246655 �4��55 � �^ORIGINAL TO COUNCIL �O. ' CITY CL6RK C[TY OF SAINT PAUL FILE y APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Dean lYletcec�i,th DecemVQ1L 2� �9 COMMISSIONER DATF 19 R E S O L V E D � THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFIGIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN 7HE ITEMS FROM WH1CH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM � TO � DR. CR. 0400-2(� Lib.,Aud. 8 Civic Bldg+t. - Ad�nin. (Cont�eactual Services) 1,105.00 0400-100 Lib.,Aud. & Civic B�dg#. - Admin. / 06S,0o (Personal �ervice�) ��1rAG�,�6- F 0400-300 Lib.,Aud. 8 Civic Bldgs. - Ad�ain. (Coar�odities) 100.00 0409�900 Lib.,Aud. & Civic Bldg�. - Admin. (Restricted Usej 50.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 YES (�/) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS QE� � 2 1g69 CAI'I.SOYl ADOPTED BY THE COUNC 19 • n�i�$n ��C 12 1969 Meredith APPROV -7 9 IN FAVOR Peterson � � Sprafka AYOR OGAINST Tedesco - COUNTERSIG"�N.ED BY � ?�I�� � TR E� MR. PRESIDENT _ 800 1-59 �8 � • � _ ! i -- - %�4�655 Notice CITY OF ST. F9UL Council File i�?o. to rilI�i`.C,SOTA r Printer " COUI�CIL �SOLUTTON 19 RESOLU'LD, t:�at the transfers Taithin funds of the various �ity Dep�rtmer.ts heretofore approved i�* th� Cit;.- Comptroller, as such transfers of funds as of �C 1 2 1969 are indicated in docurr_ents attached hereto and made a part hereof by xeference, as �ully as if the same were set forth fully and completEly herein, are ]7ereby approved, copies of the aforementioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City Clerk and in the effice of' the City Ccmp-troller. Adopted by the Council pE� �' 2 ��S 9,� , ����q � � ���� City Ccxnptroller A�roved 19� By , pUBL1SHE� �EC 2 � 196