246646 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �4���� __ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE � � ATF WHEREAS� Funds appropriated by the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the ig6g Budget of said City for winter street main- tenance in the amount of �754,012 have been expended; and WHEREAS� Funds borrowed by the City of Saint Paul in August of 196g for winter street maintenance in the amount of �275�000 are virtually exhausted and have become to tally inadequate to protect the public interest; now, therefore� be it `4,;, RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby finds and determines that the City is confronted with the sudden and unexpected emergency wherein the funds appropriated for winter street maintenance have been virtually e�austed and have become inadequate properly to protect the public interest; be it FURTHER RESO'LVED� That the Gouncil �irther fi:nds and deter- mines that it has become necessary, in order to protect the public interests and the life, property, health and welfare of the citi- zens of this City to resort to an emergency appropriation and emergency borrowing authorized under and pursuant to the provi- sions of Section 206 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul ; be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Mayor and the Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized and directed to borrow a sum or sums of money not to exceed �200,000 in the aggregate and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making such loan or loans a promis- � , sory note or notes payable to such party or parties bearing interest �- `� at a rate not exceeding six percent (6�/0) per annum, said note or �i` � notes to be due January 4, 1971 and to be paid from the proceeds ;;' � of a tax levy within one year from the date of such loan; be it -. d o < FINALLY RESOLVED� That the funds so borrowed shall be � credited to the Emergency Snow Removal Fund, Activity Code 0254-R� Gor related winter street maintenance activity funds, all of said � fund to be expended for the purposes of snow plowing, snow removal� � :�?sanding and salting icy streets and other related work necessary ���'>to keep the streets in reasonably safe condition for travel by the public thereon. 0 1965' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the cou���i DE� 1 19— Yeas Nays �' 1969 Carlson �E�° 1 Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson � Sprafku v Mayor Against Countersigned: Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � �' v��^ ' ty Comptroller Pu�tist��� D�C 13 196� �� DUPLICATE TO PRINT'ER ' � , � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �`�����'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I�O�.)EY'ti F. �'etersoil COMMISSI ONER DATF t�ll�€�.LI�S, Funds approl�riated by the Council of the City o� Saint �'aul in tile 196g l3udget o� eaid City �or winter street main- ten�,nc� in tne amount of .�754,012 have been expended; and 1VII�R�AS, I�'unds borrowed by the City of Saint Paul in �ugust of i969 �or �vinter street �naintenance in the amount o� ��''27�,000 are virtually ex�aus�ed �,n,d l��,ve become totally inadequate to protect tiie public interest; now, therefore, be it I�.ESOLVED, That ttie Couneil or the City of S��.int T'au1 hereby Yinds and determines that t�i� City is con�ronted with tne sudden. and unexpeeted emer�;ency wlierein the funds ap�ropriated for winter street iaaintenance �iave been virtually eYhausted and have become inadequate ��rog�erly to l�rotect tt2e publie interest; be it F'ITIi,TIiER R �SOLVLD, That the Couneil �xrtliQr f�nds ancl deter- mines th�t it has become nece�sary, in order to pratect the publie interests anc� th� l.if:e, ;�ronerty� health and �aelfare of the citi- zens of tiiis (:ity to resurt to �.n emergeney ap��ropriation and efner�;ency ��orrowin.g �uthorized under a.nd pursuant to the provi- sioi�s of Section 206 ot tlie Charter of the City of' Saint i'aul ; be it rURT�ILR RLSULV�D, TYiat ttie Nlayor and t�ie Comptroller be and they hereby are authorized �nd directed to borrow a surn or sums of money not to e�ceed ��200�000 in the a�gregate and to e�zecut� t�nd deliver to the p�.rty or �artiea making sueh loa,n or loans' �. promis- sory note or notes payable to such �arty or parties bearing interes�L at a rate not exceeding six percent (6Jo) per annusn, said note or notes to be due January 4, 1971 and to be paid �rom tPze �roceeds of a tax levy within on.e year from the date of such loan; be it 1{INALLY RESULV�D� That the funds so borrowed shall be credited to the �mergency Snow �temoval I'und� ��etivity Code 0254-I3,, or related winter str�et maintenance activity funds, all o� said �und to be ex�ended for the purposes of snow plowing, snow removal, sanding and salting icy streets and other related work neeessary to l�ee� the streets in reasonably safe eondition for travel by the �ublic thereon. ���q� � <., �`,�.y� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -y '� `� � -�19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� _ - Iu= r Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith n Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco Against �ounters i;nect; Mr. President, Byrne City �or.xj;-i,ro:L1F�:r O