246638 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK 24663� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. -`' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE O I R UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESObVED, That the proper city officials be �nd they axe herein authorized and instructed to enter into an extension of the agreement betweer� the Union Ozl Campany of California, formerly the Pure Oil Company, which granted permission to construct and maintain four (4� pipelines across Navy Island, a copy of the agreement being attached, and the proper City officers are hereby auth!>�'i$ed to file in the proper recording office, the original copy of said a�reement. E � PR ' .-_ �p$M V�;;;�e� � � a on ' pEC 14 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ��C � Q �'� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19—_ ..--; Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ���5}{�� p�C 1 3 ��6� O DUPLICATB TO PRIN'ISR �"`�V�8 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper city officials be and they are herein authorized a.nd instructed to enter into an extgasion of the agreement between the Union Oil Company of California, formerly the Pure Oil Company, which granted pernaission to con�truct and ma.intain fbur (�+) pipelines across Navy Island, a copy of the agreement being attached, and the proper City officers axe hereby aut�a'.zed to file in the proper recording office, the original copy of said agreement. ��� � � ���. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���; � � �'��� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson Sprafka f� Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, Byrne O � �� � � � A � �'{ $ �5 � � N 'L' '1�� Ai�CBE��', m�dl�r a�:1r�d �l��l��'�� �:�a�� ��a1.� �� da� +�3' , �9�9, �" ��z^►� b����+e�a th+� ���:� ��' S�in� 3�s�ral, � n�us�3.�ipal ��r�rQ��ti�n, of tt�+� 5���� t��" 1�3.�r���� �h�r��.r�� �t�`t�x" z►ef+�r��d �� �� "�i��k� �a �t.xtd ��►� �il ��z�p�!.�r r��' �ali�r��n3a, � ����.�`�rr�,�.�: ��r�►�:r�tSa� da��r �r��.niz�d and a�i���.n�c by v3a�t��e �f l�w (he��n,��t�� a��"��r+�d �s� �� "t�n1���t i� iTi� � � � E � �,x �d�����, 41�y ��d �1�t�� h�v� ��'��d it�'�s� ar� �g�e�r- rna�ant d��e� J�nu�ry ��., �.��9� '�he�r��y C3.��' ���r���t! �s� the Pur� Oi�. ����any, �'or� � �+��► �a� �rrmn�ty ��t�3 �����, p�e�mi a_ ��.t�� �� c�r�r�r�ti�s� sz�d r��i���in �'a� �(#) pi�e ����� �er�c►�� ���rpberr�r I�I,��d, (x��,r Z��.s�e�), ��b,��r�� ta �er�n�n ��rm� a�,� ��nd�.tiflna s�v���,Sza�ad �h�r�ai�; �nd t��A�$ '�ni�n �3�.1 �Q���Ay a►�' �l��o�ra�i� ��s s����g��r ir� �nter�r�t �a �su�a� ��e���z� b� v�.z��Gu�r t�f � 1l�rw�����G �f ����er�, �r�'�����v� J��,�+ ��, 1��3 ��d �T��1�, t�'r�:�.