246668 ,_ ,. r ► �_� �v' . . . . t , 2����8 ` : F�I`IAL ORDER cotnvciL �� No , " � By : ,� , . � � File No. 1T4i3 _ � � ; � . s � In �he Matter of �wst�� �13e �tsa� '�wias 3�t � ,�1l. !� �1ws i�. �r : , , r: , ,t. � ;: . , , , �u�► sc�� i� I�I�■t �t. t�. �r�A► Ilr�a. a► � �s.; �. 1�q�i 1111t. is��. ��� �- �� � `�L. t+s �� tt.� t�t �`°'�`'. �w it� �r. t! �e�1wn� Alr.� ii !�i �. !'s+IM �'� �.. 4 . .. . . . . . .� �. . �....:. k : . ,����• �- � w'_���"��� ���,�� � ���• M ��.���'� �,�. � 9 � . . . � . . . .. ` ' � M�t •�t#� *� 1'�► 11t0�t*L� � � �. Mil �'li�r1l�M !i� � 3� . f � i ��'�y ��� #� L� �4 � �! �t#�. �� �! tiN � ii ,� '��k` � -. ;�.°# � :. , � � �+ � � �.�'�,� � �. ���� ; � �, F under Preliminary Order �� ap�vwi- Jt�t��,_�� � � : �•----;�-- ` > � 4 � Tnt,�xmediarg Order aA�ro+Pe�i' -�� r . � � � A public hearing having been had upon the abo1� improvement upon due notice, a�t� the �uncil �� - ; having'heard all persons, objeet�lan�:�nd reeon�menda�t relative there�o, and hav�g fc�lly co�iidered ,� � ` the same; therefaxe, be it G� RESOLV�D, By the Couneil of fi,he City of S�. Pa���hat the preeise nature, extent and kiud�ef im- ; � , . t }� . . , _ , � ,�V�I����l�l���ys �t �'�'i� ��`i: �'+Mt �,,St� t��.1t�AlA �t.� �;� ,; < ss. �.. a� �. a � ��; :�-�-�►nic. �. �.� s�� �a► �• ���t�� . F,�. y .. : :��t e�r. ts�rr �.�► �r,�.. �.� �...� � r�t�► �. t�. �,�,�`�a► � �,� � '.� �. s �s .i�IQ�t ��t. �r �t�r st. �a ��rs�a �t.� a�t !� +�a � ��i�u�twt� �'� �.� � . . ... . -. . . .. . . . ,y'�„+WYr.:. Yi. � .. .. ., . . . �. . M s. �- st tiut. 'LEtwar�r�e �t t�r �i-. �i txet�e�ls �t. � is a � ' ���s�er in Cpl�.�� - also recxra�truct �anit faom �:. � xrae �. � r�ttA t�r i�lar i�� a� tY�c,�► w�t�t�t�,�j �tl q► � ii■�ws as tIr t ". V�� . . (S-1242 to Mi3.t;: RELIEF 3YSTEM. ) � and the Council hereby orders said improvemen� to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pttblic Works be and is hereby inatructed and d�irected to prepare plans and--$pecifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city of�'icials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- � ceed with the making of sai improvement in accordanee therewith. ' ��� 16 � couxcir�r� DEC 1�69 � ��� 1 _ Adopted by the Couneil Yeas Nays 7� DEC 1 b 1969 (.:�rV�c��i Da�giis� , , AA��� � Mereditt� Petersor� �n Favor ' Sprafka J ��,or Tedescc, : 8v�,� Aro��t : Pue�isHf� DEG 2 0 1�9 �.6�� � �.� ;� " ' � }� � � � ;�',� / i' 70�� ' � .�' t:% '1. � �rst�^"T� � �"'�,; ��� . . _ . � � � . �� �.�� ��/..`� �, � . • ' . . .,.i .(�,��� ' .. . OF'FICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS 1 4� _ _. � � q �' '� REPORT �0 C0�9MISSIONER OF FINANCE � • U,; � �FC ' 1g�9 � ' '.� � � ^� . . . � ��� ��F o `� � � � .`�1►�, o,�' _� ��y ���� c� ``��!:.Ja�Gf,� )1 �i,��� , `-�"�'` Au9ust 1 , 1969 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works� having had under consideration the pre— li mi nary order of the Counci l known as Counci l E'i le No. 244947 approned July 22, 19 69 relative to construction of a public storm sewer in HATCH AVE.-Colne St. to Milton St. ; in COLNE ST.-Hatch Ave. to Orchard Ave. : in ORCHARD AVE.-Colne St. to Ayon St. ; in BARRETT ST.-Hatch Ave. to Orchard Ave. ; in �IICTORiA ST.-Orchard Ave. to Como Ave. ; in JESSAMINE AVE,-6rotto St. to Victoria St. ; and in an easement startinct at the intersection of Como Ave. and Victoria St, and running in a Northwesterlv direction to Lake Como and there outletting. Al1 to be known as the ORCHARD-GROTTO RELIEF SYSTEM,S-1242, �/ ' and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports: � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 134,027.84 l _' _1 . �. 