�ee+sity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nsture, extent and eatimated cost of ssid improvement, and the total ooet thereof. 8. To furaieh a plsn, profile or eketch of said improvement. � 4. To stste whetha or no�esid improvement ie asked for on 4,he petition of three or more ownere. b. To report npon all ot f�he foregoing mattere to the f:ommieeioner of F�asnoe. Adopted by t�he Conncil..._...........................���..�:.�--1969.............. Ysse Councilman Carlson DEC 1 6 1969 Da1 g 1 i s h Approved..........................»........................................ �,�j,�,�� �a{sd / Meredith Peterson � Tedesco ----�- � .... ........... Mr. President BXrrre Mayor. �000 �-aa � � _�. PU�LISHEA DEC 2 � 1969