�rn �� r�r��t+�,���� �� �rx��r����a� ��' �h�r ��i�d pe�ai� ��re�m�n� �n+d ���y i� �r313�.�,� '�� +��r��r�d �h� p�r� ; � r�la��i�,n e��ta�.ner9 t�i��e�� �'�!� an �d+dit�:����, p�r2s�d q�' �r�r+� (�,� y�18r; I�O�d, 'T��R.3�'4�.�� ��"� �r�+d tirxi�r� d� ��x�eb�r mu�u�I'�y a�a�e� �� S'��,1���t 1� T��� '�he �����t�e�?� ����t� J+�u�z�� ��.s 1���r ���'e�''e�d , to �bt�v�r, �$ +e�ctanae€� �r�u �'anu��► �1, 15��� ��rr C*�'. ��t3.�'�. �.pprc���d �'�r�u�,� �3, 1���, ��d �h� p�����i�►n �vr�t�.ir��d ����*���� t�� �nd �� ��re��r +��t��►d�d �'�x� �r��r {�.} ad�d�.���r��� ye�.r, ���.d. �ddi��.�n�,i �e�:r +���z��a��.� ���xius�r� 1, ��'1'�.� �nd ���.M��i�g an ,���u.��' �1, 19'�'1» �. �n a��8id���t��� �f $h� �X���$i��' C�Ti�n ��P��$ tv pa� the su� �f �kr� ��n�r�d Fo��y �ll�r� ����4.�Q� to Ci�y up�n �xe�ut��n �� ��i� a�re��en�» 3. Ci�� �� ��.�� ��� ��z�a����� �h�� a��e���nt pri�r t� the �x�air�t�t�rt �F t��.�s e���n��.�rn t��dt� r�iin�rt�r ��O) da�3►��' p��.€�r wri�t�r� not3ae �o th� ���i�er ��tq. �. �ca�p� �s mo���'�ed t�e�+�i�, �11 �t� th�r �er�€►s �r�d �vnd�t�.c�ne ��n�ain+�d S� ��e �a►1;d �z����n� datedl Jar��ary 3�, 19�9, by ��� b��x�ra�n �h+� p��ie� her�t�4 ��a�l rea��.in �.n �'u�3 i'or�� �nd ef'f�et; and Ur��.4n, �� ��isr �arpt��tian s�t" �he ters�► �santa�n+ec� ��re�r�, ex�ros���r ��ar+��� �t��t �� w�.11, �►� ��� axn +��rper�se, r��ov� ��,�e a►��.d p��a+� ��.��i�, p�.le �3.c������ ar�d �ti�ee� da��k f�.�il3.ti�� �z�d ��at th�e���:p�►n,, �he r�.,gt�� �� eor��tru�t �nd malnt�.�.n equi�z�en� �nd .f at��.li�i�� by itc�is�n �'h��]. cea��. I�' �?I'TN�� Wl�����, ��e p�x*tie� h��eGsa hevt c�u��d �ha�e gre�en�� ta be c�u�2�r �xe�e�t�d �;y �M+t �r�Qp�� af fic�e�� �c��c�r►di�� �"►E? �51�? C►�'1@ Q�t ��'�,+C'� ��$:x" �`�.�"'��►" lk�4Y� Wk"'���id'1"1, �IR"�' OF' SAIl►1'P PAUS, 1J�IQ�I 4�L �4J9�'�� C3P' CALIFnRI�TIA �Y' � �r�ar � e�s �r► � ,rr � � �n �c � �� Gaun���s�.�ned a Ae ��► '�r�ic�n - T�n �re�►�nae �f s y camg � �r �ippr►av�t �.� ts� �'4r�r Ap�pa.*��r�d �,�: '�a f`+cir�± �nd �r�ree����►n �h�B �,,,�, +��.y C�t" �1�!�9`. a�� ca r r� ��a�n��. �� � �� a��pcars crn a�un�+�1. / �'. � � � 3 � � c� � � � � � � � �.ts J1t��8B�4c�, mad� �.�;d en�e��d #.n�o �?�i� l�acr� da� t�f December ,, l���i by 8.rld b�t�+��e�t ��l� C1�� v�� ��.�.tatL �"`8t,t�.,, �. �nun�.a3p�1 ca�rpara��.c�� of �h+e 8tat� Qf i��.r��►s�o�� �har�in- af��r r�fer�ed �c� a� '�Ci��►" �, �:nd €tnio� ail Campan,g vF C�lifarnia, a 4al�.