246613 r
Resolution Appmoving Assessment By—
and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon F`ile No 1711s
In the matter of the assesament of benefits, costs and expe�ses for iaproving and Wide�iag
AIOtAPOLIS STREBT frc�ai Cherokee Heights Bo�levard to Ottawa Aveaue by regrading, repaving
° and curbia� the roadbeds asd street, alleq and drive�ay returas, by constrnctit�� sidewalks
where necessary; by recoustrtiating eaisting patving, c�rbing, sidepalks and traffic coatrol
systeos �here �e€essary; by constracting st�rm water drainage facilities; by coastracting
se�wer, water a�d gas service comuectio�s where necessary; and by daiag all other �aork
phich is a�cessary and iacidental to complete said isiprovenent.
under Preliminary Order 2312�0 ,apprnved Dec�bez 15, 1966
Intermediary Order 231669 ,approved J��ry 24, 1967
F�na1 Order 232f)86 ,approvec� Februsacy 21, 1967 .
The assessment af be�efits, costs aad ezpenses for and in eonnection with _
the above improvement having been aubmitted to the Council, and the Council having conaidered same
and found the said aasessment satisfactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RF�SOLVE�D FURTHER,, Tha,t a public hearing be had an sa.id assessment on the 7th
day of Jan�ar�, 1970 , at th� hour of 1,0 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Caurt House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
heaxing, the na.ture of the improvement, and the amount assesaed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Ye� Ce�lson N&yg Adopted by the Councii �EC 9 �'69
Peterson pEG � ���
Sprafka Ap ove�
Tedesco �
8yrne ,
Tn j�'aVOr r
Against PUBLISHEP B�C 13 �968
Form R-2 2M 30-68 8