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attache and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works XX 4. Improvement is asked fo� upon petition � , � ' --�-:.�__. . Commi s si oner of P li c r,je�?� .�� � • ��� '�<��. �/� ,�� In the matter of constructing storm sewer in HATCN AVENt1E f rom Colne St. , to Milton St. ; in COLNE STREET from Hatch Ave. to Orchard Ave. ; in ORCHARD AVENUE from Colne St. to Avon St. ; in BARRETT STREET from Hatch Ave. to Orchard Ave, in VICTORIA STREET from Orchard Ave. to Como Ave. ; in JESSAMINE AVENUE from Grotto St. to Victoria St. ; and in an easement starting at the intersection of Como Ave. and Victoria St. and running in a northw�esterly direction to Lake Como and there outletting. All to be known as the ORCHARD-GROTTO RELIEF SYSTEM (S-1242) To be amended as reads: In the matter of constructing storm sewer in HATCH AVENUE f rom Colne St. to Milton St. ; in COLNE STREET from Hatch Ave. to Orchard Ave. ; in ORCHARD AVENUE from Colne St. to Avon St. ; in BARRETT STREET from Match Ave. to Orchard Ave. in VIC70RIA STREET from Orchard Ave. to Como Ave. ; in JESSAMINE AVENUE from Grotto St. to Victoria St. ; and in an easement starting at the int�rsection of Como Ave, and Victorla St. and running in a northw�sterly direction to Lake Como and there outletting, a� reconstruct sanitary sewe ' _VENtlE from_Victoria to Milton. All to e known as t e ORCHARD-GROTTO RELIEF SYSTEM. (5-1242) ;. � ..., , ;� � J r RICHAF2D A. SCHNARR C I T Y Q F S A I N T P A U L ��TiiOfYY J. CREA CHIEF ENGItiEER OEI'UTY COMMISSIONER � Capital of Minnesota DEPARTAAENT OF FUBL.IC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ftOBERT F. PETERSON 1�..��` �'�. � ,'- Commiuior�er �'"'�4 ' k� � .. C'�e f"i)� "L�'I'� t..+R ���u. �� � . - . . .. ��+ �r.x��.� �n:.'. . . . . 9 „ ���-�0 � .��' g � ..��� #"�,.� '"'' ,,:�.. '�s� ,', , . � ,., , August i , 1 g69 r�� ` � .. �� ,,. Na�n. James J. Da 1 g 1 i sh Catunissian�r e�� Fin�nce City of Saint Paul Re: ORCMARD-6R07T0 RELlE� SY5TEM, Praje�t 3Vqo 5-�242 Dear Sir: I transm�t hsrewi�h prel iminary estimate of cost for �he c�r�struction �f a public stor�e sewer in IiATCM �IVE. - Coi�se St. ta Miltr�n St. , in COLh1E S�'. ° H�tch Av�. to Qr�hard Ave. ; in ORCHARi� AVE. - Calne St. t�a Avon St. ; ir� BARRETT ST. - Hatch Av�. to l?rchard Ave. ; in VlCTORIA S'f. - Orchard Av�, �ca Como Ave�. ; irt� JESSAMINE AVE. - Gratto St. to Victoria 5t. ; and in an easement st�r�cir�g at the infiersectioc� of Como Ave. and Victoria St, �nd running in � NortMwesteriy dire�tton Co Laka Como and there outlettin�. A 1 i to be kncsv�m as the ORChIARO-GROTTO REL f EF SYSTEhl, S-i 242� unde r Pr�i im- inary Order C. �. No. 244947, �pPr�ved July 22s 1969. ;�n easement E� required for thIs project and has b�en passed a�nder Prel iminary Or�r C. F. No. 24�+94$ and s�nt to Valuatlans. Estimated Canstructior� Cost $11g�53k.�0 Engineering 8°6 9.�b2.?S lnspe�ction 2°,� �e39�3.�J Valuatiors S Assessme�t Service� 590.00 Finance ��pt. Charges 1 0.�0 7(}7I�E. RROJ�C�° COST $i-'�.�+8 �.oGa i 1 mprovernera t Fu�ds �1�D4 527 0 84 �4�se s sm�r��� 29.500.00 ��� �.e,� :�.. Yours very �ruiy, - :�-�` �';� v ,;� �L.�I� r� Rotz�rt F. P�terson 4 '-� C�mmissioner of Public Warks RF i�/A,tS/mb t`,;W.�,..., Attachment , ` cc: J. Schwartz, D�pt. Accountanfi J. Mitcheli , Comptroil�r `� R. Wheel�r, Asst. Chi�f Engine�r :x y�`# • 13o Dunford, Sewer Enginee�'