�ar�ia aflrpc�r�.tia!n �uI3� o�gar��.�ed �;nd ��ei��irxg by virt�e af l�;re (1�er�3.rtaft�r r�f�rrsc� '�d a�� "Qnion)t � T � �t � � 3ETRt 1�RS�� Ci�y �and �1�3.ar� t�ave �n�er�d i��v �n agx��r�- m�n� d�teci J�nuar� 31,, 19�g, �rhereb�r G�.��r gr�r�ted t� �h� Fur� nil Compeny, �'�r � �e�m c�f ��rer��y (�Q} y`��r�, parrais- siQn to ca��tru�a� and maiza��i� �e►�r (4} p�.�� 13n�� aaro�a R�epb�rr�r I�la�d (1Qe�� Is��nd�, suta�e��� �Q �erta�n �ex�� �nd oc��d�.tivr�a aon�ai�ed t�er��.n; and: t�R�A1�, �Jnic�r� �i�, Cc�m�anar af �a13Parni�. 3a ffi�ec�asar i.n in�ere�� �c� �ue� agr��mer�� by ��.r��� aP �.n Agr�e�n�nt a€ Merger, effecti�� July �.�, x96�; and �fHER�AS, �Tt�iort h�� r�qu����d a:n ext�n��.�n a�' tk�e ea�.d permi� agr�em�nt and Ci�� i,� v�illit�g �a ex���r� th�a p�r- r�l�s�.on cantai��d t�i�r�in �£or �n ad�i�ianal period of mns (1) �8�r; �t�, �SRSFC)RP�, �t'�� �nd �ivr� dr� h���by �utuall� �gr�� a� follaw�: 1. Tha� �he ag�e�men� da�ed Ja:r:u�r�► ��., 19�9, rsf'�rr�d �a ab4v�, a� exte���� t3�ru d�n�� 31, 19'7�, �aer �.F. ��186'�, �a�prc�ved J��u�q ��, 19�9, ar�d �h� pe��:i.���.on ccr���ln�ed �herein� be at�d �.� hereb� ex�����d for �ne (1) �dd�.t�b�rt�1 �reaz°, �ai� add�.ti�ana� y�ar �c��menasi�g �veb�ua� 1, ��7� �nd t�rminating �+n �'aAU,�ry 3�, �971. �. In a��sifl�rst�4� af the ���e���a�, Union �gre�� to pay th� sum �P '�a H�n�red FA��y Dc>11s�s t���a.Q4) tv G��y up�n exe��tion �f �hl� a�r�e��nt. 3. �3�� �r Ur�i4n �a� termin�te ��2� agr��memt pr�ar to �h� e�p�r��ion of ���� �x��ns�on upon �i�e�� �94) dag�� prior wri���n �otie� �a the �t�er p�r��. 4. �c�ep� �� mddified �ar�3,�, �11 af �he t�rm� and Qondi�ior�s con�8l�ed in �h� ���d �gr������ date� J�n��rg �1, 19�9, by and b�t�e�� �h� p�ar�ie� h����4 �h�il rem�ln �n £��l fQre� �d e�f�at; a�d U�3n�, at �he e�pi���ia� af t�e term con�a�n�� �ere�n, expr��sl� ������ ���� �t will, �t �ts ��n e�pen��, remave th� �a�d p��� Ii�e�, p�1e �lu���rs ��d �ther do�k favii�ti�s �nd th�� the��upon, the righ� to ���struct �nd m�int�3n equipmen� �nd f��il�ties by Ur��.on �ha11 a�ase. .-- �N �il�tF�:►S W�R�OF, �he p�r�ia� h�ar�tca ���re ��u�ed �he�e p�°e��n�s �o be dw;�� �x�scut�d b� the p�►Qpe� cafPiaer� accsord�.n� ta� law tih� day at�d year fir�� abov� rritt�n, CI�''� t�F 3A,IA1T PA1JL UI�tIp� t?ZL �O�E�Y OF �ALIF4I���A � ` �' . P F�O �pl'� �`�� �3'3 � . , � 8B � BaY"� .Sp�i' Cov:n�e ig�ed: A� �o Un3.c�� - In Pre�enee c��z ` , � , �'L.{�f �J r 31 A�p �"q !t ' �� C��v� . �lppr�vea� �s to �arm: App����d as; ''t� �'dr�� d a�ec�ti4n thi� d�y v� G2'u�< ,��9� ., �� Q a or� t��sel r� o �t un�e -